Fatalities 1940 May Ex*ed devious Slaughter “Only * reverwl of p«t ex . ptrienc^ during the last twol^ Nbrth Qitolint tht* year but phytieUnt !^t the county hav«. “We tur* tt»t the Adttaory Dt- theee fmctor* dv not mean that discovered t^^enty - on© new.fenw Oommi»glon, now operatinf there i» luiy more excuse for a casrt, makinff a total of twen- 'Washinxton, be sliaped in the bad accident record this year.tyfive new caaes. direction of ths old War Indns than there was last year, theyj An analysis of tuberculosis uid only mean that there is more cases registered within Ala- ,^“ a c^man ao opporunity /or accidents—*nd mance County shows forty ac-|^« aothOTily to act all who use our streca and hiirh-jtave cases awaiting admission I — — ways have an alternative of re- to the sanatorium, or too far StOUt SayS OUF that opportunity. advanced to be acceptable by . rv IT Ithe sanatorium. In addition to i IflllCS ArC U xV of this month will p«-! /Let's all pull together for ^t North Carolina’s 19« traf. the remainder o^.^his month fic death toll twenty-eight cases are jj- M ”0^ being cared for in sanator- from exceeding**'® walk and dnve in a safe There are 43 children I William Stout, Amerioen air- fic manner to the end that North planu desi/mer, insists that statis- the 1939 slaughter,’ Ronald Ho- X* "V- . " known to have active childhood * 1 a • tj cutt. director of the North Carolina s 1940 traffic amdent tics prove that he American P- Carolina Highway Safety Divi- be held below that of p^i^uons are classified as "arrest- pursuit ship has been ed casesL” Four New Cases TB^oley sycamore Has k.r Girth of Nearly 17 Ft. ner assert that faults are minor Discovered by UlOiCl when Paul Revere went on his I*® remedied The I ... ensrines are far superior and such 'wild mid-iwgnt ride away back m.faults as eion declared thia week. Accident records received by the division show that more than 900 persons were killed on North Carolina streets and l^ghwa^ from January 1 thru December 15, 1940. The state’s 1939 traffic toll number^ 943 second Upw pereoni. which meana that an *emS-ahrtual adult tuberculosis aJumbenng New avera^ of t^^ faulit^ a day operation in Englanders of the oountry-side for the D^einber offices of the Health De- from their beds to tell them that ^ A o^f partment. These patients were the Red Coats were coming, the A" t™. «u.t h.v. b«„ . .«r. sprout OTnic laiaiiiies a a«y. Clinician from the North Caro- l» traffic laws during the re-Sanatorium, malnder of this year. | nnrincr tViA plinin 87 white ions in three out of four battles with German Mesoerchmitts. Denying that our planes are in ferior to foreign m'akes the desig- And by the time Shermftn led his Yankees through Georgia in I During the clinic “It is true," he said, "that and 41 cofcred patients were 1864, the tree, even then, must tkere has been an increase in examined and two new white\ave attained an age that would traffic fatalities in the Ration and two new colored cases of' a| a whole this year, and it is pulmonary tuberculosis were. aiK> true that motor vehicle discovered. | r^strations and gasoline con-[ During the past six months armor plating and the lumber of machine gnns are min* or problems. “The American warplane is fundamentally all right,” he per sists, “and all we need is to pOt it on the production line.” Comolete BUILDING SERVIE ••••REMODELING ••••NEW CONSTRUCTION ••••ROOFING SERVICE ••••BUILDING SUPPLIES Esimates Gladly Famished evoke a certein rt^pect from the young saplings that swayed tbeir lithe bodies to the melody of the breezes. But now the tiee, a huge syca- 0 HOLY NIGHT, THE stars are BRIGHTLY SHINING 'O Holy Night, the,stars are bright ly shiaing, It is the’ night of our dear Savi our’s birth; more, has arrived at stately digni- ’jLong lay the world in sin and ty, and commanders respect fromj ®reror pining, all of its contemporaries