■■■■■■■■■■■■ II PEISOI PrtwMti.fcy MM' Hie Sepia Sniiig N A A C P A Bomber For Xmas An $s0,000 bomber was pivsent- to Great Britnin hv thf work ers of tho l/ookheed Aircraft t orporntion, of lx>s Anjcelea, a."; a Christ majj oresent. Sensation Seeks $1000 Defense roiilinuiNl from Page One fflariiif; contradictions jn the s-tatements made by Mrs. Strub- jinff. Awording to the NAACP in- Ivi'ptiffation, the so-ealled “ran- (som” note has never be^n found. The rope allej^d to have l>een used to tie her has not been found. The spot where Mrs. Rtrubing is alleged to h«ve been thrown in the reservior is hard surfnoe. There are no rocks or stones which could have been thrown at her. No explanation has l»een given of ow Mrs. Strubing managed'to get out of her coat in the wat»r while 1ier hands were COUNT BASIE CITY ARMORY Monday, Dec. 30th Advance Tickets 72c & Tax -$1.10 At Door DOORS OPEN at 7:30 ' s 'money to loan On Diamonds, Watches, Jewelry, Silverware, Men’s Clothing, Tjrpe Writers, Shot Guns, Musical In struments, anything of value. RELIABLE LOAN CO. .121 EAST TRADE STREET ’Charlotte’s Oldest and Largest" EYES EXAMINED! GLASSES FITTED! (Opposite Public Library) 317-A N. Tryon St. We maintain a completely equipp^ office for the exclusive convenience of the Colored People. 4 I I 1I t I mm I I I I l-M Miss Willie Mae GistWedsReu. SamuelJulius McLean X I I m iA': McLEAN-GIST FAMILY GROUP McLEAN BRIDAL PARTY tied. During the time the attack was supposed to have been made in Mrs. Strubing’s home. Spell’s wife was asleep on the next floor above and there was a dog asleep in the hall. Although, according to her story, Spell is alleged to have driven Mrs. Strubing through the very center of the town of Green wich, with the usual crowds on the street, policemen, including traffic poH«emenv ineloding traf fic policemen, and to have stc^p- «d for traffic lights, at nq time did Mr®. Strubing call for help, or assistance. No one has been able to find the policemen who were allied to have looked into the automobile yhile Mrs. Strub ing says she was there, and orders ed Spell to “drive on.” The elleg- ed “ confession’^J^as not a confes sion at a}l but, r^h4^, oAaltement of the whereabouts of dur ing the night in qUesi(»v:? At no time has Spell admitted the charge of rape. After talking with Spell NAACP attornej's are con- that he is innocent of the North Carolina teach race rela tions to foreigners when black Americans who gave of their toil and their blood to build this nation are not permitted to study in schools supported by the statet”- 1 'I vinced chaise of rape of a campaign inspirei press to convici * him «i^4rime of which be is innocent. and is the victim ' is^re^ by the “It seems to me it would more profitable to invite to such a study across section of tlie|j^^gg Watts, Robert Toomer population of Georgetown, S. C. where two weeks ago on Sunday State troops had to be called out NAACP— r Continued from Page One and of the individual citizens as wen. These policies include: com plete political equality of oppor tunity, complete economic equa lity of opportunity in every field, and compile social equality of disperse a-mob which resulted opportunity.” because of the lack of such teach ing. /. ^ “If the University of North Carolina believes and teacher? that South Americans are superior to Negroes or that any people are superior to other simply because of race, the University of North Carolina tiught to olosie its doors. Very truly yours, JAMES H. BOYKIN. Robert Upchurch. Those present at the banquet were Mr. and Mrs. Willie Dunn, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Burton, Mr. and Mrs. Conway Burton, Mr. and Mrs. Nilas Thompson, Robert Upchurch, Claude