iii mmei Sennoii "To Betblaham" By R«?. Nttktn J. BtoM. Ibmbtr of Fae«l^ Tb« Moody Bibl* luMtato of Ohloafo. JBRU8ALBM i« called the Holy City. In times pMt it had ita holy temple and holy of holiei. Eten no# it hat ita holy aepalehen and ehunh« and tnooaquet. fint the moii tender and liaered spot oa earth for mankind muat ever be Bethl^em, beeauae it waa thtf birthplaee of the Holy Child. The history of the world, it is tme, is told in movements, but the center and drivitaf force of All movements are personalities and events. The grreafeat Pertonality beyond compare ever to set foot on earth was bom in Bethlehem over 1900 years ago. Each passing year since, has seen the world of Christendom turn back in thought and aong and worship to the scene of that holy, marvelous birth and to the One who was bom there. Was there potash, ever a year when we needed to do manure that more than in i* is year of our Lord 1940t RICH SOIL IS REQUIRED FOR VEGETABLES H. R. Kiawonger, Extension borticnlturist of K. C. State Col lege, is constantly rfemlnding farm people that the vegetable garden is the moat valuable and import ant plot of land on tite place. “Bat it should be the richmt soil on the farm,” he declared. Continuing, Niswonger said: “ You cannot provide the vegetable needs for jwir family by planting the seeds or plants in soil that ia )t properly prepusd or aoil of low fertility, lluij is the tiine of the year to prepare the garden plot for next spring’s plantings.” The horticulturist reeommends that the ground bo covered with about an inch of ataUe manure or one half inch of ehicken man ure. Over this, broadcast 150 pounds per one half acre of 16 per cent super phoi^hate, and if the soil i? light, broadcast 50 Symbols o( American Defense and fertili*er should be turned under now and and left in the rough. This will allow the freezing weather to freezing weather to crumUa the aoil, there making it easier to get in shape for q^Hng planting. If there ^ave been peasor beans planted for ttirning under, broad cast the superphosphate aiid pot ash the same as with stable man ure before plowihg under, Nia- wonger advises. A« fi final suggestion, the Ex tension specialists says arrange ments should be made when the garden is planned to buy, rent or borrow some kind of siprayer or Ih the mMrds of the sh^erdi, i,! . “Ziet m now go •ran nnto BfliUilahtm, and SEB this thing which iM come to paaa, which tfaa Lord hath nutde known nnto ns”—^Lnke 2:16. The birth at Bethlehem tells us of (Jod’s great good will toward men. We cannot adequately des- oribo what we cannot fully com prehend, but how little do we •omprehend that wonderful svent and its significance! How amaz ing it is that the Qod of all the, nniverse, the eternal, infinite, al-l'i“®ter to use in fighting disease mighty, all-holy One should set doeos not pay aside, for a while jHis inexpress-jto money for fertilizers and ibie glory. Come to this little If yott let the btijgs sp^k in the universe, and diseases destroy the plants,” com% truly man as well as truly asserted. Qod, and above all gather up and bear in Himself all the vast •Orrt)ws and sins of men and thus safe men. Ood’i will towiid men is good iHlL Ood ta ‘‘not willing that •«ay «h6nld pteish” otily nun wiUs thit. “Ood will fcni* dQ inen to be sated.^ * When we contemplate God’s p«flt good will toward us, how eagerly we should accept it and it khould make fol* good will to- heavily clouded with ill will and oi oS Aou *n hem and learn this great letson wird each other in a world of God's good will. Marketing eooperative* tf pre- eiiely what the n«m« impliea. Pro ducen meet, put up their money and atari kn oiiganization. They hire executives. The organization reprasenta their collective voiee> It ia a private busiDeta, standing on ita own feet—and it works on the eoundeet of busings pleai. The War In Bnrope It is impossible to forecast the nMin to mark the eontM of hman Itpilla.’* 1 foogM aeroee fk« Atlaatfe Itti existence. Time flows (s»ii»*|#i*ly j The card waa ngaei, Brmt Britaia depeada. almet and human life in a proe*^9 that'Ing you and yonrs ft MCTTy!«s m.ich cr.„ii th« hr.iv*-- ,{ htr moves iteftdily from birth to Chrirtmas and a Hnppy New'worl««‘rs sm upin th»? I’oura*?