Young Charlotte Qrl Shot To Dkth ;!■ Mil i»'H I I'M I I't I H-m'l III PRICE lOc aCime n 11111IIn i11HIn11ii»»» M41UNG EDmON SATURDAY/OCTOBER 19, ItfiO Rooseveltf s Ne^ Army Jim Crow^ Policy Arouses ire Of Leaders White Randolph Wire FDR In Protest 94^ Y'Oric Anoioaecmenit by tfoold dtanks for iHm moaatot m ^l^d«nt RooMTth W«d&MdA7 American r«th«r tlun ten ira* f of i a»w ftnuy pollcjr e«Qinc fol^ porition of th« K«w Deal But (mtamtioo vokrvd aAd that Mcond atatament a«ot>t hav- whtte jioldiari anti- tlw caiitiiKiad ing no Nacio«a tn the regular vm, at «ffl«an Ul azMnff army, of eomoaiukii rank, ex- reig^ar imuy Mtts twovght cept dootoiw and preaehera, that atvift protMt^ aavd aatidaaniMtttcn ia pordiy RooaavaltiaB. Perhapa froiQ N«rno lead^H ‘thosMAy. w« rfboold aay, nd^er, that it ia atn>o«> arm taotka adopted Arrest CIO Workers Who Assault Agents Selling hsurance 'New Orleans, — Six men wore axireated Toaaday in ooiuieetion Sell Montgomery H(Mnestead At Bayou that he h«|^ it ^ould alwaiys be .’ni/Mikt ill# 4^^ and work Walter'Bo«iitM>iiiAooUi«!n and Uitt |i,x tii« avenfa atrike againat the M#»t|Wnairy. ’ ,The hot^e and IXnwlaM ^ ^WMjpiijd iy ,'the kte ” «hd Mrt. Eooize, Army To Call 4,00(1 Nurses Waahington — The Army Ntir- aea Corps which now oonsiaUi of . - . 1,000 nurses working in 46 stat- Uotuid Bayoa, Hiaa. T h ^ tion ho^itals and at ©ther pcdnta famong manaion which was the througlwut the country is to be hometead of the late lajah, Mont- auigimented hy 4,01'9 nvLrae® by gonvery, founder of the, all Ne- next July. Of these \J2Slo will he gpo toflTO sf Mound Bayou,, has required by Dec. 1C, 1940;5 It, i« been aold to A. C. Springfield mjt known whether any ’ Ne^ro of Kound lArke, Mias. . Mr. Ltiraes wiU be called. Selections j ^ingfleW, a aucceiH^ul iper- h* mado from the ranks of cOant a^ planter, aaid he had registered Red Cro*a nurses, not dMided joat what ^ he Throiwhout the aouth, there are Would pui lae ^jpan^n to, but ^ nuTn4)er of Ne^ro n^es, fully Green Returned From Va. To Face Charge U. S. Issues Call For Many Toolmakers Washin'gton — Announcement aee^dilted wMtb the !£ed Cronj. Iwaa n^de this week by the U. S. Tlw U. S. Nary will call . 1^900 Civil iService Commiasion that Opportunity Editor [MYSTERY SLAYER Says America Need OF YOUNG GIRL Have No Fear Of APPREHENDED Subversive Influence nunas. It atteim an aaured fact there is at present a grreat demand i ^|y|Q||g N6^06S that noiie of these will be colored for toolmakers fof the national' acojrding to observer* who re-,defense program and. the Gom- tary, and PliiHini, brati^H BoosereH bag anoettalbad It, Louisiana, U^lty ^iTfctor iloBg a« ba raecoimbad long a«o, for jyff tofwrwe oomo#prlea. T^^>•e _ _ _ ^ pfttfeieal taaaooa, - to aBas*«>>4n a^ted En)«M Wljttltt, .daiig^r p«d nurgea o entar navy miartc^ tnged all QUjUifiei^ /*'•-? 