ROGERS GOES ON TRIAL HERE [I^HgTRUtHDnBRIoSeI^ Mailing EDITION VOLUME 19 NUMBER • DURHAM, RORTH OAROLiNA SATURDAY, FEA. ttttkj. ittS niiCE FIVE GENTS T N. E. HARGETT’S ACQUIHAL PENDING Court Exoffferates Mebane Formerly Indicted " For Murder Over ruling « motion to drop the bill of Indictment Oii t h e grounds of a legal technicality, RoKers goes to trial Friday for the murder of 17-year-oId Ho ward Moore, white* Herald carri cr boy. The technicality which thr'ntencd to quash the charce.i was the fact that the ind'ntment named two per-sons as I uctnal murderers of the boy while only one was belnp brought to trial, In iii'der to avoid such a pro* ecdne, Solicitor William II, Mur dock nol i»‘ nxsed the charge against l! imy Vlfbar.r*, formerly accused by f'.'. !Otl whii-i , i t-tij'f -uf iUii, Howard Univ, Called Not So ‘Lax’ Iirno 'I ' BY DANIEJ. CHASK WAS.14INGT0N, F.*b. 24th. (ANP)—iFollowinn' tho pu'-'hli»h«‘d i'tsigiiutl"n .of Judge Nathnu -(.May t"n. white, a anember of the r... iilty of th** kiw depni'tmcMl ■ >l' III) v:u(! iiiiiveBsity, comes ■i) I n Ill iviie,! i>pen ■hi. "‘■"At' tTif* rf-qnest ffit council, Rojrers was examritu Dr, R, S, Crispell, / Duke Univef sity, psychiatrist, nowever the attempt at an insanity plea was thrown out. Judge Q, K, Nlmocks will pre:- p.ide at the trial which promises to be somewhat on the sensa- (gional aide, ' Rogers' court appointet at torneys are Sigmund Meyci and c: w, Han, During the entire coyrt pre-- liminaries, Rogers showci no sign of emotion. Even the selec tlon of the jury failed to arouse his interest in the procedures, However, on l^aving the court room he did tell the sheriff that be didn’t want to go to the gas cbambei'. He further exvressed the fact that sexual \erverslon was the sole cause for his act, ' *x*ty 'r . ’ -.1 M !>*! "k, (.'■ :lf • I f liif p;iit lime' I"'' : ■ .r . f !H d-'- . '’ four mu.^e-i-'of tht; la", 'lisiulty putting their .siKi*:nuri> t'l n > denial, Prof, Bernarrt i?, ■' f'.'er- son, W, Robert Ming, Jr, J, M, Mabritt and Prof, Leon Ransom, HovxaM, according to the .re port, if enjoying the beat era in it.s history. There is reported a 34 percent increase in enroll ment in »'its_ graduate school, and announcmeent has e^ ^ n made that , within a short tiine a^ I)rogram «f inftruction wij! ]«• .eon«dereT which , will make possLbli* th ebeginniirg of work leading to the doctorate, present development of gradoate j ..tudy l» ■ Negro tducation is ,-imlted to _ work for the ma,iter of arts an(r master of science , degree. [ The number of students ha.s increased in the graduate school from 4.^ in 1926-2'7 to 320 in 193i7-»8. Sorority Plans Revision Of Security Law BULLETIN ,.FIi«( SuggeatloBs wit'a Houie Waits aad -M • a n i 'Xom- init«e{ R«a«l*ra Aaked to Urge ReviaiOni Doigned to Hall DUcrimlnatien .... RECEIVES APPOINTMENT Coroner’s Jury Votes FiarHis Release; Judge Has To Sign Verdict 24 th WASHING TON, Feb, (AN5*)—Declaring tliat in it’ present form it discriminates against a large percentage Negro workers and is net at all sati.-'faotory to worker.s in fr^ner- al, the Non-Partisan I>obhy for Economic and Dfem"crata Ris’ht.s, sponsored by the Alpha Kajiipa Alpha sorority, layt week filpd with the Ways and Means co^ip- mittee of the house a briefde tailing proposed revisions iy the Socjal Security act. At the f^ame ti Wiiliu Wojnan Held In Shooting Of II!. U. Student ifealiGO Slii)wn WASHINGTON, Feb. 24lh, (l/NPP)—.Appointed by the Preai d''nt to a.s.i."t in formulation of a policy on education, the ad visory commTtte> • on■ ’ education rtrported today that a majority of the atateg aie4ndir» need of foderal funds If adequate school facilities are to be prov’/{ej for, TEACHES THRIF1 That appropriation per child in the United" States varies from $1'2.00 in_ some states to. $74.00 in states having larger tax it- and that proportionately speaking the