THI eAftOLtlU tIMtl MAMM «4lii 1M« APMT ttvm i»»g* on« vilto, tk« adop»d horn* of p«rwt». H» i» • grwluaU ol SUU Nomal, now Tt»ch«r» C«U«ff«, mud has • B. S. D«»r** in Agn- •mltun from »nd T Coll#!*! ■tifl K of ArU D«gr«* from C*»tr*l Univenlty of In- d;uia nuyoring in «ocio3ofy. Jtitrim WM born in Al»m^nc« coQZity. H* atl^ndod A *ad T Coll««« i» 1813-K'. and •gain to 1^*6 and 18S8. Ht won honors ft'i * Ntgro county a^ent, and in IM7 h* orjaniied oca of tha Ursaat Nakro 4H- Calf Ciui» in tb« Zistiop, owning; ro*i»tered Jeraajr calTet. COMPLETE PLANS— Ccntiaued r{\;« one Silma ,^.d Smitiifield and other caftejn ciiies •will rather 4t tta llictia;.! iJ. Uarris>,n High •:y.ocl in an in;e;eJtiiig progrUn, the climax of ^^hlch will be '^n address by t..o^ president, L. E. Austin. Other ofi'i.ers of tr.e 'orgWiia- tioc ». «; C. A. Lau^slon, Haleigh! fink vi^c prtsidci.'-; W. K. Haw- k;cs, \Vir.»l n-bsLm, second vice president; Coley, Durham third vice j)ri3iJer.t; J- Wiley 3'l>ci*^»on, Goldoborb, Io>rnJ!» v.ce presider.r; Mrs. Kutii h. Morgcui, W lndeil, csrr-jp nding »ec»et«ry; Mrs., L. B. Perkins, Sr.l;abury, recording secietary; Misa M. J. Pe%*rc, Salisbury, financial secreU-ry; John Nasb^ Winston-Salem, chairman of fii^lLKial committee; J. W. DoaR, GieenatooTc, treasurer. O. G. Donnell of Greensboro is ctair- n’an of the Board of Directors. Mias Fannie R. McLead, Kaleigh • IgfDlS Waoti'p' IN YOUR TERRITORY Cultivate A Substantial Income For Youraelf YOU CAN BE THE FIRST la Your Community To REAP RICH REWARDS By Handling FULLER PRODUCTS 126 Different Item* WRITE TODAY FULLER PRODUCTS CO. 428 £■ 3S 5|. Cbicaco, 111. LAY MOiLRtlS— Continued f^»*n •H« a suutharti w'hiU wowfip tcld ths story of how th« Klan in South Carulloa b*d l«fi a dis abled Negro war vetar^ aaktd on her front porch at night aftar h; had bean beaten by th« Klan nearly to deiilh. John P. Davis, national secre tary tf the Congrt'S*, in a atate- irent to the pres* following the meeting Isshtd out vigorously v+at he termed the- “gross n«gli- gt.KC of the Att.rnuy General of tho United Skates in refusing to biing inrtlant federal prosec^u-' tioi. in these flagrant "f.les of vioiationi lT the federal statutes on pevnoiie und night riding." Congresa olficial duclar- *ed, "The Attorney General of iii** United toiate may Uvt escape rcspoiik.biiity luc having Jw\ing tui.cU L'%eu to iiicsiiiiD|i.i.e gfUAc charj;e of violation of leU- eial luw bruuglit bci le tlie Ue- pariment of Jusiice by niwn in- tiividuuib and organisations in- vm\ed in these cases. In the G^wgia case.s^ despite a.e i,A.rn'attidaviu of uujnaiou* rvtgxo vtiifcvns wiio escaped from a titorfcia i/lantalion to t'hic^i^u,- me Federal Bureau tf Investiga tion haa refuted to conduct tin injuiry into the facts and has | .i»tt)rmed the ortfanizaiotn pre- .tilling the information to tliem ti-at t!:e CiCise is ciosed. In the ijuiiui Caroliina cases, the Civil Clbe'nifs Gnit pf the. Department of Jusiice has declared that tliere wiii in most of the cases no federal jurisdiction and that they could not act. But in other cases where the head of tli Civil Lil>erties Unit, Mr. Harry Sch- weinigate. In the li&iLter case in volving a rign of terror by the KKK against Jijgro ctiildren at I an NYA camp in Lexington I County, South Carolin4 the De partment of Justice' has refused to act. •••• Dies MRS. MAMIE BROWN SUFFERS FATAL HEART ATTACK , DU^RHAM — Mrs. Mammie Brown, A^e 39 died at her home iicre 609 Elm street, Sunday morning at 11:15 as the reault ol a heart attack that c^ime on her suddenly, Mrs. Brown’s death was a distinct shock to members cf her ^»nity as weH as her friends. The deceased was born in Wf.nning, South Carolina, but had lived in Durham for around cyjht y^Slrs. Sh« was formerly employed as one of the ch«f cooks at the Kress cafeteria on