mm mm- m c. PUBUSHED WBEKLY BY THE OASOUHA TIMBS PUBLISHING CO. Ilf £. PBABOOr St. DURHAM, N PHONES N-ritl f J-7S71 (aterad m Meond clMi nater at the Post Ofiee at Durham, N, C. ander the Act of March Srd, 1879. L. B. AUSTIN, PUBLISHER • WILLIAM A. rUCIC, Editor HERBERT R. TILLERY, Manager CHARLOTTE OFFICE 4M 1-2 EAST SECOND STREET SUBSCRIPTION RATESi $1,00—Year, fl.aS—6 Moiilh*,. SUGGESTED TEXT: “God is our refug’e and strength, a very present help in trouble.”—Psalm, xlvi., L EDITdRIAT Over 38 Miion Dollars Distributed To Individuals Under Social Security Act In North Carolina To June, 1940 Olory U the new-born King! And hesv^ and nature sing, JOT TO THE WOIUD Joy to the world, the Lord it come; Let eartr reoeive her King, but the State division was oper- •▼•y heart prepare Him atinff earlier. Public Health Services, $5,- 558972,08 started in February, 1936, The State matches mosx but not all, of tlM amounts in State soma Just about $38,664,062.24 has been distributed to individuals and communities of North Car olina through Operation of nine| of the ten divisions of the Social;these five “services”. Seeuftty Act from its beginning agencies spend more in and through June 30 1940, it is cases than the Social Security announced by Chairman Charles fund totals. G. Powell, of the Unemploy ment Compensation Commis sion, based, on figures compiled by M. R, Dunnigan, Infofea- tional Service Reptesentative. . This does not include the amount distributed in Old Age and Survivors Insurance in the state by the Society Security Board figures for which are not traiilaUa^ » The Food Plan For Europe Ended By Great Britain PEACE ON EARTH TO ALL HEN At this season of the jr^t Amerieans ought to. feel proud, of the fact that thef ran eelebrate Christmas wit^^out fear of be ing slaughtered in the midat of their happiness. They ought to thank God that they live in a land whet« greed and the desire for power do not transcend the love of one's fellowman. We ougpt -to thar^ God for America and the spirit of America whifh ihake tAe people of .this country satisfied with our own nationaJ resources and not envious of those of other nations. Here In America the boy and girl frOm the lowest djVa^may _ rise lo the greatest pinnacle of ftime and fortune unmolested by half years, amounted to $14,628- the tyrant above hitn. He may Wofk fetid find joy Itlid hope 960.01 (plus $274298.26 going to for biggsr and bettef dayv to some^ American ought I former residents in other to resolve that so long as God gives him breath he wjll envy states), all paid by employers in the people of no eeuntry, hate no race or nationality, ^ but at the same time he will die to defend the American way of life Great Britain’s announcement that the blockade will ^ot be lifted , Included in the amount areto permit the passage funds distributed through the ti,,, United States to those nine divisions by State agencies Europe lying nder which have cooperated in fur-| nishing their figures, including Naei domination was followed by the State Board of Charities the abandonment of the plan to and Public Welfare's Public As-Lake sueh shij^ents, at least so sistance and Child Welfare di- ^he Committee on Food for vision; State Commission for'tj^g gman Democracies is the Blind; State Board ofl^^^^ned. Health; and State Commission / , ' ... . for the blind; State Board of Health; and State Department If®™®" Resident Hertert H^ver of Public Instruction’s Voca-lP®!®!^’ tional Rehabilitation division, majority of the p^ Chairman Powell said. of this country agree with the Old Age Assistance, help for B"tish contention that such aged needy, in three years, was'shipment® will materially reueve $9,958,265.09, furnished one-half i Germany of obligations that she by the United States and one- has aseumed, thus gtrengthening fourth each by the State and German war maehine. counties. . . . . The British poinrad out that there was nothiiqr ieMth# Nasi re cord to indioate that any of its fH«ranteee that food impcrts would not be eonfiscated coilld be trusted. Declaring that the BritiA are themselves risking point out that Germany, having seised,these Countries and appropriated their supplies, is solely responsible ^ for the ceding of the peopli>- ^ should he find it endangered foes from inthout or Within. [ Faeism will never be tolerated by Coamunisni, Naaiim and liberty laving Anericans, and ew aay to those at this Chrismw wm $8847117.17, one-third each ae^n liritiUn ^erica and thOM without that its honest White by Federal, State and county aad Nqgro eitiaena extend to them tlM fight to be governed governments, until Jan. 1 1B40, •# thef-fcheose and extend to theni all the good cheer of the'when the ratio was one-half by