man Who Defied Florida Kian To Leave Ftm Solomon Moves To Virginia Mi»»w, — Sam Solomon, local Dndertaker, c>'k and political Wder is leaving Florida to en- t»bli^ n bu«ines8 in Richmond, Va., he annoiunced this week. Mr. ColoriK*n gained fam' last year when as heead of the NefTo Citisen'a Serviee league he defied the Ku Klux Klan when it at tempted to friirhten Ne^frof's from voting In a loeal Miami ejection. R«eently Mr. Solo>m«n hag been I active in Republican National Convention at Philadolp'hiB, iait Jane and having organized a WiVtlde Club here in Miami thi» Ifall. Mr. Solomon gave a« one of I his reasons fca* leaving Miami, tile that Miami citizens had not given him as mtrch- encoufw agement In his efforts for raoial advancement as he felt could be obtained elsewhere. JlCiamiians will tender him Mveral farewoJl partiM and banKiueis before he Irtnves for hi* new home. West Durham News Bf Mis* Margaret C. Allan The Junior Missionary Dopart- mont of the Wet»Durhami Baptist Chuneh presented their annual program for African Scholai'ship Sunday, Octicjber, 13. Mum .... ....rhoir !Bpriptttre Mifw Maiorlo I Markham Prayer .. Earl I Arti« Play “How Suainne Slew Her Giant.” Stokj llMgene Munford Heading I^rkins The J^k>r Code » Jtjeh Solo — — .. Maivaret Stevens Play .. of the Oo«8” The purfMwe Thomas and Mm Clara . Miss visor; Mrs. Mattie Ba«Iey, presi dent; M». Eleanor M. Brtown, S>cretary. Collection was raised to the fcmount of |15.00. Home-Coming Day At West Durham Baptist Church Th> annual homecoming day of the West Durham* Baptist chu«rh will be ('bserved Sunday Novemfcer 20 from 11 a. nn. to 1^30 p. n*. Special featui'e of the occasion will be an address by Prof. Wm^ M. McElrath, prin cipal of Hillside park Hlprh school. MiM,S«lo Margaret Stephens “The Soldier iPaper — .... E. T. I Arti0 of thi# moflsion History of the church . ... elrcis is to do mismonary work. In 4m much a« this club is educ ating Thomas Carr Graham, an A#rica.Ti boy. The club has made ■ucoess in raising mmey to do 00. The young people axe very anxtoua in doing their part. Much credit is given to their leader, Mrs. S. P. Satterfield. Mualc for the occasion wa* very fitting. Other participatinig in toe progntm were MIsaes Mary and Mangaret Stevens^ Mrs. Adele Morns and Cfarlin P. Graham. Miss Nellie Rogers Music will be rendered by the Senior chodr and the West Dur ham Singers, The Honvecc^ing day sermon will be delivered by the pastor, Rev. T. C. Graham. HE’S GOT SECOND BAPtrST RALLY A (SUCCESS Last Sunday night miarked the end of a month long financial 'Memhem otf the group are:|drive at the Second Baptist Meadames Helen Jones, Clara church and the fifty Captains Perkins, Elnora Johnson, M. E. who had been working reported Howard, Bthel Borlaind, Louise W«eks and Misses A]eas« Fuller, I>ottie B. Bailey, Jarjorie Gunn, Mable Jones, Ruby Bolding and Oalcnia Bolding. Mr*. S. P. Satterfield, Staiper- $7i29 at the special service. Feaiture speaker for the evening was J. H. Wheeler, CaaWer of Mechanics and Farmer Bank. He fljpoke at length on> the history and iml>ortance of churches. LYON PARK Bf Mrt. Mmnr F. Curtifl PTA MEETS The Parent Teachers Aaso L*- tion of the Lyon Park EJIementary School held itis f'irst meeting' of tjw school year Monday night at t^ ochoci. i(| ^poteseryta.'tdv'f number attended. MAKE MOTCMt TKIp Mrs. Saiphionia McDade, Mts. Btta White, Miss Hattie Whioe, Mkn Helen McDade, William Lennon and Mar. liennon motored to Sanford Sunday to visit rela*- tive« and friends. Deaaon Donnell of Greensboto virited the services of tite Second Baptist Church last