pe* JBlflmSiaKeJRsW XVl^CL mzmmtmm NEWS*“ DURHAM OUT AGAIN Dr. I. K. Turner who h^* iU f»r several weeks is up and vut Birain to the delight oi hii 'many friends. HOME AGAIN GeafKC Cox 4r. h*' rtturh^d to the city from Atitftt*, i*. whcr« b* rectntly underwcct u tuuui operation. WEDDING ANNOUNCED Ann» ui-'awpiit come t;. >t the BiarriaK* u£ tor. and Mri. Ilw- vay O'ltaUy w;« aoleinnized oii Salariajr July is'" in Ourhain. Mm. d’Ketty way formerli Miss Mulli* Richard dMughter pf lltury Kiehard of Hillsboro, N. C. Mr. O’lteHy i« the son •€ Kev. and Mr*. Orn O’Kelly •»**«**#« ^ GUEST Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Scurlock had for their gue.'ts on Sunday Mr,' and Mi's. Kiehard Atkuis Mr«. Christiana itopkins, Kb- Utaniel K. Atkins Jr. Lou.'ia 'iflFhfjnpson, .Christiana Hcrton- / ,aiwi.-4qa|ia Pearce. **•***•*•• reViv>^ starts A week ef revival sei vices , vuU begin at the Mount Gilead Iments S*-?- N. Freemont Avenue JUNE WEDDING announced I'he following *'i'(lding an- nuuncement haa jeisn recfcjVed iri anjJ around the city: iir. a^a Mrs. Joustt' Pe:ry announce fhcf marri«t,e of their daughter, Marth« ^ flavana, t« Mr. tkirnei>ou» Smith on .Saturday, the eis^hth of June, nineteen hundred and thl*'ty nine. Durham, N. C. Mr. and Mrs. Smith AT^i mak ing tiieii- home ui, (503 Klem Sti eet in Dufham. FORMER DURHAMITE IN CITY Charte,i Williams, formerly a lesiiitOii «f Durham ..arrived in the city Sunday August (5 for a_^x||k’j? visitV'foi: the past SIX yuartt h» haa been 'living in Washington, U. C. and wnile here he is the guest of his uncle, John Williams on Willard Street. He wa- accompunieU here by his^wife, Mrs. Bertha Williams and^ his little daufchter. ^-.4* ****** Visniw’u FROM BALTIMORE Little Edna Wilhelmina lirad shei' of the Uknnulden A’>art- Baptist Church in Oiawge County Sunday. Rev. T. M. Mo.°i>y pastor has announced that Rev. Harvey Blan will con duct the servicea..- BLESSED EVENT |Ir. and Mrs. Charles N. Scnrluck Jjave announced t h e birth of a daughter, born in ham. July in Hillaboro. Mrs. Scutlock will be remembered' si’ Baer Miu Fannie Matf Po^tor. in Baltimore, with her grand mother Mr.-'. iiuth Brausher arrived in Roxiboru^ C. last Friday. They will apend t h e ^n}mtu of August ^isiting fri ends and relatives in Durham al.'O. lidna is -the daughter of Mrs. William Eades formerly Miss Maggie Bradsher of Dur- HEAR YE 4k i« ,beiJMfrJ ewd •rer Badio Station WDNC each Monday evening at 7:15.’ _ This feature is the Silver Leaf Four %u«rtette. Hear these local boy*. Write your comments on the program in care of the radio station. MOUNT VERNON R«v. J. H. Thomas, pastor of tjb* Mount Vernon Baptist* Cburch, preached a very force ful permon last Sun^y morn- ingr on the .'ub^act “Being Yeurself at Your Best.' m- o A Prominent Busines^,, Woman Praises Mme. WnntM’’s Praporations "I UM Mme! C. J. Walker’s preparations exclusively be cause I get results from them that I am unable to get from any other preparation,” stated a well known business woman the other day. The secret of We remarkable success of Mme. C. J. Walker’s preparation is in the fact that they were blend^ by the late Maitam- -C. J, VOker to reach certain definite conditions of the hair, skin and scalp, and today, after over thirty-five years on tee market, they are growing increasingly popular, and not withstanding thfe fact that the C«npany ha* always refused to reJube the price on theM goods, they are still in demand every where. Mme. C. J. Walker’s Glossine, although more than thirty-five vMn on the market, is still the Wader in iti field. *1116 reason for, this is because, it not only •erves as a scalp oil, but It gives the hair that silky sheen and natunl gloss that is the delight of every woman. _ Mnx. C. J. Walker’s