I A T. Set For Fla. Battle - MIM i 11I I111 n I »4 1111' M11; i"i' I ■:: . i-x-m The Sports Eazaar WILLIAM A. TUCK I I I 11 I'M 11 II m l"> I'I I-t-W-H-l-H-H-H-l "I II-l-h -riA, B® THERE. WIU. YOU?” That’i the answer you ffet almotf tnvariably w)ien yo-j »ak any DorlAmite if he’a going to th« NCC Bluefield fame in Winston Salem next Saturday &%faf, October 12. Even in other nearby towns, they are mnking plknt to aee this rame whicii is to •erre as a wonderful index to the comparative strenirth of the two teams a^inst Cl A A eompetj- tion. "They say” there will be plenty of **added attr&ctioiis" both before and after the fracns. Ask Herb Tillery. And the game itself will be well worth Che trip. Bnth eoaches are fairly well satisfic'i with the teams they have tiiis year and fcsve no thoughts about dolh^ a thinir oHier than winn- in«. Over at Shaw University last Saturday, Gene Harrington, So- phmore halfback and pride of Darham, really put on a show for os DHrtlaniftes who went over to see Shaw beat St Paul (27 0) Gene has started this season in ‘1 grand style confirming the opinion that his high school coach and others have always had. Hn b a natural bom athlete with plenty of brains. To prove that he can master Jnst about any ■itaation that atises, he threw . losses almost at will and when in ,a Jam he put on several exh'bi- tions of fast, elusive runnim?. ran for one touchdoivn nnd *1hrew the pass that acoounted for •^Bother. Aside from Gene, the tCIAA needs to watch Shaw’s Davis, Worthy, Spilggs, Kee, Wilson and Lutz. »» At last Hillside has an opponent ^^^that is causing jt little worry at the practice sesaions. Advance in formation on the Stephens ^ team of Asheville (they will be ' here Friday night) is to the effect that tte line will face Hi!lsid.i’s green forward wall wUl outweign the 'Dwrfiain fellows tremendous ly. 8o, since Coach Riddick tl- , ways has an answer, he is pUnn- Ing to take to the air in Friday iHght’s game. Pasg drills have been the order of the week, offen lively and defensively. The Asheville team has not lost a game to a North Carolina team in two years and the Hill side Loys have not lost a game to anyone in three years. They both have records to defsend and the question is which team will leave Durham Athletic Park with a shattered record Friday nig’it. Arrangement* are almost com plete for a game with Peabody High of Virginia on the IKh. By some HOOK or CEOOK Coach W. F. Barghardt’s N. C Ck)Uege football plays are known in other nearby college camps the next day after they are in troduced to the players here; ficij since, real concentrated drills games have begun he has taken the boys behind the locked doora with only the Press allowed to observe. At least this will slow down the actions of the “fifth columnists” a little. PORTING JORLD DRAKE HAS TWO PLAYERS;; EYES STAR FRESHMAN D1)S MOrNES, la., _(ANP)— Two star colored players are ex pected to bolster Drake univer sity’s hopes for a Missouri con ference football champion'ihip. They aje Willard Cushingberr/, of Lawrence, Kan., who is 6 feet and weighs 195 pounds, regubr tackle, and Perry Harris of Oma ha, Neb., left halfback. Harris welerhs only li55 an4 stands 5 feet 9 but ^ unusually fast and shif ty and is counted on to scoi-e many touchdowns this fall. I'rak*? Tihu*'( ar.d partisans are also keeping their eyes on Clifford Lovelady, a freshman halfback from West Des Moines, HORNETS WILL DEPEND ON AERIAL ATTACK Asbville Outweighs Hillside DURHAM — At the Hillai.le Park High School concentrated drills havs begun in preparation for Friday night’s game against Stephen’s Lee High School of Aiftieville. The game will begin at Durham Athletic Park at g p. m. Drills this week have cenvei- ed around defense against passes ai well as a passing attack whicn will be used if the weight of fc'tie visiting (earn beigins to make iBrround attacks unprofitable. The Steven-Lee line outweighs Hillside’s inexperienced line Sf.v- ers^l po-unds per man, their weights ranging from 165 to 20S, therefore the locals are expe«Hed to use numerous passes. Coaqh of the Asheville tea^i is C. L. Moore, a graduate of Shaw University and the University uf AVisconsin. He is entering his sixth year as coach there atid during that time he has won the western North Carolina champion ship twice (1'935 and 1938) and has not lost a game to a North School team in Bull Brigade Ready To Face Allen U. who looms as one of the finest prospects ever to matriculate here. In practice he has hurled V®” the team has passes 70 yards and is a sens;!