The Sports Bazaar WIUMM *. nCK Morgan Defeats A. & T. CoUege 34 - 0 WHENEVER two record holdei*jof wrrijama^r^ when only incheB me«t, whether It bo 4n boxinir, w«r« ne«ded for fiiwt, down*. On iNi^kstlb^ai or offenw, however, th® N. G. O. in tb« ho)ei rom the atart. How ard piinted «nd B»mpton took the ball oji her cwn 44 yard line. On th« fim play “Duk«” Green at«ii*d wide around hia g^jjlleft end, cut back into the How ard secondary, eluded two would be tackier* and dashed 56 yards GAUjOPING GfiOKGE - - By Jack Sotdi Baltimore — November Morgan won Ita Bfxth connecu- ««n*body'* reoord ,1 bound to be fello^' A jhe firrt soc^e of the game, browffht to »n end. U«t Frdday the keeper of etatietk* of areenriboro by a score of! «Jrht play* later thw nitfht the HWWde Kornet* met • made o«ly two fli»t downs »lt ^ ^ period dreen took the ball tewn wlio (like themselveB) had afternoon In oora(p*Ti«on with_ ’ n the Howard 15 yard line, not Joat a g*me In three yeam and I Florida’* 1«. they complied 1 touchdccwu. Only once after this throttffhout the game ft was al- p*es out >f 10 and h«4 1 inter-1, . . ’ . * , « thiwi«h the whole Howard back w*ya doubtful whoee recard waa c^ted. Plcrida attempted 17 threatenetl to aeore. In the third ^ going Ho be upset. The 6-0 acoreiPMsea comjiletan^ 6 and «ettin«, A and T wa« on the se-| Hbward, in » desperate attempt ia quite indicative of the even one dntercefpted. I tp score, tbooOc to th« air early in tepraa on which these conKp«ra-| Je«ri« Mack, Eagle Co-captain I ^ ^ the gara«, Van Buren began kSAIWAA tk /IaO-1 TVnA't^LA . > . . tivoly small boys from Laurin- jdeaervea a great deal of pr«.i»e hxirg battled/ *he ohaiapionfihip|for the wy he “drove” the lines- Hornets over at D;irham Athletic mendefeiwe Saturday. The Park. Why thcw felloWB (wiio cfutartandingr part about hiis driv- dido’t have enough reserve* fco^ing fa that he also gat hi* man m«te 8 seoond team) seemed to most times. Hie ad»ice to *'tadde have 16»t all fear and reepect the farst thiny you sea coming for the highly touted Horneit* ouit" did a great deal twoard and jxiat waded into therti think- slcjwin^ down the Rattlera’ gaina ing cmly of increasing thetr by the u»e of their reverse lay nuimbeo- of team^ btaten. When that kepi the Ea^rles Buren tra^. i^sPin* paaaea all ever the field. JAnd the Howard passing attack clicked, bwt they lacked they were held in their On the third down, A and T was, thrown for a three yard lo*9. ji‘®*Hy On Saturday, November 16th, l^he necessary drive and punch to Morgan meets its rival sf long score. t standing the g«me ended and the viaitors’ desperate efforts to close up the durinig the Alston, first end, quorter, .was oibvioui^iy Hampton Institute, in the Morgan Stdium. This is the Homecoming; game and hundreds Of MoiTgandtes aro expected to return for thig ciccasion. On Friday evening, the Varaity Clusb will hold its annual reunion. Ijast . . , . year over 100 former !" Pl*^ye« returend. Game Statilsitics Moi^n Fir«t ' ~ Eushing, yrds— - I Passes attempted ■ Pa^es ecimpleted P&gses intercepted ’Skegee Takes Knoxville 27 to 7 0-0 ga.p which Wallace set up In conaeiou* ^ his the first quarter had not be«n this game and as a result missed suceeflsful moert of themi broike «ome aweet paasea that might df^n in tears ri^ht out there on hava spelled victcnry. for the the field. ’Twas indeed a touch- Eagles. dnfp sight, (t ^y the lea«t). j North Carolina College has a AWD SPEAKING of record*, new pres* box now. Somehin* the North Carolina Coll*sre Eag-^new binder the sun, however, is lea still have one left. They can the fact that, there is a neat |>arti average still boast eft being unbeaetn al-’tlon in it and ever one entrance though the game against Florida in