Brown Tiaee Powder is not just another Powder, bUl Is the result of of experimenting to pro duce the perfect blend to impart a velvetlute softness and at the time eooliiig and refresh- “ the thing fix' tiiese hot me. C. J. WaUcei^s won- —^ P*«paMHmis mn sow by BeauUcians and I^g Staves everywhere, or you can •rue Mme. C. i. Walker riimimij Addjwes! ********* MOTORS TO WASHINGTON Mrs. William Eades wiU motor from Baltimore to Washington, D. C. on Thursday mormng and W.ili-,^eJid thf uay visiting Mrs. William Jack.eon formerly Miss Lucinda Trice of ..Durham who has as her gui-st Misses Arhetta Allison and Bosa'belle Mc Adams. ^ ar-.; ii,******** IN ATLANTIC CITY Master Billy Marsh aTitf Miss Pauline Marsh afe spending some time in Atlantic . City, N. J. as the guests of Mr. Mrs. B. J. i^ixoii and their aant, Miss Mozelle Taylort FASHION REVIEW CHARLOTTE SOCIAL tilGhlLIQHTS (A) Now here’s just the skirt. Note tiie interesting neck thing for hot formal nights, line and how the yoke comes It’s simple in lines but attrac- ' down under the wide belt and tiv& as the deuce and should * flows down to floor length. lo°k^qually well on anjone, Bathing suits, are snappy no ^*^atter what complexion, attractive and brief this year. complexion For best results it should be done In white mousfeline . de soie, with a black crepe under attractive and brief this yipar, so here's one in keeping -with the general trend. It's in a form fitting lasttx (of scream at you) cut rather law in front and in V shape in the back. It laces ibolh* sides (in a contrast- i.njj ^color if you like) right fit to the waist. > But for goodness »ake make sure the lacing ord is dorable, or it might be em- harassing no end. Miskea Willie Mae Ui»l and iast week Detroit to attend thti (jua- dte^^fal Convention of tnt Me thodist li^iscopal Zion Church, after wntch they wiil viwt wanada. t t t t t t Mrs. Lonnie Bell Davu was hostefs at a lovely party at her home last Friday night on S. McDawell Street in honor of her sister, in law MiM Melvin t t t t t * ^ Mrr. 0:i!zett Wallianis honor ed Mrs. Bessie Brooks of Strows uurg Penn. Whep she tnter- tained Ikst Saturday at her home on Montgomery Street, ifeta.iiul iiuVn^iT 'were effec tively' arrangedi in the home and Pokeno waT'enJoyed during tne evening. High score, guest and consolation prises were given. Mrs. Mildred Brodj.^, the Winner of High score price, Mr.'. Bessie Brooks Guest prise and Mia. Gladys fienjamiu tne winner of Consolation priaw. After which a salad course was ' served. There playeil were Mesuames blanch Mius, Wuma Williams; Charlotte,' ^ Hunter Oisdys Benjamin, Lucy Plater; Catherine JSUnson; Marvin Alex ander. Mildred Alexander, B. -Brook?; Mildred. Brume and JBes^-Uurdy and Miss Alice McLaughlin. t t t t * t . “ Dr. Ji. M. Wyche is leavTHg- Sunday for New York to at tend the National Medical As sociation. After which he plans to visit his wife,, Mrs Kellene Wyche and daughter Alie« iti Highland Beach Maryland where they are vacationing for the summer. •' ' ^ t t t t t t Doctors Green, Alexander; Blackman, Watkins; A. J. ..WiWiasMj. J. #p4 Mrs. Geraldine Yancey, wife of Dr. Yancey will attend th^ Na tional Medical Association in New York. Miss Mary ElizaJieth Moore young daughter of Mrs. Mary More of North David Street has returned home from viwt- ing relatives a|id friends in Asheville, N. C. BACK FROM NEW YORK P. fl. MCiSvil and wife, Mrs. G. H. McNeill have returned from, a very pleasant * an-* an ««ioy^le trip to the World Fair. They also visited New Haven Cohn.' ' . IN SOUTjH CAROLINA William Hjyatt accompanied by his daughters Mr>'. Elizabeth Bank^ Mrs^ Minnie Wilson Misses Julia and Louise^ Hyatt, motored to Greenville, South Carolina Saturday August 4 to visit relatives