Sunday. Carolina Times Readers' in the ILyon Park section are invited to use this column each . week, Churcfti, social, and ersonal news will he accepted at Mrs. CMrt%’ ^cjne on Hailey St. until Tues day each week. Farm Yoyth Defeat Veteran Showmen at State Fairs EASIER. WAY ^0 SOLVE Business TROUSL€S IS TO APV0RTISE Needle Work Guild Meets With Oct. 6 With Mrs. Lennon Hssitattnc Bloss. Yslkjw Qw Blues mad s«vml Otbsn. His anmnmgemaitt *f me^nianimt of hill .ttt^ eupyritht, stated; “Mf HJmposition The llegar|»hM Blue* (fjr. Mister Crump} eopy- r«ht 1912 as originaHy poMfcsh- ed h-/ me, witibowt wrtrdsi, ©n Bavc. 29th oi tha^ pianmtr in its field. AH sobssqfoent vsr*- .ons and armngesunt tibi* number, vocal or ifistminmtal, and w4ietheT or not eoBtaining new maitter, are based ad depand ent up this original vraHon. la mly inexperience, I wa» fedaeed in the same to part witb tiikt uniq« prcperty oatnght, «wing aotiiorahip rights, for the k»»b of $&0. Just bow this hapftensd will be told in mf aatobiognfihy, W be po^>li^«d by The Jfac- Millan Coimpac.y. t "However, having sorriwd to 'this, the 28tb annivenary of ori ginal poblScaticn, and haivinif m isole eompser dal^ seeared ;fro;n ^hp United States Copyright in my own name, I am happy to an nounce such renewal beeoraes' effective today, for the statotory second term of 28 year*. All concerned are hereby ikvU- eapecially for children of t h eling. Mias A. M. Tuck, Home _ . ^ . ... . . ^ , ‘teen age.” Givit^ of two new|iEcoino>mic Teacher! of the Hill»- ® ’ y- J » garments and a contribution of boro High School was the ma:n . - money (not less than twenty Speaker, giving an inspiring taiic ^ ^ f iveceilta) by any organization on the value of the community * ° ^ . miakes it a director. If ow reach- fair. Mrs. Mary L. Pratt president ^ , ed with a request fK>m a director of the garden and Industrial « through “ I representatives mnt penusssons ifor the use of soch mtwie or title garments or money may be sent club ^warded the prizes. I Big Savings Can Be Made By Buying Now Durham — The Directons of Maggie Lennosi, 809 the Cbjored Branch of the Dur- payettevalle St. Money will help ham Needle Work Guild met ■wlth't;^^ ty i^oea. the Cfljairman, Mrs. Maggie Len non, at the residence of Mrs. A. M. Moore, *60$ FayettevHle St. on Sunday, Ootoiber 6 at ^ p. m. to pl«n for ttie rolleiotjon of the garments fapr the Annual “Ingathering” the second week in N>ovem;ber. Before entering into general diacui^n of plans, tribulte was paid of two of our influential workers who had passed since the last “Ingathering.” Toi Mrs. 1|J. SL HiU oiga^lMr, and for I in any manner, and to receiva amy Community Fair At Coolspring Is Great Success In Orange The club odficers are; President, Mm Mary ^ compenaatio’i Vice president, M^. Mj^e Jolir. ^ |son; Secretary, Mrs. Elk j jj»oTtly have the plaa- Treasurer, Mrs. Mary Trice. Thel^^^ republishing the Memphis :club mortifcg, “Take what you’ve got and make what you want, j ^ ^ ^ j-nje success of the Fair was due ^ ^ ^^iSeh jto the ingenuity of the P*rticip-entire strain that ant» in using what they had at altogether dropped out jhome and making it attractive) j ^ ^^her hmaOs. 