marked tn screaming letterB Saturday left them scored on PRBSJiDEfNT’S BOX. This has and tied (as well as TBRiJD) Al- been provided a« a place where though the Eagles played a d«-jthe president of the college may( fensive game mosi 4 i-i*® til»e, sit and view the games w^hout they held thelir qv^n in the cru-jhaivin^ to mingle with the “rab-j cial mioments except for the one ble.” It is indeed a relief to learn split second in the aenond quar-j however, thait ^-tha BOX which ter when the cf nter of the line j mig^it have been a symibol of an | epaned uptest long encj^gh for {isolated S)>irit was not at all the A-T Own Fumbles— Other Fumbles Hampton Defeats Howard 25 to 0 Tufikegfee, Ala. — Tuskegee’s Morgan' Tigers hurled another jSouthrn) Conference barrier by defeating Knoxville Colleg«, 27 to 7 in the Alumni Bowl here Saturday and calked up the the fourth acmsecutive victory since Wilberforce won from' the AJbbottmen alt Soldier Field dn Ohicaig,j early in October. The first sjoring producing effort was sparked 'by Upshaw Sams, who j>assed to Sawyer for 21 yard, followed on the ext play by Mocire’a heave to Sams, who like a streak, stepped the remaining 10 yards to tally. La ter, Moore and Sams sprinted 45 yards to score gitandinif. Mocre kocked the placements, It was early evidenit that 11 8 269 46 112 16 6 4 2 1 47 36 2 3 2 2 1 0 Gkdrge FOA^ICK OP MiN/JesoiA m Poes Mos opiate OO' ip0- OMoeR. -itiACK 66oRSe CefiTiiR'f fivl.09*’7 AaJP CAaI s-fep ALMOSf AS PASf 1/4 rtts ft»o curtMes Laurinburg HoMs Hillside To One Touchdown During Bruising Struggle the BY “SMILING BILL" TUCK jMichiJd^. Blount’- try f^- Durham — It «as not exactly extra point wa» wide, easy goin^r that the Hillside A eoiMnoous L»aftnbt»iy thr«at Hornets had at IKirilfcm Athletic all evening wa« th« piwuinsr vt ’ark last Friday nght when they Place had a *Kod t^cehrer fa gained a one touchdown virtiiry Lind»«>y. Tlieir four f«r^, down4 (eer the unbeaten eleven frrvm came as the resatt cf long’ pasRe*. Laurinburg^., Early iniories to McGowan was oa^=tandiiig am a Hillfi^de’s )rttnninsr passn^ asid flashy runner. The visiton ai> punting stars got most of the tempted 18 passes after it was blamo the fact that the impo«»ble to penetrate the Hor- M cham/tfions Wre ^ble to score net line althout^ only 7 w«i* 6 p pnt^ in the g»me but , complete and 3 were krtercepted. the alert Laurinburg defensf> was, Hillside p#ck»d op 10 fint also largely re.^onsible. After drjwns while LAorinbutv got 4. the game Coach Herman Riddiek This week, Norember 15 RiU- of the Hornets was the first to side goes to Rocky Mo«rtt to tell Coach P. H. McDuffie that furnish the competition for Bc-ok this team did the hardest block- er T. Waahingtn H^ on th^ ing and tackling that Hillside had Homecoming day. The HilLiidc met seasvin. They were clean band and a group of student all the way, however. supporters will make the trip( The first and only touchdown with the team, of the game was set up in he Next Friday, N»r.iveber 22, » 1st quarter when Laurinburg homecoming day «it ISilMde. The fumibled the ball on their own 25 game will be played agsin«t a yard line to have ft recovered by highly rated team from TarbOro Hillsfide. On the nex: play Th m at 2 P- m. at Durham Athletic p*on ripped off 7 yards over right Park. No parade is being plann- tackle; then Blount carried the ei but^he Hillside hand and aH ball for another yard and Wallace the safety patrols of the wiU plunged through for the yards escort 'the car b»»arang Sffisa IScmaa necessary for a first (kwn. After ccmii^ from the school to Dup- two more line smashes by Thomp ham Athletic Park at 1 |>. m. At son and Blount, Wallace went the interission between, the h»lv- through a “wdde oP®n space’ in es of the game, the homeco lisT the ^Laurinburg Ime for the queen will be crowned. goal post with a the strength wa?