ii SiJBIB -A ^Amiw cnm H. M. Mikhs«x, |Mmiii*bt y«u«t b*«te«w m*» 1*^0 iMi gni^d ih$ dMtfnjr «f th« UoioQ iDSnninee and Realty Company line* fU qtt gBniution in 192S. The otgw- Isatioli I9 the largeft di Its kiftd hi th« Radio Bars Oisis Editors Speedi Oo Kationai Defense NEW YOKK A three min ute speadh on the Mid ate speech on the ^«geo «nd the national defsMe By Eofr WUkin«, editto* of the C^ISj^ mafasine, waa not pernritt^ to be bmfkiast here September S by radio station WMC4. Sta*im olfkfab hastened to deny that the speech was bedngr eemored. They said it waa “not in hitf- nMJny” ■with the propum^ “Har lem E(«’enJMe,” in tiie midst of which the talk was supposed to have been ^Ven. m" ¥ - The beaatifal a«d modem home I ¥h« o3^hliili«ii Im enlctetf {satisfied with the' WMMier in above is that of R. C, W. PeAy.Imatiy minre modern homei Injwfcieli the eeiitMi^ hinWwil neMit^ Greeted by the Unien I Durham. Mr. Peiry has expf^M-jvrectidli «C ^ ttMuranee «Ml BeaM^ Cemvoiqr.led himsrif at being more than' Union Insamice Aid Reakj Compagy • J Anong the tnaM^ ^«gro busi ness institatioftei in ]>urhtA none is better Icno^ Me has mads a more «ntiabi* meord than the Union Iniwance »rd Realty Co. located in what ts known as the RoyiU Knights building el. 809 FayeteviHe street. The eompMiy under the mana- gemenl of II. l^ichaux has steadily giy>wn entil it employs 42 people in its various depart ments. Mr. Mi^haqx who is a gra^ KMrMftt •» A to hyht ^ Uto IMI gMlfciprtitoH otf«lkd mt MeewiA-B Mte fMgnigi %t ex- ^tli« ttAiatet fcew.hplet wt Mder tiw’Ka- tioiij| Hifcim iMl* %)«* hiMMin)- duate «f Coli^ and prte Smedkgr wla ^ ttoMtttW- ^ ^ lAttoaal/^ «caHy a ^tiftg btiiincBs m*tt H»oa «d SuiMiiit IMlSWnMHHit dm generates an enthusiasm thttt jef tt^e ittMt Ifl^onA&t 16 ^ permedles the entire organisi-^t«ani«atti^. tlon. The 42 regular employs* do not include the part-tibw brickma»ons and pasterers. It was back In 19^4 that Ml*. Michaux, after managinig succes sfully the Merrick-McDougald- Wilson real estate and insuraiwe Mr. Smedi^ It a« '*611 ^ Mr. «»d Mw. J. t. a^edlAy, iotws^ instr»etot« M T«kev«i tlMU^ te, Tuskegee,. Alabama. He was, born oil Tuakefee etegMa ki a building and -»enatwiiettea Mt. roaadlitgt. h»w mittk joi thi* fOR fii^GAlNS ‘ ROSS* CUT RATE^ ® MEN’S SHOP Men’s Ready-to-wear and _ Suits to Measure $18.75 to $3S.€0 You Gan Always Do Better Ai Ross’ 113 £. thade St fatliers M bl!li ridea. edtt- builders and conijraiclors, at>d his father is also a cohtractod: and builder. Hi« brdther k Mristmt head b# tlte MMl^eMintte ment of buildlagt at tiie ^ . States Vetenutt fiupHal Tuskegee, . , CONGRATULATIONS TO THE BIGGER and BETTER CAROLINA TIMES Providence Pawn Shop Durham’s Largest Pawn Shop “Largest Loans on Anything of Value” We carry a Ck>mplete Lin« or Wrist and Pocket Watches All are Standard Makes at unusually low prices All Suits and Overcoats greatly reduced 108 E. Main Street eompaey, redigned and started jU true ati^ evidenced in tka his own organization, known as;fact that Hr. Sme^Hair*# the tticlMux companfk Id, ig^ the two ;|rganizations merged avd started the name of the \jni6n Insurance and Realty Oompatby, whicli It has continued