N. C. EAGLES SLAUGHTER SHAW UNIVERSITY The Sports Bazaar WILLIAM A. TDCK SPOBTIN G Smith Takes Saints ★ ★ Football ★ ★ ★ c. c ^9 0 18 6 80 & se 6 7 0 44 6 TOR THE fiMt ti«« in Norti h*ndi o*» the ball. It iww r«»Hy C«U««« history, the ••d and touch the w«y the “little eoMh wwm «We wilfnlly k#«p Blaea” ot Raleigh |«t tha Hornet# most of his first rtrinf me* Wl* o“tsm^ them with littl* thii^ thnMiflMUt ■ (aknfi aipaanat the like runs and passes from kick Shaw Univeriity »e««. Dick formation, iimple reveiaes and likck. lIcHiarland, and Johnson, the Itk*. " ^ jrth Carolina Collect baekfkld a«e», were beings ‘arfved’ Coach Charlie Mack Williams qu™ TTniv««ltv Pe«maa, AlMos and Fines, ends 'tf Raleigii told Go*:h Ridddck ^ o -*u w«» Biao. Wl«. •'Fittiy" WiOiams, mmffnunnnn », .«ohh edetr'*^ Jotaison C. Samth Balei* backficld man who wf-is *>efor» the game that he wa* St. Anyustina’* b«in« counted on f«r t^is ^me, anjuous for the team* to IjtuaUy Ellia#belh Oity T. was aaspended from the squad ™«®t each oiher thia aeaaon be- Winaten Salem T. dtirinr th« proceeding week be- he was afraid of *jdng Turfcegee cAuse of being aeen smoking, and through the se(»on unbeaten and S. C. 3t*(te tra^ ®aoi amoHg tlHMe absent then having the championship t*ngsboQ Aron tha gridiron. But the inter- taken because of what the Dick- Xavier egting part about this wM that >n»on raitfng system might say. Morgan these fellowa were never missed, thait’s settled n-cw; the Raleigli Howard from tfje time of kkloofr until *>0^8 i«st aren't in the same cla« that iB-« became the final score. ,Hilteide this year. The 20-0 I* thia g«m«, which left the wre leave® ao ciuestions to be stiH urtacred on *, and asked. anited. NOG regiatered 6 firatl DURHAM GOT ITS PHKST dtfvns in compuiaoQ to 2 for TAiSiTB of semi-profwaioDal ikot ^MTW. Both tMuas lamt 60 yards b*fi last Sunday afternoon ^en| Durham Smart offenaiTe and e^h oB 4 panaltiaa; Shaw at- the WaBtoiwn Wilder.ts bowed -be- defensive playing combined with tempted 12 pa»es, ccanpleting fere the Hayti Buccaneers 13-0 powerful reserve strength featui^ 7 ■wkile the ^l^es completed only with Carr starring. Other games jjig 2O-O victory wi»iA *ihe 1 out of the 10 attempted. One coming up this seabon as other Hornetg df HilWde P*rk School Shsw paas w«a ifiteroepted by secttona of «ty have organdz- registered ^er the “Little wluee” ^ locals. ed tean?s a» a poasiMe onjtlet for jR,.^iedgh’s WisWngtion High Hall, NOC blocking back, oarri- acpne of this abundant energy gchool at Diirhaon Athletic Park ed the ball sixth time for the which ^oouftds amng Durham’s yesterday afternoon. The passing a«iwi Svtertiajr and paved the out of achool yo-uths. Mo«t of the «nd Faulk cf Rjtie^ was w«y for en* oi the - touchdowns, fellows tat we saw in actipn ,ffensive threat of the 4. aia a H« has with the ball exactly 6 Sunday are product*^ of Coach visitors and it was a pass from ® late stisrt in the current Isme* tUa season and has scoreid H. RiddKjc of SillsSe and t£ey t© that »ce«aBted for campaign st^p the poweml Mor- 4 toecHdownai. ■ NOT BAD FOR A ^re still playing (for t^ie most ^ y^d ^un t» HiUside’s 19 Bears in the headline attrac- GITY HIS SlZiL part) the same hard, yeit clpdii, jjn'g the fourth quarter. November 9 ^ Balti- Thoae HILLSiDE nOBNOSTS h*ve game that he tri^ fb *nlf into H'illside scored 13 pc^ints in the ^d. ig the big queation o-f really