of the i appeared, and the sou for*W. The syei^nore is a long- worth; livei tree but this one that sUnds A thrill of hope, the weary world as sUent sentinel of centuries! rejoices, near the Victor Coley home, two For yonder breaks a new and Therc*s Specie Of Pine For Every Area In State Chooeing the kind of tree! t® be used i mnaking a forest lant- ing is much like selecting a piece of farm machinery, says R. W. Graeber, Extension forester of N. C State College. A lot depends upon the kind and condition of the soil, and the purpoae for which it will be used. Trees vary in growth habits according to soil, climate, moia- tnre, and degree of fertility. For instance, the white pine does beat in the mountains, the longleaf pine in the sandhills, the shortleaf pine in the Piedmont, and t h^e loblolly pine in the Coaostal Plain. Qraeber al»o every farmer pointed out that needs fence posts. Traffic Hits Football Pace At Ft. Bragg f Three times every day, traf fic on the 10-mile stretch of N. C. highway 87 between Fayette ville and Ft. Bragg assumei the proportions of a football crowd, Lieut. A. T. Moore, highway pa trol commander of the Fayette ville district said today. Work on expanding the mili tary post is being carried on around the clock — with three eight-hom ■shiiia; Moore ex- plainedf and it is at shift- changing time that the flow of automobfles rivals that around the scene of a football game. Thjree patrolmeS*^Xve been “If you don't have a suitable added to the two normally star supply of durable wood,” he say*, tioned at Fayetteville and the “perhaps an acre or so of black parol is maintaining a 24-hour locust will meet this problem and patrol of the highway between at the same time, with its strong | Fayetteville and Ft. Bragg, spread root system, be of much A similar situation may de- to thi raiuumd piant, of help in checking erosion. Even velop ^tween Wilmington and ^ ' Holly Ridge, where a new army the bees will be happy with your choice, as the locust flowers are a Source of good quality honey.” In a further discussion of the type of forest planting to make, the Extension specialist sud: “Much of the idle land in our State is mighty poor; yet one of our better pines will grow in every seution. Pines will furnidh us wi^ lumber for conrtrueting the farm buildings and for repairii^ those For Painting, Papering and t)i^oratinf we use ROGERS PRODUCTS miles from Puquay Springs, must be of great age. In girth, accord ing to venerable Judge A. W. Roycoft, to whom we are indebted for- this story, the tree measures approximately 16 feet and nine incf|jii?teid 'iSf he says, the might- 0 Night Divine I 0 Night, 0 Night iest|||^|i|^4^ ^ his 76 . Divihe! glorious mom Ohonifl Fall on your knees) Oh, hear the kes mi. Christ was bom! angel yokes I O Night Dlfcne! O Night when SMALL PROFIT, LARGE VOLUME ALL WORK GUARANTEED yea: JL lr« Um LsBff-Life LOGAN- IDNG ASPHALT ROOFING feXCLUSVELT. LQII8 ASPHAIT tNimUi THIS OOMTANT OPEKATES ON A VOLUME BASIS Home Modernizatioii and Supply Co. BANKERS WANT DEFENSE BOARD GIVEN POWERS Hollywood, Fla., Dec. 12— The Investment Bankers Association of America called upon the Fed eral Government today to re or ganize the Advisory Defense powers and a “full fledg*ed divi sion of finance.” The association, in the second day of its twenty-ninth annual convention, was put on record as favoring these proposals by Em mett F. Conney, its president, who said in making bis annual re port : fl4 Fayetterillc St Durham, N. C. Phone J-4821 The first Noel, the angels did say Was to oettain poor shepherds in fields as they lay; In fields as they lay keeping their sheep On a cold' winter's night with show that was deep* Noel, Noel, Noel, Noel, Born is the King of IsraeL They looked up and saw a star hining in the Eat, beyond them far, , And to the earth it gave great light, • And so it continued both day and