poorer states are paying a larger portion of thetr incojtej^ar education than are those richer,'the committee re vealed that with » unit expendi lure of 174.67 California head- ej the m. f •ll.iw. d by N e w York with a $74.24. Tlie least amount; on each school per year amounHng to $12.16 ip spent by Arkarsas. Alabama run 3econ4 in^.tue W spending* bracket with $14.55 foU(iwel 1 by Mississippi with $1'5.48; South Carolina with $1'5.71; Georgia with $15.82, Gmpbasia wa? laid by the com mittee that Federal aid , i» a neo«»lty « t h ■tRndard of « ~w W. A.,qUlI>L^N Supervisor“iof t^^lft club aciivi tie.” of the North Carolina Mu tual .Life Insuramrfc company, which ai-e ’modeled~aftei- cliild- ren’s hour and birthday party radio broadcasts, being e.speci- pially designed for children bet ween the a^es of 1 to 1.5. Mr, Quillian, former Scoutmaster o" the . City of Atlanta, also d i d .■tpecial work in training children for the AME church in the Gate City, " WISE SAYING The worlil is all rigiit; only the people in it need charg ing, (■ducation is to be raised in many >f the Southern ptat«>s, particu larly and also upon the fact that irre^ator efforts at raising their ^n^rds are being made by these poorer states*' tha.» by Fome of the more wealthy. • t TTinCAno, Feb. 2f, rUNP) - -William SpurrK^-, 20 year "'old' :■’> Itomore student, white, in rnprineering college of the Un iversity of Illinois, lay near death in lEurnliani City hospital after havinfi: been through the lower T>art of his,body, the bullet pierc n" tils liver...‘ z Spurrier, it is alleged, w a ,« shot a« he, aloUg with: five com- 1 panions," all white, and also 1 from the University of Illinois, were attempting to fore* their way into the Pullman Hotel about 1 ;30 a, m, after an even ing; of beer drinking. Mrs, Mai'garrt Sti'other, colo red owner of the hotel, now facing a possible murder charge if Spurrier dies, stated that the group arrived at,the hotel at a>’ proximately the time mentioned and whVh they demandej ad mittance she told them ' that they were too late. Angered by the refueattr J«wk Ptaw of troit, Michigan a member of the group *s alleged by Mrs,. Strother? to, have tossed a beer bottle through tJie windew 'of the hotd, after which Mrs, Strothers being showerSi.I by the glass. aeiied a .32 caliber pistol and fired four or five shoty out iof the window. One vfthese sHots strujpk Sp'UJ'rier, W«» Apart From Group It is allegej by Spuirier’8 conipanion,« that at the time that he was struck he was standing apart from the group and in the. street, already, pre vious to the d*'eent upon tJie hotel, having ex.pres-'-ed a desire to go home. Will File Murder Charge -Three young Negro^ women, ••esidents of the Tiofel, were ar- reatCf} but Ut«r released. If Hot Principals Race Seen According to the first week’ji f I HVA, TIMES is offering jr«ae caoutations, a very heated race' eijjlit princtpifls of Durham for is in siipht with regards to the Principalr Popularity XJontest. There’s only thing wrong; a« of date, we hav% received m | j votes from out of lowiT than from our readers right here in Durham, tireat are the spoils which will go to the winner, so y m had" -p, of, Pr*ijt iB«rn«r of the- ‘Robinscm, obby called upon every Negfi* to I write letterii to th« Ways a»4' Means committee a.'iking that these revi.®ions be made. Ft was pointed out that enough com- munciatlons of tliis nature will be bound to' have an «ffi'ct and may result in the passage f legislation benefiting th.iupands of workers now excluded under provisions of the act. According to the brief, present law discriminates against young and women workers, .qince benefits are ba*sed «n eai tiing* I forth, and these classes are generally ..f, „,„vide« no safeguards to MATTHEW F. £IAND A gr.^duate of the Depaithient o f lUi.siiieKj-- Administration, Hampton Institule, who bus re cently bifen added to the staff in tiie business office, Bennett Co?iege. Mr. 