been giving Durhfin fans their heads. M-iSt of the enJoy- Second suarter and seven nwre in week. ^ter an ■one excellent exhibitions {>f h> jtv rfitJft/fWni^SuttdsifT’s game CAME thitd. jVirfpnia Union, 13 a well coa^ed and well discipline fptnii ol^ervin^ tha friendly yet 1 same started out to'be ,A Aggies have iJcmght their way ^ ed high school team should play detenwined spirit erf cetebat close affaiir with both sides tacfc- speculations of ^era 0^ '•ee^riles* the game. In the most recent-ehown bv both teams. Thia indeed ; v,*.j vat* **vet. P^^kJn fans. Raleigh No Match For Hiside ★ ★ ★ CAN A. & T. STOP ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ Can the A and 'if Aggies «flf to upset by to 0, the »' T"k to Jh“ l>icto a**!. the Hi«.ide ,,5 U.u week K- «t Washingtjw High is pr gress m Durham’s world „i fumhlpa. Trf>e «f Hillside inter-! in inia pjcuure, at org -aggie Haytj fiuecaneers Wer4 . - ^ j--.— i— Durham’s world fumbles. Lee of Hillside . ‘ Baxv^hdn jjuccaneers wer. ^ offensive and defensive of Baleigh, almost every offennive of recreation. '^.gpted o«e of the many p?fe»es ‘ finally able to score in the fourth the stronr South telek wa» used successfully. This HILLSIDE'S homecoming date .v^ch the visitors attempted in batter-than three teams which he ^ thrilling A and M team -«^h»ch will highly rated Raleigh team was h^s been chai^ted again; it has opening quarter and a.ceount- ^ expect ^ use with damaging WaBto^n Wildcats and Ju«t Another group of fellows ^en set ior Nqv. 22 now. Tsk! 12 first downs. Toward o» i. take a 1*2-0 victory. Oarr broke after the HOBNETS got their Tsk! Ithe end of the quarter Crunip re There are four baKkfleld ormitoina Ei^le Reserves (kt Shaw 'covered a Hillside fumble on the tiong and two walls in gnatched a ten yard pass jscore another touchdown ® ^ 50 yard line itlnd Raleigh staged » * f ,» ^ team ca.p Morrissey. ' Minutss I Hardy was shaking a leg goal- to the 29 yard Ihie ^in is choaen tef ore each gdm«. ^ sweepin* 18 W|j(rd in ^ 2i5 yard run as the the ball went over on downs! The team i« flanked by ^aeh. Both attempts- for Hampton To Meet Howard At Armstrong Field Hampton V«, A E^tiMpton elsven, badly battered wlfft in juries, will be host to o^d rival, Howard University, Satup- 'y afternoon, .. NoT«afcer 9, /f Armstrong Field. ^ ^ bitter Athletic rivalry bet- the ice when he reached into the Carolina school’s homecom-^ schools gives-pro- Carr Scores Twice. | SSm leady To Upset WalltowQ For Homecoming By 12 -0 Score, IUle%h — The Shilr Univer- * sity Bears, at almost fall stren^h Durh^ - Aft^ three quap. bjlttling last third game if season have invade tiie Beare* lair in Ralei^ SflBturday, November 9, in the where the ball went over on downs 1 „ „ iu |e® Rollie Bernard slid as the period ended. i . , The first iplay of the second Hams on the back row. Moi^an Defeats half ended 8-K). The third quarter was the bi|f jone f;r NCC; 14 points were a kick by Blount from “^de. The fir»t points of the ^9 to the Raleigh 3®. ghllwt of North CarJina College ^ Iwt of flr« .irtag »- *’=' ‘ pl«s> by W..himEU,„ High, Hai- , . M , UrU ritht bogde him on the '"T side’s Lnmlord lecoered a fumble ^ UAn>n|> J £ MKb 1« S.t«zdw tflen.o„n to *”f '‘T’ ""T „ the M and a K..«hdwn .Wv- ilWHOl U It lU W thn reserves eive the Shaw through almost all of gd was immediately staged. Lee "" 0«vem^ Bears a 29-0 cteWing led the drive with a four yert | Baltimore —The Morgan State BEL_Moore Mire ^Ltl, 4,000 home«OT!i>g ao e«»ra jolnt^ „„t. i,„„st„rd r.