-d nil cxiioLi^A tiMia satukdav. maacm ii. isst ANNOUNCING NEW YORK WORLD’S BUILDING AND LOAN ,S«I1.'Building and Loan during y«nr spar* time and win a frM trif t« tli* N*w Y»rk W*rld’i Fair. All ciqiantM j^aid. “ First Prize Railroad and PuHman day, f«r 10 Jaya. accoiHodatiaal To N«w York and r«tura, plua $4,89 Second Prize Railroad accom*dationt t« dayi. N*i» Yarkand r«turn, plu^ (2.00 par day ^or 10 Third Prize Bug accomodatieai to New York and rekarn. N« eaili allowance. « Note: Winn»r« may choeae ca?fc in lien of above >iia*a. Cash prises te other centectanti to lie determined by aumlier of skarei (60 per cemt of ifttianee Feet) ^eld. Bach entraRt will be oriidit:«d with rotes ag fellewa;- lat wetek of campaign — 2nd waet of esilipaitn — — i.,.!,,.''! . 3rd week of campaign — , — 1 • — 9#,»ee — se>«« (A decrease in Totep of 10,0010 'ier week tkeveafter) Contest Shall Begin April 1.1939 .w-> ^uly IT939Tai:«^00p;ili: ^ Centeat ia «.fen t# «v«ry«ne except par lens receiying eeMpe«a«|i«N 4h«aa«eaiatieB. For Further Information Call Mutual Building And Notes From DURHAM’S BLUE BOOK BY F. MORINB mXON 1 heard front Kuth Maaon Mae Spaulding waa the charm ethar day. The luek lady haa a poaitiaa a a "iiahaol marm" dawn in aupnk Florida. How. I •nvy her baking in the aunllght getting vitamina A through Z; and I can enly get aa for aouth a» the aecond floor. (Medical Department if you please) We regi*et to. hear ttMTt Geneva .Whittad Glorer (pianiat for the Swaaaera) ia confined in Lin coln Uoapital for an indefinite perkid of time. We hope that ahe will aoon be back on the jo-b again. ^ ; | Virginia Williamson waa gueat aeloiat at the Pine Street Preabyterian Chureh on laat Sun- ihai- L. have heard, aka aeamed to have gone over big. Virginia wa^ the ac- companiat to "Uncle Dare and the Swanaera in Chapel Hill SOCIAiL problem club ingr heateaa for the “Little Slama” on Saturday night. The affair waa ia pretty aa it waa •nJoyable. Tb* tirpt prize h lore ly umbrella waa won by B. Bailey; the sacond a luchaon aet by Marie FauU, the Booby by Helen Whitted, and gueat prise lipstick towela by Ruth £d- warda Spurlock. OirUl Qirlal I*m utterly aur- pfiaad. It ia way paat March the twenty firat now and t^t maana poaitiraly no mora fur c ata. Pl»«ae don't let me aa# .another o«ia. If you can't maka up ymr mind about your new apring out fit I will be glad to gire you a few hinta, bacauae I know that tha uncartunty of what you ahall wear tha only thin^ that ia cauaing you habitation. There I ao many loraly things that j”™j I cant blama you for being The Durham Social Prublemit Club will meet next Sunday, March 2«, at the White Rock Baptiat Chureh, at 4:90 p. m. In anticipation of the houaing aur- vey, which will aoon he under taken in Durham, the Club ia bringing from Raleigh, Mr. Nan- ton, head of the N«gre Diriaion of the State Survey Project. Mr: Nanto* will apeak author- iMtively on the projected survey and te problema of alum clear ance in Durban^. William Allmond, aecrcary of the Club, will report on the im portant con^*rence of southern workera held in Waahing:on, March 20-2»l, under the aai'fieer of the Workers Alliancf of America. Mr. Allmond haa at tended thia conference through inatrumejitality -of^ Problema Club, to further n'ain- tenance of WPA at a'security Monday might ia the akaeaee «f I daatful. ,So make up your mind, Mra. Ciatar. land I’U *>• lacking for yv on Sandfty. St. Matthew “ HONORED SAINT MATTHEW