_ THK CAJtOUMA TIMES fATMKOAr; MAY ao. 1M« rAOC IMMi New Court Fight Over Education Looms In Mo. qALlFORNlA PUBLISHER NEW YORK, A" n .v baMe over edueati ihkl ' tunities U in prospect in Missouri Ml • result of the signing of tho JXaylor bill by Governor . Lloyd C. Stark last week. The board of dfrectors ‘of the N^atiofial Asioclation for the .Advancement of Colored Peo- * pie meeting here May H voted to offer the legal advice, moral and financia! assistance of the association to any colored tfud- enf^^vrhp wishes to chalk>4»«.e the new Taylor bill, which in re- l^rded in Miiiaouri and else where as a bare-faced double cross of the United States su preme court ifeci^ion in the case of Gaines vs Missouri. The Taylor bill, which has now become a law with Governor Stark's signature, simply di rects thj, curators of j Li?icoln aniversity to make it th,e equal of the Universfty of Missouri. feg|il I pending the equalisation of the h"r>r- ‘ of the Nejnrt* . university with the University of * Missouri, Ne gro students who apply for graduate and professional train ing may be given scholarnhips to out of state institutions. The United States iupreme court in the decision In the Gaines case stated specifically that out of state scholarships did not meet the constitutional requirement for" equali|/. The iboard of directors of the NAACP an3 some members of the itjfal committee who were present voted unanimously to back up thW* ptotest of Missouri Negro citieens by offering to any colored student in Missouri advice Snd assistance to chal lenge the new “run around” of the Missouri iegisiature. Color ed people ui "Sfissouri are arous ed /as never before and are de termined to p3^h the matter to, "a definite conclusion. All eyes AjS' i >The ibill does not indicate how in the education world o^ the “i;his aquali^atian is to tafc« South are loeifSfed on Misfwuri place. An apprjtpriStion ^bill, where the test case mada and separate, b«t accompanying .th^ j unless decisive action • is Fayloj; bill, sets aside f200,000 . there, ojther stales wifT feel that for the equalisation of Iiincoln i the supreme eourt opinion ~ean aniversity with the University | be ignored. of Missouri. At the same legisla- “The NAACP legal staff is tlve session^ the Univeriiiy .of .prepared io" act immediately in Missouri was given $3,000,000. behalf of any student in Miss- A furthei^ ca^h in *the Tay- j our,” Chairman Arthur Spin ier bill 4s that it provides that , s>r«rn said Monday. ^ Condemns Fight On Socialized EDWAiRD GRUIbBS EMitor and Publisher of the Silhouette Pictorial magaxine, ©55 N. Broadway, Los Angeles, “tne aristocrat of puilicjitions,” Mr. Grubbs, only Negro proprie tor c'f an engraving pla.it on fhe West Coast, was born in San Francisco 41 years ago, and has lived io Sacramento and Santa Cruz. CELEBRATES Medicine 1 NEW YORK^ Negro physi cians and surgeons should loak “behind the scenes” of t h e 'American Medical Association, and examineits attitud'e and policy toward the Negro in the medical profession, before ac cepting its leadership in the light against inauguration of socialized medicine, says Elmer Anderson Carter, editor o f OPPORTUNITY, Journal of Ne gro Life, in the May issue of that magazine. ^ * “No group in America isi in greater need of medical care than the Negro," Mr. Carter states. “Theii^a .-ajy hundreds and thousands of Negroes who are born and dfe without attendance of a physician or even a practi cal nurse,..Sheer poverty pre cludes the great mass of Negro es from enjoying decent and adequate medical attention. And where poverty is not JJie p.’ inci- paT factor, raea prejudice—makes a measuraibJe contribution to the appalling and disgrEaceful mor tality rate which the Negro bears in America. ^ “This racial ptejudice denies ' Negrd students e opportunity Lto enter the-medical schools of i America save in few instances [ It denies opportunity for Negro graduates of even the medical colleges where they are allowed to study the opportunity for interneship in mujn^cipal, statij and Federal hospitals supported by taxation of Negro citizens as well ■ as white, not to sp^ak of private