# of death, without slackening for.Year"—The N. C. State Rigb* b«r d**fend«'F^. Thf* inland p^oplr man-made points of menial signi- way Patool. |must have food and «npph*«» or ifieanee. ' •• could be l«am«d this th*y will p»riA dsapHe au«i>aafiil If it take« a New Year for yon, coming none of the reliewi reeistaoee to atUrlc. princi-!ag „ individual, to find time for d«vers had refused hia “ticket.-j reflection upon your presence ^ ^ this mundame i^ere, then it FIRE HAZAJlD fN, W.U for JOU th.1 . New HARD WINTER rolls around. In a way, yon are. "Wife superior to many other human be-^ .MMM ts m V A MA tirriA onv. developments of warfare but thejj^jj^ no time for ">y- - *1, T, T signs point to a German move toi*i.;^ p«nnot «>nninr^- me eokiest penorts thing that they cannot eompre- in its hts- relieve the pressure on Italy, now'j^ -j,,, ' ^ tj,eir davs in ‘j** - • " ^ dpstroved neores of live* and reeling from major defeat* in Al- activiHres bania Mid Egypt. The Secrecy that has always concealed Ghjrman offensive eon- tinues. No one knows whether a major asaault against Great Britain wil be rastened or whe ther the new drive will involve the Balkan area or the dispatch of reinforcements to assist the Ita lians in Libya. There have been hints that the dismissal of Pierre Laval by Mar- iiall Petain was due to the form- !• * • A S^t . nlv I V T vsu nwi CO WiL JI V cv , ® ? miliions of dollars woHh of money, ascending the s^ial scale or earning the ^udy tinsel that abnormal men accept as distinction. ) Drunk Asylum Urged By Lloyd Solicitor Alfonso Lloyd of Raleigh City Court proposed Wed nesday that Wake County use a portion of its profits from the sale of whiskey to establi.h er’a cooperation with Berlin and I institution for the going his assent to the dispatch of Ger-i^^^^ inebriates man soldiers to Atnca through I «j the great French naval base of Toulon. report because we fail to under-]they can’t from a humanitarian care, [tensity. And the foreeasts -tay that onnditions such as this will. probably extend well into th** | spring. This kind of a winter inevitably gravely increases fire hazards- Old Man Statistics, turning to (Must precedents, can show you; how many more of us will die, how; much more property will be laid | waste. But Old Man Statistics with his grisly figures can be beaten. We can show him that he tiu lUtii^ rfxUrf k* or vacMM «l« Oidi.Mwrorn M tarajL Mas • avabWai tfwuMlfr MS *• I to go before the X1S>V&1 b&86 Oil ^ • i • j* 1^11*4. tliis tinw* w« thi. County CommissionerB and see ifj‘*„ inis him. We cannot acrept this ^ ... To take a simple simple illustration, a severe winter puts great straiiw North Carolina is playing itS|Who terrace their land earn #oll- controlled by the British, and part in National Defense—trac-1 building payment* through the tot* and terracing machines for |AAA program. Thus, While the agrieultural defense and Army soldiers operating the tank are tanks for military defense. For'pa^ticing maneuvers which stren- the past six years the State Col- gthen the Nation’s armed defense, lege Extension Service has organiz Tar Heel farmers are carrying on stand how German troops, at Tou-|^ndi»int, do something to ^ heating plants, stoves, etc. We Ion, would cross the Mediteiran- for the^ habitual drunks, Lloyd 1 p.furance, dec are . l fireplace roaring. His statement followed the jg enough if our heat- viction of James Reaver, Raleigh | equipment is in good oi der- man for whom no address was that is a very big “if” in- What Is t'rance Up To? The shake-up in France, in which the former World W'ar hero replaced Laval with Flandin, is not yet entirely understood. The ?d and directed Soil Conserva-jsoil defense work by terracing advauled vary, some say tion Associations which operate more than 70,000 acres of heavy equipment to terrace land jevery year, and control equipment. Farmers Terracing- Is Symbol , t of member markgt Of NfttlCMial Defense ttves, is rejMFesentiag' the daiiy- men inu this case. It is not fight- Wlfe P. DnUTURE AtCQHOt ■ACCORDING TO an item in the Dairymen’s League News of New York, the dairy industry has beenj land it is «■ «igu of Vichy's grow ing discontent with the policy of rapprochement with Germany and others declaring that as a matter with the the move represents new aid of member marketing coopera-members of the French ^ cabinet who wish to appeas j Hit ler by more vigorous aclfon ? gain ing sound labeling regulations- It lluding Gon. Gamelin and former Premier Reynaud. Certainly it is impossible for us in the United States to get the is fighting a blanket type of re gulation which it believes un necessary, and opposed to the prkenting its views on some new'honest interests of all involved.'correct meaning. The Vichy govern regulations proposed by the Foon'Certainly, the nutritional value of !