GO. HOLDS ANNUAL MEETING Keaelics Tlie Mass 01 Readers VOLOmE 19 NUMBER 9 Mailing EDITION DURHAM. NORTH OAROUNA SATURDAY. MARCH 4. t»3« PRICE FIVE CEWT5- MRS. RENOUNCES D AR A. C. College 1 o have Graduate Cited As Cause Mutual Holds Own After Fortieth Year This company celebrated its 4'»rtieth Birthday on October M. Going, Assii'tanf S*c’y I G. W. Cox.Vice President, '20, 1938 at, which time the tvent Director of Agrenta ful ywij's of its* hiptory weife re- i D- C. Deansj Asst, director of cotittted in graffhie stories which Airents appoared in many of the Negro weekly i niiwspapers, Diat^azineg, anj particularly in the Foitieth AiiMtvt^rsary pdifttm ot ttw com pany’s house oi.^an. The WHET- STOfNEr* • The months of January and P' br'iary each yea»- wo set -»sid»' by the coinpany a? periods for the ann'inl meet’rifrs of the pulicyhoWli'iv. lw»ari[ of^di.'cctoi^ and district aRPncie.s. On Janu ary 9, the poUcyholdoJs of the company held their annuah meet injr at the home office ' in Dur ham and raceived with enthus iasm the sixteenth annual leport of the President. C, €, Spauld ing, Thi was the Fortieth an^ nual policyholders meeting and a very important occasion in th^ life of President Spaulding, as it commemorated his Fortieth /tiuiverfinry with the company, Tlie annral meeting ot the board of directors wac also held on Jannary 9,' There were* no c’’^ngcf! in thf personnel of ei ther, the (HrectoriT^or jfficcrs of tlie company, The official staff for the ensuing year h as foHowJ-; —’ ^ „ Officers t O, (p. Spaulding, President W, J. Kennedy, Jr, Vice Presi dent and Sectvlary ^ E, Ri. Merrick, Treasurer, Vice-President R. L. MfDougald, Vice-Prey, iCIydc Donnf'll, M. D. Vice- President, Medical Director W, D, Hill, Assistant S'ecrcatary ‘’«mptroller J. L. Wheeler, A«at, Director of Agents — A. T. Spaulding, Af>*t, Sec’y Actuary' Btessie A. J. "Whitted, Cashier J. S. Ilughson, Asst, to Treas, Director? ^ (\ C. Spaulding ^ W, J, Kennedy, Jr, B. R. Merriclt • U. L. Md>«HgaM , Clyde Donnell, M. D. J. L. Wheeler G, W, Cox - A. J. Clement W. D, Hill D. C. Deans M. A. G^ins ' A- T. Spaulding On Friday, February 10, the annual mee^g of the eonipany’s district af^ncies in the States of Pennsylvania, Maryland, Va. | North Carolina, South Carolina. Georgia, Alabama, Tennecj^e and the District of Columbia was Held at 1*2 o’cloclr noon on that dny the aigenta of each district a^i|wered"'tl»e riSll catt, reported tli^ amount of new Insurance they had written for the occasloi and received the c«mpanyV program for the year 1939. T/te Onward March Of Lifa Iniurane* In hia message to the j olicy- holders. President SiVaulding commented on the onward march of life insurance both in; the United State? and tiironghottt world. He ataited that the total total amount of life insurance (Please turn to page. 8) COMPOSER brvant faction gains strength HARRY T. BURLEIGH Composer.* of hundred «f original songs, men!»ber of the American Society of Composers, Authors and Publijhers, vybose best known works are apirit^jals and. folk , song?; r Brs. Roosovfll iiii VNV ClubHolds 9th Anniversary At Hillside High HOLLYWOOD, Calif., March 2—Irritated over th« numerous criticisma> she had received for jazzing oldtime tu^es, Maxine Sullivan, popular sowing artist, wrote to Mrs. EleAnor Roose velt f55questing her" dpuii n on the matter. Today she received the follow ing reply from Mrs. Roosevelt on White House stationery: L„ “1 can’t imagine what the songs you rtierition would be like put to swing tihie, but there is «M)4hing wrong in yoTlr doing it. If people like it and yo i will soon be doing >lher things. You cannot plea?® everyone ail the time,"’ Miss Sullivian is all elated over the encouragement she ~li a g received from the wife of the Pi'esid«Tit. .. ASSUMES OWNERSHIP Th" VNV Club of Hillsico are ob.'