Williams, Mr. and Mrs. Horace Hedgepeth, Mr. and Mrs. Nathan McCloud, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Harris, William McCoy, Mr. and Mrs. John Bul- jlock, Will Leach, Bud Griflfin, Lockhart, Tom Sterling, nd daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Belton Armstrong. , Please Explain Continued from Page One until March in the University of North Carolina.” “My experience with South Americans in this country and a broad teach me that many of them are as black as »ny Negro in this country.” ’ “Whether, as reported, they will dine at lilly-white Carolina Inn is of less importance here^ UNaE SAM’S LOAN OFFICE 'At 205 E. Trade St. PKone 8276 Is The Place To CHRISTMAS SHOP SPECIAL BARGAINS m 1. Suits $5.95 and Up 2. Overcoats $5.95 and Up 3. Jackets $3.95 and Up 4. Watches ..$5.95 arid Upw 5. Men's and Ladies^ Rings— u$5.9^ and .Up'^; • We lend money on all personal Property , D. PENDER STORES AND BIG STAR SUPER markets' Durham Public Service Continued from Page One Lindsey as an ej^preseion of the high esteem in which he is held by the colored employes of the Durham Public Service Company. The. presentation was made by Big Police Guard - For Windsors On Visit to Florida. Miami, Fla., — A police guard of the proportions usally accorded only to the President of the Unit ed States has been assigned to the Duke and Duchess of Windsor for their arrival here from Nassau. Traffic Inspector William J. Me Cathy said 50 policcmen' would guard the pier where the fame^ yacht Southern Cross will dock, with the former British King and his wife, who is coming to the United State for a dental opera tion. The Duke, Governor of the Bri tish Bahamas, let it be under stood he would make no public best map E. A. McLean, of Dou glas Ga. I The maid of honor, Miss Ann Thomas of Wadesboro along with the other attendants Misees Au drey Clin^n, of Lancaater, S. C. Frances Sampson, Moreaee Millet^ Mesdames Nellie R. Dunlap of Charlotte In a ceremony of Asheville, Mamie L. Brewinton, chann and beautiful simplicity, glia Yorice wore dresecs of MiHfs Willie Mae Gist became the ^usty pink velvet and light pink bride of Rev. Samuel Julius Me- ^^petta modeled alike. Eadi carry- Lean Thursday at 5:30 o’clock at bouquets of briareliff Little Rock church on E. Eth St. roges. Each attendant wore a gold Rev. H. E. Wilson, pastor of locket, a gift of the bride. Ushers Little Rock church officiated as- were Mefers George Blackman, sisted by Dr. F. C. Shir)ey. The r g Andereon, Edison.'Blackman^ vows were spokea before k back-Hargrave, Lindson ground of palms, southern smilax Blakney, and W. H. Harris, and floor baskets filled with glad bride wore a wedding gowD; Lola. Samuel Aaron Moore, or- Ivory Satin fashioned with ganist, played the wedding march ^weeheart neckline and long fitt- from Lohengrin for the proccssion gieeves. The graceful panelled al. Preceding the ceremony, Miss ^ack extended to a flare train. Pauline Bennett sang “O Promise jjgj. bridal veil fell fi«m a halo . Me ’ and Mr. Mims sang “Be- orange blossoms. She carried The bride was an arm boquet of white roses and “■ n!arcissee, eaught with white grandmother, and a |fold bracelet,-^ • — ■ a gift of her husband.. appearance while in the United Mrs. Gist, mother of the brid© States. wore a black dress of moss crepe His only public contact wll be with a trimming of net, with upon arrival Tuesday morning, ifoW accessories. Immediately when the Southern Cross docks. following the ceremony, the recep- ^ The Royal Governor decided tion was given in the basement of yesterday to accept the use of the the church. Those ^sisting in enr Southern Cross, owned by Alexis tertaining at th6 reception were: cause marriage by her father, Edward Gist. The bridegroom had as DANCE To One of onr Coin Operated Phonographs — Latest Becords. We Distribute the Wurlitzer Simple Phono- wnsii — See Us For Special Rates for Your Party, Dance Or Other Socials. B. L. BRYAN D»y Phone 8753 Night Phone 2-0130 BREVARD ST. BARBER SHOR Baths... 