AGED C T ZEN DISAPPEAR i„l„i I I I II I, I I \ MAUNG EDITION j i I IrU i** > H I > H ♦ Hpig^THBdlBiagigy PRICE lOc VOLUME Si NUMBER 3B DURHAM, N. C. SATURDAY, SEPT. 21.t, 1940 Durham!8 Negro Bank Has Remarkable Development ¥ ¥ ¥ T ^ ^ ^ ^ ■f' ^ ^ Jf. jf. jf. Jf. jf.jf.jf. jf.jf.jf. jf. jf. DRAFT BILL CALLS 36,000 NEGROES Search For Wilson Cain Proves Futile; Family Becoming Alarmed NOC BASKETBALL MANAGER AND tALLEST PLAYER DURHAM — PranUo «rort» to locate Wibon Caio, 74 y«ar old rwidant «fU2 CbNtnu^ Street who d{M|)fieared Wednesdar morn ; in^, hive b«en fwtile, It wai •bout lO;4id a. m. Wednesday, that Mr. Cftio le^t bis home sby- io^’’ ffdnr tffimti iTiiB Street «b Hontii Street, JOINS TIMES STAFF lag that he 'wa# i^inr "u>{> t tikd Kphen laet aeen ^e He waa wearing a dack blue |)la etrlpld anh and a narjr blue •hM. He 'Was a average height i and brown eldnned. Mr.': Cain has -been • member, of the White Rodk &a’Uti»t Oht|feh here for more more than fifty year*. Until IMO he was ehipk>yed by the City of Dur- hart\. He has one dau«:hter, Mua IfalliM: Cain, with whom he Itrei. PsDlSee' have been hotififed coh- cemtnff the diaHpp^tance bat at prMs'time*'no eluea w^re avail* able. ’ Mt«. Leora Daniel left the city Friday nigrht for Detroit w'lere she haa .planned to make her home, j 2000 FARMERS ATTEND FIELD EVENT About 2000- Negro farmei*>iiof Roatheastern- Norih Carolina ht- tended the Coaetfll PltVns Expe riment Station Friday, EFeptember 13. Those in attendance listened to speeches, ate hot dogs, drank bottle drinks, visited ihe grane arbors and observed the aig.'icu. Iturel experiments of strawl er- ries, cultiated huckleberries, poul try and the various exhibits yn display. The principal speeches of the day were Mrs. Dazelle F. Lowe, District Home Demo)istrtKio.i A- gent, J. W. Jeffries, Negro A- E. Perry of Mrs. Hallie T. Emmeraon, pio. minent woman of Greensooro who has accepted the position of]®"d Rev. C Carlina Timet representative in P®y®'^teville. that city. Mrs. Eounerson i» wellj Mrs. Lowe emphasized the wn- )wn in the newspaper fi^ld, ^1*® farm and poin having spent many years in it as *®d out many object lessort’! of traveling representative of the how women are improving rural Amsterdam News i\nd JJnion Re forms, reporter, editor and pu^ blisher. GEORGIA LYNCHING RENEWS FIGHT FOR WAGNER BIU NEW YOBIK — InsiatinflT thttt the Senate Majority Leader qall -an the Anti-ljrnchin^ bill at once, “now that most of the legialation for na'bional defense h«a bera diapoced of," Walter White, sec retary of tihe National Associa tion for the Advancement of Col ored People, told Senator Barkley this week that we cannot make democracy a reality in America “aa lonif as the mob ridei.” and that cannot be done as long life. J. W. Jeffries stressed ihe need of keeping more cows and poultry on the ftfcms to enable farm people to live better. The Inspirational speech of the day was delivered by Rev. Per-'y, who is a teacher, preacher and a - Ammendment To Conscription Measure Ends Ail Discrimination IRATE WOMAN STABS MAN TO DEATH ^ CHALOTTE—By Samuel W4. liamson— Earl Rattaree, saspeot in the ‘IHoldup” murder of Ko- torman J, W. Brown in 1033, was fatally injured in an affrav with Mary Watts of Eldridge st. here this week. The slain man, who had been sta4)bed with a) knife in the heart is said by eye witnesses to have staggered nearly a block before collapsing in a pool of his o'vii blood. Rattaree had long polir'e rppord, and involved aolng with ‘Black John’ Edwards in the m»r der of motorman Brown at Cla- ri'e Avenue and E. 7th street in 1933. The “Murdaf HoUliip” Followera of the N. C. College' shortest man^jer in college bas- Eagle’s Basketball team will have ketball in the person of Woody farmer. H® ^old his ifcdience the jjjg, opportunity to see what 1 Williams four feet six inches. importance of having a projnram consisting of 1, Thinking; 2 Wor king; 3. Recreation; 4. Health. many aSy is the italleat college j The gentlemen on the left is Nor- basketball team amon^ Negro b^t Downing who is six feet Schools. To make tiie going a'eleven inches. All of the other The morning program was little more dizjsy for the fans members of the first team of the diided into two sections. The men the Eacles believe they have tne Eagles will be well over six feet, made field visWs tinder the guid ance of Dr. Chdrles Dearing, As sistant Director of the S^tion. The #omen observed demon stration of vegetables salad by as the mob still rides.'