^erying thefr "^th anniversary throughout tbe week beginning Sunday February 26. The club was organized February 2 4, 1939 with Miss R. B. Pratt a? the first president and Mis*t WUiio Plintal who recognized as her maje.oty. Queen Guine- yei-e. Ttie school now hns a complete roiiinltjilil;' bccuu'i’u' th^ boyg of the Autherean Cl»b were called Knights and Lords while the girl? of the VNV club are known as Indies. The policy of the club is to serve and serve wilUngly. Each yesir this, club send out hito the worlj a' well taught attd well mannered group of yoiinjj Worn n who nev»r ■'orget and always pay tribute to their orf«nix«r And. spon«o)r, MIm B. H, Pratt. The officers—of 19^8-39 are: Her Majesty Queen Guinevere Nettie Daniels; Vice Pre.»ident, Ncible Lady Elavie; Annie Dun lap; 1st Lieutenant, Noble. Lady Clara James; Sgt. at Arms, D. Toole; Chaplain, Mary Burch; Reporter,- t’pggy Spaulding; and Sargeants Eleanor, Banks, and Mary Harrig. Other 'memberp are*. .Noble Ladies Olga Belle, Montec Be- thea> Allice obb, Vivian Wooten, Ooria Williams, Ha«el Chavia, Mayibelle Evans, Doris Stroud, Lou Davis Suitt, Ella Walttr, Mildred Peten, Christine Caine, Juanita Page, and Margaret Roja. Miss Genva Syth« is in t h • city fr«m Ne^t Y°rk ▼kiting her moliMr on Wtrgo 8tr«at. •, BY DAVID NORRfS DALLAS, March 3rd—Ap pointment of E* i s h o p W, A, Fountain of Atlanta a.® ch-iirman of the Religious Etlucation board, Philadelphia, to succeed the late Bishop R, A, Grant and approval of a pWn submitted by President W, A, Fountain jr. of Mor ris Brown college to stand ardize, AME ^^;hools with a view ‘ of securing an endownreni con- j stituted some of the important j business taken up at the 70th ' se'sion of the _ Bish^ops’ council I Weld in Sainf'TTames cTjurcb last , week, ^ j Bishop J. S. Flipper, eTevateiL to the episcopacy 30 years ago, presided. Prelate? in attendance included Bisliops Sims, Davis, Ransom,, Gr»gg, Fo«ntain, Ver* non, Greene, Young, Tookcs and Howard. Se.'sions were amended by as many as 3,000' persona, representing church leader:* in every department. Eishop R. R. Wright now in South Africa, wa.® the only prelafe absent. Appointment of Bishop Foun tain to the Religious Education board, created in 19'36, is ex- pectC(j to put new life into that group as the controlling power over the Sunday School," Allen Christian Endeavor league and entire youth program of t h e denomination. ^ According to the genei-nl note of the meeting, the fued weell Ira T. Bryant and General Church over the Publish ing House i? siflln^ Tn Mr. (Bty- nnt’.s favor. Since the last Gen’l Conference the cburch has opera ted two concertis with Bryant at one and Selby at the other. FUNERAL DIRECTOR AW AND PHARMACY I06EA0DE0 For Action RALEIGH, March 3rd—T h e i North Carolina General Assembly [ has passed the bill wtiicH will ' WASHINGTON, March 3rd (AN,'’)—'Following the doting of Constitution^flall by the Daugh ters of the .American Rev lu- tion to" Marian Andersfen, wo.ia famou.* singer, Mrs. D. Roosevelt tendered aignation to that body today. When asked the cause jj®r action, Mrs. Roo^e 'e!t “f feel that a member of nn or- provide ^or ‘trtiinii'i? in i T _ J r»i fhotilfj work wil.tin Law and Piiarmacy at the North * t- •• • . /-o- ^ Jtonn ,t to end^ poii.-ies with whirk WILLIAM A. AMEY Cliristian gentleman and bu«i Carolina College in Durham, •^ii.bill wasvpiBSn^ Jate Tues day afternoon anJ now has only to be ratifie,l_by tHe legislature before becoming effective. Although the bill has been sympath- ness tiian has added the Carolina j Passed, no appropriation has yet Funeral Home to hia other en- . been made _an(j 'it^s probable lefp'rtses. Mr. Amey I.