™®“t apparently holds a few low- ~ .... 'milk is well enough establish that^®®'^^® game with Hitler it can be properly advertised healthful food without going ing laws which would apply to all into wordy and difficult of Gen. Weygand. foods pitrout exception. Accord- planations. Hitler’s pressure upon ing to dairy spokesmen, if they listed, on a charge of being drunk and a public nuisance. Weaver ■was sentenced to jail for four months. “These men shouldn’t be the responsibility of the city,” the solicitor said. “After all, the county sells them the liquor and collect* the profits. They city doeflft’t g«t anything out of the ale. Therefore, I think it should be the duty of the county to take care of the drunks.” Weaver told the court he got drunk off ABC liquor purchased in one of the Raleigh stores. deed. Most of us tend to put off until tomorrow what should be done today. If the furnace isn’t quite right, we figure that it may get by—or that there will be plenty of tifne to have it fixed in the future. Maybe the chimney is throwing off a brilliant display of !»parks—but we guess that there is no immediate danger. and Drug Administration These regulations involve label- D«natur«d alcohol it th« bMt advent fW wmevtagstallntwax. GASOLINE - SAVING DEVICE, 50c. Cheirrolet-1932-1940. Ford 1934-1940.—Walert Co„ 3429 Na lOth St., Blilwaukee, Wis. 50-3 become effective as drafted, it will no be possible to advertise the specific nutritional values of milk without attaching teachni- cally worded labels to each con tainer. The National Cooperative Milk NINETY-THREE THOUSAND KILLED Few of us fealize that during the year 1939, NINE- THREE THOUSAND people met death from accidents in America ... one persoti every five and one-half min utes, eleven persons every hour, two hundred and six ty each day, eighteen hundred each week. Sixty-two per cent of all fatal accidents fall under two headings . . . motor vehicles 34% and falls 28%. With the holiday season approaching*, travel will be in full swing. What would be the picture in your home should you be one of the victims? Insurance will not bring back a loved one, but there is satiifaction in the thought that the future of those left behind is financially secure. Can you afford to gamble with a need so vital? ★ ■A’ ★ NORTH CAflOLINA MUTDAl OH4A e.C.SMULDlMd.Pr«Md»n» * DURHAM.NORTH CAROLINA DUrliiUil Office ST. 809 FAYETTEVILLE ST. iW. L. Godk r Manager Charlotte Offi^ 233 S. BREVARD tA. £. Manager a maybe, one face-card, the French forces in Africa under the com Should Petain prove too great the I'Vench may decide to risk the use of African contingents, in cooperation with the British, in a knockout blow In addition, the up of'^’rench retain some naval units * which posses value to either side, is much profit in the stuJy of self and the understanding of SOURCE OF STRENGTH “IN UNION there is strength” goes for a group of people with^ common interests, no less than,^®^inst Italy, for a government made sovereign staites. Union is the principal underly ing agricultural marketing co operation. On man, dealing alone {one’s environment. Certainly, the with a buyer, has little power. He,world needs more, rather than takes what is offered or goes with- les®> of this kind of trought. out a sale. A thousand men, work! The individu^al should under ing together, can meet the buyer i®tand, however, that the year is an on even terms. lartificial measure, invented by HOUSE FOR RENT Reminders Being Handed Out By Highway Patrol No. Rooms Addrera l^dTeekly Rati ""2 ~ 1 Adams Court $2.50 2 8 Adams Court 2J50 5' 407 Church Street 5.00 Chapel Hill, N. C. 3 