night. ?flWI irlw)DUcnoN of thi millions or TONS OF COAL BURNED IN AMERICAN RAILROAD LOCOMOTIVES LAST YEAR GAVf EMPLOYMENT TO 94,000 COAL MINE WORKERS F PlACfO END TO Wiw. UN«TH » vn \9\,rH MtUmM MIMU IN TM uMiKo mnt wouifi h tfPftOXIMATIlV IMO MiLtt* M aMATW THAN INt B«UMa mwm niw voftK ernr W iomdon,imland THIAMRUCAN RAILHOADS HAVt SMNT TVN tiaiOM DOUAM RM ADDITIONS AND MTTERMfNTI - , . , . , .fp- SS KR aNT TOR IMPROVID post IS teing constructed, dffi- structures, cials said. The patrol force at ^ Wilmington will be increaaed j ^ from three to five and at Jack- snville from one to two. Business Change UNIONS and FEES Has Changed Life Mrs. Eleanor Roosevelt, wife of The development of business the P*resident, deserves commenda has transformed the life of hu- tion for her suggestion that an man beings. The growth of in Symbols i)f AiBe rican Defense be made to det*ir.,^^_ gi.^n modem con- for heaating our homes, cooking “me whether hi^ initiation fees, i masses. ^ defense we now have, and with fuel wood imvaefcigation our meals, and for curing tobacco flue-cured areas. “Fuel wood is an important crop, since we as farmers use allegedly charged by unions are interfering with the right of in dividuals to work. The matter came to light when power age, just North Carolina is playing ’ts part in Nationial defense—ttwe- jtors and terracipg machines tor I agricultural defense and Army ^ ^ ® Uanks for military defense. i\jr begining, will past six years the SJ»te revolutionize human existence. The business man, in the broadest College Extension Service htoi org*ani.^ed and ddi^ected Soil Aasociatioii Which each year a stack of wood four a migrant worker asserted that'sense, includes the laborer, the Conservation ^ feet wide, four feet high, and he Was refused an electrical job'capitalist and all the multiplied 7,000 miles long. Then, too, pinesibecause he was not a uhion man . ... j wompn at u i ^ ’ I > f activities oi men ana women at jParmerB who terrace thear and work fop pecuniary gain. Our earn eoil buildii^ payniwt* economy is partly a present from {through the AAA program. shaped by will produce an income from the sale of such products as pulp- wood, poles, piling, and saw logs. Household Hint If you like bacon dry and crum bly, try this method of cooking it Lay strips in a cold frying pan. Heat slowly and' pour off tha fat al toon as it collects. Turn fre quently with a fork. The bacon is done when it has a dull appear ance and is dry. Join Our 80th Series Today 4^ and 5^* On Your Savings WHY TAKE LESS? A Thrift and Home FmanciDg Institalioa Mutual Building & Loan Association F. L, McCOY. CHAIRMAN OF BOARD C. a SPAULDING, PrMident , , B. L. McDOUGALD, Sec*y^-Treu. V j ' WiWiwtPanteii Street PBOinS J>9»Zl V 8U r»7«tt«Tille Street PHONE Scarborough & Hargett FUNERAL DIRECTORS AMBULANCE SERVICE Phones: Day J-3721, Night J-3722 522 E. Pettigrew St. Service . . You will find our SERVICE complete to the smallest detail. Our yeansi of experience enable us to anticipate your need and therefore serve yon better. “ThouKhtful Attention To Even The Smallest Detair AMEirS FUNERAL HOME INMGESTION may affect tk« Hurt Gu tnpDed t|> tb« ttomuh ot fuUtt m*; tct Ilk* > ulT-trU(« OB Um bmrt At th* tot iliii of dlMrtM ■mart men aiid womin dm«id oo B«U-u« T*blt« to Mt ni fTN. No UuUt* but mtd* or Um futwt- (etint knoirn tor acid IndlfMtion. If th« IIBST DOSS doMn't proraBtll-uu b«tt«r, ittum botU* to u ud nniT* DOUBUi Uonv Biok, 11^ O’er Bethlehem it took its rest. And there it did both stop and stay and that he did not have the money to pay the union’s initiation fee, which was about $300. The United States has gone for ward in its efforts to protect the basic rights of labor but this should not be permitted to de generate into something like a monc^oly for certain members of «xi«ting unions. Whiiij it is|»o- per for a union to have an initia