'E^and wa^ for three years asslstait manager of 'fr h 4 Commissary at Hampon Institute. paid lower wages. It makey no provision for additional c(.mpen sation for each dependent. It does not provide compfnstition f ft r loss of Income »ufferedj does not guarantee an inrome equal to a minimum standard of living, does not. provide I' o r changes in the co«t of living, and does not provide tlmt the present benefits are to b> made ivailable immediately. "It doe*i not inclcde •’ai.mers. *>wee*lei e s^lf enitiloyed, casual workers, employes of charitable, religious anti ednra- t.ional organizntions; . doe^ net n^ure those »t present unem- •tloved or who stlffer ofTiev disi|bi1)ty, but ^y s"7i^m' e of 'V>os« who mav he“ome unem- "loved or suffer disability in Sipurries dies, As.‘>istant Slate’s At4;ornoy Charles Swick says that he will file a charge again st Mr«, Strothers who was ar rested and place’l in the county jail at Urbana, preevent administrations again st worker?’ interests is not na tionwide in scope, and its costs are paced directly on payroll taxes and indirectly by Fales ' • xes up/*n workers and conaum ers, tiierefot-e tending to under mine the standard of living Of the - workers which ti ereby makes it coi>T,rary to the very interests which social "ecurity Intended to protect,” of 22 slate" matle by the Ameri •ail Assoeiaitiou-' for So"ial Se- 'luity and the finding that un employment insurance pai.l le«>' II thiin “the totally inade quffcte h“m*' relief.” At present benefits are being paid ir. 2^' state* an,i a’l but Virginia have either unemployment in^uiance, ')ld age assistance and aid to the blin,| .'ind ' dependent chltd r«n. T h e ii'/by rt'oonmiendf ^pecifioally; (I*,^EASE TURN TO PAGE 8) LY SPEAKING THE PRCMPER COUR SE TO PURSUE - necessity demands fh^s'e last editorial we expect, to write on^tfie matter of providing^ graduate^^ursea for Negroes hi ^'“•■‘’lina. We feel that our 'utteran’ces' on the queatioa for the past several weeks are sufficient ^ ifiwe^the members of th« North (Carolina general a.s.«.embly, and ;oth^; interesljed citizen*, the opinion of a majority of the Negroes in this ptatt. Our final word ahall be more of a farewell than an atjtempt to inform or en- lig>ht)en. Pran'kly we have watched with a degree* of chagrin the de velopments with- regards to tlie establishment of graduate cour?«s for Negroes in North Carolina. The chagrin now changes into Sympathy a? we bave conie to reaiiae more fully than t^v before that^a majority of N*rth Carolina white folks^ regardless of th*ir claim to superiority, are miserable and weak. No race^of human beings can forever atultify its conscience, can forever He,' can forever perpetrate ,«uch dastardly deeda ai that (PLEAaE TURN TO. PAG£ 4). possible. But when it corner to going free, weil that'* ne#' of the old “rAan bltcir dog’ variety? Liot that’s just what the CARO- vinding up first aiwt aeconj re- peetively in our popularity con- teft. r Help your favorite win by eHpping out the cou(»on on uage ■even and ;»nd or ttring it to our office. Hib week's) t»buluti'ort .hows better get busy in favor of youf choice, All of us are planning to go to tii« Fair of tht world's largest city. All of u* tm g«- el««aply wjB *>ut ii^ » pop^ularit^ ^t Durban S^liool In th* lead. Although Prol, has a iraall school he will have th*' oon,.,irt of a JEine and loyal of who kiv^ what it tli contest, tf *Vrn be rem*uib*re«l that Rev. T. G. Grtiy. pastor of Ebeneser Baptirt olutreh in (PLEASE TUatN TO PAGE •) NegroOirl Heads New York State Communists NEW YORK, Feb, 24 Lb (CNA)—Claudia Jones, lov- ly 23 year old Negro .and youth leader^ wa? elected by acclanu- tion chairman of the New York State Young Communist Lea gue at the second Empire State convention of the organization, Her nomination for the oilfice was greeted with a spontaneous aftaortatratiiaB of 4M -eheeriair Negro and white delegate?, and white, delegate.