* The letter pointed to the ter ror arouaed against Nerro d'td- zens in Brownaville, Tennessee, . - r..»ltin, to U.. ,1 El. «»• N«~ H.«. bert iM tt. tragic .U.- *««”' •' * demonstration for preparing for winter by Mrs. Eula B. Watts, Negro 'Home Demonstijfation A- tufi of the Rev. Buster Walker and Elisha Davis, the latter, fat- hfcv of seven children, both »f whom were forced to flee their homes. “The lynching: and sub sequent terrorizing of Negro citi- White’s statement was con tain-who sought the right to'vote The group of farmers in at- gent of Robeson county. tendance cf: Williard Station '^as especially interested in the dairy Tennessee Negroes Vote Under Protection Of United States Marshall Brownsville, Tenn. — B^auae Rogge, in response to an Asso- they were determined to exercise jC'^tlon telegram sent out- Sept. ej in a letter sent to BarkleyBrownsville was given impetus'j,erd that had been largely built constitutional right to vote]3, which called upon the Justice Soptember 9, the day following by continued refusal of Barki^p fyoja one outstanding cow the death of 16-year-old Ausrtinjigy ^^11 up Ihe Anti-lynchin«rLp^ npuj. nineteen yeara old that Callaway in LaGran««, Geitsrfa, white said. Las four ditughters and thirteen the sixth lynching victim this year. “We agree,” the NAACP »ec- Calling upon the Senate Ma jority Leader to rally all the ad ministration force* behind the retary said, “that is importaint to get action immediately. to protect America from the spirit of racial bigotry and mob White concluded: We therefore again request violence which are a part of the.y^u^ Majority Leader, to call basis of the methods used by to- grand daug'hters. The cow has in the November elections, despite the lynching last June of one of their numl^r, Elbert WillianM, memibers of the ... J - local branch of the NAACP won given many tlwusand pounds of i j . . . „Uk duri« her tim. Sh, expected to freshen again next month. John W. Mitchell, Ne*ro State Agent, was chairnvan of the day,'"™ courthouse here jSeptember 4 and under the protei}tion of United Slait«s At- jtomey William McClanMhan, who AKCIIb, VTCMV VA.naK , up the Antl-Lynchln» bill now ,,,^^ .^y g. c. Anderson, vp-j^^tice. presidentitQ Department to protect the re gistrants. The letter said in part “Following receipt of your iele- grslm the Departnvent communi onted with United States Attor ney William McClanahan. We have subsequently been informed that all of the Negroes who at-^ tempted to register were allowed * GETS NYA APPOINTMENT WASHINGTON, — Thirty-six thouauKl af the firat 40,000 n.en drafted for military aerviee and«' the reoently enacted law wiB be Negproes, according to aa aA- nouncement from tiw WItne ;Hoase llonday. Stephen £arly, press: secretary, said in a stataeeant firoaa taa (President's fiome tfiat tte Civil, ^Aeronaatica Authority, in co> opt^i ion with the Army WM making "a start in the develop ment of colored pervonnel for the aviation service.” NEW REGIMENTS It was stated that the new Xe- gro regiments would ^ oTEraaia- ed for the army ffcid that* exi^ ing organizations would be- panded to full stren^^. k The statement released 1)^ Early has the approval of Se^'fe- taty of War Stimson and General George C. Marshall, chief of staff. , T. Arnold Hill, who has served j ..