2EEle*a*g8DB i^mYNots^fiaTh* I Rapw to Your Sob or D^aghtor ? ’ H-l|)« Tto Ca» > oHBCfy! JUST UKC A WiOilE Dr. Albert Eiaxtein does not belie\’e in R pertO|ud Ood, but the principles, accepted by thow who do, STuarantM him a saf( haven in this cotintry. With census fig-ures being »n iiounced, rity boosters have tu bo careful alwut their estiniatt of jKjpulation. By next yrar, howwr* they %vill be goin" .'troiig and you will be surpri^ -i at th rajiicl gi*a\vth of many ci- iH'S. Charlotte Notes *iY MRS. BESSIE HARDY TSLEPHONE 31626 Jlfw. Jl»kie Jackson a dif^ar party at club AH>or last Wi^Anesday A chicken dinner with all aoceaaorieg «rer« ■erred. Dancing warn enjoyed during the levpning. Post Office Probe Cited By Morgan Governor Hrnr-y Horner of II* ' Unui,«i lies at tho age of 61. 7^ Apri"n»'nt on St. Lawrence l>o\vi r itinnt is ex|K'CteU soon. Alexander St. Dr 3T) Cleaners n22 S. Alexander St. 1’f J * a*.V’i TU\ BIACK, Prop.: '•I *' . ... ' e SPECIALS AT ■v'ly,-A ;ypc0 500 Overcoats IP $3.?5 Up S BRAND NEW j Jifterljugr Suits $19.50 DOBB’S LOAN CO. wo E. Trade St. Tiip H(*bby l#t>l*hy cluli niit meeiing wan over tht* h«fl*tw» :h Mrs. Irma GHct»eli-WiiNy'WWNI»tlll(-%htful repast. . ..tu-r 4. This was the iiW fdUj ' ^ ^ s liiiK for the clul) and office *8T Mr,s. Oallie J. Finchcr eikLj^- ro I'lectod for Uit* y».ar. PitJ|*^ined a fowr in.tim«te fricndiF :t- .!iu »ff‘ffrs ftir the W birthday supper la^t Thursday . re Mi«. Mixahoth MuiyliTjU'vcninpt at her home on. Rast H il ’ irman and , vMl"-. MilUrf'| H^^et. An anioyable evening ■■rander secretary. All (iffico'■ wa.-, spent by all present and,' I'y prc’scnted with he Mrs. Rinehurs received man,' n of Mrs Cluyovoune Black- lovely cifla. .H- **(:***•♦** (>fficcrs instiiiliMi w--;- Me -! Mi-.danie,-^ Bortha Froart, Mary me., Lillie J. Gill, prc.iidentj Mourc, and Catherine Moore Blackwell, vice piL^idont; wcie joint ho.stosH at a cocktail '(arl philliiis, hem>t:ir;', ilu' Stnil dinner'party last Thur#day JUDGE CALLAWAY ADDRESSES GROUP AT CHARLOTTE ' Charlotte — Oongresaman A, Tenth DdHtrict has maintained ence” for thrfce months Federal investigfuticirg have *^‘>n- ducfted a secret investigation “bossism’' in the Charlotte Post Office, Ernest M. Morgan, Re- «h«nc* to ^ altcted to any, office in fha Cl^ of GharloHa wit^ut the aid of Bqim Yonta, w$ste aide, Sid Ooft oarriad ntsiafea of politieal algnifie«nca iviiUo drawing * p*y check ag a Civil ■"^'‘''oonsreMMn, In getting varioua ooaffreit$tcn to iti^oit the itoasure. tSo tit* bill go«a over tot am- tiier congrtaa ivhei^ the hope ia the removal of an election year will give it -V batter chance to paaa, , poatoffiiee mesa and Mia^r Bui- Dytrict should be made to his contituents the facts, dear hia own skirts oif any posaibk taint, and clean ^ ^ ^ ..out the trouble,” declared Can- pul.Iican candidate, in a statement! E. C. Cnllawny, Ilepublican here yesterday made a sl^hinp ..Maj,»r Buhrinkle may not be .lM,ate t«r the governor«hi,i aWack on his Democratic oppon- of Florida, on Wcdneday evenijig ent , , , the Civil Service laws, b»t it is addressed , group of promin.ntj Mr. Morgan demanded tha j„.u^bent upon him toi disavow N-.ro citizens in the fluditoriu,.v|'‘the Cmgre«aman clear his B-k.n > cama>alga of the L ^cal YMCA. Beginninpr of any taint Mng^ ^h.sl eondition that de- !His spee^*- wttW *he ; sayinr: |8en^twnal condrtion veloped under that manager's “The truith shali make jou free” | _ ^nd at the ^me time he do- ad^nigjration of the Charlotto Mr. Oalla%ay expounded most sire tg see^t his Ipyal suppor- Mr. t i i :e •tte Williamaon, asHfifahl ir; ■ u evenlnjr at flie home of Mr, ry, L. H. Willbm--. r-pr rter Fro.Jtt on Shorter street. Around and ,sociol-fsrical trenfl »(nd valut>.