■ '■•'PI L jv!^ ■,.Liftj^af,)L'i!L«»aii Wf 0& es Of Interest Urp, Aoni* Panon v^>it«l ralativ«t in Clayton >nd Smith- ficld I«st Tu«td«3r. Mn. A1 ^Wil«on ha> returned to her bom* on South Perion dtre«t from Jio@auley’^ Loiipi- t«l. ii. r&»Tu»6S SVrsPiCATg - BOOTS, UNDERSTA ND WHY THE BOYS CURiSE. >_ STILL CALL THIS A PLEASURE Dodors Gird For Socialized Medicine Fight Controvsrty Moit Poiatad in for other purposei.’ Hilary of tb« Proi|mticn..... i Utt(i«r directiun at the S^Uf* How »• fUah^A of geon General f the U. S. Publi? Hagro Doctor* and PatiMita ileaith Service, grants in aid i t Moot Qaastiaa. , jEapoet Phyaician-Dalegata* To DU* •act Wagnar Bill at N^w York Convantion-CIinic. ALBli2RT^G. BAiBmTT OHIiOAiOO, .^tANP)—Judging from advices and jladvancfcs in formation pouring in from var ious sections of the country,' past utterances of the 46ih annual convention of ! vitally interested in tne National Medical associa tion net for Avgust 14-19 in New York City, wilj tesoive it self more or less into a Wagner bill clinic, wHh physician dele- gatea who already have diag- win b« made to the different sbatei for Public Health work and investigation and grants to states for hospitals and Iifalth tei>terr. How the convention’s Wag ner bill clinic will proceed after the anesthetic has tes’i ad ministered is indicated by the ■pnywcians the bill’s nosed the ca'te and found imm ediate operation neceasary) dis secting the natiimal health me/i sure, picking It excmin* ing it and finally is^ini^ bulle tin as to ita chances for surti- The "clinic’ will • talce place on Thursday, August 1? at 10 a. m. at convention headmaF- ter.», ‘ Public School No. 68 with *Dr. M. O. Bousfield of t h e Rosenwald fund as head ‘clinician’ conducting^ t^c panel discussion on the s«cialize(l medf;Tne ipsue. The medical leaders Will first train their eyes on th® purpose of the Wagner bill (officially known as t h a j National Health act sf 1939), I as stated thus in the bill’i; pre-^ atnble: l/ , ^‘To rovMo for tl^ gaaaral walfar*. by aaabliiig tba sa* ▼oral atAtas to maka more adaqua^a provlaion for pu> Uic haaltk, pravantioa and control of dUaasa, matar- nal and child haalth aar- Ticaa, construction a n d maintanan^ of aaadad hos pitals^ and koalth cantars, car* of the sick diiahilitjr ia«wranca and trainini of , parsonnel; to amend f tk • ' ' Social 3|aeaHtT' aet, implications as regards Ntgro- es. Convinced that the whole socialized medicine program will function first through t ii e states, then the counties many NMA members point out that Negro doctors a» usual'‘wTtl ib'e' frozen out in the South where .the health., program will,be ad ministered 'by the • county_ s>ci- ties of the white American Medical association, whose Southern door?, are barred to Negro doctors. • A National Mea'ical associa tion special committee, compos ed of Drs. Rdscoe C. Gile®, chair main; Clarence H. PiS^ne and G. Roiberts all of Chicago re ported last May to NMA Presi dent George W. Bowles: ‘‘....So far aa this com* ■litte* know*, no official connected with the govern ment haa—given, the Nation al Medical association any aMnrnnce either publicly or privately, that our oc*.., gaaiaation will be included in the peraonnel of the program. We may point out further that inasmuch a* we wer^ informed that the personnel would be tel- acted through the local unit*^' those units will be the county societies as con stituents. of the American Medical asioeiation....’ JCbe aibove statement was commit^eV report President Bowles was ^iticized for apparii^ be#ore the Senate committee in Washington last May and declaring^ “The Na tional' Medical as^ocuition sub scribes in principle to S«n«tor Wagner’s hill with reservation* ar stated.’ ^ Detailing advantages of the health bill to Negroes, Dr. John Ai-^eriney editor in chief of the Joiirnal Medical aaa«^iit- tk>n said editorially in the July is«(ue: ^ ^ "It is generally agread t^at the ratio of indigency is gi'eat er in percentage among the Ne groes than among miefabers of the white population. The legist- iative investigatng commission of New »Jeraey found it > ba 45 per cent in our race. certainly know no good reason why conditions in this report are an^ worse in New Jorsey; than in other states and parts j of the country. Therefore, it would appear - 4hat roughly,' albout 50 per cent of the Negro population receive? some sort of relief assistance.’ I lE^. MoCulltr visited in the Juniper Lavek Saction Sunday. Mias Fannie R. McLean has raturnad from Dunn^ N. C« Mrs. Eatell Jonas and Mm Aitia Jonai attended a big Smg in Wilson lart Saturday. Mrs. Floranca Waltert h * a raturnad from a vacation trip to Baltimara, Md. * «««•••••« Mrs. Beulah York has been confined to her home dua to aye trouble bat ia out again. ^ Joa Taylor. of lUlzatiath, City ia in the city for a few days on businci>s. , v Joe Taylor of illizwbeth City is in tha cit^ for a few dav^ on businega- Walter McLeod haj^ r( Mrs. turned from a motor trip of two ^weeka in ’•Richmond, Wssh- ington, Baltimore and Atlantic City. She reports a delightful •**««***« Mrs. Price DrakefoiM h‘ a a returned to her home in Balti more after visiting her rister Mrs. McLeod for two weeki- Alfred Lindsay haa r#turn*d to hi* home in Daringtou S. C. after visiting hit iiatar hare tfrs. Otto Undaay. Mrs. Ada Burgeaa has tone to New York to vi«it her daugh tar and attend the World’s Pair. Mrt. Leora Jackson’s hiaca of Charlotte is visiting H|r for a faw days. #**•••**• Mr. and Mr*. Samuel Harris vhHcd in Youngsvilla ljunday. CHURCH NOTES . . ^ Mapla Church in general under the leadership of Dallas Leach • is doing, f great things sponsoring fish frys, barbecue tuppara and ict cream suppers for the t>enefit of tha church on Saturday -.night of each jveet. Fayetteville Street Baptist 'hurch being remodeled. The different auxilJiaries are work ing hard to help raise money on the building fund. ^ Manly Street Chri'tian will sponsor a 1940 w&dding Monday night Augdust .7. j^Oberlin Baptii>t Cliureh Nile Club will sponsor a Nile festi val^' Tueaday. Sl. Paul Church aponiorcd a Rainbow Wedding Thursday night of last week. iSEiBBAiircA* possibly^ most .•ignificant victory regarSng the ^J.ighta of Negi*oes .wa^ won in Eand‘lph County last month w^en Attorney F. W. Willies (aibove) prominent Winston Salem lawyer emerg ed rtctofioup ^ a suit against the "Greensboro-Fayetteville Bus Line. Attoi'Stly Williams represented Miss Vella Lassiter teacher in the public school system ’of Reidsville who had entered suit against Che bus company for mistreatment handed her ■ while traveling sWparsenger in one of the compiny’s buses. IiCtarMte CHAftLOTTZ. N, €.