hospital*, many of which are tax exempt^ It is the force thitr excludes Negi*^b pliyMcians froiA^Ke staffs of these hospi tals and young Negro women Film Figfht Rages NEW YORK -The long fight which the NAACP has waged against the film “The iBirlh of a Nation” will b« continued as vigorously as ever, it was an nounced her# this week by he board •of direcTors of the as sociation. The old film, which made its first appearance twenty years ago, ha* been revived and is now being booked in jnany cities either as “a revival of a classic” ir as "an educational feature of the development of the cine ma,” The association's actijn this week was prompted by an in quiry from the Detroit b^anc^. of the NAACP which is teeking to have the film barred from that city. Tlie NAACP beard voted to kbproach Will Hays, movie czar, seeking t^ have tho film banned throughout the country “and to use any and all other methods to keep the film from tjeing shown.’*'" “The Birth of a Nation” con tains wany vicious mkrepresen- tatons of the Negro and glori fies the Ku Klux Klan. Jagged Love 0r Berauuk J. D. Cartet _ CHAFTEB I ne emidnetar ii«pp«d ttpan arm ^ Iwr train eo*eh’a at«p sm yallad: * * ‘ ^ , ‘Board!" TImd 1m hb forward aignal to ik* irhe puUad tlM Tbara wa« • ateamiiiff •onad, and tha train CBoved ilowljp forward, a ^ “Good l^al” eried a roAf tae«d firl, apparently sixteen aa »hm graved good bya to another girl, who leaned ai^iaat the inaida eoaeh window. ITiey waved at each other entil tnin paasad under the fcridga and soon tne station at Koa- Boke waa in the distance. "Sha must lova you.very much. rising to go to Hailio lloyfifl SCARBOROUGH t HARCETT FUNERAL DIRECTORS "I ,-• Aaskaiaaca Sarriee PNONES DAY ^-3721 — NIGHT J-37M b22 EAST PETTIGREW ST. - DURHAM. N. C. SPECIAL PRICED 5 ON LADIES COATS AND COAT SUITS MADE TO ^ MEASURE We also remodel your last years garments to this years style M. I. Page, Tailor 122 S. Mangnm St. Phone F—6821 NEW SENSATIONAL 1939 CALENDAR •I iha FaasaiM World's Ckaasploaa m LOUIS i NCNRY Wlie Both USE and ENDORSE MlURRAY'S . SaiMrior Hair ^ POMADE Sand only lOe tt^cover postage and handling MuitttAva Superior PRODUCTS CO. 3610 Cottage GroTa A^e., ChieagOt Illinoia MU»RAYS Mjtr.jssv)sf&r REV. G. A. SINGl^ETON During June, July and ^August a celebration of first jmportrnce toke place. It will be tile 91st anniversary of the'^founding of the Christian Recorder, 716 S. AsTtn street, Philadfelphia, pa.. Rev. George A> 'Singleton, Edi tor and Manager. The Record er is the oldest Negro publica tion in the United States. All this talk about superhigh ways indicates that the nstion is still a lot more interested in going somewhere than it Is in where it is headed. from the nursing schools. Oisciiss Ifgro CHICAGO, III—-The famous University of Chicago Round Table of the Air will discuss on Sunday, May 21, “The I cgio in America.” The progra.M will be on the National Broadcasting Company network from 10:30 a. m. until 11 a. m., central standard time. ' Speakers on the Round Tnhle will be Professors Paul U. ^Dou glas ahd Louis Wirth of the University of Chicago, r n d Walter White, of New Tiork, secretary of the National A^- sociatioft for the Advancement .of Colored People. The Univer sity of Chicago* Round Table has been a popular feature on the network for a -number ^of year s^and had discu-,scd all kinds of topics, but this^ is the first time the speakers have dealt with the Negro. It is felt that a favoraible csponse-from listeners will be helpful in sti mulating further discussions on this, topic. • I aaw aha waa erring. The firl tamed iharphr to meat &a amUing gaia of Carl Smith wiio reclined in tha teat behind har. “Yea, my kid aister. Sha'a cry ing baeanaa I’m going away. Firat time wa )»va ever baen aaparated. "May I Italp you put np your liagi?’' ha aakad ^er seat. “Oh tliaak you.”' “Don't thanic raa. I should offer thanka to you.” The girl bluaitad cutely and mov- S)d into the Isle. . "Going very far?" he asked. ' “Yes, quite a distance,” she ra- yliad protectively, yet politely. Carl an.;pi>ed for worda to con- Vnue. He feti; a peculiar feeling ahroud him. She