|ri«t,Md a fi«t (Wlwe Be«. «n their QB-Mara»er in the same quarter, Hams ^^en he^caught a pas0 on, eon»eeutiv«e victory for this mm- hb—Oarr ' 'started the drive for another the lo yard strip after Blwint^nSi^torctey in ^he Moripffl ing contest. iBerset by injuries in early sea son games both the North Oaro- to score again, South Caroling teams 4!onversicqis BY BILL TUCK iHiriuuiii —■ Co*^ W. F. Bur- failed. Buc«|«kne6\n LE—Kollock LT—JJay LG—Btnnpaag C —Hayes RIG—Claxey RT—■Wilsc'n perry Lambeth Sam O’Keny field. had hurled'itfrom'kick formatiolij^l^’;^^^*^ attack as thev afterwhich Bwwn Hornets win three more plays erywty Bisons wer edefeated 44 alfvinced the oval lo ithe IB yard Ri„unt -finallv crossed the!^ 6. The Beats' first team pUy- ile ed ipH. ;ne for touchdo^ *^ter *'*^^«d the oval IB y»d before Blount finally crossed the tiH«:bd4wn and to roU up 7 goal line thncmgh tackle. Within ed fojr the first dMrm in comparison to B for ■ fa few minutes. Graves blocked a ^Greene made »o,od on another Raleigh Vick and Lawrence, end the onendne ™o^e “P the 4. From jgcovered on the 14 y4rd lii»e. ofppoeed Ae Bisons for t] few seconds L^htner crashed jhrough Rummer and Lee made short com^partson dh>w. reoeived Uefcoff and ijcr quarter, while second string men played period. The thi: Officials: Referee, Sarrit^fl^ Umpire, Johnson Headlineaman, H. S. Riddick Field Judge, Bqy Lee. center for the touchdf.wn. Gaanes from here ahd Lee stepfped good with after ^ well placed pass by 'Co-eapl^n Bkfunt. Bknirrt pfuMed Plays jSchool Riligg, Keys, fit - Morgan’s seven touchdowns Prat^mity JeW^lry, Aceordlng to announcements Worthy and Haines gained yard- . , at wil through the Eages line ** quarter Hardy went ^ TunTeforr for^'ttTe' "^^a P®*® from Givens to Taten H'¥'Wd ^the ^ -Ter again from ^he l yard goal p^int I'^ho ran 14 yards, Burdnell owi- Wriie n* nO^^O wi% pwades, ^the mise of a sensational, hard f^gfht IgridirsflJ battle. The Sesfeiders ara reeognised as a stronger football aggregation, bat their quota of bad breaks brir^ the olds dqfwn to practic ally even. j|a)nes “Shakey" Steirart and %]^hioniore Hillie H«melU Hamp ton stalwarts, may rot be able to start beoalUse of minor injuries. But Ooaeh Gideon Smith i* bank- in# on several flashy newcomen to assure victory for the home ■quad. iCuthrell and Lawrence Pe#ton, the “Norfolk Twins” have |>een showing hejhrolves to advaya«e in practice scrimmages, and so- phoaioa^ Bhrood Hill, hs(pd driv- the retafn to form of “Brute” I fallback and Ernest "DKiJce” Owens, Shaw’s cruel tackle, they|^^®®”» *■ and shifty back, will bs in good shape to welcome shown vast improvement in the scii'appy Sontj, OaroHna Out- games. These men will Qitrry the big load for Hampton. have suffered los^ which ex- i! ^ 1,**" lerts feel ^:juld have been re- n versed. But with both teams now Brandon at top strength indications are thjfi; the btginning of this new ® interstate rivalry will ocer one f Smit* heat games seen in these w”ii s«»on. ® ‘ Althodg^ they have lost for the season Q,*dfrey Dunmore, first ring center, the Bears feel that with the return o{ fultt>e,ek 'Joe' iSprfeg* injured in an early sea- Jaibby ga,nie, “Jackie” Kobinson, ^halfbark ako oat the lai^ three gialnes becaiise ot injuries, and were made as follows. 