^ her mcinbers of thf club arc 18 gui st.s were present and the jof tJoHtics. "All of ug want es;dame.s Mollie Grier, Mikln'd honored guest were Mr. and pcfice deceriicy, erfue«ti(in, and|^*’4 the 'lexander, Bes.-iie Bow.ser, and E. R. Lindssay of Glenn Falls, B-peement amon,? ourselves, have been Elizabeth Murphy. The Hobbv New ^»bby club ha« as it.? ;roal, wei'(' I>i*iITantly ufpon the psychjJoQricnlt^*^*'® properly taken care of, | cleared; t h « Why does he ^:ntm«e to allo^v ^ Younts to give Negro fnend, ^ xun aroiii'. control em-inating from the numeri .s operations York. Dancing and game«' (WbWpjNpjjro) U the nt!ee.sSit;;> Nee^ro citizens, th;vt enioyed during the ev3n-fi r otbtainin^r these endg. Govern ®®y have been made pruima.m ^)Usebold Beatiification, They ing, are niw making plans for aj iietter year and- an, interesti.i^ i Mr. inient i.*i infftituted amon" men .and that institution so firly coii- that have never been fulfil!;*^. Why u? it rthat the.-ie pr(‘.miH'>s and Mrs. Le 3amas Me- .titincted by former repwblkanr i xhibit in June, The'elitb under ('lure entertained at a reeeg>tion^domK>crat leaders-now fioe«i to be the leadership of Miv. Gill has last Friday evening at the YWCA Wiayerii^. proved to be very able president, pn South Brevard street. Around After ■ the business part of the 7.5 jfuests were present. Tactfully and brilli'antly Mr. GaJ'laiway had this to say to the "Already three person have been fired,” said Mr. Morgan's statement, "published, and un denied accounts of the serious eitualtiion have indicated that MR CUTS 25c Xiast Second Street SHOP SHAVES 15c Robert Reeder, Prop. _>oes Your Watch Keep Cbrr^pjf Time? ■ : If Nj^ It Shoald,*ArfiS'WJh, ' If You Take It To . J. E. PRESLAR Watchmaker And Jeweler We Make Your Old Watch Run And Guarantee It To Keep Time- Same As When New With Martin Jewelry Co. 217 Wj. Main St. SUPER FALL BARGAINS! ROSS CUT RATE MEN’S SH5P (112 E. TRADE ST.) Special $5.00 Trousers, $3.95, WfflLE THEY LAST Regular $3.00 Hats» $1.95 OUR $L00 SHIRTS CAN’T BE BEAT TRADE AT ROSS’ AND SMILE HOMECOMINO JOHNSON C. SMITH UNIVERSITY v«, SHAW UNIVERSITY OCT. 26,1940 AT King s Food Store (Americtan Legion Memorial Stadiulxi fi KICK0FF8P.M. HOME SCHEDULE 'October ^ (Homecoming^ Shaw University (8:00 P. M.) [November 9 Bluefield State (2:00 P. M.) ■November 23 .A. & T. Ck>Uege (8:00 P. M.) (November 28 (Turkey Day Classic) Livingstone College All games to be played in Legion Memorial Stadium unless otherwise announced :M5PMBER (iOOD FOOD IS GOOD HEALTH r tKST STREET CHARLOTTE, N. C. 3-2472 FOR BARGAINS ROSS’ CUT RATE MEN’S S.HOP m --.4- Men’s Ready4o-wear and Suits to Measure $18.75 to $35.00 You Can Always Do Better At Ross* 112 E. Trade St. EYES EXAMINED! GLASSES FTTTEDI ■ • ■ ' PU^fERAJL ^!OME »3 soinM BREVaKD STREI^ : ^italic 841^- Ni^iit Phonts [J! 11 and Suits, 15.95 and Up Why Stay Broke personal property iLQAN OFFICE St. 5d Pledgfes 827i Dr. Aubrey L Palmer OPTOMETRIST (Opposite Public Library) 317-A N. Tryon St. We maintain a completely equipped office for t)ie exclusive coni^enienceColored Peoiric. PHONE 3-8500 W I I I I 1.1' I ’111' !