PLANS GREAT PALM SUNDAY Saint Matthew CM£ Church of whiek Deator N. H. Uurapbfeya ia* paater, plana a inoAt intereat- in|T Palma Sup^y program ea April 2. Tha paator will uae a|i lujgjeck of hia porning mesMge, ‘iaiome aannoi Find God, Othera Canaot £acape Uiaa." Tha Senior Choir, "onder the direetiea ef Misa Kati* ' Tapp, will support the measage with apprepriata aamtic. At t:09 p. m. the Women’a Miaaiaaary Society haa ai rang ed a apacial program with Dr. W. A. Claland aa the principal apaaker. Thi«i aarrice will also mark tha aloaa of the Baby Con- teat. Mra. £. Foraett is chairman of tka aommittee en arrahga- naenta. Tha arening teryice, which is to be held promptly «t 7:30, will be equally aa tha ‘ Worning aervice. The pastor will preach a special sermon from th* follow ing subject, “Good Mn Who Went To Hell; lB)ad Man Who Went To HeaVn." , ^he evening Tha public is cordially invited certainly wa.« an enjoyable one to ba pracant at all of these aer- fer Mrs. Fisher’a frienda, as well vjeea. ‘ ^ W •« relatirea. MRS: LUCY FISHER HONOR ED ON HER 79tk BIRTHDAY Mra. Lucy Fiahar, mothar ,oi Elahop H. L. Fisher waa the “Gue.«t o f Honor” Saturday evening March 18, 1939, where her and aome ' old frienda and relatives cale'bratad her 79th birthday. Mra. Lucy Fisher waa born March 21f 1860 in Salis- bary where i>he spent moat of her life. Sha now raaidea with aon and grandchildren at 112 Pina Straat. , j j_)_. All tha gueat were assembled whan Mra. Firher came in and they b«gan sining, “It is good to ba Ijara.”. There were 23 guest present, among them the most prominent wer«T EW«w A. W. Law.-on, H. W, Fields, Mrs. Este^e Rumsey,. Mrs. Jes»ie Alsh, Mrs. Liziie Kelly, Rev. Benjamin Gordon and others. The gueat were highly refresh cd with ice cream, cakes, pea,-^ The public ^i? cordially invited te attand. MISS'MABLE GILMCMIE HOSTESS TO SILVER MOON On’ February 28 Misa Muble Gilmore waa hoteaa to the clu'b at her hom* on Lynchhury St. On March 7. Mra. £xcell Holland entertained tha club at h a r home on Hasel Avenue. March 14 Mra. Henry Holman wa.^ hos- teaa to tha club at her home on Gray St. YOUNG WOMEN’S SOCrAL £|,UB MEET The Young Women’s Social Club ni»t at tha home of Mrs. ^nnid isScCall 607 Branch Place ter Kana, Mis3«a Mary Toomar, Simega Ridhniond, Gaxal, Trice Lena Turner, Lilli* Maa Allan, Catherine Has»l, Raeh«l Ccuch and France.* Burt. SOCIAL COHERENCE HAPPENINGS CLUll The Social Coherence Club ware entertained by Misa Siattia Hill on March 14 at 8:80. Tha maating waa op«n*d by davo- tiona afterwarda all Uui'ine ? mattara war* diacua^ed.^ The hving room waa attrac tively decorated with cut flow- ara. The gama of the evening, was . Chinese checkeri>. Then a declicious repaat waa served conai»ting of potao aalad, raltine coffee and pineapple cake. Sou- ranaira were alab given. Mrp. DaVla waa hoataaa to th* Pala of the White Rock £aptiat Church Sunday evening at her hom« 809 Glenn St. The meeting waa caMed^^O'ot^ar by the’praai- dent Mra. Dixon.^\ The devotios waa lead by Mra/Mary Stumilate report* ware given by the officera. Pktna wera mada ^or a aocial to be given in honor of ah adult claaa. | After the buainas.