and friends. Their stay ■'■'is indef initot-v.... ™ RETURNS TO ^N. J. Miss Rosetta Mangum return ed to Newark N. J. . Saturday August 4 after a week’s visit with her mother, Mrs. Farley of Plum Street. Miss Mangum if formally a resident of this city, but ha? resided' in Newark for some time. NEW YORK VISITOR ENTERTAINED ^ Mrs>- E. B. Lambert of Neyf York City is visiting Mrs. C. E- Lamlbert at 1104 Kent Street and during her stiy iiere she has been honored with numer ous entertainments and dinners. On Sunday, August 6 Mr?, Lanibert was the dinner guest of Mrs. George Mooney on Rent Street and on Monday August 7 she wa?. entertained at dinner by Mrs. Garland Wat son. a week’s visit in the city Mr?. Lambert will motor to Burkville Va. where she will remain until the latter part of September. NEW YORK BOUND Hughes and little Mi« Theiiifc Q. Hughes left thp city Wednesday for New York £ity^-Mr. Haghca liaa fceea ^ cationing with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Htffehe*. on Pine Street, or' the past two week. Little Miss Thelma Hugh- e* ii vi»iting her mother in New York. While Miss Orp^i^cna Hpllo- way and mother were spending ,a. three daysV Traeation in Raleigh last week her yster who remained at home planned for a surprise party vi^hich took place on her arrival home Sat urday evening July 29. When sbft entered the house the party wais in full swing. Those present were; Misses Orpharena 'Holloway,-Honoree; Alpha, Daisy and AHase )3en- kins; Mary Lawes; Inez Keith, Magnolia Burton, Callie Hollo- way;, Junetta Holloway, Messrs. MorrisonJ Eirnesit and John McComib, Willie Green; Ralph Evans; Sidney Bess; Alvis Justice, Ervin Justice; Charlie Jenkins, William Bullock; Sid ney Eivans; Frank TiimOi* Jas. Evans, Willie Crey^s; EiKory Laws; Josfiph Alien; Otha Bur ton, Ro/bert Jones; Thurman Connie and Charlie Holloway; Roibert Jones; Henry Wearing, David Justice; Holloway and Chaclie Hollfr#ay, Sr.; Mes- dames Charlotte Holloway; Plas- pie Jones, Vera ^Justice;^ Rosa Holloway and Lore^wttf Wear-, ing. . *"'•■•4 The guests w^-e, refresl\ed with ice cream, cate and punch. Baby Contest at St. Marks Mark AME kiion ^on»oring a baby The St. Church is-^. popularity contest which is open to all babies from Q xuw- ths to -10 years of age. The following are contest ants; Elvin Haskins, William Denni.'i Cookc)( „ Jean Curtis, Martha Grayc^ Kelly; Earl Minor Jr., Doris Willima Octa- -via Tedder; Willie Francia Wil liams, £dwar^ X«e Daniels Mamie Rowland; Barbara Edith Baldwin, Daniel Brown; Judi th Tilman; Addye Gracye Ed- mundf’on; £imma Louise; £ald- urin. Pauline Richmond, Edith Sudden; Ralph Cornel Holman Thomasine Daniels, Jean Stone Johnaoji Pearl Bpgers. CHURCH NOTilS The Usher auxiliary ol the St. Mark AME Zloft Church a spoksoring an Auto Pew Rall^ Content. This contest "will begiti Sunday August at three o'clock with a program sponsor ed by the Durham Ushers Un ion. Progranm will be ren&ered jf)y choirs of various ohurchei during the week of August 14 through '20th Jit eight' o’clock. The public is cordially iavited Co attend these programs. Kev. S. P. Perry, Pastor j Fy'ed Hines Program ComC PASSES SUDDEfiLY J Mrj>. Eloise Joftes of 2JI21 fchautauqua Str^t died Tuesday evening August 1 around 8 v30. } was the wife of Lee Edw&rd Jbnes and was employed at tSie, Leggett and Myera Tobacco Company.—She- was. well kjuw»n and pearly loved by many friends in Durham and' .Raleigh. Her death was a distinct sur prize to everyone. Asia Choy Syey CHINESE AND AME^AN FOOD It > 611 FAYETTEVILLE ST. ^ IDURHAM, N. C. SERVE PLATE LUlitH FROM 11 TO S P. M. 2S CENTS. ; Open daily 11 a. m> to 1 a. m.. Sunday open at 2 p. m. Steak Cliffs, Cbicken Yat-A-Mieiii «tc. . . MISSIONARIES MEET The Minnie C. Lyon Mi«»ion- ary Society met with Mrs. L. M. Black St -1120- Lyncljburg Street, Monday^ night -‘August ^7,-The:^ jweeting was opened with devotions afterwhich the roll was called and reports of mission work dione were made. There were ten or 12 visits ^0 the sick reported as well money given tp charity. The lesson, “The fower tff Helpfulness’ was 'beautifully >?