■ r I'li't JACOB’S RADIO SERVICE V .H0ue«t Work, Reuonsble Psieei, t No ChsrgeB for Inspeetios ^ 408 EL FIRST STREET PHOf^C: 8482 Ne«ro»e« pl«ce and contribution In U«ny friends o^ the ^Congreg.s- Ame>rieop life. “No race has jn«n have been questioned ever in the hirtory of tfie world, that even -'Postmaster financed in part fay cf>ntributlons' I died from the poekets of Oil'll 1 St'rvice enitployee, many of ^vhoT.t paid because they feared a w»y would be fond t% deprive th?;A, of their jobs.” ^ I “There can never be free elee- jtiong, or unltramwieled voting in thig county, district or nation m kang as a Congressman per- made the pi^o^esg Jn the same length of tln>® u hM the Ameri can Negro since hi« e«»ancipation. There «r4 no more oat«t*ndlng individu«ls in the world than, Dr. (JeofPge WAshlngiton C«jrvei% (Roseoe iSinn^nlsi^ and nitony «»t#je«. t'og^eif we (Ne«ro- "^h^) must travel up and unles; we travel together thefe will be ■no teal progress. There ia an ever jrroWing knowledge among ittje whKea lafl 4® the injiuatdeoa thftt lihe He^ro has been 8U'b)e.^t- ed to and there are s6me (j(f ug, not all not even a ntajorrty, who hawe deUk:aNd our lives to* the eorrect^on of tjieae inJottices but the Ne^o most do his part: he m«st bfc willing to pay the price Of free^m, he ^hoiuld ne|«r sell Us voi4, 4ie miMS ah^^ d« con* Bcioug issues and not be sWayed by barbHcue and beer. These are yciunta, Major Bujwinkle’s Friday’ is under fire.” anj Paul ’man l (permits situations to develop in post office in his district *ucii as has fat O’Malley V will ‘«:d tlia dutle* in.c. bl» tittJ© Alb-rt sior;e§ on the Frl* day nito Nan-RpJ w«b shov^^ Express Agency Adopts New i'Safety Program Largest Peace-Time Appropriation Made At This Session allegedly—and the man on the street definitely—developed in the Charlotte office.” “Ru-mors galore have flooded | “I call -aipon Majcy Bulwdnklo the city,” said Mr. Morgan. |to take sfreps at once to clarify! “Those concern the sensational the situalnon,” duclosure that have and will be m^ade as to the extent of “bo'S- sism’ in (the Charktte PostOffice heade dbjr the prewdent of tJ»e N^ional Association of Postmas- itein.” “Yet Postmaster Younts as not said a word t® defend hia re- CKwd, no l»9 MaJor Bulwinkle, looncerning the po?eH[)ility that any of the campaign funds, which allegedly were coHecfted from> civil service employees, mdight have been used in conduct ing the |*i«lB»ign t ior his re- olijatWM.w ^ . *‘C«ngrremnen Bulwingle inirely knew cif the development of prereqiaites for ofctaining equj^l power JJoHtics in the Charlotte SbatUg qtKj.” In do^ng «Ir. CSallaway related some of his ex periences with peonage in Oola»a bua County, Wte. 01iarl9tt» hiflillfkta postoffice,” declared Morgan “For years, now” the state ment continued,” it has been comtnon italk in po^litieal circiles in Mecklenbui^ and elsewhere WASHINGTOIN — With the major business of this seailon disposed, of eongr^m stands ready to ildJourn, if it can on Oct. 1. A record for peacetime appropria- ^na with a figure set at $15, ii|D,0OO marhi thi* aa one oi^the ^»t “liberal” oongreWB* in'his tory. Yet legislation against lynch ing, to outbl»m the great; Ameri can national crime, was not con- aSdered important eAough to reach the flooi' of the Uaiied States seneke, although there had in the distrtet, that “the Younts heen some sort of understanding • the roost,” that' machine rules the roost,” maxj^.^. promise midde whereby the you’ve got to get Paul Youngs j.n^j^iynch bill, would get con- Immodesty of women in bow ing to fashion deplored by Pope. 200,(X)0 bushels 6f wheat in okaiy before any matter can be gi(}eratioin during this seaeort. government loan or off market.^hafldled thrcjugh Major Buiwin- Fifteen U. S. leaders hold we!*^le’s office, either than the mere should try to feed Europe. i routine, «iMi that there was no SHOP AND SAVE AT NEWBERGS THE QUALITY SHOP FOR MEN 115 West Trade St. Headquarters For Famous Regal Shirts-Value $1.95-Sell at $1.08 Featuring Wrinkle-Resisting jHuntley Ties-Value $1.00-Se|ling at 48c| Bargains In I HATS SWEATERS PANTS SHIRTS) [CAPS JACKETS BELTS SHORTSW “We Are Never Knowingly Undersold.” Passed by the house after the most) harrowing debates and hnr- rassing of witnewm and public hearings, the bill had the approval of the majority of the house members, excepting those from the Solid South, who .saw in it an effort on the part of the northern memibers to use the t)ill as a vote getting footbf.