THE CAKOLINA TIIISS tATUftOAY, MAY Mtk, 1M9 -#ACf TMUt MRS. AMES SPEMS FOR SELF ALONE Lnychiess Year, Was Not Authorized By Committeel Says Doctor Alexander NEW YORK — n>e 8(ate«nent iasnad Uat w««k by Mr*. J«uie Dsniel Amea, executive Mcre- t*ry of the AiBoditlon of South- •m Women for the Prevention of Lynching in which «he charac- terized the laat twelve months a "Lynchieaa Year,” was made without tlie authonxation of the Commiaaion on Interr,t^al Co- oparation, and "entirely on her pcnonal reaponaiblity,’*^ It waa revealed today by Dr. Will Alex ander, director of Ihe Commiaa- ioD. Dr. Alexander made the atate- raent today in telegrram to the National Aaaoclation for the Ad- cament of Colored People, in retponae to an Aaaocitftion in- VHrf. The Commiaaion, it ia under- Btood, paya SH. Amea' aalar^ and axpenaea in connection with bar,work with the Aaaociation of Southern Women for the Pre- Tandtion of Lynchinsf. Th® Com- miaaion’a heaflqaartera are in Atlanta. Tha text of the HAiAOP’t telegram. “Will you aa director, Com- ■niaaion on Interracial Coopen- iicn, whkb, we unden^nd, pays 'axpenaea and aa^y Mra. Jaaaia Daniel Amea aa chairman AwociatioB Southern Women for Pnvention of Lynching, wffe« ua It Mr*. Amea atatement of May • that that ^lte marked end of twalva months lynchleaa period waa authoriied or endoraed by commiaaion which atatement waa Incxplicaibla in liifhi of killing by Ku Klux Klan noba of Sarah Rawla Ibid Benton Ford near At lanta on March 2 and of Ike Gaa- t&n on Mareh 7?” GEORGIANS REPLY Coincident with the release of Dr. Alexander’a telegram repudi atin^ tha "Lynchlesa Ye»#” state EXPOSITION FOUNDER JAM££ W. WaSIHjCiTow wno four years ago conceived Uie idea of a national celebration of 75 yeara of progrreaa which will culminate in the Americt^i N*e- ffio Exposition at'the Chtcaaro Coliaeum from July 4 through iSept. 2. Mr. Washing^ton, presi dent of the Exposition Author ity recently conferred with de partment airrirulture offiriala in Waahin^rton, D. C., will n:ake a (food will tour of aouth- ern states in t>eha]f of the agri cultural exhibita of the Elxpoai-*] tion. mcnt, the NAACP pointd out that in the current iaaue of the North Georgia Review^ a quarter ly magazine, two white women, natives of the atate, give what mifrht be described as "ade- quttte reply” to Mrs. Ames’ si^tenient The article aaid in part: ' “And we let a Negro be killed &0 quietly the other day in Georgia that no one’a aenaitive feelings were bruised in the leaat—for we ii-e leuring Miss's rew .technique of lynching like gentlemen—with no fuM and notoriety. “After all, why not get thees little necessary tasks done a.s quk;kly and with at« little wear and tear on on’e neres poasi- be! It was crude of s, wasn’t it, in the old daya to have mobi milling arohnd, and to indulge our penchant for taking nil thp pifcea of the victim &.4/e possibly hia entraila, home with us as aouvenira. That was a bit cxceH- aiire, caused talk and ao—so now we are learning more res traint. The point is, kill your nigger but for Goid’a s.Cce be re fined about it and don’t leave any mess around to annoy the paRsera-by>l” Social ¥ Notes {Members of the Swastika Club met ii^ith Mis. Earl Colston Sat- urda:y evening at her home on North Myers Street. 'Messrs Samuel Moore, John Xiewia and H. Bolin entertained number of guests at her Wyche 'Studio on Ninth Street Friday evening preceeding the Boat Ride Dance at the Athenium Ball Room. v Dr. and Mra. Alexander and little Eugene Jr. returned to the city laat week, after spending Mdther’s Day in Det1|i(or, Ala. with Mrs. Alexander mother, Mra. Anna B. Phinney. QUICK LOANS For BtMvifig Ettiiidti%s I Remodeling And Refinancing Your Home - 4 And 5 Per CeDi Od SaviDgs MUTUAL BUILDING .. AND- LOAN ASS’N L. McCOY, OUAIR MAN OF THE BOARD C. C. SPAULDING, PJtESlDENT R. L. MeOOUGALO. S«c’y-T"rU*. 