*, and thi* elec tion by acclamation followed, Misa Jonea is an. active mem ber. of the Coordinating Com mittee for Youth Action in Harlem, She is also active in the Federated Youth Clubs, A mem her of tile Young Communist League for the past three years, she was recently placed in pharge of the Harlem regional organization of the League, 'The state cpnyentipn w a a held at the Odd FelloWs Hall, lOO Ea.’t 106th Street this city, during the' past week end, and had aa its central theme the rallying of all youth for the defeqse of peace anj th-* pre servation and. extension of demo^ racy. This theme was emp'iusiied by apiecial fcle»oratAona >f the mammoth backdrop in the Odd Fellows Auditorium. In the c^n ter of this backdrop, stood a huge .paper mache of a young girl holding aloft a sign reading “Build the Ybi/;*' To the righi of thiF figure, a painting, dated 'T8«3, depicted a slave bieakinr the chaina that held him, with a scroll of the Emancipation Pro clamation iiT the-background, ir the top foreground ot the paint ing, the face of Abrham I.lncoli looked forth. There were paneW on enem- ployment, work among tha Na- (PLEASS TURN TO PiUiK ») WINS AWARD Da, L. A, HOWELL 01 Tamt«, Ha, 0P« ot country’s best known dental practi tionera, merohwr^ ol l National Dental Aacociatiou’a executive board, who waa pre- aented with the Tampa Negro Chamber of Commef^ annual award for outAtandi«g ci^aan- ahip. ‘Hade Toid’ Booli CcDsord BERLIN. Feb, 20th tCNA) —.“Uficle Tom'a CubiB” is not a Niitable book for German ihild- ren to read, in tfie opiitiou of Naii educators. Education Counaelkir H a r a Ifeinaliaaaeii, aiirMirfiig a HU- Wr Youth gathering, taU Ttom CahiR a b«ok» bMuaa tt miu aiMitf to oiu racial Maaia. (Special to Carolina Times) GREEN'afc-ORO, Fe*. 2 Uh,— A coroner's jury acquitte.j N. E. Hargett early UMiuy i'or the elaying of Willie Headt-n here laet Thursday. After a brief deliberation oa' the matt(,.>', tha jurists labelled fhe case a-t b'ing one of juAtifiable homonde. Tile only thing now .standing iD the' way of Mr, Hivrgett’a cocB|>leC4 exoneration ii signa ture of the verdict by the pr*-jid ing judge. Headea waa killed lu-^t «,«ek when ha attempted to asaault Mr. Hargett with a hammer after the latter had diicharged Haaden for diahone^ity. . Haw- er and pTi^r to hta ' naploy- ment by the undertaker, there were several intitances on re- eard of miscori^ct oh HearfaV'e on* case, he h^d imivmiL tlirca yeara tor ahootitig aa of te law, ' h aVifag te*h “ in " ing buain«s. for a , - ass;.-’ .r" yeara, Mr. Hargett is -niieiir all av«r tiia atate. Final hasring in th« caiw will be rendered at a later date. M Bf Abmte 0! Rae« Jiirisis AUSTIN, Texas. Feb. :'4th. (UNP)—-Juatice J, W, Hawkiits. spoke for the court here recentfy when he said that the case f i, n, Jahn&on, colored,. 17 wa^ within the rule of the United States Supreme Court which provides that consistent failure to have Negroes cn juries con- a “^ima fa*?ie ca-e of the iS'lTal of pqiiaf p'ratectJan which the - Constitution y:uran- anteea.” John had beeiT eRT»viet**d «>f assault on a white woiwart, but death penalty aw'smettr ,was reversed 5y the C' urt of-. Criminal Appeals laat Wedae(|ito2r' and John.«an’s indictment « a s dlsmiose I through the iuteiveB- tion of Justice’ Hawkin:>. biuWlo PUT KKK OH SPOT ATIANTA, Ga., Feb. *4th. 1NA)—Rep, J, B. Davia, of Newman, is leading a fight to ao{tprea.« the terroristic Ku Klux Elan la Qaorgia headed by lina- ^rial Wieard Hiram Cvaaai Davia u author of a bill awk- ing it a BiiadMBcanor to wear a mask, hood or ot&c? ragal’a «ur{TO»e «»f cooceallag ideatifty, maasiura «aa bafora t h • Georgia Houaa^ oa thr Siatf •f the RepaUic laat w*^ *^ia bOI ia aimM at tlw Ku Has . “I

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