« superior to ers So Hampton, Va. — A bat^red] Q4ymp^bo gl^p- thr««srh for 6'idea of Dr. J. E. She(pard but Hampton Institute foortiball team Tigers' j * * ij *■ points. At least twige during the that of sorte of his “faithfals" came back on the rebound frojn thaj of the ul ogs and- ’ cou no afternoon t^® E»«l®s held thejwho haven’t yet learned that his,Iasi week’s setback to defeat *>9*' necessaiy o ^e a p e^ . fVirida offanse right at the lin« is not the kind of a personality Howard Univewri/ty 25-^0 Satur day, Novemlber 9. The outstand- which opened he way for he backs to g®t through for long gains. These goal ward drives were aquekhed wher the Tuske- .^®^®’ gee forward wall tightened and^ in the early rrinuites ©f the the the ends ooivered the pass receiv- second quarter, the Trojans nett- beautiful field Jatkets a 3-0 . i ) . ; closely ibe Seconds Football CarollRa s the who haven’t yet learned that his,Iasi week’s setback .. , - . . , - ' — .... _ Iflf the p^(wer of which the re gular# Vere capable, so the Tuske,te game Mlcfore and Sams on two ing feature, of'the"^m7’were'gee coach substituted freely, but pa*es for S5 and 37 yards, pav- the broken field running of E!r-jeven then there v;ae remarkable j ed the way for Sawyer, who on nest “Duifce" Green, Hamptton bo- punch in the replacement mater- the thord play of a sustamed phomore, who scored three touch ial- Rabinson, wh took over, pass downs, and the passing of Geo. dQKV)Z VBK YV KBVK pKK,Q Van Buren, Howard quartenbaick ed to Jones for 3i5 yards pitting and captain, whq compleited 17 ^ the ball on the 1 yard line, out of '213 attempted forward from which point he bucked ot passes. over. His pass to Jones for the Despite the unbalance score, over. His pass to Jones for the Score the game was botn exicitimg and ^ extra point was grounded, colorful. Hampton toqk command ^at the half, Tuskegee 2'0, early In the first perdod, and her,ville 0- i • superiority was neve/ seriously | Knoxville’s touchdown, made questioned by the Hicfward team, late in the fourth quarter, was Aac their aerials'ej the only toivhdown of the successf ully com-j game. T%is #cvuchdown march ! I I started from State’s own 21 before the vlose of yard line. Kenneth Whitloek was the spearhead thii attack when he crashed off tackle for 36 yds, before being atppped on his 42 yard stripe. A iia% frijn Richard Cdbb to Willie Hurst and a five yard penalty against the Yellow Jackets gave State a first down on te 4, then Hurst, in three tries, plowed over from the two inch line. C-c(bb’s placement for the extra point was partially blocked, i a IN THE SHADOW or THE STARS Btj -Pbb&' Uallace ^UNGtrST McNTAIIST Om Tig AHKlCAM^iCg 'ilr- ^ ^ drive smashed through from the 1 yard line to score. Mjowre kicked the point, Va. State Upset W. Va. 5-6 A, and T. vs N. C. College Greensboro Stadium t Thanksgriving Day THURSDAY, NOV. 28 Kick'Olf 2:00 P. M. Petersburg, Vs. — Two thou sand football fans, kept 05 the edge of their sea+a fcir most of which played most of the game the result ^f a 21 yard pass least half, saw between the 20-yard marker*. from Henderson t^, Sutton. Hen- j Virginia State eleven edge out Hampton kiclted off to Howard der^on score through the line on ^ yjctory over the favorite Faulty ball handling goit Howard the next play and Thomas kicked^^g^^. yirginda YeIlow*Jatfkets. — the point placement. Bright spote j mountainers started the that ^an be enclosed in any box, in Knoxvdlle’s play was In the fourth quarter, th e Netr:—You« Question Vox Bb AMsweiicn tn Thb Coiumn. for a "Privtft Rtply" . . . Send only 21c for taj new Asnatoat Rjeadins ft Lncmv Day