^he expasaion will affect both for the past 25 yea« as western j combat and service or«ania»tk>na trial which aroused the ire of field organizer, director of in-j^^f regular 4rmy and th* Na. many local whites ended in the^dustrial relatione, and aa execu- Q^rd, sueh as Infantry, conviction, and later execution of ,tive secretary of the Chicago Artillery, Engineeta a»# F/dwards and the acquittal of iUr*ban League,, has been ■•ppo’nt'-j lOorp*,” «pecrd-. Rattt^ree, who was named by Ed-|®d as assistant director of to the statement, wards as the kuilty party hut (Division of Negro Affairs of thej Negro r^ular anay acsuitted by a superior court jNtUonal Youth AdminiMi*t!on. t which is sehednled Jury. Edwards, who was executed jA native cf Richmond, Va. and a to full war strength is . rertdent of Nleiw Y«-k City. Mr. ^ 24th Infantry located tafined his innocence to the end. (Hill has had an illustrious career Bennin*, G*l The 24th baa Ratteree’s police record, asMe in the field of racial relationa, from the murder'arrest, include, lafeor. | Continued on Page previous arrests for storebreak- ipg, larcency, robbery, and pursa snatching. Atone time, he rtacrpd spectacular escape from the Mecklenburg prison camp at Huntersville. , , HEADS CITY COUNCIL IN GARY. !ND, GAJIY, Ind. — When the city council met here Monday night, Alderman Wilbur J. Harda.way was scheduled to take the scat as president of the council, mark ing the lirst time a Negro ever held sxich a position in thia city of more than 100,000 popula tion. MECHANIC & FARMERS : BANK OOTSTANMNG IN N. C. FINANCIAL CISCLES In 1907 when a group of Ne- pital stock to ^114,000. gqroes decided to open a bank :n, development o£ «ika Duri»am, there was much »Po=U'institution can be et«dito4 lakion as to whether a bank with measura to tha Banki«« only 110,000 capital stock *sold|Depa(tment of the St«te a* N. C. without premium' and operating ^and to tha pananal iatagaat Mgi in a store, equipped with me^icer coaaaal of tha Boa. ^«tae.v ik Councilmi^P Hardaway was vi«*e ^ office e^aip Hood, CoanniasioBCr. Tiaiatdiata- president until the death of'nient at all, could attract the p»>-|ly after ICr. Hoad baeaaa Can* Edward Kreiger, the pre»id‘»nt, who succumbed last Tuesday. The total memibe^ip of *he council is nine. ' The incumbeiht in the presid- talitarian powers and partku^jth^t most of the laeislation forL^^ a«riaultral teacher «fi ly that of Nasi (^*ro»ny lm« national defense haa been dis-Trainin« School. United^, to do so in a U^wful and orderly! Misa. tronagre of the public. Notwith-. misaioner, he 'bacan laTO%lat 1m« within the course of a few years, ^attentioo to raf«latiai|r teelts the support of the bank was^ln Nortk Carolina. In viaar af lla such that the officers deemed it^faet that ours waa tke aatly bwA advisable to launch out on a lajrc- in tika atata baiaff cafadaclad ^ native of Vicik!sburg,*er acale. The capital stack w^slKegroes, it naturally eal»a ia far graduate ^of Tuskegee,'actordingly ina:eased to $25,000,a maJor share attaeliwu INli* Announcement of the action ,taken the Department of Jus- whlle we are bnildlnir ihips, pgged of, and that every rewurce planes, and guns to keap Hitler gf itJie administration be pot forth out, It ia imperativi thAt at the to tha end that thia bill be 'farm chimneys when tha root NIAA'CP heddquatters aiune time we ma.ka democracy sd by the Senate 'before Con- jg start no fires with in New York September 11 by ■ Taality ia tha UfiMwd Statealgi'ess adjovmc." keroiene oiL ^Aaaistant Attorney General O. J. ^nanner, and there was no vio-1 lence or interference of kind.” resident of Gary *20 ye«x& He then to $50,000. Feeling the n-jleas the quaatioB afiaa WNMt A stitch in time: Burn out the contained in a lettec*for funds to aid the Rev. Buster Walker and Elisha Davis two NAACP leaders of the right-to- Cootinued from Pace One served in the eooncil for two atitation could render a still ^"^lyaslrs and prior to that time he'grMtter aarviea to tha eooiss»nity waa. a member of that > same the offiiala aact a n«w goal of $100,000. In laaa tlub two waaka from tha data tha atoek waa In a new appeal to the pubHo ^ody i®so to 1«®6. Adding paint to the facial placed on tike narke^ Ncffro rf- skin may hide the ugly but it tiaana bought and paid for sulfi- makes it uglier. 'cient amount to incraaae the ea- to how a bank, iwam|taiil by ^gveaa wba had wmm iHi baaktag kaawla4|a «r ee«kl fwrtbly the Baakiac Caa office la IMI. Oeatiwiei «

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