RACE MUST SHARE IN JOBS,’’WHITE WPA PROJECT m SECOND SECTION 0i(^ Coro® a lUTyUwgB^ptfp' M »■>H-t H' l » t III »H »'»»»»'» »P THE CAROUNA TIMEa SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 28. 194/t. NAACP PUSHES JOB DRIVE FOR DEFENSE YORK — Continuing a vi^roiw fight «i^in«t job di*- crimimUion • Buffered by Ne^oes who h«ve been refused employ- m«nt in manuiaaturint plants re ceiving- billions of dollar* -n Government contracto under the national defense poroffram, the National Aasociiltion for the rancement of CJolored! People yes terday sent to tt» branches throujilhout th« co-untry a ■econd li»t of firms whose Army jmd Navy contacts have b««n ol^arpd by the production of dhriaion of the NitV-ion Defense Advisory triminiJjbion.” The list includes the name of sixty seven firms in nineteen states whose contracte were okay ed by the advisory connmission between July 18 and 27. T:je first list, sent to branches of the orer&nization August 1.6 wlien the Job cannpaign vrtfj launoked, contained the names of 1©3 firms whos« contract* with the Gsrern menit -were cleared between Jane 6 and July 17. In A letter containing a »uide for aotdon, wMch hi|j »ent oat with the list, Walter White, executive secretary of the 3S- ■ocdation said: “Congre|^ has appropriated to date approximately twenty billion dollars for National Defense. We, as N^ff^oes, should have our full propor tionate share of the jobs wfliioh will be created in fuU fiHin/j these contrefits, the oost of which we will pay. We have been, shocked atjtjlie extent of discrimination ag'adnat Negroes in the past. Only persistent, sustained ac- tained ^:tion iby u» can r»- ^ duce and wipe out this di«- cimirnation.” Th« campaign guide calls for setting up branch steerinig com mittees whose job it will be to organize delegatdon« to visit plant mfHnagers in thedr area to urge the employment of Nesfroes In skilled as well as unskillod jobs, lauTicIh a local educational drive among workers who have been refused employment. The ihsociaition lhas also sent out a questionnaire to its branc/hea for use dn Ttttferviewing plant man.- agetB to secure the factB rei^rd- Inigr their employment policies in the hiring of Negroes. The educational iphiase of the ci^ipaVgn,* Wlhlte said dn State Beauticians Close Greensboro Meet N. C. C. PROFESSOR By Mm*. J. Qainn Ro^ars 3BEENSB0B0 — 'Hie North Ca>rolina iStaite Negro Beautician Association beld their aoniial session in the Friendly city of Greeoaboro on Tuesday, Stptem- ber 10. Be;|uticians gathered from all over the state of North Carolina. The spirit of unity and se.*vi.'e was the slogan. The growth of this association is rapidly in- creasdng under the leadershio of its ipresent president Mme Helen St:lpk» the organizer of the as sociation. This oi^nization has out grown the N. C. Statie and has become one. of the roost accom plished in art to the national so mucth «o thsit the cup was won through the artisttftcle professi'on of Mme. Helen Starks the Iiojidi PROF, ISAiDORE B. OGLES- which is placed in Starks BY, graduate of Hanipton Insti-j Bea«uty College No. 1 in Raloigh. tute. and the University of Iowa, | Greensboro locals spared no is be^nning his second' year this pains in entering the Associfttion. fall as instrticitor of Eoon'omi's |The M^yor gave to the associa- ar.d 'Oommorcis.l? subjects at the' access to the cdty and assured Nortjj Carolina College. He if a this particular professionable S.C. USE IFFECTS NEGRO AT POLLS LHigants Ml White (X>LUMBIA, S. C. —Two feei- sim of far reaching importan;^ to tha Negroe* of South Carolina are to be passed on by tfa» aatkoii tias here this week. The liUgihits in both eases are all white, hut the question* involved are vital to the future participation of Negroca in eleotion in this state. On Tuesday of tiiis week. Federal Judge Alvaf M. Lumpkin will open the hearing on the The alxotm^anyinc photo show^’of tSia citi»emy is served. Left i the Civilian Cons«rvation Corps. ^ mist in the 'Departmanfc Labor f^mplaint filed by a number of four of tha nationally known to right. Dr. Frank 8. Horne,lothers who odcupy inaportant George W. Cro«k«tft» Jr. in): white R^oblkans and Democrats characters, who were brought Ju-acting speoi^l assistant in charge positions in the adoiinistrsttion^assiatant in the Wages tfnd Hours'The eomplaint charg«« that fia to tihe New Deal setup by Presi- of race ^relations with the U. S. are T. Arnold Hill, recently ap- division of Hm Department ^of in th egeneral alec- dent Roosevelt so that he w.juld Housinsr Authority; Attorney pointed assistant to Dr. Betliune; Labor; Joseph R. Houehhu,,! ^ secret, since Iwa always be in position to obraiHj William L. Houston special assis- Robert C. Weaver, of the Council special advisor in the bureau of^®®P***te ballots are used and first hilnKi information regard-,tant to the Attorney General, of" National Defense; Emmer Census, and William J. Trent, the true Australian ballot ing the Negro population, his Dr. Mary McLeod Betihune, direc Martin Lane,4’ter, special advisor needs and ambitions; and so that tory Negro Division of National to the Commerce Dftpartment, J. his best interests could be served Youth Administration, and Ed^ar, Arthur Weiseger, special econo- in the same degreei that thee rest G. Brown, specif advisor with I Lr«iMjb9 »re u9ea an ribe relations officers in the per-'^*^h all the candida.