« meeting a ■ihort progi'afti waa griran which a »njo; ffi) by all. Then a frozen mlad course wa>i serred to the following members: Mea- daonaa Cain, Noal, Bobinaon, H. Dixon, Perry, Cain, Bank and Midjfett*. LITERARY CLUB The regular meeting of the Schu.bert-Shakespearean Literary Monday night March .20. Tha was held on March 16 with Mr?. Mildred Hill, hostess. The meeting was presided over .by the president, J. M. Schooler. After a brie# discussion cf bu?i- ness, the club listened to a very interesting discussion^ by Miaa J. M. Blount, YWCA secretary, who ohose for the tiOpi^: “Amateur play Production.” ~ DURHAM, N.C 144 PAJtltifH STREftT Bit FArwrnvmi^ sntEET PH0NK J-SMl PHMffl F-St21 Better Insurance Protection Wkea lAiy ia*nran«« yea want tha bait protection yen caa gat at Am, lawaat pataibla eOtt. - - y Flaa* yaur ptftXy i» tha haaala mi a raal at*tata « ■ hrakar if yan waat tha baai attakiabla—who it ia pasitioB to laaara far ya« tha highatt pecsible in- eaaaa fram yOar iaraataaaBt, Oar yaarc mf aapariaaca ia all kia4a af iaaaranca aad Prmpmrfy managaaaaat ia aaaaraaaa that yaa will gat HariaM amrii»yt hy ■* »» »■ ■»- i«r Ihm huaiaaai yon ^laaa into aar humit ia graat or aaaall it will ba lo»kad aftar with lha laaaa cara, F^ra laiaraaa*- Proparty Maaagaaaaat, WE ARE SPECIAUST IN RMataU-^naal Eritpita— Plata GUaa aad Aataaobila laavraaea m fintiw » and REALTY COMPAtlY H, M, MICHAUX, Manager PHONE 7 DURHAM, N. C, meeting ^aa opened with Bibl* veraea and "grayer then the meeting wab opened for buai- n«Fa. At tha cloaa of tha meet ing the hostasa aerved a delicious repast. The next meeting will ba hald at the home of Mis." Eliza beth McCormicle 504 Pin* St. Kiosa Alfred, President. ROSEBUD DUCHESS CLUB HOLDS WEEKLY MEETING The Roaebud Duchess Club bol4 ita weekly meeting at the hoinie^of Miss Thelma Patt«rsbn on Piedmont Avenue. The meet ing was opened with all t h * members quoting Bible verses. During the -busines? yession re ports were given from the Social and sick committee. After the business session a very interesting program waa held. The hostess .«erved a deli cious course of SSndWlchea a.®- jsorted drinks to the following: Mesdame.i Alice Mills, A. Stone, ! Thelma Daniels, Misses Willie I Bowman, Eleanor Henry, Bettie ^ Cunningham, Dora Haskins, I Minnie Vaile.®, Lossie Thomas, and visitor Julia Ross. ... '-w «■ ■ SUNNY SIDE SOCIAL CLUB The Sunny Side Social Club met at the Durham Chauffeurs Club room Tuesday night March 14. The business of the club was transacted. Those present were Meadames Lathalia Dixon, Eliza beth Anders’on> MagnoUa Jen kins, Eloiae . Adams and Sylvea- A miniature stage Miss Blount, that w*i> in every detail, waa illustrate practically « built by compjet* to y US' phase of play production. Thia proypd to-be Tndst enlightening to the olub members. During the informed 'discusa- ion that foollowed, dainty re- freyhments in keeping with tjha Saint Patrick’s Day idea were served by the hostess to t h • following membr®. Mr, and Mrs, Schooler, Mrs, C. Jordan, Mis* Tonkins, Mis,® Diggs, Mr, and Mrs, Thomas, Thomaa Mann, Mr.«, Hill, hostess, • The club adjourned to meet April 6 with Miss Blount. ‘Book Review’ will be discussed at the meeting by Mis.« 'Tb'hkins, In structor in the conjumercial De partment at Hillsidie High, ATTORNEY C. J. GATES TO SPEAK AT MT. ZION BAPT. The Standard Aij Club will present a program at the Mt_. Zion Baptist Churdh on March 28 at 3 o’clock. Attorney C. J. Gatea'~^will be the principal ax«eaker an other excellftiit tal ent? will appear orTthe program. I $ A MYSHOP REMOVAL SALE It BEFORE {MOVING TO OUR NEW LOCATION WE MUST REDUCE OUR PRESENT STOCK $3 Dresses $ 10 PER CENT DISCOUNT ON ALL bPRINU LUAIA »nu JUi 99 MY SHOP 101 E. Main St. ^