Main street, where she was c.n- sldered of unusual ability. FunerjC services were held at the hom-e We3nesday afternoon three o'clock with the Rev. Miles Mark Fisher, pastor of the Wli;te Baptist church of A’hich she was a member officiat ing. - Mrs. Br&wn is survived by two daughters Mrs. Ethel Scott and Mrs. R. J. Bowman, botV of Lurham and three grandsons. Interment wfk at t’'» Beeohwv'od cemetery on Fayetteville Road. CONVALFClNd ikr 'Jlly NATIONAL HATS i BY HERMAN SlluER Miss Lacy Marsh, Miss Wil- ...iams lapd her friend from Greensboro was in the city Sun- dfty. We girls in Siler City wcn- I der what is going to happen at Miss Lacy Marsh’s home. Look out Mrs. L. Jfi^kson I see that some one was down to see you Jrom Burlington. We saw you Sunday riding out with some ore. I W« are sorry to, know that I Miss Clarie Glover, a member of i the ffsjiulty of Fayetteville State ; Teachers College; is on the sick ' lift and in St. Agnes Hospitsd in Raleigh. I president cf the First Aid de- Ipi'tment and Mrs. L. A. Foster, i Green.sboro, director_of the Jvnior department. ii First In Style, Beauty and Originality NATIONAL Hilt !ilio|)$ -106 SOUTH TEYON ST- COMPLETE LIKE OF Irts And Dobbs Pawn Shop 130 EAST TRADE ST. 500 Hats FINEST STYLES IN -(SHAGS, SMOOTHS— * LATEST STYLES $2.95 FAMOUS DOB B;S .JITTERBUGS.. s uits |17iS0— $19.50 —$22.SD lOOD SUITS OUT OP PAWN SPECIAL. $4.»B UP NCC Trounces Fayetteville REV. P. R. WASHINGTON W«ll known minister of this ciiy and {ormer pastor of the CME church who is ccnvalescing at his home on street after a serious ^ttack of pneumonia. The many friends of Rev. Wash- infton will be glad to know that he is expected to soon be back at his post at I*ittsboro (ifffter an illness that extended over a per iod of more than two months. TEACHERS CHARLOTTE — The MecS- lenburg teachers Association met b|.uurday at Second Ward High School, C. E. Moreland, president presided. The meeting was taken UD in electing officers. All officers retained the-ir offices wi.h the exceptipn of Mrs. BiCfsie Jamison, Vice-Preaident who declined her office! The ofi'icers for the now fiscal year St MI COMPANY— Continued frciti er, Jr., W. S. Hines, G. A £d- w,Urds, A. Moore Shearin, B. N. Harris, W. J. Kennedy, Jr., C. C. SpauSding, Aldine Robinsc.n, E. R. Merrick, J. H. Wheeler, Leo G. Bruce, and F. D. Alex- 3,nder. Wilson Notes BY HENDERSON J. COOKE The Rev. Mrs. Hattie L. Dan iel and her nephew, Willis Owens Jr. and Mildred Blakney attenu- ed the Youth Conference Sun day, March 17th Richmond, (.re ^ follows, C. E. Morelind, president; Mrs. W'ilma Williams, vice president; Mrs. E. M. Stin son, sejretary and Mrs. Louise Ilciywood, irtasurer. Mrs. N. B. L'/kcs, supervisor, brought fh6 a£s.ccif.U:,.i some very tfmely in- formaticn. She very beautifully read end- dlsc issed freely an ar- The ex certain au- thoriiici reveal that enviroment hss to do wil;i I. Q. thus proving that, such is not stable. Mrs. Dykes also informed the teachers pf the date for the St^e ex- a,mlnat:oa for 7th graijle pupils, which are'to be held April 16th ifi the arious districts. High schools. She urged the teachers Vs., Rev. Daniels was the guest speaker, Mildred K^.ig a wonder ful solo and Willis also appear- pd on the program. There w^s sadness in the home of Rev. 