^ea f»r sonnel division of the Federalparties are listed on mte Worlts Agency. iCing and Mitchell In Bitter Fight popular native of Durham. TO RULE ON TEACHERS PAY proup the piop€r protection. North, South, East and Western Carolina are planning great things for the next amnual meet 'ngr in Ch«.rlotte, Sept. 10. The invdtation is open to every liscen- sed Beautician in tihe state of North Carolina. Join some local NEW YORK The United Sti^t-fand alfiliate with its cosmetolo- es Supreme Court will rule on gist body. the question Involvinar itihe ri^ht] — of state tjoards of education to discrimduUbe in the payment of salaries to Negro end white teachers doing the same work. The Cd'tly of Norfolk will carry the case of Melvin 0. Alston to the high court on a writ of cer- tiorilri, adcording to information Conscription _ . , -r.r , , represent “a signal victory for (^n^easamn Arthur W. Mibcno-1 the forces of democracy in American life” Senator Robert F. Wagner of New York told the the Democratic incumbent, and former 3tte Senator William E. King, Repuiblicaui aspirant for the honor of representing the 1st district at Washington. Both candidates iMve 9tr>ng backing and staivd high In their ROOSEVELT QUESTIONED ON DISCRIMINATION iNBW YORK Putting the received by counsel for the question of Army discrinodnation NAAOP which is handling the ^feainst Negroes squarely before oase. The U. S. Circuit Court of before President RooseveW as Appeals reversed a lower iiourt Convmander in Chief of the ruling' last June, holding that country's armed forces, the Alston was enttled to be paid ti National Associatioti- for the Ad- salary equal to that of a whits vaMement of Colored People teachers doing the stfne work. asked the Chief Executive how many Negro reserve officers would be used, and whether Ne groes will be 4:cepted in avia- Changes In Conscript ^ , A Victor, Say s Wagner city new YORK CHICAQO —^ Both sides are girding for a hard sind bitter political fight between now and the November election between The anti- the armed; forces as well as dlscriminiation clauses in the those who volunteer.” “This provision of the selective ELIZAiBEaH CITY —A N P —Ciharacterized as '*rihgl««dera’' in the riot of 1,500 persons ovur service act will greif.ly further j replacing the Negro tnanager of the national unity which America a onotion pktaire theatre with a National Associaltion for the Ad vancement of Colored People in a statement issued this week. The statement was conitained In a leter sent to the Associa- requires above all else to main tain its strength and its peace in the present criads.” respective ip(E|tde«. Mitdhells is jtion Monday, Sept. 16. Excerpts known as an administration man from the statement follow: and staundh supporter of Roose velt and the New Deal and came yieatr/lieading up llie (Western! *'As I stilted in a message to the last convention! ’of the division of his party’s eampaivjn NAAOP; At this time, I am pro- setu3> among Negroes. KSng is a fouiidly oon.vinoed that special dominant power in the Werdfll lemphasis ahould be laid on ex- MARSHALL WILL INVESTIGATE FLA. DISCRIMINATIONS NiBW YORK Thurgood shall, special counsel for V«r- the Willkle campaign and when thejtendlng equal r opportunity for jNationaJi Assoclart&on for the AJ- GOP standard bearer deiliTered national service in the hatiohal, vtaiieonient of Us three foand fuUty *'^re March Jones, John T. White snd Elenaa Statten. Tha youth whow fate was not dseided is Willie Wilson. Those freed included iGolored Psople, Spellman, manager of his first speech to Negroes ’n defense in the Army, the Navy here for Florida, where nel*^^ the^tie, who was Chicago last week, he began and aind the Air Corps. In our armed .,, oonaplracy to riot ai- ended with a plea for the election forces, in every emergency from! * jthou^h he was not present at of tgHng to oongreas. the Revolutionary period downj™'*^®* Fetersbuig. Mr. time during the damonstra- Mitchell has held olTlcs sin jejto he Worid War, the Ainerican Marrfiali Is investlgatbi* dlseri- 19.34 and Is counting strongly uu- unforgrettable mination agiaimst Negroes who relief and rsguUtr maeh'ne loyalty, courage and hava ibeen denied the right to white mail, three of eight colored men on trial for conspiracy and other changes were sentence to two years eadh on the roads Fri day