1. A 2® football game will be the fe,M honoramle rol6 is Nurses s t^rj ^ * ^ai, shtiM homeoc-ming “ ^>^>1. Kifksey, N. j C. State end, inter- ee^ted D«vaa pasg to get possess- forced to lose the ball Leg had just completed a iofl the ball on the fifty yard f? f>«able. A^m Gaines’ d^ yaj.j n,n j^fter a pass from Blount ^ , j ’ ’ The aeftton la|f this first quar ter was Bi^nly in the center of . „ , . . . suit of more heads up playing crowning of verted for the extra point. 2. MorgiAn rushed the ball 66 yards kick was good toX an extra point. the hM ended* 13-0. I®” ® lottft. N T. ‘ In the third quarter tfee lome3- Burdnell lOUC* JN. lu. touchdown was made as the re- ® yard line. 4. Lorenao Thomas scored by recovering Turner’s fumble on a bad pass behind Brslndon to«ik Horne* Jeweler, 40S"^^ return of » 1? 'G':«.r4' ru hundred* ©f the Shaw alumni add- g 5; ^reet, Char-jng color to the festifitles. II 10 St Paul Homecomii^ Foes of the Saints the field until a )^w kick wtaa bk>ek«d 9a their own 16 yard stripe, f^m Ums pcint^ the Eag le^ used only S plays 1>a score. After Licfatoer and Hall, Rdeigh Laiwrenceville, V*. — St Paul Passed to Lai^i^enie to make the «Ui» for Bloc, had brought the ;dn.ips down in,to plans for a gala (and final score) 20-0. ball to tlie 10, U^taer let go a' ^lebrjf^ion for homecoming. The! ™inute desperation Uie wdi placed passed to Duckwilder Saints are planning a 'huge and visitors beg^n flinging the initial colorful parade of floats and de- ”8^^ *®d left. Most of itoem ei- corJited cars -which will represent *her hatted down or intercepted is the end sone for 6 fteOflCs. , ^ . . . The 8l(0es seemed set upon the v«ric;u« clubs and classes, tiie ®°® of them made pctssible ^ scnrifiir »a every ouarter of the crowning of the lovely Mies yard run by Hell. fMne (as ibey did) but in the Gladys Delphy as Miss Homecom- fseoml qvprtcr they had to con- ing, and a frolic that night in t^t tbemselve* with Just tNvo Taylor H;dll. BCiatfc It was after a Shanr Uni-1 Si. Paiul has a strong team this Tffvttf fiindtle hAl placed the season despite their several losses. m ^heir own 2 yard line j Against topnotch conference »er recovered a block-teams they luire clayed bang »p file go4 line for foothall. Thg Saints haive suffered Ibweed t^e jtfie toss of some lettermen throug'h «f til* ^puurter Duckwilder t eligibility rulings but may have ampie backfielde ri'placements in fleet foote Brinkley. ' Thonupson intercepted n pass on the Rrfloigh 34 and later crossed „ ^ _ th^ gctal line untouched. Blount i ® a “ the ball cjn Howards 3i6 and ran for a Score. Thomas kicked tl}w extra point. 6. Hutchinson re ceived ball, 01} 4© yard stripe /Bbid with beautiful broken field rurun- ended. In the fourth quarter the ^ihal score was maie on a prrii from Byron to fintehinson. Ht|ward’s score came in t^e last period when Witchell receiv ed thp ball on Moron's five rind li« Km1«* began * pM«nc at> tMRb'lB the ddqwrmte ^ittempt to MONEY TO LOAN On INamonds, Watches, Jewelry, Silverware, Men’p Ctothing, Type Writen, Shot Guns, Musi^ b* struments, anything of value. RELIABLE LOAN CO. 121 EAST TRADE STREET 'Charlotte’s. Oldest and Largest’' ran off .talskle to t^ie goal. PHONt: IN YOUR NEWS parade scheduled China called America’s first line of defense in Pacific. Earnings of 150 industrial compAnies up 315% for nine months/ Admiral • Towers favors re