- pJitined 'by the president, Mrs. L. M. Black. Aft«&^e lesson the meeting was ;*^|||||^ ove? to Mrs. Carrie Biarrti^^teairfcir of the Btody course. The sub ject of her discussion was “Ow Duty Toward God' and it w« enjoyed iby all. , It was decided that the .roup would repeat "The Slabtown Convention' on Monday night, as for the bene^t of the build ing fund. The meeting w*» closed with the theme » o n g ‘‘Endure Lor^.’ CHAPEL HILL VISITORS Miss Mary JtcDade and Miss Daisy Harrison of Chapel Hill spent Monday, . August 7 In Dur JUNIOR MISSION PROGRAM PLANNED Mis. Kellene Wyche who has bueit visiting m Htgaiand Beach iAii>iaiiu itiit Monaay tor '»» Uity to u« wita nei sister in tae sauness of tne ueath ol her nuMiaiia •!. Hartweil i^ooK a auied actor and song writer, t t T t * + John Henry Moore and wife anu mr. ana Mrs. Wna;ey of ntuuungtoii were honored guepi iMttk in tne homes of tneir mothvr ai.u orocner mrs. iaauie uaa Mr. and anin. w>(aua« mooie 01 isortn ijaviaon iii. t t t t t » • Miss Daify Tate spent last week end with Miss Mome vrawfpro at her ^ome in Bel mont North Carolina. t t t 1 t t Mr. and Mrs. ilim i^uren anu M(s. Hacheli Andrewa left Sun day for tiuladfeplita bua lorK to visit relatives and - triends. t t t t * t Miss 'Ljr.riay umvui of Wtsi. aiaucwaa fciireet has returned home after attending tue uitinip iraining SehCoT that was held at Livingstone College, ...iif.bury, N. C. t t t t t » Mrs. Rhodia Loweiy a n d; familf-'of Winston Salem N. C. were guestr^of her mother and. sister . Mis. Lydia Stevetioou auo ..uiss Annie btevenson over the week end at their home on £. M..-c./ell Street. t t t t t » Mrs. L. L. Little ami' liiss Ophelia Graham left Saturday for Washington and New York. While in New York they will attend the World's Fair. ‘ t t t t t t. The Baptisti State Sundajil School Convention whicii con vened! from Tuesday through Thur$4py of this week in Gol^ boro drew a numiber of deleg ates from the "Friendly City. Among those who attended from Charlotte w.ere P. A. Connor Supt. of Firs’t Baptist Sunday School; Mrs. Eliza Moore, 'Miss Capitola 'Wilson; Miss Evelyn Connor; Miss Maria N%eles, Miss Maria Davis; Samuel It^oore; fi. W. James Frances Mills, W. W. Lane ftnd Dr. W. H. Moore. These were represe^itives from First Bap tist Church. From' Bbenerer Baptist Church Miss Irmi Tea- Miss Lula Lattimore w a s gue and Mrs. Willie Williams, hostess to the Mount Gilead'From Friendship Baptist church Gilead B^ptirt Church Junior Rev. ^Lewia Powell. Missionary Society their re- . ... t t t t t t jjujgr meeting at her Do#d St. i Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Mason home Monday evening August ‘ of North Caldwell Street and 7. No special program or topic Mrs. Sara Bar4»er of Biddkville for .’dsousi'ion was planned for* this meeting but there was an interesting general Biblical' dis- cupsion. A delicieus repast was served- Mrs. Selena Miller and. Mrs. Bessi^ ^os( are planning a musical program Monday n»?ht August 14 at the Mount Gilead Baptist Church for the benefit of the Mi'sionary group. They will present the popular Mount Gilead Male Chorus as well as many quartettes from all over the city. Eridge Clttlr Id Session 1 The “Twin Six Bridge ?lub’ popular k)oil organization had ,|t* most recent fortnightlv meet ing at the tome of Mr®. G. W. Cox, charming hostess oi 1204 Fayetteville Street Friday Aug. '*'1P'h'e members enjoyed a