15c N. G. EDWABDS, Prtm- 231 South BKvard C3barlottiB, N.C. ALEXAI^ER FUNEBAL HOME , S2t SOUTH BREVARD STREET ; Oar Pli^ 8tsi Nifht Phones 3-6027, 3-2472 ' i H1I M 11'» l' WH W -M■ ■H- l I i Jacob’s Radio Service Hones{ Vfprk - R^soniable Pric^ No CKarge For Inspec^ori 408 E. Fint Siieet Telephone 9712 MERRY XMAS To Our Colored Friends Full Line Of Santa Glaus Merchandise for the Whole Family EAGLE STORES (5c & 10c) W. Trade SL Charlotte, N. C. WINE AND At DINE Archie^s Bar and Grill 601 East First Street Specialties in Breakfasts - Lunches - Dinners Imported and Domestic Wines I Pints 15c - Pints 25c - Quarts 45c' TRIAL OFFER fiOLDEN-GLO ^£111 BEAUTY ESSENTIALS 'S‘^11 HAIliD DIRECT TO M A Uk besnty box eonUinin* Mven facial neeeultl«s aU of tha ef tan at thaaa Gald«.:ia prodaeta, Thejr cira that appeal which ia tha altlmata la fcmialiii beauty sad tha anbtla iatris« e pcrfaet mak«.vp. Seld«e-Me’e infloitiparafala eoaaatia aombiaatioa MTCB iirralnabla aMa to baanty, trtmt qoality. HERE IS WHAT YOU 6ET-AU FUU SIZI ytam baz at T Ooldan^na beauty aida Sonlar »tii!I prM — I claaaaliiv Crtaai ■»(> ^ I VaabbiBK Ctaaa 50} I FaandatlaD Oraam .2S* I raea Pairdnt ‘‘Taa’*.. to* M# ■■ tha nqniaite* for eoiaplata amoldte beauty trpnta ■Mi* tha* coat yOQ t.M If bouatht indlTidualln Our 0paaM^te brtnca you tUa antlra act of 7 GOU)ira mA QOeifraCS for dir M# plna »o^«ca. „. Aciata Waatod far GaUUa-Gla Prodaeta - a»WD OOPFON—■■ ■■Itia ; •OtMBr-OU» XBODUCrS. be. V9m- Bm* 41at fliaa**. Mair Tai^ N. T. •Mt yomr 0»M—-0h baaoly box oontalnias T foB nisdaata. Wbaa delivered by Poatmitn I ' hha M4 vtaa yoataca. ar I am eaekseiag: tl-l> (vWah rtmtn aB Aantea for dcUvery to ma, .. ■HH clorlrt ~ Wenner-Qren, Swedish industrial ist. A half day delay in the sail ing schedule of the S. S. Mun- argo, on which passage had been booked, caused the change plans. i-THE BROOKLYN I Wii You A Most Prosperous FOR BETTER BROOKLYN DRY CLEANERS I Misses Lula Mae White, Leland: Bishop, Annie Steveneon, Mes- dames Mabl« Russdl Minnie Davis, and Claudia McFadden. After the reception the ooupl® left for a wedding trip. For travel ing the bride wore a two piece green suit with brown accesBori«a and a hat with chin veil. She wore a shoulder bouquet of rose buds and, ferns. The couple will make their home in Charlotte. Mias M«Dead, is the attractice daughter of Mr. and Mrs. EJdward Gist of this city. She is ^a gradu ate of •Teachers College at Win ston Salem, and Johnson C. Smith University, where she received }ier B. S. degree. Mrs. McLean is a member of the Les-Ami^Social club and a member of the faculty at Myers St. School. The groom is the youngest son of the late Prof. and Mrs. J. E. McLean of Douglas Georgia. He is a graduate of the Theological department of Joohnson C. Smith University. Bev. McLean ia now serving at the McCIintock and Belmont churches. New Year a. SERVICE CLEANERS SE SSE An effort is to be made on Dec. 14 by the attorney of the Bridge port, Conn., branch of the NAACP and by Mr. Marshall to have an interview with the defendant. WANTED AQENTS TO SELL TONE LAXATIVE TONIC Attractive Proposition To Distributors: “Free with initial order for one dozen tonic: one year’s subscription to The Carolina Times—with or der'of two dozen or more we will include one zipper Medicine Case. We have thousands of Ministers now selling our line of medicine. Pan American Distributing Co. Pa 0. Box 1627 Charlotte,, N. C.