144 WEST PARRISH STREET C. O. P. Leader Addresses Negroes May Instltnte Fourth Texas Primary to Bring Vote To Race Citizens NEW YORK — Unless ciUxaiu • naACP AStC ROOSEVELT TO POLITICIAL LEADER in Texas are permitted to vote in ^e forthcoming July atala priirariea, an action will be in stituted by the National Aaaocia- APPOINT RACE JUDGE NtTW YORK — The National AMociation for the Advutca- ment of Colo^M People haa ask John Hamilton, Chairman of the Republican National Committee, is shown here as he acknowledged his cordial jrreeting by those in attendance at the Negro Progress Exposition in Detroit, Michigan, on May 13. Mr. Hamilton in an address congratulated the sponsors of the Exposition and declared "the unquenchable spirit of the Colored peon’e of the United States had made the Exposition possible.” M •. Hamilton assailed the discriminations against the Negro rr.c under the Ne,w Deal and asserted “this is your America, just as much as it is the prized possession of every other citizen of the Republic” and expressed the hope that exist'n" “confusions’" will soon pass away and that it will then be por^Sible "to realize that truly abundant life to whieh every titizen is entitled on his merits.” lotion for the Advancement of President Roi>aevelt to include Colored People, in conjunction ' the name of one qualified Ne- with tha Texai, SUta'conference ' „ .^ong hia nominees for fed of the association, it Wii* an- judgeship# ' which the chief nounced here today. I „fjve isepected to place be- The announcement was made ,„re Congreaa shortly. x following action Uken » at re- xihis is the eecond time within cet meeting of tha Texaa Sti».e ', that the Aaaociation h,^ conference legal redreaa com-.^^,,^ the President to mittee in Dallas, when Thurgood appointments. The Marshall, special NAACP coun- teiegrnmi contianing the Asaocial se, outlined plans for opening a tJon's request was sent out today, drive to put the ballot into the fjjowin* House | proval of a hands of Negro citizens. committee report on the At the at^le conference meet- provide for eleven new ing the Rev. A. A. Lucas an- judgea. The Senate ia ex- nouncad that eitiaana throughout ^ approve the report to- t*'e atate will aka part in a drive 0 raiaa an |8,000 defend fund to ^ wage the primary fight. jin 199& that the Texas law Barr 1 Tha at,et« haa 'bean divided in- ing Negroes from the Democra- ! to diatricU. Already, at a meet-1 tic primaries through an enabling ing held in Houston, Texas citi- Act, was also uncoUatitutional. ] *ens paid |100 cash and pT^ged 1 But in 193>5 the court held 11600 toward tha |1,600 quota ,th-4t in the case of Grovey vs ’ set for thia cVty. I Townsend, instituted by Texas j The NAACP haa won two cases! citiens, a resolution of the De- before tha United Stdtea Sup-1 mocratic State Party Convention rtme Court in tha fight to out- barring Negroes from flie De law Teas white rimary laws. In mocratic primary was a pivate 1#27 the High Court ruled that' ,''tion, and where the primary ia the Texas law barring Negroes ' conducted by the party itself, no from Democratic primaries was ^ violation of Negro rights ia in- unconatitutioi^. The court held . volyea. JOSEPH C. COLES. Datroit Political leader who waa a viaitor in Washington conferring wHk tn« Senaitor from Michigan aAd other repreaentativea. He an- nnounced that he would aeek election to Congreaa in the firat Congresaional Diatrict on th« De mocratic ticket while in thia aee- tlon Mr. Colea viaited hia home town. South Boaton, Va. and Durham. He .w,* the guest of Re\. H. Humphreya, while in D'lrham. I preparing SCULPTURE FM ClN^ uLN TOMB AT CHICAGO 816 FAYETTEVILLE STREET PHONE J-3M1 DURHAM, N. C. NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL ESTATE NOfiTH CAROLINA) DURHAM COUNTY) UNDER'and by virture of a power of sale contained in a certain deed of trust dated Sept. lU, 192^. lind ia duly recorded in the Office of tha Register of Deeds >f Durham County in Book 12 Page 196, default hav ing been made in the payment .