-; a native ; that the eommittee on ftppropria the organi^afjon’s of Durham and has operated ■thp'-^^way Service : tati >n foj a fiHmber of years. Taking over February 2S, h« has had four funerals to date which THfan? that hts old friends have )'eniaine(] faithful through lit ti',e years The ^mey CAKO- LINA. F'IJNEJ{.AL HOME likewise assures the public of the same ■type of courteous service which tlie home ha.s always beetr noted for. * • Old friends and supporters are proud to se*^ him in hi!> new estate and an invitation is ex tended to all to ij^spect the or ganization. ' The Carolina Florist S hop which is operated by Mrs. E««ie Amey, wife of Mr. Aiiiey, has . also moved tn the new establish ment located at 401 Pine St. t h IMPROVED j. W. Scurloek i» out again after being confined in on ac count of illnegg. White Virginia St ud e n ts Honor Fred’k tion will release a figure in the .'^ry near fut«re, Iflie ^8s«g». of this bill means that the graduate training'“ that Negroes will receive in the State of North Carolina will be receiv ed at a race institution cancell ing the probaibility of both races attending one state supported graduate sciiool, When Doctor James E, She pard, President of the North Carolina Collejg'S; was asked if in his opinion the graduate courses at the Durham School would be Up to the standard, his reply was: “I am not saying anything can happen here,’’ Since the beginning of t h _e movement for the establiihment 6f graduate shoools for Negro es In North Carolina Doctor Shepard’s opinion has been that the race should h^ve its own schools for profe.^sional training and that the North Caroli.iiw Col lege was the ibest place for the establishment of such an in.stitu tion. Although some bring ouc the fact that the school lu»i not ' reached the point where it is I ready for Graduate work, the president has maintained that now is the time to begin if the school is to be had. GUEST SPEAKER .... tie mciTtSer does not I ize. or should resign.” I It was taken for granted that the noHi-y wtt4j not svmpatr ize’ is the recent barring «f_aMiss Anderso-i from Constitution hall bv tlie DAR. In further prote-t a.irainHt action, Mrs. Roosevelt sent a telegram to a mass meeting held Tuesday renouncing th« DAR and the' b««rd of education for -iTacing the ban on f*ie 'renowne^j 'in^r, WILL SING IN ‘K)PEN AIR” In a telephone conversation from his-Kbme at *91 Central Park West, K’lfok told the -Na tional Association . for tho Ad- "incement of Colored PeopU' that Miss Anderson will keep her April 9 engagement in Wash ington, whea .sbe ,will sing "out in the open air in the park im mediately in front of f' nsiitn I tio« Hall.” “Mis.s_ Anderson wi!l , sing for ffie pe*>^e'~of‘ Wa^hlnjf- . ton, and there will he no charge,” he went on, “be cause the concert will be held out in the 'open. Our oriTy stage d^carat'iun ai'! be two * .American' flu.'s.” Pit>tests again-t the ;u »' .n taken by the^vf».Ali m ‘ huiais the artist from •their auilii slf n/ Fr.in!;*in 1 her rac», and t-'ii .«nb her te- banning ,f hv L t?ie j District of Coluni -iia s~nu»>l biiard from Central high scr.w-.l (whit*) has assumed national oropor- tions. Famous arti.»ts, writers, liberal organizations, and per- sons prominent in tht* ciiie life of Washington have yrnifister'^d vigorou.* in3ignation ' in tele grams, letters and resolutioQ.^,^ which have been betb. to the 1>AR and to the Wathington board of education. NEW YORK COLUMNIST COMPARES DAR TO BUND ^Comteenting on Jhe nrobaWe American Nazi attitude' To^'gtfit” the DAR'» banning Maj-ian An derson from ConsTitutioo . Hall in Wastiington, Franklin .