Yttletio# ■eaaon At the same time we warn thipse same tjrpes of, the United States and one- g#*er^^te that w» will defend to the last man our right to fourth each by the State and be goti^ed as tre pleaae without interference of outside people counties. otaatiMl^ I Aid to the Blind, in thjree hat never attempted to force its form of govern-'ye®rs, was $972361.44, also paid iMrtt etlMiy tieople. We hfve been satisfied to go oh our way'one-half by the United States wiTO • IwiHng that irtliat other nations do or aay is their ownj®nd one-fourth each by the btiwiM% and there ire millions in this country who will see to State an^ counties. ***“* ■hoilld thfc hour ertrer come for its people to! Distributions in the five t*ee e|F-tiw ewerd. ^ j “services", or minor divisions, AmeHw thaak Ood frt Our ^unti*y, for its peo- of the Acts follows: Maternal send forth the mes-^ and Ch^ld Health Service, $1,- 12! n 5***® ^ 633742.92, started in February, the|l936. Services for Crippled ^ happiness brought Children, $1419744.12 started in Unemployment Compensation, job insurance, Th two and one- the state. Aid to Dependent Children, those deprived o f natural breadwinners, in three years t# 6fet^ bjr Him who was bom on Chrittmaa morn. Ha iHio atld nothing luti laravei bif9f IfttUnd. itid th« WPA. Ihttat have spoken iMmblieaas tar Rooeevelt'i luck still holds—the Democrats wfll kNm ottt iust lii time for ths RepuUieaiU te get blame for fcki tmH AMMh. II fttt 40 not Mieve in flag-waving—tell an audirace they ••i Uw fliMi InlelUgwit you evw saw—f®r applause. February 1936. Child Welfare Services, $219010.47 started in April 1936. Vocational Rehabilitation— $426059.64, Social Security Board help started July 1 1936; room, And keav’n and nature sing, And heav’n, and hcav’n and na ture aing. Joy to tha world, the Father rei^s, Let m«a their songs employ, While fields and floods, rocks, hills and plains Repeat the sounding joy. Repeat the sounding joy^ Repeat, repeat the sounding joy. He rule* the world with truth and grace And makes the nations prove The glories of His righteousness, And wonders of His love, And wonders of His love. And wonders, wonders, of His . love. ■ ■ WHXLB BHEPHEBD8 WATOHED THEm FLOCKS While shepherds watched their flocks by night All seated on the ground. The angel of the Lord came down. And glory shone around. ‘Fiar not,** said li« for mighty dread Had seis’d their troubled mind; “Glad tidings of great joy 1 bring To you and all mankind. ’ “To you, in David’s- town, this day Is born of David's line The Saviour, who is Christ the Lord^ And this shall be th« sign; The heav ’nly Babe you there shall flfid • , To human view display’d All meanly wraiq>’d in swathing bands, , And in.amanger laid.*' Thus spake the seraph, and forth with Appeared a shining throng Of angels praising God, who thus Address’d their joyful evong; “All glt*y bo 0 God on high. And io th« earth be peace; Gk>od will henceforth frota heav’n to men » I wm C«ptritnt 1940 Lincoln Inf AWAY IN A MANOER Away in a manger Ko erib for His bed. The little Lord Jesus Laid down His sweet head. The stars hi the sky, Looked down where He lay, The little Lord Jesus Asleep in the hay. The cattle are lowing The poor Baby wakes, But little Lerd Jesus No crying he makes, I lor eThee, Lord Jesus, Look down from th^ sky And stay by my eradle Till morning is nigh. THE HESAU) AiTdELS snros Hark, the herald angels sing Glory to the new-born Eling; Peace on earth, and mercy mild—jBegin and never cease. God and sinners reconciled. Joyful all ye nations rise; Join the triumph of the skies; With the angelic hosts proclaim Christ is bom in Bethlehem Hark, the herald angels sing Glory to the new-born King I Hail, the haav'n-born Prince of Peace! i Hail, the Son of Righteousness 1 Light and life to all He brings, Ris’n with healing in His wings. Mild He lays His glory by, Bom that man no more may die, Born to raise the sons of earth. Born to give them second birth. Hark! the herald angels sin^. The end of a year is asually taken as the oocasion for solemn reflection upon the course of the individual and the beginning of the New Year is eagerly seized by nany souls as the era of the new day, 0 LITTLE TOWW OF BETHLE^^EM 0 . liittl^ Bethlehem, How still we see thee lie; Above thy deep and dreamless sleep, The silent stars go by; Yet in they dark streets shineth The everlasting light, Field and fountain, moor and mountain, ^ ^ Following yonder star. Ohonw 0 Star of wonder, Star of night, Star wjith reyal beaoty bright, Weatward leading, still proceeding Qaide us to Thy perfect light. Glorious now behold Him arise, King and God and Sacrifice, Alleulia, Alleluia, Earth to the Heavens replie*. MOEE SCREEN PLANTINOB ABE