'Woods’ one of our old citizens as two of his child- rar, a son and a daughter were laid to re^t c n the e{ day, dealing with I. Q from the St. John AME Ziqn i '’y church. The pastor Rev. R. G. Foster, conducted the ser vices. . Mrs. Elinor Foster, one of the the teachers of Darden Hig^h School, gave a wonderful recit|&3 in the high school auditorium last week. Mrs. Fester was pre sented a bei^lutiful basket of flowers by the teachers; Various churches of the city had wonderful services Sunday, Mfirch 17, which wjAs Psalm Sun day. The service at the , Saint John AME Zion ahurch' w ^s ct nducted by Rev. Foster. The ch>.ir rendered special music. The Senior choir of the Saint John’s AME Zion church under the direction of J. L. Go&ke ren dered one of toe best recitals f tWe season Sundfiy night, March 17. This being a formal affair, ihe ladies wer® dressed in even- irlg gowrjs and th« men in tuxedos. The Lj^les Civic Club met Monday night, at the home cf Mrs, J. L. Coo|(.o 916 E. Green Street. The hostess served hot cowoa and sandwiches. They ore planning to sponsor 0 Baby Contest. Mr. and Mrs. J, L. Cooke and son Henderson motored to New Bern and North Harlow to visit tireir mother Mrs. J. P. Godett. 'BY WILLIAM STRUDWICK FAYETTEVILLE^ NCC and FTC gave to a. packed bouse here March 1 all that could be aaked for a championship team and ffaaie fighthis^ ch«Ueng«f». Th« game was a nip-tuck affaii- from the beginning both sides dropping goal for goal for th* first quarter—^tha PTC Cagers playing a heads up in spired game. Coach Burghardt had his **9hoit” team in starting —^as the first quarter ended the ‘tall timber' cam* into the game Colbert Ennis, Downing, War wick and Peerman—score 8-9 NCC. Truce to form the first strLng the NCC Cagers immedi ately ran the tally to 16-8. Then the NCC defense seemed to fati gue and become listless FTC rallied to run up the tally to 18- 1^ NCC. Carter of FTG showing best form and accuracy of sea son scoring 4 points with S min. to play in first half—First half ended 29-19 in favor of NCC— Thrills, thrills thrills, the stands were wild. FTC fans lifted from their seats art the unexpected performance of FTC team. The second half found NCC back in there with renewed vigor a definite return to their old forni-;^nnis dropped two straight sinkers—Team rallies again with renwed coilfidenca runs tally , to 24-19 in 3rd period NCC leading. FTC irrational and less spirited in 4th.|>«riod— After 'frei^ied nip and tuck passijng 'FTC calls time out with score standing 31-23 NCC with 11 minutes in the 4th period, Then FTC came back inspired fast and accurate and witi^ the sparking speed of Carter and checking of glover on. defense to run up 7 points making score 31-as NCC. Crowds go wiljjl as minutes fly by.but the Eagles stalwarts stop the threat and with 9 points and G. Mack with 9 points—On defense Downing and Ennis. The FTC girls defeaeted NCC girls in the preliminary game 33-\2il FTC taking »le«d in early To Teachers BY W. L. BRADSHER. JR The Fifth and Sixth Grade teachers of the Colored City Schools, held Qieir regul^a^ mon- I thly meeting at the Burton Ele- jmentary School, Tuesday with I the president, Miu tt. A. Gris- ' som, presiding. A short business session was held at which time the following officers were elect ed; President, H. A. Hill; Vic«- President, Miss R. A. Grissom; Secretary, Mrs. P. H. Cordice, TreAsure, Mrs. Webb. Mr. Oscar £Uii'ker was than presented. Mr. Barker exprsased himself as being in favor of federal aid fot education i^nd teacher re tirement. He expl^ned what fed eral aid meant and how it would work, pointing out that stats funds for education would supplemented by funds from the federal government to suppoH period. The NCC girls were out- clcsq^^ in every department— floorwork and basket accuracy —outstanding for FTC Vandalia Woods with 18 points and Pearlie Mitchell with 12 points. For • NCC of Durham Phillyss with 13 points. Officiala—Black of E. E. Smith Umpire—^‘Pete” Williams of Lillington Referee. Smitfi Mittmen Defeat Ag;gies ’ BY MILTON C. BRANCH I over Hutchinson in the 160 K>. CHARLOTTE — Smashing [ clrss. their way tp eight victorifi out | Then - Brannon, 165, took the of thirteen- scheduled bo(^ts, John ' second Aggie victory in a' TKO son C. Smith University’s ’3® CIAA boxing champions showed themselves to be in top form