'V'^k — “Tbexe b«j ant oi H)e 3>«aMiooa feae? oor Hgbt ^nat genarat aegw- CIO organlaar for the a««nt'a ^ c«»^ter membera of the sons to apply. About 600 appoint little doubt th«i th'e Nagrt, pe#. in« Car Portara, l«d the.way in gafclom and our fight against *nion; Zack Ramsey, 27, and >* ^tnDy«ray aUysa *«#. fou«id- jjaval Re«srve Nurees Corps. d«Bo«ndng> ^aagmHr*tM>B Hie m,b ajwdoni. Iiouia Fourj^, 21, strlkii^ agents 4®“*^ •omewhatin •r^y, WliiU }ta»dolph .aant _ . . ^^ Wetker w*th Cbria WUlUma,'«»•.of HO. -■ **«fe»n«a should “B" S!T V wSL (rS^luTlL with'“^ ^ ptomoted, in raapect of ^ d, bodUy harm, Wtm* and'IRanaolplh, ,w«o with ^ TKAmi ■frmi. with aaaault and robbery. T. ArhiM Hm. NTYA otffcW. eott-^ I^esix were arrested after feered'wtth Pveeldenft ItooeweH nj _„_ui’ un and n«atta-- «*3aulting Norman Breteavx, 21, Jfaal Secretary PriiA Snox afid "P months. aiKO. Mr. Booze ad «bont seven yaan of southern ColHmtoia,f6. G.'^ MJA Bnt- nation#! affairs, were ainher 'lias* been api>oi^«d -niani too, at the the be^ ragiment. In th* »*«*««? ««• the ^isiana of tW new Ne^''low-houi- pra«aattt« isrtate-^ auxance. com^ny. _ T1»e men ar- ing;.prdi»aci,'AUen^^edi«t;ihire. «d4^1a)^ th« oa,9»t of army policy itoptted th«y ^ IB w.w.'^.nd '* dolnh »li4 ^ horaaa 'for white oadets • -We'V)l,t ^ *** y««..appro^ of wa, m«»t regarding Negroes Ip T aMn^d fonee. whi^h preclude, Nogro offfce™ excapt hapUina WendeO WiOkie ' Invades New York’s Harlem; Huge Crowd ^ , New York — Promking that if and doebow In wgujar army ^ ^ if elo^^ Crow depaft- unit, other than two national r”** ^ ^ nwnts in Waahin»tion will vaniah’ gawd re«4menta staffed by No- V* 'We^eU to TMicify the Pnilippines for reated art sftid to have ^oonfegrod. ujg appoiin.ttaJieat s#t atJ rest^ ru-t motfc that a whittfk pauo misrht aeQure the ;^^t. THe jpftject I4 -nan^ fiorr *he ft^o.,coljo4fp»>^ip}t pHay 'SO -important « ia .tha. life of' Columbia . lUid Hm state, ' Alkuj ajvd ., Benedict ^llege. There wijj ^ cC|Da«ni6dated. inents wiJl be made in the IVank 5*e »re dissatisfied and rrtwnttBl for Araenal alone and a larjre of the shabby and undemocratic number of vacancies In other treatment which ia being aecorJ- odidlnanco and naval e#t«Jbifsh-|ed them by their country in the ments will also ba made. |midst of its pr^ration to defen.i • Applicants .most be between the American, way of life,” says the ages of M and 62, must Elmer Anderson Carter, editor eh IV that they have ^xsMfjpIeted a Opportunity, Journal of Ne. full ' 4-year aj^pren-ticeahfp »s Wf®, in the current issue of toolmaker, or ave had at leaafc 4 lhat matnutlne. “These w^»cr ore years praoMcal experience- in the concerned can, if they will, r^- JMemphas, Tenn. -*- The launch toade, the s'ubstantial equivalent ’*’®''^® t^* causes of this dissatis^ ^v., the cnirapled body of n*ne isnig pf the candacy of C.* Arthur ‘of such completed apprenticeship, fwtion and iMure the historic ye®r oW, iJvelyn SuBnn^y. Bruce, Riopubliqan candidate for -They must be able to read blue-, Royalty of the Negro by usiriif ^ iTAg^t First street and govem/cfi; of the State ;of Tenn. Vriata, must be experienced^ their influence and efforts ^ *** Atfiievifle, N. C., shot to deaih as at Chlcsa. hotel here thia^ week the use of pre^jisiop. _ jrages, mea- N^to is accorded eqoAl- ^Iked off from her n»“r- hrought’ forth ^ 'prdfcesta from suiing inatmment's, etc. The'pay 9^ opportunity,” to. Carter in .front of 710 Se- l(i^^ No^ iRep'iiblicans'who de-acale ranges from '^6.'2'4 p«r day, "Derao«raey is meaning gtrpet oi|vrfed therBselVeS opposed to ,to about $1.17 1-^2 per H‘ti% deprived of, glain ^rl. areordioy to n Protest Republican Gathering In Restrict^ Hotel bi MemphK BULLETIN Charl^ete (Flash!) —HoflSoe Green, of 5*1 South Morrow