since that time. All in all the Union Insurance and BeJQty Company operates departments' of real estate and rentals, genersil' insurance, build ing and coiMtTuction, repair &nd buiilding supt^ies. E&ch depdrt- ment Is headed by highly trained and erperienced men who are ex- peots in their various lines. Too mtoch cannot be said oif the office force who is lust M capable and eo^irteous any to be found anywhere, "ftie office force consist of Mr. Michaux as manager; T. A. Lacey, eupervi- Ror of building supplies; W. S. Taylor, repairs; M. £. Johnson, auditor a,nd bookkeeper; Miss Le ona Hamilton, bookkeeper and cashier; Miss Roberta f'air, book keeper and insurance. M. F. Mi- N. C. IMnl IVeiifal He Progress tftkNcKT* Lhuk and the Nitiai , Kr - •. jt^ manfii»er vi «h« cew^HWttB and b&iiding depart* tMfik ^ 4k9 Union Insurance an4 iltitly CiMn^ny. Smedlef' Ite' Mi lii* muitm taio&nt ei «ii M^Hente Mi « to mt ft IMiH ; :.rT-* 1^0 M4 IMkT litiCRi. MtttAViQii m i»ela4«^ l|or ^vMieMnwit «f b«lw«i INKfle. ^ ^ dH«e, IW wO wWHTPCB t)kyM in ^ tidUed tAdM fttUl in evei^ phase ol tifcdaefciel wc*%, :%al Ui 41 sent w Mm MlAACi* to m iffttt- cii«e oip«r liw cotinlay. HM ]yilih ^ ^ M«HMg up ol tical KAAC^ ^oMiui^ee te eiriv^r caMlMUijiy who will and looking th« ihnir ^iMMW •! htmm, t. C. ^hK ^IIW» • «L Ka*^ lns««kel Omh. 'ittmr >aWhie to HM til^ M«a- mKWUF wmk WiMaOWm VTlp W (Ktfeage^ CaNitaMia, Mlo, Blhfraa- Itift mmi «4har #estt?rti mvI north «Hi aHils. la his flffidi here TiAwdar and as ttml tPtts MtkWltana aafl taedniii^reaient. Se was WS^nKmttBIg OVCI w^l IwrOI IBAf lOn |S^«t die the nee is makMg fen «th*r ettfea. t M ma— mm II 111 ^ ismm XT. ^NnHrTii^i "UBicagrt) «^(taa aM MiltiDt ^ragnm^. IlMy aid entaitt in m«rt MT- feseiA kiad at N^neaaes to aihtf city )n the tJieled BtaKeft. Tie Ni^tro i> tepfweirted in pr^tieaBy etary phase of eta- deavoi- ih Chfeago." in OMaago I visted Md had with Srs. Av*>T ^ tha late viee prestdeiit itof een^iiny. Mrt. ^ 4n^ teaghter, Mrs. Qoff i^e iHetting along' iNie. . I;«|w vitfted Hr. Jamea fi. MUve^ brftAcr ti my pastor, Wsher.»* rKfliro StpcsitfoA at Chi- tsBft) A «ediUibIe and its ffonuwT«ti>hoi^ be eommended fUr t^^B|^(iwf^ing fr^pr Se'^ember 6 to 9 the f>f esident motored with Mrs^ Avery and daughter from Chicago to Milwaukee where Mr. Spaald- fng says I went to see what made Milwaukee famoas.” In Mihran- Alioawoi'forthe study'of Ne- he ^sted and was the guest held its 25th Dr. Pratiier J. G»«er, soo of jknhi^^M^ ^ CWcsago. Mr. ^j>attM^,t*ddr«Med aasocia- back to school agmni sdifefttk» ol^ialik^ tin; pBo- Htn W a0^ 4(6* ‘nvSltx aMiy kmnbdtatej^ ti{>M ra««i{it of letter irom J. % • ftliuiebafcer UMta4 9taXta ComaisakNifeir of AHENTION FARMERS Meet Your Friends At The Farmers Cafe The Hc»ne of Good Food We Serve Beers, Wines, Cpld Drinks And Confectionaries Our Prices Are Right And Services Best Air Colored Boys To Serve You The Farmers Cafe, Across The Street ■ from The Big Wiarehouse The iitanater of flie 1hi|idinK and Cbn4tnietiat| o| aWd. dtttdjsbater the xtnkm tnwtMtoce and Seilty Company attended sehool At the Tuskegee Institute «4iMre &e (ia- he liMnm e^^atoat aity «e«teMd itkb>ntion fNt fcll {^OBsitAe l»ir ‘ta^tlon