1 (and useful. jalso exect to publi* a vocal ver* ‘ ' sion, for which I smU wiita w>f own lyrics. BY HELEN TAPP The Ooolspring community held at Coolspring' School in ange County on October 11 wag considered by many to be the eight yeai^ preddent, whose lead'^^gt guoceasful ever to be held'^j •whip andinfhience meant so in ihe county. Froan, 2:30 to 4:30 much to the succees of the Nefidie County Agent M. C. Burt, accom-. , wn- .o WoA Gudld. Ipanded by the Negro SuibJectL^®^ ~~ I To Mrs. W. G. Pearson, a direc matter Specialist, Mias J’ tor an enthusiastic worker, and'mina Laws, judged and inapectell . ^ p»ina, omnS. a»di»^TOtiSi> i»w. guptporter cif the Guild. the exhibits that were shown by n^^eni^KidaeT *3 V.. ,-n from .the year 191-2, when; 'or:|W.C. Handy Granted New Copyright Fpr',Kidneys Mus! The MemphislBBffi’i riAgii Out AddS .■WiAW V«rk rntv — Williajrt Cl I Mrs. A. M. Moore hats kindly the farmers in the district and; Annual Harvest consented to carry on as direc- by the 4-H ciuib members of the Iawingly tor in M«. PeaiBon'e place. 'county. been granted a TT j ^ 1 J I.- I ^ copsmght for that piece, ha j U^der efficient lead^ershipl The pn^ea were awarded to ,of Mrs. Mape I^nnon, the an- the following persons: 1 Musician Handy is nml coUect^n of garr^nts for, .CANNING: Mrs. El^ Trice, ^ g, the needy of our ^ty «*ool first prize; Mrs. Mary Tric^se- glues, Beale Street Blues, children especially ha« increased cond prize; Mrs. Mary Pratt, ’ from 432' in 19i33 to 11159 in fiQivixth prize; Mrs. Margie John- ’3i&. Front year to year it is found eon, third prize and Mrs. Lot-a that there is miich need for cllcith Trice, fifth. ing' among' the sehool children j WASTE BAJSKETS: Misa M. and friends ha-ve generously con-jjv>rte, first; Miss Helen Trice, tributed. Men as well as women Igecond. may j'Cftn by given two new gar-j SEWING: Mrs. Ella Trice, first ments or money and dt is hoped,Mrs. Lora Trice fii^t second and that every one will help this‘third and Mrs. Mary Trice, worthy cause. CHAIRS: Clifton Trice, first; The Citizens committee are Eugene Lynn, second; James made a substantial contiibution jBumpass, third, last year and is hoped that! EiUGiS; Mi^es Eliabeth^ Bur- they and the other organizations Touhg, fiwtt Helen Trice and will 'take part, as there is urgent Mrs. Mary Trice second, need for many more garments A brief program was held a I; than have ever been coUeoted, (g :30 with Charlie Couch presid- hdtdnt th« Kidnm flnih. oat j _ ^ ^ _ and waites. And ifcls ttesiMlnr. pwtfjrlns KldBsy actioii. In tast a day os aa, mar —»; fly mate ;tnt ttA yoonter^ Mtter thsB to ‘ wrapped arqmn —__ . ^ nms an tninm(tiii*» (efaad of MS* onleaa yoa aia comptewly satiallML tM oaM Frerrtiiiac to tatn and DotlilaK toloM wte Commences Thursday Morning, October 17th Make Your Plans Now and Attend this Sale to Do Your Fall Shopping OUR STOCKS ARE COMPLETE WITH NEW FALL MERCHANDISE ANNOUNCING COMMUNITY COAL COMPANY You and your family will have no diffi culty with poisonous fumes escapinir from your stove or heating plant or with a possible leakage of fuel. You can de pend on our coal for safe steady heat throughout the winter. WE SELL RED ASH - POCAHONTAS - WEST VIRGINIA, Etc. Order A Load Today L. A. TOWNSEND & SONS. Mgrs. ^HONE J-7761 , Ellis Road Near Airport, E. Durham UN PIONEEK om liUSE MflLpS BUFFALOiS FR£Qli6NTLY, Of LAYED TRAINS aqssiNe the westeiw PLAINS'. OBSTlNATr SnuieStfRS WFM SOMETIMES CHASfO THE TMCIC WITH HOT WATEIk FROM THE LOCOMOTIVE Tme AVERA&E FREiSHTaR TODAY HAS ID PERCENT MORE CAPACITY THAN THE AVERA6H FR.EI&HT CAR. OF WORLD WAR 0AYS(l9lS) ^BOUT THIRTY CENTS OF EVIRY RAILROAD TAX OOllAR 60ES TO SUPPORT PUBLIC SCMCKHS, THUS PR£WIDIN6- SUFFICIENT FUNDS TO EDUCATE APPROXIMATELY 1300,000 BOYS AND &I(US EACH yEAK. M association AMSMCAN tAlUOAOS WjINTER Is Just Around the Comer— No better time to fill your coal bins than NOW with Clean Quality COAU . PREPARE for COLD Weather in Tin« irf Warm Weather. McGHEE GOAL Perfect Stoker Coal COMPJ^ nooit j-isti