Street, »u^>«et in the m|ia- tery alaying of Him Eveyn Sammey 9*Aurd»y nig^it takfift ia e^iJboly by poltee early ithis week in paAers- We«t Virginia. Green apon aaestioning by pciice admitt ed his g»aty. West V\xipBSm. authorities waTed extradition, and ttie prisonear wall be re. j Jturaed to Obarljjkte to stand I triaL I Charlotte — .Grto murder stalk jed the streets of CharWtte 1^ 'Saturday night, leaving it* .nominee Wtillkie, RepuOblioan for pireaident, invaded We further vSgorously qtteAlcfv American le»derahi(i, Harlem, reputed New Deal strong y>otir statement that moMle is ^ hold, Tuesday ni^bt, spofke to aftlendid in existding Nagro units I hundred* of Negro nj^e Ujah 6,000 paokted into the of the reigular anny. Many an- reaerve offtcens, many of whom Q^jdeoi 3«ie Ballroom and was listed men in these segregated valuable experieniCe in the by fully aa many persons lunKM hava made repeated pro- World War, and whoi oould j^nunlng the atreets. tesftiB at beiimg foi«ed to serve oa ^ tranied quickly for oomniaaid j willkie’s appearance In Harlera hostlers and aervanti to white ^ ®*“* P®’*#®* *»w and growing sponsored by the local B«- anwy officers. Wo further qtiea- •^’ny unite. jpubKcan Club and he was intro- tlfln that Jim chow policy of ^ x.._' duced by Lemar Perkins, former ^ ^ w p««n J' tory. K has never been aatiafac- but was shcrt ^and the United ®ontaiin©d many references to re lief. £24 famUle0jaQ«'lpa^n,fro3n a hotel which barred any first or |N«gTo .voters . Joffioe. aecond cla^ post- ARTISTIC AND EXPERT CARVING tory nor ia Americana.” it now t o Metro if &e President of Tn diacusainig the Preg^ent’a Btatenant befiore the social work States must yield to the unde no- cratic American Way of segregat- “Never in my life have I known that it ia to disoriminate aigainst eonfermce mt th« P#nnftSrWfn!a • ^ ^ s^a P®^Pl® bec«is»e of color or race.” «y he diould not add the botal niumday night, Detn Wm. Piokona aaid; ilnautti, aa ;oimniaitder In chief, Willkie said, “I want to wearn • # ^ J ,9 Tiw-irr leaders of yo«r race, fcr their ■“n,. nnmiiw P»W wte ■ the Prsaident of the Undted Siati'B ■ui bein$r In favor of two very aetiout anangaments for the Ne* gn> in our natimwl foreea; (a) 'Tbat liheve nuiat be aepar- ate N«gro units in the #rmy and in any other miUtaiy forces. ad offitcef^ tn theh- own army units. That ia most certainly iih- interests, not to let your race get under the impress- nSnoil^ty country. for defense of this ion that the utmost in life is re lief.” He aaid ithat he woukl continue relief aa long as tiwire were unemployed in the oofoaitry. Th© release fpcm the White' S(«ne 80 motoncycle patrolmen House pr^ agency states thatescopi^ed WSllkie thru iHiaiiem. 3>) That the exiating on)ta ef,the Preaident made these pron-Not a Negro fae* waa seen in his Nvgroes in ithe regular army, ouncementa, following a oonfor- encoux^e altho the speaikerrt’ meaning' ©f co^W, the 9th andjnnoe with Nlegn> laaden, the piaitiform was liberally aprinlkled 10th cavalriea and tha 84t|>i and implicatipn being that these with themi. 