- tional runner. The only regret is tihat he is not stieijhk to play this y«*r. WALTER GORDOIN JR. NO. quarterback AT CALIF. BBRKBLBY, Cal., — (ANP)— Walter Grordon Jr., son of the Right Guard All-Annerican guard at the Uni- Right Tackle versity of California who is now Right End - coach of the freshman Ramblers Quarterback and one of the West Coast’s Ace scouts, is No. 2 quarterback on already registered a 20-0 vic tory over New Port Tenn. The Pi’obable Starters Friday night will be: Position Left End . . Left Taogle — . Left Guard Center Garrett’s Biltmore Drug Store East Pettirrrw Street Phone L>0961 THE BEST IN EVERY UNE Half Back Half Back .. Pull Back .. Poiition Left End .... , Left Tackle , Left Guard _ Center Right Guard Right Tackle Right End .. Quarterback . Asheville .. Hadden . Kenaedy Palrue __ Gibson . . Bror.ks Hollo vvay .... Bishop __ Scc.it .,. W:*nen . .... Reid .Wilson Hilhide , Lyons Brower . __ Pike ... Moore . . Latta Robinson Lawver.pe . .Blount ^he Cblifomia squad. Young Gor don is 19, stands 5 feet 9 inches tall, and weighs 160 pounds. CHARLOTTE, N. C. — Faeing the 1S)40 scasoh “under pres sure”—under all t!he pressure that a brillir.nt upset record and pre-season rating co»ld afford— Johnson C Smith University’^ hard-riding GoMen Bull Brigode ia undergoing last strenuous and concentrated drill as Eddi« Jack son and his coaching staff work desperately to whip the BuHs in to shape for the initial test a- e'^er, three big North Carolinians, gainst Allen University this week sophomore Tracy Long, 211 lb. end. • Gastonia Had, and freshman ‘Lit- With Kenny Powel], craok rir.g John’ Tate,*208 pounder from master of the Bulls’ famed aerial Lexington, N. C., and six foot. wjth his terrific line smashes, )ullet passes, and defensive work from the fullback »not. Big KJ- dic McGirt, Camden, S. C. flash, and Joe Newlin, have also shown considerable promise. “Goose” Primus, six foot, 3 inch Floridan who was also ham pered by injuries 3ast season, has been raising havoc at tackle t!.u> far and should get the call. How- circus, to vitalize the baekf’eld, and ’3'9 All-CIAA end, Jack Brayboy, together with the TNI twins, “Moutc” Toliver and Joe Tull, guards, to spark the line there is an increased note of confidence in the Bull pen thru the mentors bemoan the lack of anothwr jKPQk t9 apply just a it- tle mSP^^ax and polish to a few of the newcomers. But when the whistle commeiu ces hostilities at Columbia, S. C. this Saturday, there will bd an eleen composed entirely of sea soned campaigners to carry the battle-scarred standard o f the Gold and Blue into the fray—an eleven that wiil admit no master and promises to be second to none. For the past week’s two ugly blotches'-- vacancies at fuUhaCk and tackle-which illness and graduation threatened to leave permanently on the Bull armor, hSs caused considerable worry in the Smith camp. However, th>3re have been at least tentatively re moved by brilliant showings of two seniors. The great "Hammer" Brooks, four inch 187 lb. Bill Chase of Rocky Mount are doggring his steps as they battle for the spot from which “Bull” Meadows was chosen three time# eoniecutively All-CIAA. Except for a few questionable replacements, the Bulls stand three deep in each position with the freshman contingent being largely called upon to furnish re serveff. Though injuries have been slight and minor, Hank Murphy, speedy Denora, Pa. sophomore