^1, and 80 expressed themselves on rhe floor, £ut it was in the senate that the most difficulty was experie?!- ed, wfcere Some 80 members ri that body were u^ifor reelection and couldn’t,afford to have their opinions spread on the Confre- seiona.1 Record for public inspec tion. Their opposition to the uill was open and hostility to +J.e measure expressed itself in re criminations and denials of state ments. Declaring tha'b the vote was on the emergency national de fense, senators sought refuge i^ehind the latter to kill any hopes of the former, despite the fine work whiah had , been done A new and broader program for the prevention of accidents in the conduct of express ser vice has been inauguarated by the Railway Express Agency, it was announced today by L. O. Head, president of the com pany. Some sixty thousand em-* ployes of the Agency in major cities and principal towns throughout the country will participate actively in the plan and select local safety commit tees to carry it forward. “Our major objective . is to make it difficut for-employes to have accidents,” said Mr. Head, "and we are using sug gestions they offer, based on their long experience, in formu lating ery of express shipments at principal centers of population, the Express Agency now uses more than 12,000 motor vehie« les of various types, which is said to be the largest in the Country, under One manage ment. But because of the ex pedited character of the ser vice, these trucks must operate in the most congested sections of the cities and towns at hours, when local street traf fic is at its height. ' ' • i .Util I '5.; r. Ajine 0*llare McCormick says “waiting" is threat to Britain. , Gallup survey gives Roosevelt 499 votes in Electoral College. I rjT^T Who Said He Didn’t Hit The Right Number! YOUR HEALTH IS YOUR WEALTH and thousands of your friends have found the Right Mediolne for Their Everyday Aailments, With E^ch Purchase You Ciet a Lucky Card That Puts Extra Spend* in V Money in Your Pocket. ITUILDS YOU UP-IT STENGTHENS YOU UP- ITHOLDSYOUUP. YOURLUCK IS OUII 8U^ES& MAIL ORDERS GIVEN PBOMPT ATTENTION--COME INTO 011^ OFFICE TODAY AND G£T YOURS. HERE IS HOPE and QEALTB Bis Cheit Medecine Co. 241&7I^EST. CHARJLOTTE. N. C. Bug Chaser Champion insect extermin-> ator of Hollywood is lovely freckled Myrna Loy who in sists on having an insect- Ie.ss Havinj? lived in aptuif; ;.:.i andr;ntedhouses all her life until a year ago, the Metro - Goldwyn - Mayer star is now the overseer of her own six-acre ranch in Southern California. Fiv6 and one-half acres are plant ed to limes. House and gar dens cover the other half aei*e. In California, where in sect!? multiply more swiftly than weeds ahd flowers grow j iqually fa.st. Miss Loy per* ioiiaUy'see.s to it t’.ir t insects do not iuvado garden. 'Every nioriiin'' tourists on trlie s,’ght-t!C- in i u.'-. ■I'swhich 1'av 1 t'.' 1 (3oi water ' r I n HfSf f^rrf d* ;-uv = , Lci’k p; !i .rrvnvinj? tlie aau:;!aa,. iii,yiu;uc‘-ticides. But it is not the {jurdener. It is Miss Loy, who trusts her flowers—her hobby—to no man. Though purely a hobby, th« star is proud of the fact that she recently sold her first crop of limes at what she called "a good price.” ThU i^e says, is the ^'biggest kick” that has yet eome to her •• a “r*ncherite.'i School Rini^ KeySi Fraternity ilewelry, Graduatittff ifow^s Pins,jWrite M.W, jyd Hron% 4m E. First €3uir* loiter N. a i 5 £ g s. §