seemed kind; but 1ot too eager to meet stran^rs. “Thank you againi'^-aha said with a smile and took her seat and open- Bd a magazine and began reading 38 Carl Ktumed to his Mat. “I’ve got to meet herl" he mmtd ^ himself; "but ...” Ha didn’t finiah. An Idea struck lr!m, and he left his a^t and walked to the water cooler at the front end of tha coach. Ha glanced at her as she ahowed an apparent interest In the pMsing scenerv. To farther attract her attention, ha opened the Vestibule door and stepped outside. The loud popping of the rails surely would attract her attention, ha thought, but atill she didn't ntind bB aet “Hard number,** he whiapered to himself as ha atood on tne ataal ulatform of the outer vaatibula. Soon he returned, and atoppad at the water cooler and took another drink. He need at har long and lustfully while drinking from tlia paper cup. Hia-atrong gasa ahoold aave inatinctiwr *>dimwn har glance: bat ahe held on. Something seemed to move about within Jiim as he pozsled hia brain for another method to aaek her acqoaintanea. and not brand himaalf as a maddlar. He walked back to hia Matk ^ paza seemed to pierce throoah Back of h^r haad; but attu ignored him. “Restleaanesa aomatimaa curiosity,** he thought, and raci& arose and strode to the water oooT- er and forced down five amail onpa of water. Then after hia cough failed to get her mttMrtien, he filled a. fresh cup with tha cool liquid and walked to her aealu^aa- termined to win or fail. Ha an^ atarrad down at har. She fldigetad a bit and finally heir eurioai^ ba- a tormentor and she facad Uas, wearing an aj^rewiaB of tMcation. "Wont yoB liaVB • drink Misa?** ha asked. "I know yua noat b« tirad after. loninK sgch a heai^ soitcaae as that ona,” he said no» dine towarda her luggage. *^0 thank you. I'm not tUntr,' she answered with an air of indif- Carries GWi To Church When He Preacbes ' ’o thank you. I'm not tfa msi faiwnce. laraga aroaa, and har ac> WBTUMPtA, AM., AII»>— Transplanting the glib MUk aad high preaaura uetboda af Chl«- ago “sliekara” to thia Alabaaaa to Maatify, and jaite'l kkm 9m akargaa of t»erfimg a aoncaalad waap»n and atlac aa «iViar. Paa«‘>- again His eoaraga aroaa, and tha tou! burning desire to form qnaintenee increased. "J don’t ^ink ita teir for • girl to accept difficult coortesiea from strangera, and not take tlie h't^.4 courtesiea from fhe same atni];> era,” ha added, raising hia brows wittingly., She turned with a subdued am i drying to hide her bored or stn • preaai^ feeliM, and reached fo: the wster aiflF drank it thirst.: ' She finished and amiled handii^ ikim the cup. “Another?" "No thank ^ou.’* He sat on the arm rest of hs", seat. "How long before we'll reael- tl- • Blue Ridge Mountains?” he nr "About an,Jiour perhaps,” he '. glancing st her wrist watch. '1 . she turned towards the pa'?'' ^ scenery leaving him sitting on i e arm rist. His body felt chilled and his n.! again became clouded. ■»-"I hear they are very beautiiai and I’ve longed to see them. Mr.uy writers have penned off ism'Icl' pieces about them. 1 might get thr same inspiration.” “D6 you write?” she asked, fac ing him pleasantly, her countenancc showing a different expression. "Weil, I have ^ small booklet of town last Monday proved the at PiM Gro«e ehnx-h, and undoing of ‘‘Reverend Heuaa**, | tiM lUv. Saas itaown ea- who through allogad qaeaUoa-1 horta tha worahtppers. able methods had induced tha | congregation of Pine G r o church t6 oust their old imm Rev. Sam Brown and inatall sfpsitsp; ■ ' ■— poetry which I published last year. It iant very much; but some day, I might do something worth while, if I ever get the inspiration from tha i4ght soaree." "What would you consider tha right source ?