halfback, who has distinguished himself already with eehsational runs, recently suffered a leg sprain. But he is expected to be back in shape for the blowoff this Saturday. tuOUlN B0KIN6 MAXie HAD ONe OF Hl5 60OD NI6HTC WITH 6AU6HT0. He o-Ai/vNS He CXX)t.O*00 THINGS WITH LiCX>l8 NOO>.' AiAxie TOO €AS|LY. THe uve*woRe hits -we coMes/ttfK h^aiu UCLA USING TWO NEGRO BACKS LOS ANGELES, — (ANP)~ Although without the service of Kenny Washington and Woodrow Strode, halfback and end who graduated in June, the Univer sity of California at Ijos Angeles Aggies Out For Revenge In Saturday Night Cap The dream game of dream CIAA competition. nevertheless has two Negro Btara of CIAA pv^ilistic fame, viewipgj^^jQ expected to carry the liis last year in the moleskins'mail and possibly send the for Johnson C. Smith, looms .vs Uclans into the Rose Bowl. the number one replacement for the inimitable “Cboo Choo” Jack son. Tipping the beams at 1315 lbs., and knit of a leg injury that has kept him off his game siiee he first rode the crest of fame as a'freshman in 1937, Brooks has drawn the eyes of all obser.^ers Half Back Half Back Full Back Plunmicr .. . Sellars Wallace FOOTBALL INTERSTATE CLASSIC SATURDAY NITE OCT. 12th BLUEFIELD State Teachers College -vs- Eick-off l:M o’clock BOWMAN>GRAY Mcoerial Stadium North Carolina College Eagles Winston-Salem, N. C. ADAOfSlON 7Sc Tax Included ; Jackie Robinson, leading Bruin candidate for All-American, will be putting dn his final year at half back. This year he may try his hand at tossing passes. Al- thougijj having ^ great reputation along this line, he did not navs a chance to do any heaving in games involving two football giantb for a titantic cia«h Is set for Greensboro stadium here Sai. night, October 5 at 8:1'5 P. M. With the tooting of the refei’ee’s whistle the 1'940 edition of the A. and T. Aggies will take the field against the Rattlers of Flu. A. and M. college. This encount- Already '25,000 merchants tic kets have been distributed htre indir.sting an all time high ior attendance at a Negro fo^otball game in these parts. Festivities appropriate to the occasion have been planned and will be added attractions on the night’s osrd. Two of the greatest aggvoga er is a long awaited one by spores jtions of mechanized manpower fans in this section sincfe it in-^ to ever thrill Carolina throng? is volves two of the most powerful the prospects for this game. The elevens in the country. As the Aggies initial engage, ment, the forthcoming fracas will serve as a barometer indicating possible chances for success n was good at receiving. At right halfback will be Ray Bartlett. 1940' because Washington was'Both played together at Pasadena there to toss ’em and Robinson Junior college. Rattlers have another great of fensive brewing at Tallahassee and will utilize every weapon, secret or otherwise, to atone for the O'O tie which was the result of last season’s game between the two teams. The Aggies aro ready for anything in the opinion of their coaching staff and will show the greatest manifestation reserve strength on that day it has ever assembled. Last season, the Aggies began a new coaching regime and reapcC r. fair degree of success until Injuries set in. At one time during the ’39 season, many thought that they were definitely on the march toward myth'cal honors. Another dream team is in llie making this year. The veterans left from last year’s stirring cam paigns are well fortified by a brilliant assemblage of new ma- terial from nil parta of the coun try. Better balanced material seems to be the forte of this edi tion’s attaok. The brilliant year- liAgs who ran rampant during the '30 eabipaign are now sophomores aud the accumulated experience shbitld take the locals places in a big way. A. and T. has been practicing undei^ eecracy all season. The Continued on page 8; See. 1 'T«Uez» I don’t it aia’6 gonna be on the ap but 1 got a lunay fetlift* thii an ' V “NEVER TOUCHED ME ” Next time he may be "tiffed out***