and of McQueen, 156 in 1:46 of the second. Sam Bruce edged ouf'a close decision over “Sugar” alrekdy to defend their title at I Dowling in the 160 lb. division the CIAA tournis^ent this week end, as they downed the A and T College Aggies last Friday night. The Smith pugilists completely dominated the lighter weigh^ divisions, winning six of the first seven bouts. Toatley, at 117 lbs. outpointed McKoy, 123; Crisp, 133 lest the nod to Nelson 126; dot to e.xcite children by stress- Cochralne, 140, completely examinfltioii marks in t h wrong manner. Mr. Davenport whc succeeded Prof. I. L. Tor rance as Farm Agent of Meck- lei.burg County, was formally introduced to the body by Prof. Toricnte. The new agent n^lde smothered Cooper, 146. Dudley, 3 43, won going away from Theor um, 146. Holton scored the firsit Knockout of the evening, flatten ing Mills in 1:30 of the third round. Both weighed in at 148. Merce, at 149, duplicated the very timely comments. Mrs. Mar- f^^t in the next bout by l^ing JUNE MARiaiAGE NNOUNCED DUftHAM — Mr. and Mrs. Waiter H._^^ne, Sr. of 320 Dowd StreetX are announcing that'their daug^er. Miss Nellie Fiora Greene* garet Rogers county Home De monstrator also made comments. C. E. Moreland was chosen to represent the alssociation at the State association that is to con- ene March 21-24 at Fayetteville, Immediately tit the close f the teachers meeting the county PTA held.' their meeting. Mr. Davis, president, presided. away Carlos, 147, in 1:46 of the third. Dinkins continued the 'jmith siweeip with a decision in one of the most vicious affairs •J. Both men hit the canvas continuaHly in « g^ve and ti>ke affair. “Newt” Curry, 163, retaliated f.*r Smith with a! decision over Lima at 160 and then Holley of A and T TKO’d Willis after 169 of the second round. Hal Rod«r- ers, a Cl^lotte lad and one of the Agg'ies chief hopes in the coming CIAA Tournament, also edged out a close decision over the Bulls’ “Choo Choo” Jackson of football fame. In the final and feature event, “Hammer” ferooks, king of the middleweight division during the past two years of CIAA activity, decisively out.(boxed, out-point ed and outMt the Aggies’ Dutch Clark to avengs previous de- Hostess ToClub CHARLOTTE — On Thursday night, March 14, Mrs. G. N. Bel- t:r. was h'osteaa to the Visulite Social club and their guests art a prc-dance buffet dinner. The oc- ras married to ■ cj- > ion v.-s.? also in celebration of to James ^ Samuels on June 17, ;Jdr3. Belt n’s 29th birthday. The 1039 at H^ifax, Virginia. Both |tJij!e was centered with a mixed tJiose y6ting people are popular students of North Carolii.a Coll ege. SHOP WITH US FOR EASTER , QUALITY FOM>S OF ALL KINDS Senberl’s Grocer; aoi EAST 9TH STREET FRESH MEATS OF ALL KINDS Valley Meat Market 824 S. McDOWELL PHONE 9482 TO HOLDS SPECIAL EASTER SERVICE DURHAM Kyles Tenipla bswl of tulips arid a birthday calie, complete with candlss. The gues'.s arried at nine o’clock and v.;rs served fu delicious i«past. Helping Urs. were Mcsdames vorth, Beatrice Belton Lillian Teater, Lindsey, serve House- Mattie Messrs AME Zion church holds special Caldwell, NeHTe ELSter services Sunday lUt 11 ' Jnmes Wibcn, Edward McKenz- o’elock. Sermon by the presiding 1 ley Sam Singleton, Jr. Elder W. W., D, D. A%' At 10 the party left for the Athenaeni Ballroom for the Vjpivlite’s First, Anniversary were Joined 3 o’clock an Easter program will be given, and at 7:30 an EtJster Drive with all clubs reporting. , .a. Closing Address G. P. Madkins, ‘where Chey i by rtany other guests. Music wss rendered by Jimmy Gunii ; and Kls Seren^ders. Sll members .! the cli^b vere attired in> peach colcred' evening dresses with 1, We are also sorry to know | that Mrs. Herimm Siler is on ths sick list. Andrew Marsh motored to Bon Leo Sunday accompanied i by Mrs. McCadett. jti;!ism.n roses.