\dams writes in the New York Post in his column, the Conning Tower, as follows: , “It mu.'t cheer the ‘ntlt*- man who cowveneil at the Bundgart^n Madison Square Garden, whera t'l le Bund held a meeting, FeLru;»ry 20 to know that the - DausfhW ter of the .American Rev lu- tion have refused to let ti e superb singer, Marian .“An derson, sing in Con.stituion Hall, Wa*Wngton. But be the DA® don’t^cbncedg —^ tbe existence of Lincoln, wh/o''wasn’t even bom rill 1809.” Missionary €1 irb' Meets With Miss Lillian Burton RiIClIMOND, March 3rd—Stu ent^of wniiani and.. Mary Col lege (white), observed Negro History Week with. a Chapel program sponsored by the Ajneri can Student Union Cliapter witK James E. Jackson, a leader of the Southern Negro Youth Con gress, as a principal speaker, “Frederick Douglass stands in relation to Abraham Lincoln, as Thomas Panio to George Wash ington,” Jackson said. “T h e period «f aur ,.iU«toi’y jugt prior to the CIvif "War, the peiod in '.vhlfh Douglas.'' ma/Fe his great est contribution, affV'Mls a-fe- markabl 'parallel to our own titjte. The hospitating, vatillating attitude of the Noi’tViem states tfiwurd the expanding slav'e pow er of the SoutRfrn I'tates, have their modern counTerpart in the bewildering conJiict oi the ■nocratic powers in not yet taking positive concerted action to stop the aggression ^>f • fas- cfsm. DAVEY day, ARMSTRONG SIGN FOR CHAMPION MRS. MIT DIXON Widley known business wo man has recently added to her] NEW YORK, March 3—DaveV varied enterpri'seS the fashy Day, Chicago challenger, a n d Durtam Black So*. In a .state- Champion Henry Arm.-troug will ment given out Thursday, Mrs. j fight 15 rounds for the title in Dixon expi-esses belief that , Madison Square garden March the team is in fTp-top ghape andj^l.. it was announced go throufh thlg season without ». by the ioth Century ' I club. • HILLSIDE CHURCH COMMUNITY CLUB The Hillside Cburcli Commun-' Court, who will be Ity Club met at the Hillside speaker at the P i A,TTY. JAM.es R. PATTON.Jr. Ex-judge of the Recorder’.^ Ifie guest e Street Tu«mtfy Sporting Baptist Church Monday night, Prtsbyten'an church on Sunday, February 27. The meeting open 4/00 P. M. under tfle auspecie* ed witli a pongv v’Wripture, .then of the E’rotherhood r j of th*. another song. The meeting then ch\)rch. The them* th* meet- opened for- business. The mtfft- ing will be CitizeDihlp and t'^e lHf wag carried out In a gpUn- Attorney will speak on “Negro di4 w»y. ,Frjinchi?*m»nt." Mis.s F. B. Rosser was host to the MTsiwonary Circle of Saint JosepF .VME Church last week at her home, .’V04 Dupree Street. 'Miss Lilian 'b'urtun wat host to the Mis.^ionary Circle Number t? of Siint Joseph AME church hist week entertainmg ■ at the ‘ ime of IV|is3 Roaaer. ' L'ecaU'ie of the absence of it ivesider.f, Mrs M. H. Dawson,* Mrs. C, D. Mickle presid-‘.l open ■ ■ " till'' meelfng' with a prayer f nowe( by a sonjf. • - The 5'ieeting was' then open ' '• ho 'le«s during the cours- of whic’, Miss Kosser presente l " ■' club w*th a donation. Need- ’ to » y^it was appreciated and ~hrod—*h»PT wentfr»r Mt^ laser ii asknowietn^ment of her act. ‘'t'oUOwing- the busiae-its side of +‘•8 mee'ing, th« members were served h delightful repast. All expressed gratitude to the two * .sterses. Miss Rosser and Bur- t’n, for their unstinted h'»spita- Other members prsaent being; Mesdames Cora Barbee, Alice MUrhell. Tr«miHa 'Smith, ^ Lucy *^igg3, Fanni* Hall, Marinda Nor man. Ruth Mickle. Csrria Alston. Louis* Whit*. ' ^ CONVENTION GENERAL CHAIRMAN GEOIUJE BKA.VBRR Vice President and director of agenciVn the Colden Stat* Mutual Lifi> Insurance Company with home r.ffi«es in Los Ai^jf*- les, Calif, uia been selected as pen'l chairman of arranjt*m»nt« fur ti»s Natioasl Nege^ . SBce Association wMch meets In July It

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