by Judge Fentress Home'*. Disposition of the case of a fourth mwtp'm information on whether he is old enough to come under the eourfis 3uriad/c- tioTk. ballot. The two ballot system has been in used in South Caro lina for years but this is the first time thJh it legality has be^a questioned to the point that sonLS definite action has been tak^n. The second issue inyohrea the validity of a vote on a bond 's- sue in Grenville to be heard by the state board of cthvaasers on Wednesday. A promineot whits attorney has queatiooed t h • validity of the bond issue o« several grounds the most import ant of whielx is the fact that it wsU held hi a Democratic partv’s polling place “from which Re publicans and Negroes are ex cluded in violation of Section S and 9 of Article on SeetioB 15 of Article 1»1 of the Consti-tuition oT South Carolina and the 14^h Amendment of the Constitution of the Uftitjed Shztes. “GABRIEL WILL BLOW HIS HORN“ devotion. Negro bl^d hM been RepabUcan /tri cost. I which was signed by Walter AMA2ING Dr. Ernest Berl, a Pittsburg the cKemistry professor, has perfec-tion unitis letter, irilcittdea a program! of dia-jted a process that will turn outj The questions were put to Mr. semlTiatinig informtutdon among;high grade gasoline from molaa- iRioosevelt in a telegram: aent to chuiKih, civic, fraternal and youth l®®sjn two hours at a reasonable ^^jje President (Sept. W. The groups concemiing the federal govenment’s operation of eft>prfn- jce^hip schools and courses in aindng for the providing skilled workers for the plants to whi-h fcdexal contracts have bo»n given. In order to «:et the maximum of support behind the pTograTn, NAACP brancfties hl(ve been urg ed to work elosely with industrial on vote to continue tiim iii offics. Ho is also due to have ithe sup port of William L. Dawson, acw a Deonocratio committeeman but in 1.&36 his Repuiblicanr opponent. Kln^r, however, has a Ittrge per sonal following which he la couut Ing on in November. Described tu, “the rtdhest con- ^ gressional district in the nation," tdon. kare filed fonss and Statten notice of appeA Tha disorder, which took plaoe la«t week ago Monday night, re sulted in calling out of police, firemen, highiway patrolman and BRONX, N. Y. — With a warning tfaa>t! “Gabriel will blow his bom for you soon enoogft,** Oscar Alice, thirty eight year e.d dealer, rseaiired • iMyBaJsA sentence after being foond guilty rf disorderly conduct tile rate's Court, here last week. ^ Alice was arresbad at t a. as., aiftcr aroQsiag nany «C the ro dents «f the Waaliinte* Avena* section wit^ tfi, aMtomeUte hsma. :Hs httd ^ IMhHfA car aad fallaa —tsap> fsRbiK .• ^eBSWii'ai uriA^ic^ in vn© i i i. j • a i jcomplete te^dtl of the telegram, ^ ^ .population of a-l"°’^ translated into law. spilled on every battlefield whore ^ Americans fought 4nd died ^ampa their country’s call. I (tlirongly .ehd West Palm Beach. He will favor every necessary measure to j also stop off In Jaickaonville, enable the twelve million Ameri- tv^here he will meet with xne cans of the Negro race to lendi teacher, association their patriotism and their atren-| ^ i i addressed the gathi ^ isnTsnns. paratory to opening a legal fightj^ring in an «tttiBpt t« qaell tha!." al defense. These convictions j to equalize white and Negro duxwnstratioB, - - J -u. OT«r ^ gtaering whsal ssid naittonal guA-damen. Tbe »*yori_ . , — / T j teiWhers’ salaries. service organizlBitions, labor un ions and otfher 'bonafide organ'za tions in their communities. White, follows: “With respect to war depart ment announcement of integra- resulfc of an amendment round 140',000 and tifces in the • wealthy and valuable loop area.. , Some whites live here, mainly m coni^era^on hotels. Most of rthe voting pooulal«' ’‘1'* elective service bill. Di^ tion it (Jolored. lerimlm^iion on account of Msglaifts blows hia kem at that IsMr «t OHICACK), — More than 1,500 PEANUTS iperso® of both races Jammed In- jtu theaoditoriaas el Wcnd«U The^as^ci^tlon al^ Negro^into all branches *- jerimlmiyon «« ^ f*** cuTtu^r^hw^v^fSl Bdiool t* 1ie» on organizations Intefpested injof arme^ service may we inquire jor color Is prohibited in the land ^ program designed to ira- ■pttifHi. working in the iob campaign to how many Negro reserve officsrs ^ jor naval forces of the United marketing eonditions for eotamunhk east didata for get in touch with the NAACP ^will be used if qualified Negro-where offlcemi will be trained. States, Including aviation peanut growers by divertingpw«W«»«y. elsiaw that hla national headquarters at 69 Fifth ^as will bs admitted to offiesis’ and If Negroes will be ae^ptedlof such forces. The color line is-urplua paaaats af tha 1940 P^trty !• tha «»ly o«a Avenue, New York. Itraining «ai»|w and otiiar pUeas as pilots in. arfaiioa nnits.” 'banned for those drafted iaAo'taop, pell ‘ ‘ the aaoming It's a call to CiA and