iahed the high achetd 4e|iar«iMim t 1»28. In fbd yt tha same' year he fin'ii^ed his' trade and entered the Chicaga TaeiMii- cal College to attidy oonstructton and blueprint Madkig. Mr. Smedley hais tfiught e^ training at Alcorn. A. and M. College, Alcorn l|iaMas%)pi and colaborated . with contnK^ors a $280,000 progwm for school. He also taught tion ^last-'tiNitn^y afternoon on the Sfbjeet,' '*Wh«t is the Busi- iaess Mfev Coriijetttoh of His tory tu! ft Rela^ to the Negro t” • 4Jeo attended tH tSaftdnal N^Hs Business'Le»- aiMJ says ttiai this ;^m*b aev- won the beat in its' history. A piinel^dis6tttsion ^ oil all iJhases ol Kfgro business was held dar- fcSdtteaHtA vWeli ♦a».se:'t to lb arliieL the fedem) a^neatlen Nfieiid aade.it! lilaUl fto dfMrtii^iisftion Ulhiii veuM be to ler- Mrs. Finnic (xiliae* both former Durham I tea. Mrs. Oil me r was once an Employe of N. C«. Matu- alw Dr. Qtlmef ia a J^ysieiab and endocrinologist. He was bom and trared * in Durham. Mr. Spauld ing motored ba^k t.o Chicago with tte Averys., ’ An in all Dorhaa’a Negro bu siness leader waa much encon^, ed on his trip and physically ben efited. 1 There may b^j^tetter bu|rs in the world, but "dfon't know of anything as notich, of a bar gain as thfe^averaga newspaper. "•ditag tref»l^ ioi- mterttorioas comp^mVAt^ ifl Negtn busipees was won by C. 6, 'f OkjaltOQia City, Oklahoma. . in Columbus, Ohio Mr. a>auld-j jhe jdea that only the young kig' -vfeited Ohio UniTCrsity apd gJnjuid go to school is Grronsous ot})et-places of Initrest. . ftnany A^tts would'find it prof- %ha North Cjft’olina. .MutusAjitable to continue their studies. ttcin t» tmtr Household >ld HM at *.llipis m T» lid oste aC ».ilw # &as, "wnatiwr** ttsajir siMiK ^ fbt It hsvn if poa Smsa wi* ae* tfca^hel|ima by air taiitutab, X«dt ^laa so that no member at tiH wiD^ dm i*aaHw «t «M«, tsmi, 4Bt color lii wHit the ti^iiiing pif- defense, as ia«ihistnirni th» office tiiroach -tlie^ various i6tate boai^ #6«Mioiftl edueakioA.^’ in l92d -lO, taught as assis^nt , bvMihg a«d con sksic^on at Tuskegee trom 1989 the jto' iASS, ‘.^^ng there to "tteach at in the the College for Negr^ in ehaux, assiafcant to Mr. Ld:^ey and j trade school *4: Coahoma Gounity .Qover .'Dalb^rtire, #here ^e re- Chas. -Brown repairs and S. L.'Training SchooU Clarksdala Jlisa.WiB year. »l«M M4 i»»M 11 »♦ ! 1"l‘W 11-I MACO PAUTY COLLEGE LETS TAKE 17^ BEAUTY CUl^Ulb. CLASSES ABE FORMING NOW AT mm BEAUTY COLJ.EGE m a SYCAMORE STl GfiEBNSBORO, K. C. * rRE^ ATTENTION SCHOOL CHILDREN Get your parents to ask for one our useful school souvenirs iht f^xt time they carry their work to one of our stores or call for truck service. LOCATIONS OF STORES -810 W. MAIN ST. 320 N. MANGll ST. 710E.MAINST. 702 FAYETTEVILLE ST. aXY WIDK TRUCK SERVICE Qaafity Qeasii^ Diffham’s Foremost (Ikin^ Shop Kimbrell s IT PAYS Exactly As-Shown C^me in and see thu kandMMie frotip. today-^is« iBdnstraction Is of tM fi finest. Bk^ the rneeM lines «f Inspect all of the superior features af each individual tMt it Is of unasiud value. $ G80UP CONSISTS OF: SOFA LOUNGE CHAIR OTTOMAN -s- SPOT CHAm LAMP TABLE . TABLE LAMP PAY w££m^ KI

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