NEEDED ON THE FARM Make all plants serve a pur pose, says John Hi Harris, E3x^ tension landscape specialist, and he added, “very few farm people have sufficient screen plantin*.” He names, the chief uses of plants as follows: To decorate the house, infr^einent, shade, border and to s^re^ unsightly building and equipment. ^‘Border and screen plantings require very little pruning,” Har ris istated, “They should be allow- flRousehold Hmf ' Angel food and sponge cakes I should be cut carefully sinee they ^ are so delicate in texture. Use a I regular cake breaker or try two forks for separating them Into I serving pieces. The hopes and fear yearft, Are met in thee tonight. How silently, how silently, Thy wondrous gift is giv’n, So God imparts to human hearts. The blessings of His heav’n. No ear may hear His coming, But in all thtf world of sin, Where meek souls will receive Him still, WE THREE EIN08 OF ORIENT ARE We three Kings of Orient are, Bearing gifts we traverse far, ClK nativity of all'the ed to grow large and as natural as possible. Avoid mixing plants up to much; use several plants to gether for maxinrum eceot in foli age or flowers.'* The landae^e specialist recom mends native plants for borders and screening, “With so many na tive plants ^available, and with the ease of rooting common shurbs there is little excuse fof lark of screen planting,” Harris de- Harris also recommends privet TOdge because of its rapid growth and .defense foliage. The privet, hedge should be cot once or twice a year, permitting it to stay in formal in outline, rather than .nopth and formaL iwiMrai iDioatt Escape Bjr Dr. Oharka Stelila Mot all murders use “gats” and Far example, it is quite IpoMRUe to murder a little child I with a roAten tenement as it is to [do it with s baitle axe- It takes (■iv, bat it h just as effective. When an industriai concern jark, dirty shacks for Iti tufifr tsok, denying them even eooMftoaae^ conveniences—no no waiter, no sanitary ritb the result that wta live is them are al- M 'ike undertaJter’a list, it factory owner fails to ■4«1MiV> pnmdon for es- tnp. tvf, whmi he refuses orM die miniwuM o€ l^caa, he ie a intential Wkcmrveraly to add to * mwfiftwrrr iue« asd Mlhi .them to Md jUoy that aaaa rm Ip^eeme iadigm • dooe to •iMBt na^ r»thWi1y de- P4Kf>l^ dcatroying ilo instito- x«iiarea #nd its lands, de^tstating its accumula ted riches of cuHure and religion, and killing thousands of it wo men and children—at the same time piously declaring that they have “the divine right to rule” and that they are “doing the will of Godf" , To auch nations comes the same condemnation —^although n larger meaaure—that came to the first murderer. And here is the con demnation as recorded in sacred history: “The Lord said unto Cain, Where is thy brother t And he eaid, I know not: am I my brother’a keeper? And' the Lord eaid, What hast thou donef The voice of tliy brother’s blood crieth unto me from the ground. *•* A fugitive and a vagabond shalt thon be in the earth. And Cain eaid unto the Lord, “My punish- ment u greater than I can bear.” Todaj, the voices of vast roulti- tudea^jare crying 6ut against the apprmaon of men and women of various races, re^^ions, and social status. Whether theao oppressors consits of nationa or individuals, the voices qf the oppeeeed will^be heard, and fheir condemnatioa will be just «« « that of the first murderer. Each other now embrace; This hdy tide of Christmas All others doth deface. (St. Luke, n, 1-20) 1.And it came to pass in those days that 11. For unto you is born this day in the there went out a decree from Caesar Augus- city of David a Saviour which is Christ the tus^ that all the world should be taxed. Lord. 2. And this taxing was first made when 12. And this shall be a sign unto you; Ye Cyrenius was Gk)vernor of Syria.) shall find the babe Wrapped in swaddling 3. And all went to be taxed, every one clothes, lying in a manger. into his own city. ‘ 13. And suddenly there was with the an- 4. And Joseph also went up from Galilee, a multitude of the heavenly host, prais- out of the city of Nazareth,*^ into Judaea, G(^, and saying, unto the city of David, which is called Beth- Crlory to God in the highest, and on lehem; (because he was of the house and peace, goodmll toward men. lineage of David.) 