^ fiargain Days ON MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, A THURSDAY for a limitsd timo we will wath and^jreai* ycur ear for $1.00. Wa Do Tiro RotreadinK Wo Soil f70od used Tirss Parrisli Pure Oil Service Fltyottevilie and Pettigrew Streets Rays Good Gull Service Pine and Pettigrew Sts. Phono F-S0S4 Worship With Us Ths Sunlay School Etepartment of ths First Baptist ehurcli, 10120 S. Ohuroh Street, cordially invites you to be present at o\ir Easter Exsrcises at 10 o’clock Sunday morning, March 24. Music, drill and recitations ty Junior members of tive pri mary viuid Junior department. Candy Easter Eggs will bs dls- trilbuted fr©«. Come and enJoy a treat P. A. Connor, Supt. Baptisimal Service Sunday evening 7 ;30, lifter Canta||al by th« choir, 8:1'6 p. m. DR. H. M. MOORE, PAiSiTOR "GOD’S” ANGELS PICKET NEW YORK COURT BUILDING NEW YORK —Two-JKindrsd followers of Father Major Divine picketed the New York Supreme Court last Monday, pro'testins' the re cent verdict of Justice Dineen which orders ths Harlem messiah to refund, 13,937 to Mr». Verindi' Brown, which he allegedly ac cepted for safekeeping. FathK^r Divine’s magaaine, “The New Day,” in the mcjBlntime quotes him as say ing: “I will reverse this 4«oi* sion or else when I get through there will be fewer judges livin^jf.” This recalls the sudden death of Justice Smith several years ago af ter sentencing Father Divine to prison. feat a Greensboro. Brooks staif- gtred Clark continually "with ter- ri^c lefts aind rights, but seem ed content with a decision. schools. “Ths trend seems to bs to- ^«^d a csntrallsed aystera of education,” said Mr. Barker. “Federal aid has its «dvanisigss in that it would en«A>ls ths stafs to pay bettsr salaries and have more money available for its soucational program. Many problems now prsvalant would disapp^MT, and « uniform aystem of education would gradulally develop. The stand|trd of sduca- t en would bs raised, atnd the piesent and future teachers will r«ap the benefits that might be derived from such ^ program." “Federal ^d to schools msy become a -little complicated. 1 favor federal aid to acboola as long as tlM stit« ia not .forced to relinquish its control in adminis tering to the schools ' within its boundaries.” LEADERS FETED DUmAM ^ The leadMS of the 16 groups of the mcodber- s'hip of the Wfaite Rook Bwti^ church were sntertained llond|iV evening at tiie home of the pas tor, Rev. Miles Mark Fisher. The l«Hders represented (ronpa from all over the city with a member^ ship of more than 14i00. Deflleon J. M. Whitted chairman of the districts presided over the meetr ing. Exactly 6a guest* were pre- at nt at the Monday evening sn> t«! tainment. FLORIDA’S CHOICE REV. J. S. JOHNSON, ouUtand- ii.g pastor for 30 years, busi ness nydnager and treasurer of Edward Waters college, recently wai unanimously endorsed as Flurida’a stan^Mrd bearer for the AME bishopric. Thrice a pre*i4> ing elder, Rev. Johnson is expe#t> ed to win easily at the AMU co»» ffcrence to be held in Detroit in Msy. (ANP Photo) PEACE How can we serve you better? In your time of need you will welcome th« quite^ peace and comtfort offered to ywu in an AMiBY’S FUNIEIRAIL HOME SfiiRVICE. Eamnr pain of bereavem^t is uor >ob. Lady Assiatent In Attendance ot i^l timei. AMEY’S Funeral Home PHONE J-2971 401 PINE STREET Regal Tlicatrc TUESDAY—SPECIAI WEDNESDAY James Cagney IN “THE ROARING TWENTIES” i ALCO “COLORED ELKS CONVENTION” 5c—THURSDAY BARGAIN DAY—lOe—2 fl'EATURES A Saint In London Alto Tex Ritter in “Down WyOasinj; Trail” Enjoy Your Easter TRIP BY LETTING US INSTALL A SET OF Seat Covers ON YOUR CAR-^OMPLETE SET $3.98 MYERS-6LENN Incorporated “DNrham’i Largest Howe Owned Aeeossery Sterf” Leading la Value 3}nco 199 Chapel Hill St. Opiate 0-'

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