806 Drew Street 100 3 119 Dunstan Street 4 812 Elizabeth Street 4.00 3 122 Enterprise Street 3.25 4 1912 Fayetteville Street 5.75 5 1912 Fayetteville Street 5.75 4 1808 Fayetteville Street (monthly) 25.00 1 1109 Fayetteville Street 1.50 5 509 Foster Street • 5.50 3 1204 Hanovi;r Street S.00 2 314 Lee Street 2.50 2 314M Lee Street 2.25 3 508 Ramsey Street 3.50 2 606 Ramsey Sti^t 2.50 2 408 Roney Street 2Ji5 2 408H Roney Street 2.00 3 410 Roney Street 3.00 5 1302 Sduth Street ' 4.50 4 1510 South Street 4.50 3 211 Umstead Street 3.00 3 211 Umstead Street 3.50 3 711 Willard Street 3.00 Highftvay patrolmen were handlns: out a new kind of traf fic ticket today. Motorists stoppinfiT with an inquiring “What - have-I-done- now” expression were given, in stead of the usual summons, a brightly decorated card carry ing the inscription: “Christmas holidays are here; help us save a life tihis year; Everyoftie must do his share, so watch your step and drive with care. Around the curves and over thej^^'’® lost.’ hills through '41 with fewer In the total war War Medal For Farmers Awarded A new type of hero is appear ing in Great Britain where the King recently awarded a medal for gallantry to two men for threshing wheat. It seems that the fariners carr ied on their th^Jng job while German shells from the other side of the channel fell about them and German planes machine- gunned them. In addition, frag ments of British anti-aircraft shells were falling at the same time. The men were operating with in range of the long rang« Ger- wan guns for six weeks. On the last day thirty-two shells fell about them. One fragment crashed through their threshing machine- Their citation sai^^ “Their work enabled many hundreds of bush els of wheat to be a\ttilable to the nation which otherwise would now being Save Time and Money By Relaxing in the BUS Union Insurance & Realty Co. REAL S8TATE-~RENTIN»--iNSURANCE Rt^PAlte ANb dttUillfiG Stji?PUES PHONE J-6521 GOING TO AND FROM work cait i pleasure if y«a ride the bus. You fet home earlier. You spend.lees money for transportatioii (4 tokens for 2Se>. You «• joy a safe comfortable ride. I Durham Public Service Go. Gdvin*s Ncwip^pcc Suvm TEST0) RECIPE ■ J/ JFrmct$ Ltt r*^ difBcmlt to rwtm or nm aronod a trlani^lar coovs«. bat xaiglitT a&ay to anjor on* «t feoma when C r a ■ t j Fruit TrlaaslM an aerved. Ther loo^ KD«d, tasta good and art good for ytm — a point for oacb angle ot tli« acone. Cruaty Fruit Trianglaa i cupa aifted cake floor; S tca- sitoona double-acting baking pow der; % teaapoHi salt; 2 table spoons augar; cnp butter or other saortening; teaapoena' grated orange rind; ^ cup jKttesa raisins; ^ cap milk. Sift floor once, m&’.ZMK, add bak'> tag i>owder, salt, aad augar. and aift again. Crt to. ahortening; add orange rl»l «nd raiaina. Add millr all at Once and atir carefally iriti. all floor ia dampened. Tbi& atir rigorously nntil miztTure forma a soft dough and follows apooa around lro\f L Tara out immediately on slightly floured board and knead 30 seconds. Roll % tach tbick and cut in trlangieek Placa on on- greased bakii% aiieet. Broah tot>a lightly with mixture of equal parta ot sugar and milk. Bake in hot oven (450* F.) 12 to 15 minutea, or until browned. Makes about IS aconea. WheMia NEW YOM Nrthel^h TlMllaakMi TfteMTlt TNERfM 71k Am. al USih at FOU EXQUISITE LIVIN* and Bar. Bvcry cowfact aod CaciKty. LMi* room prrvat* kmtA 92J99 mt m nj9 sn0t-*2M mm mm WALTXIt W.soorr. Hotoi TiniSA TftAM.ll U9»K.lwMiCRv l-tTOO men Opportunity fof ,P" M that otitr rial futui*. •••But NOT Mkmm Vith GRAY HAIR! Here's Helpi ’‘Sony, but we want a yoaagct aian!” Have you heard those words? Aaid watched aaotber hopefui Job hunter tora sa«By awar, bemyed by his owa gray hair... Thia naaJnIt happen to m«. Wkh GODinOY'S LAUEtifSB Hair Colortoa you can tweeaw/die ar ta yoor bair and look years younaer. Vbea used as difcetai^ USffir - itaaali n«, slossy, yoaa^p^eeci^ you'D be proud of. Cbcaqi of 14 EUS8 colon nrnmfy—aJ ifljtaaaly—stvea the hw a 4^ Uiof Every bonia is satisfy or your dcalw will It refuad yoor soaay. dealer doeso’t have LA& (LarfyUse), seed $1.23 GODEriOY MfC.CO, 53 3TMBT. SAINT LOUIS. M NAI»- 'J

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