leasing- military planes^to Brit^ Aia, ★ ★ ★ Bull Brigade Shades Saints 18-6 By Milton C. Branch iRaleigh, — In what faJj a moral victory for the tcisers and the fifth stra^ht win of the season for the victfrs, « cocky Gojden Bull, Brigade shaded a stubborn and cosrageous St. Augustine •levsn here Saturday as the Saints dedicated n new field. And the 18-6 score gii es a little in- dicatiqn ©f the terrific battle thi^t Saints waged t© keep in check the might and power of Coach Jackson’s great machine. Aided by a muddy field that greatly hampered the Bull’s grrette ground attack and put a decided crimp in its famed aerial circus, the Saints played not only inspired ball but gave c«ie of their greatest gridiron perform- anceii. | | On St. Augustine’s cflmpus thig week such rames as Le> Compte, Johnson, Pullen, ahd Foxhall are being sung loud and long. But there j3 one warrior whose praises are being sang even lounder «nd longer than all the rest—Thomas Bembry, play ing his last season ki the mole* ekins*for the CapitcJsrs. Against the Bu!l« last ^aliurday, Bembry Meiaad to go completely beserk fund became ^ veritable one man wave of destruction as time and again it was only his savage and f4tiltless tackling that kept the Sainjts frcim the slaughterhouse for Eddie McGirt, “Sugar” Dow ling, Ace Bailey, and “Tut” Pat rice were the loose. Starting the game a^t guard, Bembry per formed successievly at end, ta«kle and center. In fact he did every thing but carry the ball for the Saints |4nd from all indicatii,^^s he could have covered that »»■ signiment and covered it well. There was other All-CIAA ma terial unearthed on tbilt rain soiA: ed field. There wag Hank Mur phy, eophcmiore Bull back from Uo^ora, Pa. who kept a ralbid crowd in the throes of frenzy with sensational running and passing.' There wag al^t Joe Tull, •ne of the Bulls’ famed TNT twin guard combination, and Chet Gudger, « newcomer from Mamfif i^onock, N. y., attaining brother hood in the absence of the other twin, "Mouse” Toliver, But in the end, ability over- caone inspiration. The Bulhi opened up hostilities difter Webb had snared an attempted Saint pass on bis ^n 40 yard Jii»e.' With Powell passing to Webb and McGirt storming thiough the line# ^e Gold 4^d Blue made a aus- tained 60 yard to score cjn a 10 yajnd off tackle smaeh by MicGirt A few minutes later, when Webb’s puntirig had driven the Saints deep into their ,own terri« tory, Tull recovered tel fuoAible on the 1 yard stripe and 4ne play later McGirt rung up another ® on the score register, Webb tniss- ed bo% convecisio#s. Then Fate took a turn midw«y the third quarter. A p^un frcIm Johnson to Pullen frojn the St. Augustine 4i5 was ruled complet ed on the Bull &6 after Smitj» in terference with the pass receivef Smith atraightway drew * 11 yiird penajty' 4nd again Johneoo iwVaand up, this time to Foxhall on the Bull 10, An off-side pent- •Ity on Smith advanced the Saints to the 5 and from there it was Johnaon to Pullen ikiT the score. Bemibry made an Unsuccess ful ^ttempt of the conversion. SAM BRUCE, the Aggies great touchdown of the A and T-WeetBruce’s winning quarteibaok is shown 3iist iil> be is .Vt., State.game. .The Aggies womihown-above. •bout to.'fo> over for the-lone in tibe'fdttrtb petigd touchdowiv' un Hull says hemispkere is in^ periled by ambitions of aggreft sors. Life on Venus is just stMt- ingt British astronomer sayBt