'aBtii Infajjteiea', will have Bo Ne- leaders agreed to ttiat segrega-, Among the l|c«l GOPema 00 gro officers' of nnk except mem- (Jon and degredatkm of their the platfoirm wero Aasistant D. bmm of the Medical Coips and p«rfpi«. That imipiication ia false: A.'s Francis E. R3ve», Bumlce ehaplaina. we knoiw aoMe of thoae lead^rp h. (^trter; Fred It Moore, Sara smisss if pieJifeq of, itartiDig the focal 1 cam- information, T&i» obtained; at ’**'* chance to work becauae «iven voqi^ correapoadont. tt.h- ««lor Tri,« tan^tody. Mm ■««. .h»l. W« of tl» PW Strwt t, «nd« th^ b« «,r- ^ m Vices to their country because of their race, and who are sub- B. First Street; quiet, na« fihudehtai in commercial diete- Atlantic Coast - , —3 Dining: Car tlid third from right ia Mr, Hill, fbf^ gbatsmeDt a©«itvho mat the Praaident, and tfhay PSilham Speaks and Bruce Bar- tica at Tuakogaa institute vmteh Service, hiaplays enviable artl-st inservice caterers auditing C. D. gmara! segregatioft to tha «myoouM never *groe with him in ton, candidaite for ^e U. S. ^with absorbed interest fA Oliver ry in his deononatratien in m«at. course®, and u and ctiiw defense fo«Jea, , weaoch * decision. Senate. . (j. Dudn, travelins eJjef of the In thp center is Mrs. Soland H31l!‘demcnatr«tiona of in^viduai; who neitWr drank nor smolwd. and seemingly cared leas for ^ «om Lieut. Governor Poletti of New Yritic, and of Oongr^asmen like jei^ted to indignities unworthy of “ftf^^trusie type belief even as they march to deatk coi the field of battle. Such ~ , .. __ qi,, was the experience of the Negroi ^ * p^»pM ^ . in the World War, and the Negro ^ «“ is determined that he shall noti®^- «#»■— again undergo the humU»tion,| J «# ostracism, and contempt} which e«*>**g s^PP*’'^ • j he got in the training campa of business ber Ian 1 ^ ®“ *•«— America and in Prance without •t»««t ^ n«>*ed ‘ * struggle.” jgo*ag hom to bed; rve guc o Kot to work early tomcrrow." The editcTial points out that outside o£ the Sweet in all the history of the Negro ^ ,en later ia e»- in America there has never been , , „,g^rin wHh two umilenllfted a single instance of hi, «iWoyal- and ap|>«ei»tly ac- ty, and commends the efforts of cdmpaai^d them t> soma tuid«*- men like Governor L^l^n and place; for she wiu*t glin9«ad . in conraration with a man aaJ ^milton F^A of New and ^ Tho^ C. He«nin^ of Misaouri ^ g«;oiid street. for ju«,ce to the Negro. | „1 indic^on,. th. wirt*. We would suggest to thoae er of the deady weaim.^ who are genuinely intereated in 38 ealibar revolver, Mngeiil ea the N^ro and whicae anxie^^ as the scene of the Vrtme^ a to his role in tiie crisis ia real that *^er ©r not the girl arsM aii«4kl^ they immediately tirike atepa to wotmdad arottaed by the aee.tdiat Negre youth ia peinaittai tamed cat porch li^ta of rr'ii to enter indus^ and to aaeute enta tn tiie vicinity, who kiil the training being freely offered lie«rd the shot and tha,, to other Americana” -tfie editor* cries of the yooag wall ial ata-tea, *^at they os* their 'qu|'«acly pdi^ted ttha «l influence to remove the color weapon, and eabaly wi||M"^ bar in the United Stataa Army tt» scene. Availabl* and Navy, that they aee to ft able to ftraUk h ■^•t Negro di*afteea are not sant'o^ears wtth a aary fai to araaa artiera they will he sttb>j«»' the idanllly «( jeeted to Insult and haiaiMatloa ap to jinif tiiaa 01^ • Jend sometimaa actual phyaieal iBoraea Oraea. listing In practical violence liy tha chrillan gg4 H. in ezparkaantal. tioa.” 4^a leea*

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