lively four rounds of superb ..card playing and a moit delec- talile repast. Prizes for the evening were awarded Dr. and Mrs. Alphonse Heningburg.. Members attending were Dr. and Mrs. J. S. Lee, Dr, and Mr", itenrngburg; Mr. and Mrs. WUliam Hill, Mr. Rich and Mrs. Cox. Members of the club wlio were not present at this meet- ile WIffi hig sfc; Jtrsi^^_J^_„^- Kennedy who are i aopgh together wl^ and U. W. cox wh^ was out ^f|iour. mke m hot oyeh (48Q? the city on burfness. ham vlMting Mm. ' A. on Elixftbeth Stoatt. L. Tack are making a Southern tour of Atlanta, Savannah; Charlewton and other various points South. Dr. I. B. West Director of the program of Evangelism in the Presibyterian- Church was recent ly elected to 'become the pastor of the Brooklyn Presbyterian Calvin*s New^gi» Swvice TESIBkREOPE I——By trttuti Ut Chuyeh in this city. Thia choreh was made vacant when the Rev. A. £L Prince th« I'dVia er pastor was elevated to the position of field RepresentativV in the State of Georgia, Florida Virginia; North Carolina ^ and Svuth Carolina. t t t t t J Miss Naot^i Freeman eh«xeh worker in t^' the Presbyterian ^^-^arches wa* a visitor in the city recently her headquarters are in Greensboro N.-C. t t t t t t Rev. Malloy, minister of the Lutheran C&urch here lor ee- vlral years has moved to Spar- tanfcuug, S. C. where he has charge of the Lutheran Church there. t t t t I t . Re.v. Charles F. iRnsh ban left, for Shreveport La. where he and Mrs. Rush will spend some time. Rev. Mr. Rash is pastor of New Emanuel Congregation- al Chui%h. t t t t t t Mr. Jordan and Ransom were visitors at Oconnor Crove AME Zion CBurch Sunday mffn ini^ they wece visitors from Charlotte, N. €. Misses Inec Parnice and Doretha Forney is spending the\ week in Wad^.'^boi'o, N. C. visi^ng their sister Mable. SPECIAL THIS WEEK ONLY I Here’s another big week of bargains for the t^irifty shoppers of Durham at The Public Hardware company. You’ll need these items., iw be sure to get the bargains while they can'be had %t such low .prices. WHEELING GALVANIZED WARE A Brand That is NatioaaJly Known for Qaality GALVANIZED Tubs NO. 1 SIZE NO. 2 SIZE NO. 3 SIZE The fMlowlnc cabbltr reclpi Ii' for eljkjt servings. Half th« QuantitiesPPould take- care of a cobbler for four except that four people will al most invartiddy take care of a cobbler for eight without much Insistenco cn the part m the hostiges. It’s one of those disheis that ^akes *^eeona helpings”' tho rulo rather than the exception. Plum Cobbler tablespnonn quick • cooking tapioca;' 11^ cups sugar; tea- si^oon salt; 2 tablespoons melted butter; 3 cups fresh red pluma, halved and seeded;. 2 evps sifted flourj 2 . teaspoons doublc-actiug baking powder; ^ teaapobi^alt; 6 tablespoon^ liutter or other sbort- cning; % cup milk (about). Combine tapioca, augar, salt, butter, and plums; let stand 16 minutes, or while crust is being made. Sift flour once, measure, add baking powder and salt, and sift again. Cut in ahorteniag^ Add milk gradually, stirring nntil soft dough Is formed. Turn out * on slightly floured board aifl knead 30 seconds, or enough to shape. Roll ^ of dough int6 strip, 2 inches wide and H inch thick; line sides of 8z8x2-lnch pan, fitting closely Into coraen. Fill witti plum miz- ture. Roll remaining dough % Incb thick; with sharp taife make slits to permit escape of ftMm, I 70c Ik GALVANIZED lo^qr. SIZE QALVANIZED Oarbage Cans 12-GAL. SIZE 20-GAL. 91ZII 16 minutes; thra reduoe lleat to moderate (850* F.)^d bak« if to 30 mlnatea longer.C •Sprinkle pow dered suga/ over top, it i^tred. Mr. Fanner Don’t Forget to Stock Up on Tliese 'Needed Items: TWINE THERMOMETERS LANTERNS •And Lets of Other Farm Supplies WE ISSUE HUNTING AND FISHING UCSNSES H^RWARE COMPANY 111 EMt Parrisb St. ., .t-