^f the same aa therein provided, a>nd having been requested to sell the same by the holder of saia note the undersigned Suib- stituted Trusted will sell the hereinafter described property at public auction to the highest bidder for cash on the Court house door in Durhtim, at 12:00 o’clock noon May 31, 1940. BEGINNING on the Eaat side of Pine Street Road 50 feet South 37 degs 07' West from Barbee Street, and running thiance with and along the East line of Pine Street Rostd 50 feet to a stake, comer of lot 2; tl'ence with and along the lin« 101 No. 2 105.4 feet to a atake; tl'ence S. 84 dega. 12’ Eaat 84.7 feet to a st^ce; thence N. 87 dega. 07’ £. 29.7 feet to a atake, corner of lot No. 6, thenca with and along lot No. 6 N. 51 dega. •14’ W. 135 feet to the point ktod place of beginning. Being lot Nos. 3 and 4 in Block A of the Merrick, Moore, Spaulding Com pany’s property. See plat of aaid property duly record in the office of the Register of Deeds of Dur ham County in Book 5, Page 142-3 for a wore complete da- alription of the said lots. This the 30th day of April 1940 R. N. HARRIS, Substituted Trustee, C. 0. PBAHSON, Att’y * 'This sale will remain open ten days to receive increase bida^as I is required by law. ' Majt Il-lS-aS Jum« TO GET MEDAL AWARD NEW YORK — For hia di»- tinguiahed caree rin aurgcry and hid figbt for high atandarda in medical traimig. Dr. Louu T. Wright of thia city will b« aiward cd the 25th Splngmm met^ at tie Slat anntial conference of the NAACl* "m PhitadeVphia, June 18-23'. , * The presenlation will be made I Wednesday night, June 19, by Dr. Russel] L. Cecil, professor of clincal medicine in the CoAidl unrre^cty medical achool. Dr. Cocil*a address will be upon tha topic, “Pubic HelCth and Medi cal Service.” .. One of the ahow pieces of the American Negro Exposition at Chicago Coliseum from July 4 to Sept. 2 will be a i|fge replica of the world famous tomb of Abr- ham Lincoln in Sprin^ield, 111. Robert Jones, one of the staff of artWs preparing special mater ial is pictured here working on same of the st^\.utes that will adorn the Exposition replica. blda^M Save Time And Money By Relaxing In The BUS Going to and from work can b« m plaatur* if yoH rid* the bus. You (at ^ home You spend mcney ■tor transportation 4 tokens for 28e). t Yoa anlojr a safe, comforlablo ride. . Durham Public Service Complete Building Seryiee •••REMODELING •••NEW CONSTRUCTION •••ROOFING SERVICE •••BUILDING SUPPLIES ESTIMATES GLADLY FURNISHED For Painting Papering and Decorating we use ROGERS PRODUCTS. We Use Lon^Life LOGAN- LONG ASPHALT ROOFING EXCLISBIVELY. 10M8 UF( asphaij sNMieia THIS COMPANY OPERATES ON A VOLUME BASIS SMALL PROFIT. LARGE VOLUME ALL WORK GUARANTEED Home Modernization And Supply Co. 614r;f^r*tt«vill* St., Darham, N. C. Phoaa J-4S21 U. M. GEORGE, MANAGER Hwa you noticed bow home washed SiflBTO Cade and loaa their lively colora? How their appearance is aoon spoiled? Our acianti- fie laundering of wearing adds months of oaa- ful Ufa to your elothaa. try IT TODAY! Lioen Slits 50c Shirts 1 Oc Sing Lee Hand Lanndry 120 Sotttk MaogaiB St. 107 8. Chapel HiU St. Darfcaaa, N. C. Sesr6#r«ngli & Oarjc l( FUNERAL DIRECTORS AMBULANCE SERVICE PH(M«ES DAY J-37ai 82a £. PETTIGREW ST. NIGHT J-37U DURHAM. N. C. froaa tha ka« i> awylay fcoafci eeafy vasH^Jp^