tion fee, there should be some supervision to prevent the sum from being excessive. the past, although present trends. Business justifies its existence when it serves human needs and there is great need today for buisin«6s men- with intelligfliwe South eatkd TO INDUCT 202 SOUTH OABOLINA NEGBOES BETWEEN JAN. 17-28 enough to appreciate the fact. Fbrt Jackiwn S. C* —* The 203 (}aroiin&>ijiNegtoes to be for military duty next moQith under the selective service JolleUevw MUtrg C^ii66 ^^^UQ«xwama.sMyB.Nos* orom 24 Hour Service Phone JJ2971 401 Pine Street lYDUR HOME IS lN5URED-Y^S.BtJTISTHB r/ze £:ocai urgent OjC' ^ f . A !RS’ FIRE INSUI^CE C(MNYt ^DURHAM, NORTH CAROLINA teRVATlVE-snii n - OEBEtiJQAttl.^ ACME REALTY OOIMPANY > RALEICUC, NORTH CAROLINA UNION INSURANCE AND REALTY CO. DURHAM, NORTH CAROUNA ‘ Durham Academy Of Medecine PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY LEO a BRUCE, BL D. i DOCTOR A. S. HUNTER Physican and Surgeon 1 _ 814% Fayptteville St. ^ ^ DENTIST Telephones «. C. Mutual Building Office J-6222 Res. L4554 Office J-0891 Res. L-3581 Business is not a colossus, astride inducted at Fort Jadt- other social activities and supor-!g,n January 27 and 28. ior to them. It is only the prc^uct The selections will be inducted of man’s experience, represent- ® group of 101 January 27 ^d 1 • u 1- ii. i • u -1 the same nhmber the foUow»g. h« behef that .t « b.neW,^^ ,heir at son the draftees will go to Uie reception center at F^t . s> IBg to all. There is always the danger that bu,iMM men »,11 forget that ^ are only a part ot the world. | They easily imagine that the/ are the end of human activity and they sometimes fall into the error of assuming that without^ bu£inesb\ os we know it, the human race would lose its culture, its civiliaa- tion and its religion. i. N. BIILLS, M. D. PHYSICUN AND SURGEON Office 106% Parrish St. SPECIAL ATTENTION TO DISEASES OF WOMEN Trained nurse in attendance DOCTOR E. P. NORRIS DENTIST 707% Fayetteville Street Hours 9-1 2-3 4-7 Telephones Office J-«321 Res. J.9042 R. P. RANDOLPH, Bt. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON 312 Dowd Strept Office Hours 9-10 §4 6-7 Telephones Ofice N-5211 Res. N-5562 J. E. TURNER, it D. INTERNIST 618 Fayetteville Street Telephones Oficce L-5254 Res. J-8564 J. a. THOBIPSON, M. D. PHYSICIAN 709% Fayetteville St. Telephonps Office L-2641 Res. L-8621 . DOCTOR M. C. KING Telephones Office 253-6„ Res. 249-1 Franklinton, N. C. between Bragg and Jackson for permanent station. m BI-LETSs ui*d »ucc«iifully by a qu*rt»r of *,.c«nttw. ^ IItw, Inoreaie th« flow of WMi IntMtlnal f«nn«BUtlon W ris?&3Kr! Jackson Plumbing; and Heating A. E. JACKSON, Manager A RELIABLE BUSINESS WITH A PERSONNEL MAKING IT EFFICIENTLY FOR YOU 707 W FAYETTEVILLE ST. PHONES: Res. F-0591 Bug. N-6871 s. M. BECKFORD, M. D. GENERAL SURGERY 212 Montgomery Street Hpnderson, N. C. W. A, CLELAND, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Biltmore Hotel East Pettigrew Street Hours: 8;30-10;.30 1-2 5:30-7:00 Telephones Office F4021 Res. J-1634 J. W. V. CORDICE, M. D. GENERAL SURGERY 711% Fayetteville Street Telephones J-«081 L-8571 FOR YOUR HOUDAYMEM. YOU’LL WANT TO SERVE I \ ROYAL FiUIT CAKG t ^ ELUS E TONEY, M. D. 303 Hillsboro Street Oxford, North Carolina Telephones Office 44|5 Reik 912 DOCTOR J. M. HUBBARD DENTIST N. C. Mutual Building Office Hours: 9-1 2:30-6:30 Bvpnings and Sundays by Appointment Telephone J-0891 Y«. everyone likes delicious RO?AL FRUIT CAKE-for if• >o rich and uniformly baked for your enjoyment at holiday tune. Good» Your family will love it! Baked with plenty of tasty fruita. puts and >0 many other good things, that, Well-youll that it’s just about the most delightful cake you ever tasted. Today, order a ROYAL ^IT CAKE from your grocsr. ROYAL mm coMPANV • nvm n. e. 2RI.W rM TIMS FRUIT AK

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