—I%«ra* rcleaaed by Omw wist vt %k* Charlott* Claariag Havaa Araociattda show thtt Jsly Baalt Clearinss in tha Frt#Bdly CiV tot the aaonth af Jalv act • sew aU time raeord wltk ■ latel 0t aad tha evan more signifkaat fact UMit tiite re^r«NieBf» the third er.r««« iva Month that s arw rrrord has be H fished. From Janoary to April tki« yaar total bantc claarian wera above those “or the ^rrt->-w»4 ing tine of IMS bat b^i'-.w the totala of 19S7 when the fpre^- ietia>^ee»rd waa auda. How ever each report for the p a • t thref months &aa set a aew record anJ laa three month total clear ing are f2tO,nni Continued aa page ^ix COACH FARES ^44/iiUeA, HeciUiced % ONE-WAV 1-^ PER MilF, Attorney Linjked With Mysterious Munition Cache Mr. Hitler must play golf. He i» _alwayp in the rough, hacki up the turf and lies about the — There s^Te thousands of In dians who how apeak good*Eing lish. Why doesn't that element ever get into the moviea? LOS AiNGELES, (ANP)-*- The name of Hugh E. Mac- Beth brilliant attorney here and re!>ident Liberian C'litsul, has been linked with discovery of a large caiAe of munUlons, the presence *f which is shround ed in mystiNry, by local authori tief. Th^saTOly of arms, valued at 170,000 was found stored in a Los Angeles warehouse when a^ Fuit^^op file-in federal-court in San Francisco asked for a public sale of the last week unless tax and storage bill were paid. The ^complaint i'aya MacBeth is a former claimant of half of' the munitions’ value and ncluded“ lBe”TlHn« of ^a ese. Questioned about the con nection the colored attorney is sued the following statement: "la April 1937 1 was retain •d by a Cuban Franciico Gonaaiea, to colRKt a note for $70,000 that was due 'him and. his associates pre- sumaMy- - ft. E. Revna Cassio and ^ Maria Holmes, from Hlsakatsa '■ Watanabe, a JapaMsai! “The not was for cash and I had no knowledge as to particu laYa'pf the transaction involved. Because of the diversity in citizenship between Gonzales and Watanaibe, referred the case to Mr. Hubbard’s office $IM’I MU, b/-l UO. 01) .SI HDLttKSHIPS' FOR RENT '-Rooms Laeatios 3 ROOMS, 612 GLENDALE AVE 3 ROOMS—404 RONEY STREET 3 ROOMS—40: RONEY STREET.— — 3 ROOWB—82» COLEMAJN ALLEY 3 ROOMS—531 COLEMAN ALLEY 3 ROOMS—mb 4-2 .JMYDE PARK AVE. ROOMS^^-^-^ T-2 PROerER ST JtOOii^IjSjriETIIiaKgy STREET in San Francisco where it. was taken over an'd filed in. federal court. That ended ly direct association with the case. Sub sequently, the suit for collec tion was ^ismis«ed ior* iaefc"o? evidence.’ Poei’siierfiet BY CALVIN KIRBY ^acBeth added that, it in una)l^ita/.id2n^ his Shat subsequent ly Watanahe on V®c®^t of the cash tfom Gonzales turned the the money over to R. L. Dinf- ley, San ^ Francisco muniti'j»ns exporter lor purchase of the arms. He saiu he wa« uuawue of the destinaCion of the'*4jhip- ment. ^ peo- Mr. Roo?eveu believe thi pie gave HTm S mandate 'te->ao every thing he has done »o far, anil nCSw T>Irr~Ickes li giving him a mandate to run again.. Every time one of our neighbor youngsters' sfirt^.,tO out the barrel we Consider seriously bringing out the doubje barrel. be Solve J other against the ATT^ WPA STRIKERS Listen you fellows on the WPA Wont you try to ?ee thiiigV my way? ‘ — •••• We have, a wonderful Presids.nt Didn’t he create joibs whea you were finan^Jially bent? Didn't he g'ivejyou food a n li pay your rent? When you didn’t have ^ cent. G>o back to work before it.- too latCj, Your problems w(ll if you arbitrate. Mr. Ro-o?eve»lf~>aid day; — You can n U. S. A. ATT: ROOSEVELT FOR THIRD TERMERS: . Roosevelt is> our candidate, Roosevelt i? our candidate. He stands foF^ood upon our - ptate; In every garage a new V-8; If you wjflftit to be content and KappF?" V .r.; e ^ yote for hin^" anjf make it ' «nappy, . .