5. To be taxed with Mary, his espoused S'one away from them into heaven, the wife, being great with child. shepheirds said one to another. Let us now 6. And so it was, that while they were ven unto Bethlehem, and see this thing thei"e, the days were accomplished that she which is come to pass, which the Lord hath should be delivered. *nade known unto us. 7. And she brought forth her first-born with haste, and found son, and wrapped him in swaddling clothes Mary, and Joseph, and the babe lying in GRAIN BnXTURES FOR DBT DAIRY COWS SUOOESTED Five factors should be consider ed ih making a home mixture or buying a ready mixed grain feed for dry cows, says John A. Arey, dairy specialist of the State Coll ege Extension Service. They are: 1, Digeetibilitp, 2, quality, 3, pala tability, 4 bulk, and 5, cost. “The dry cow’s mixture should contain slightly less protein and corn'meal thtui the grain mixture for producing cows,” Arey stated, “and the mixture shouli be mfore laxative. The protein con test usually runs from 14 to 16 '^he moat recent relates that the Germaoa attempted' invaaions in August and in Beptember and that bot failed because of the British using tanks of oil and gas(Aine set »n fire by incendiary bombs from airplanes, literally cmsumed the invaders by fire. This time the narrative comea from Bois N*kokiyevsky, described as a distinguished Russian publi cist and historian, who lived in France many years before his arrival in this cojintry laet week. He is said to have had close con tacts with French officials and political leaders. « His story is thjit the British, looking for an invasion, sowed the Channel oil tankB anchored suffieien^/Deiie*^ the surface to be hilfli^froib view. Parallel with these wey anchored thousands of gaA>line tanka and waited for the Germans. In Aufuat, with 1,200 specially coneti^ttcted aluminum barges, each bearing about fifty soldiers and equipment, the Germans eame About half-way between the French and British coasts they struck the oil and gasoline line. British planes ^ rained incendiai^ cendairy bombs and in a few min« utes the water became a mass of fire enveloping the Gerwan bar ges. Only a few thotisand Germane managed to escaped, the remainder perished in the sea or were burned to death. A similar fate befell th* second expedition in September. The Rossian journalist says that people in occupied French {/0#ta estimate that 80,000 German troops iwrished in the two at tempts and ''the fact is that hospitals in occupied France are filled with Nasi soldiers, all of them suffering from severe buma" Thousandfl of dead washed ashore and “ there waa a wave of tau-^ tinies in the Oermany army" when a third attempted iavaston was planned, - Let’s Vote Od Taxes The idea that there should be a referendum, before the United States goes to war, ie a catchy idea but if the politicians wi|nt a percent. Com meal should be fed 15, And it came to pass, the angels were sparingly dunng the dry period, prt>pose a referen- ° Since it la a heating feed. “If the com is dry during the summer or early fall and is on and laid him in a manger; because t! ho room for them in the inn. re was the mangef, 17. And when they had seen it> they made 8. A^d there were in the same country known abroad the saying wMch was told shepherds abiding in the field, keeping concerning this child. watch over their flock by night. they that heard it Wondered 9. And, lo, the angel of the Lot*d came up- things which were told them by th6 on them, and the glory of the Lord shone ^ .t. round about them; and they were sore Mary kept all these thmgs, and afraid. ' ponder«i them in her heart. 10. And the angel said unto them. Fear. 20. And the shepherds returned, glorify- not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings j j ^ things that they had of great joy, which shall be to all people. heard and seen, as it was told unto them. ^ a good pasture, she will need little extra feed provided she was in good condition when dried off* tf, rowever, she waa in poor con dition when dried off, she should be fed sufficient grain of a laxa tive nature to put her in good flesh before she fretheng.” German Invaders Burned? Or So The Story Goes ' There thlivc! been several reports of German attempts to invade Gi^eat Britain and despite semi- offioial denials the stories continue to appear, with considerable de tail dum m taxes, before any can be collected. ‘ This would eatch the wise boya as well as the yokels. Big business men would vote against taxes and the gumpd who ^ay none would also vote against thom. Every thing would be duokyt The people fight wan and they pay taxes. Why not let them have a referendum? C^tainly, there are enough sa{« in this country to diaapprov* taxes and to except to get the benefits of government free. tendcii through the partioipatiflg groups. The purpose of the dinner was il)x|daised at the maeting' aa a fitting farewell *'not to t flae Governor, bttt to a fine citiien of of Raleigh as well.*' Mayor Graham Andrews of Ra leigh is extending the formal invi tation io the Governor and Mrs. . : -'jJ-adil* :.r

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