Cha«t tad itcare bf return a confidential letter of fret Aitmt aaalyz- iat O) Questions privately. Sign yoM fall lytroe. addren, and birtluiate to all letters, and please iocbde a «elf-«ddrtsse(t. titmftJ enrel(^ for fottr reply. Send til Utten to: ABBE’ WALLACE, cm of THE CAKOUNA TIMES. P. O. Box 7fJ, DURHAM, N. CAKOUNA I the GBW — Should 1 trip to Calyston with my band? Ans; — Indeed do- He looked forward a long tin^e taking this trip heme and you should accompany him. Your physical condition isn’t such that Cjldest brother about? Ans: — la is advising ne mountadneers fell one point short yvm will meet with any of tryin:g the game. With the fort on this Journey. ball on State’s 15 yard line, Whit t received a poor pass from | RAM—Someone is telling wife thing and caught behind his goal line by Seiward, Jacket end, thus giving h>jgh and above everyone even at a footl>all game. HASIN'T USED IT YET. their' ""'the Jackets 2 points. BCormg early in the first quarter Music by A. and T. 50 Piece Band Admitiion ■ Tu Incladed ■ $1.10 Regal Theatre TUESDAY and iWEDNESDAY * EXTRA' SPEaAI; ERROL FLYNN and MIRIAM HOPKINS , in “VIRGINIA CITY” alsoi Last Chaptei/ Of “HAWK OF mLDEkmss** THURSDAY - BARGAIN DAYi 5 and 10c — 2 Features and Short BING crosby; in in “THE STAR MAKER” alsd Richard Dix in “RENO” Coming “BLACK FRIDAY” / my I would like to know who. is doing it? Ans: —A relative 0f your own is the one carryins the news. It iS wife isn’t fooled by your little stunts. She knows you are play-'^,jjg ing around with tfiis other wK-man and I warn you that she doesn't rtiia; (u 901B© WajTS yoll ^ would be benefited but in others you TiroaUn^ Both the jcfs yon -are on and the new lob have their faults if you are contended diseom- have now remain there. I honestly feel you will advance ’nore rapidly where you are. else, aerial attack that functioned well Pleasant, Yellow Jacket A few minutes later West he in the waning moment® of the jialfback, punted frc«n his 20 Virginia again threatened the game as well as /the line play tQ Staite’a 30 where Phil Medley, HTrojan goal line, as Davis and Trojan qxiarterback, fumbj^d the Webster clicked in fine fashion punt and it wag rucovered by only to| be met by an impregn- John Stewart, Jaaket’s left end. able Trojan wall Z yards fromi®*'^ t*”® thing about you. Sftdek to Male Davis alternated with Amos p^y jjft, Welbster in toifaing the pigskin down to State’s 19 yard .line. The Troian's forwacd wall held • • • for three downs^ but on the four- • • « th Allen split the uprights of the • • • CD — Will anything serioas happen to the one that I hare symQ>athy far? Please answer? ^ -- A»s. Worrying r«v»r ImIdb any jost as well tho for your wife continue to do it. Yo«r friend really doesn’t deaerve ail sympathy you are lowering on him conditions aren’t as seri- our with him as you imaigiiie them to be. I feel that thinf^ will turn out alright in the end. your wife and ytu won’t have any dlflicultv gettini along n yoar home. . - ^ FB—it advisable for me to make the change of Jobs that my STl«1S'g" FOOTBALL NORTH CAROLINA COLLEGE VS J. C. SMITH UNIVERSITY r Saturday, November 16 O’ KELLY FIELD DURHAM. N. C. . KICK OFF at 2:00 P. M, ADMISSION $L00 EVM — I liave been *iek Iw r about weeks ani taking treat jents from the doctors. I doa*t jstay in bed but don’t b* igettirwr anv better at alL What muat I dkj? Folloiw your doctor's ta^xw* tions and worry leas. It quale true that aoren't used to hniiy sick but it comes to nearly one at sometime is life mu:it face wdthoot wrorry *W|6 (fear. I predict a ehanir* for liM |befcter in yowr health goon. j REV — Dow this t«4i^i«r I3c* e as much as I Bke him, if (Continued on 7> The. . . SOUTHERNAOIIS Cttj; MONIX&Y NOV, 19 Ticfeete tfeOeit*;