■ Every m,other; daughter, son and PWy- For he ip.'our Candidate. * ‘Music on.;;^requ^st. lew Era tlul) Swings Out- ' / j;-Whjr DURHAM—The New •£ Club boyi were. swinging out Wednesday night August 2nd, at the home of Thomas E. Lann in the form of a Lawn Party. Their fir.^t affair of the tum- mer. It seems as if the old N. E.’‘C. is beginning to oreak out again in "ulK Who said they were through? th^ pfe- aent were: Mr. and Mr». Char les Morris, Hubert Naddell; Miss (Christine Crumpton; Mr. aijd Mrs. Grover Ma?on, Jack son ; JacTsspn Thompson, Mi« Mammie Pratt; Alex Bonds, Mi.“s Leona Roberts, Nathaniel W'alker; Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Al.leS, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Please turn to page tiv^; from DURHAM* ASHEVILLE »»•»» ATLANTA — BIRMINGHAM BURLINGTON CHARLOTTE ♦***• GREENSBORO ••• GOLDSBORO $tM » LYNCHBURG — MEBANE ^ — 4m* MEMPHIS $nj» NEW VOIfK — — — RALEIGH ^ WINSTON-SALEM WASHINGTON — ; ‘ MSMM sArmrr. »•■* **• way llaaarrfa. Trerel by T*e^ Oaaft— m '' ThfOTMlM SOUTHERN RAIIW'AY SYSTEM Durham J^cadeiny Of Medicine ( By Relaxifig In Tiie I-S- n>IRECTORY f - LEO G. BRUCE, M. D. I'hysician ftnd Surgeon , 814 *1-2 Fayetteville St. Telephones ~ Office J-6222 Re*. L-^S4 DOCTOR ,V. W. LOVE DEN«ST Warrants trudwick* Office Hours 9-6 _.Dial J-6571 3 ROOMSr-111 HAYWO(H> ST. 3 JtOOMS—711 WILLARD ST. — ^ ■ 3 ROOMS—1011 f^ERRELL ST. — — 3 RdbMS—1204 HANOVER STREET 2 'ROOMS—10 ADAMS ALLEY — 2 ROOMS—liSOS SOUTH STREET Jt RQQM3--jmajSUY_ ALygY — - 2 ROOMS—i08 RONEY 9TREET 4 ROOMS—414 RONEY STREET 4 ROOMS-~416 RONEY STREET 4 R90MS—615 MAR1HA STREET $3.00 fi ROOMS—1302 SOUTH STREET »4-80 5 ROOMS—1204 C0LFA:X STREET— $4.80 7 ROOMS—1 toe GU.NN STREET »7j00 -4912 FAYETTEVILLE ST>OOUBLE GARAGE 75c per' aide Rate Per Week Ip3«50 — $3.00 $3.00 $2.50 $2.00 $2.25 $2.00 N. MIUUS. jM. D. FHYSMStAN SURGEON Office* .106 1-2 Parrish Street SPliK-IAL ATTENTION TO Dtj5iilASBS OF WOMEN /Trained nurse in attendance DOCTOR E. P. NORRIS DENTIST 707 1*2 Fayetteville Street Hours 9—1 2—3 4—7 Telephones Olfice J-8S21 Res. J-9042 UNION INSURANCE & nr 11 miAAAIl/ H, M, MICHAUX. Maaaga, PHONf J-Wll ' »URHiyM. N. C, 'S .V Going to and ^from work can b^ a pleaa^tire’ if you ride the bu*. You get homd earlier. Yau spend mOney for transportation (4 token* for 2Ss). YOu enjoy a safe, comfortable ride. - Durhain ^t-vice R. p. RANDOLPH, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON 312 Dowd Street Of^tcf Hou^s »—10s- -3—4, 6-r7 TelepWnea flfffce N-»211 Res. N-5562 E. TURNER. M. D. ^ INTERNIST 618 Fayetteville Street ^ Telephones Office L-8254 Rea. 8i84 DOCTOR A. , S. HUNlER DENTIST V N. C. Mutual Buildioir Office J-0891 Rea. L-3&81 DOCTOR M. C. KING Talaj^hoaea Office 263-« Raa. 24»-l FranlftintOM, N. C. S. M. BECKFORD, M D. GENERAL SUR(3£®Y 212 Montgomery Street Henderson, N. G. R. M. D. A. BRYCE. Depot St. Roj^oro, N. C. Office Houra 9 a. m.-ll a. m.—2 p. m.-4 p. m. Sunday '^ephones Office 4092 k... Rea. 404* J. W. V. CORDICE. M. D. J. S. M. D. THOMPSON^ WYSICIA.M 1-2 Fayetteville . Telephones Office L-2541 Rea. L-8621 709 ELLIS E. TONEY, M. D. . alia Hillsbato Street Oxford, North Carolina - TO?Hce 711 1-2 Fiyitte^e St. Telephones t A. CLELAND. M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Biltmore Hotel East Pettigrew Straet Hours; 8j30—loao 1-2 ■ 6-$a..7 Telephones: Office F-40£l Boa. J-l«34 DOCTOR N. H. CORBKUI DENTIST t20 1-2 Swth ' Maagwa Utrfl Offiea Hears &—1 ~ • Telephone Ottiem F—ZSdl Telephonea DOCTOIl J. H. HUBIU^U» DEMttST L N. c. Mitteii mvomm Office Ho«n EreBloK AndCfi If IMapboM J-MH

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