** What will hia anawer lead toTi Read n«xt week’a iasue of thia aQ Negro at«^ apmiaored by tiie ad- vertiaer liat^ below, and pleaae aa* aiat to find another James Weldoa Jirfinaon by patroalxing the adver tiaar briow. «*niE fAIB SKIN CREAIP WHITE'S SPECIFIC FACE CREAM (Meaeli) MtHf$ Too TowjjKI QGHTEE-CLEARER > FAKES SKIN Wf at OrwflMs or tv MaU. wiCT’t si^inc xo&KV CO. NsabTUle, Teas. As time wora ob. however, the church folks bocanM sh*- picioua of tha d9^rinea and preachments of the new pastor, and there wer% loud mumbling* when they learned Rev, Hoaaa Always carried a pistol, avan in the pulpit. To make mattara worse, whenever he wanted to impress hia hearera or show authority, he’d diaplay n shiny badge, and intimate, they said, that ha waa in the South for an “investigation.” s;Kon;iiid Kate il^iljKlillll To Tt r Climax came whan tl>a churah members appealad to old Pastor Brown, telling him thev’d r4- store his pastorate if ha mould rid them of the Chicago preach er. But Rev: House ahout^d de fiance, “If you come around my church. I’ll kill yon! Rev. Brown XooK the fflatier np with ifothia, swore :ou.t.. a peace -wtfftMt against Rey. House and had him \rrested. Police 400k liis gun and badge, which they have been WASHINGTON—A Negro “A5ia>stant to the President" was called for in piintfe of pro- poaala , made bv^ the United GavMnment Bmployef, in a latter to Supreme Court /«a- tice Raed, Chairman of tha f I^aaidant’s Committee on Civil Serviaa f Improwmant, Monday. Tha U. G- 'SC. repeated ita requeit for appointment of a Negro to Fadarai Service Comm^ tsaion, aakad for “representation for 12,00^000 Negro citixen* tut ona of the Asai«j»ta tf> the PrMident”; demanded f' I ti of photographs and of fingerprints f ' . * substitution r indenti- Continued on page five FOR BEST THERE IS IN BARBER WORK CAlL AT THE CRYSTAL BARBER SHOP 4 MASTER BARBERS TO GIVE YOU QUICK AND COURTEOUS SERVICE WITH A SMILE ' CLOSING HOURS FROM MONDAY THROUGH THURSDAY 8 A. M. TO 9 P. M. FRIDAY and SATURC^V 8 A. M, TIL 11:30 P. M. PLEASli'CALL EARLY CnD GET YOUR WORK IT PAYS TO LOQK..WELL . f Crystal Barlier ^op 706 FAYETTEVlLLt 3T. ,J, S, Sfilpman, Prop. PENNY FOR PENNY YOUR BEST CIGARETTE BUY TIm ajctra anltl«g ki •vary paak A^Mala • mtra ■■aha’a) Csa>nli give yoa hmt* tor jaat c^a> (caa mooey M Ttee's mam tobacco by wei^bt iaCameii, coapsied eo the BTCra#* oi 15 caber of Imtf- est-selliag brands tested. Besideik Camel* btini iiattur tj^aa say'-ocfcec brand tcMcd — rfowet cfaaa Aa aTeritge tine ot the .^diera. Thu. grre yen (iis cqaivaleac of i EXTRA SHOOS PER PMXt Wkea yoa (ooat iaCsaKPs coMmr toNtcTtw. it an adds op » AaMrica’s tKwaam dgafeoe—Caaris! Eajoy Caaaela—ioa nSASUU pias JSCONOMYI THE ClfiABETTE Off^ COSTLteil TOBACCOS CJIMCL Sl0n.00,$75.00.$5000 5CH0LBHSHIPS WE OFFER YOU CHEAP PWCES YBT WE GIVE YOU EXPENSIVE, LONG LASTING LEATHER WHEN WE repair YOUR SHOES UWm ELECTRU' SHOE MOP • vV VISIT OUR MODERN SHOE REPAIR SHOI^ J. A. HATWOOD, Migr, PHONE i-7Itl il« S. MANGUH ST. f OtnmAM, NORTH CAROLINA GOOD FOOD FOR FAMILY or FRIENDS LOWEST PRICES Holly wood Inn Cafe MRS. C. C. HAtESWOOD. Prop 118 s. MANGUM ST. DURHAM. N. C. /FIRE COMES UNHERALDED! WILL IT WAIT UNTIL YOU CAN AFFORD TO PAY THE SMALLt=>REMIlIM? QBCATC^YOULIKETHIS? 7^ 'NI WAS GOING TO GET SOME INSURANCE NEXT PAYDAY" wmMm iNSUMfia company ^ OUmAM.IKHrrHOkR0LIIIA CQMlgRVATIVI -SQLID-DEPENDABLE >CM£ REALTY CCmPANY" Stop Payi Rent Own A44ome- INSTALLMENT SffAR E5 PAY 5 PER CENT PAID UP SHARES PAY 4 PER CENT I' / ) Sew Easter-To-R^d Bus I % * Todav year operator wffl have aopUs of tka aaw, ' to-read .^hadvias. l%ay show tka tiaaa afi ■arrrral at • ■ central poiata, bath aaaiiBg aad gotag, of all tlM raalaAi Yoa will knew asora ’*»^*« j*mr comar, ilia* aH»iaaliag any awaeeeasaay waMag. Gat year copy froaa baa ojparotor of talaphoaa F>1E1 a*d we will eaall yaa fra« a •opr af tka eaaier-te.reed sckadiJa. SAVE TO BUILD BUILD TO SAVE RALEIGH. NORTlf'dAROUNA UNION INSURANCE AND REALTY COMPAlfy PUKHAM. lf9«T|! C^OIJIIA Mutual Building & Loan ion Sevantean Consacwtiva Years «f Service ' - f. L. M^OYt Ck«iir^aa .of Board t. e. SHMJLDING, Pres. R. L. McDOUGALD, See’yTreat. 144 West Parrish St. 816 FayattaviU* dt^ -Bk,.’,. J.Sjg4 : .. . bURHAM, North Carolina GOOD NEWS FOR LAKEWObD PARK-HOLLdWAY ROUTE Nawar typa kasaa are aOw o^atad aa tka i ahawaed PaHk> Holloway raata. Thera b a sasall chaaga la tka ‘fkediiia A« yoBr bos operator far 4etsula. N ' Durham Public Service All^OlD PAItttiNO WOBIllBS—BILAX m 'TBS lUt

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