r / CAKOlKA TIMES L. E. AUSTIN, Editor BROWNING & FARREIi FURNITURE COMPANY 410 W. Main St. IS‘^1 GREEITINCS The Colored Taxi G^mpanies listed below wish to thank our patrons for the business given us during last . yfear. We wish for them all a happy ‘ New Year. HILLSIDE TAXI---Phone J-4241 DIXIE CAB Phone R- ffeS CAROLINA CAB---Phone 1^7191 ■ ■•Ip =i iSiiS’ >'' ' 'iiiiiil 1 jp! »'■*',ii', illjplp , l«i|!‘■,I'm! ill:':,.‘1 •i; r .! , i. « i . H ' 'i'j. ' ‘j.l!i ' 'j I ji ' i ’ " 1 t'>i i I I'' II I ’Jwi'KL I- II, i£ I .iL , mufc I ,, j uhl ^ S’! 1 a ‘iiii iti I? uiJiiDuuiaibmi PROGRESSIVE STORE Fayetteville Street E. D. Mattox, Mgr. JOYI>LI94l PENNY FURNITURE COMPANY 111 E. Chapel Hill St m NEIGHBORHOOD STORE 619 Fayetteville St. - Phone L-3173 Garrett’s Biltmore DRUG STORE Phone L-0961 evj Year Greetings Mag the cheer of the geir... Mag the best of Hie good. Mag contentmeat ind jog come gonr wag 1941 DURHAM PUBUq^SERVICE COMPANY JOHNSON - FORRESTER GO. DRY CLEANERS Representatives E. W. Green F. C. Pendarns Phone N-157 5eason|Best IMshes for the NewTear 1941 I.-; PAPA' JACK’S RAINBOW GRILL 964 Fayetteville St., Durham P HATWOOD’S EEGTRIC SHOE SHOP 116 S. Mangum St. 1941 BfSTUIISHeSM MUTUAL BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATION 114 W. Parrkh St. - Phone R-119 HOLLYWOOD INN The H ome Of Home-Cooked Food Dorsay Beauty Parlor Phone N-9741 Hold National Conference. Continued from Pag« One hervice above that of the White Firemen. Regulations by the Interstate Commerce Commission require that in the next few years coal bum- ng engines be eqiupped with stokers or r^laced by Diesel power. Ail a result of this change, and through the o^anized streng% of th« White Firemen, definite confidential understanding have and are being develc^d that provide for the elimination of the Colored Firemen by various sutble and devious means—one of which is that railway carriers shall n^ hire firemen to fill vacancies caused by the death of Colored Firemefl training in the operation of the Die^l engine. The trick is that Colored Firemen are not promotable because they cannot become engineers. Since the Brotherhood of Loco motive Enginesmen and Firemen, which controls the bargaining rights on most railway properties by virtue of the possession of the maority of the Firemen in the employ of the carriers, will not accept Colored Firemen as mem bers and hence they are deprived of representation befofe federal agencies regulating the relation ships between carriers and their employees, Colored Firemen face the necessity of devising some program to meet this situation. To this end, the Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters, states A. Philip Randolph, Internation al President, plans to call a na tional conference of Colored Fire men on all the railroads through out the country that employ them for the purpose of formulating k long range program of organiza tion and legislation in the inter est of the relief of this class of Colored railroad workers from their present state of Job inse curity. r ' ^ At this I conference, Colored Firemen will' tell their own story about their problems and repre sentatives of various national or- ganiaations will come to bring messages of greetings and co operation in the fight to save the Jobs for Colored Firemen. The conference will be held in Washington, D. C. i» the mon^h of March, declared Mr. Randolph at the headquarters of the Bro therhood in New York City. The specific date and pr(^am will be announced later. Ji)4J J A >1 U ,By BKTTV BARCLAY A N«w Tt&r surclr call* for new dcllcAclea on the tkble. The following tMtMl recipes have been chosen care fully and are offered as 1941 treats: Hawaiian New Year’s Cup 12 oransea Whole clovea 1 cup sugar t cups water S cups canned unsweetened Hawaiian pineapple juice Juice of 1 lemon I Orated nutmeg , Wash oranges and stick with cloves.' Bring sugar and water to a boll and add oranges, cover and simmer until cringes are tender. Remove oranges, strain liquid in which they have been simmered, add to pineapple juice which has been brought to a boll, but not boiled. Stir In lemon Juice. Serve hot In small cups with a dash of nutmeg. Cut oranges in small pieces and add one or two to each cup. Yield: 1 quart. Lima Purse t cups cooked, dried Iiimas 4 cups hot water 1 tablespoon grated onion or onion juice 1 tablespoon butter 3 tablespoons flour H teaspoon pepper H teaspoon salt Hub Limas through a coarse strainer; add hot water, salt, pepper and onion. Heat to boiling point. Melt butter, add flour, stir until sijiooth, then add to hot soup, and cook 6 minutes longer, stirring constantly. Sea Food Cocktail 1, cup shrimp, lobster, crab, tuna or a combination of these H cup finely cut celery % cop tomato catsup 1 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce ^4 cup lemon ju!ce 1 tablespoon finely cut chives or onion Mix ingredients. Chill thoroughly. Serve n cocktail glasses. Accompany with lemon quarters. (Serves 4-6.) Magic Fruit Cake IH cups (1 can) sweetened condensed milk 1 cup chopped walnut meats ^ pound enps) shredded coconut 1 pound (I cups) pitted dates, coarsely chopped Thoroughly blend sweetened con* densed milk, chopped walnut meats, shredded coconut, and dates, which have been coarsoly chopped. Pack' In a greased loaf pan (8 x & x S inches). Bait* In moderately hot oven (878^ F.) Sfi minutes, or until brown. Remove from pan and allow to cool thoroughly. Cut Into thin slices. Ginger Way 1 household rennet tablet 1 tablespoon cold water 1 pint milk (ordinary or Uoni.\, J) 3 tablespoons sugar 1 teaspoon vanilla % cup whipped cream 4-5 ginger snaps Preserved ginger Break a ginger snap into each dessert dish. Make rennet-cuatard ac cording to directions in package. Pour at once over ginger snaps. Do not move until firm — about 10 minutes. Then chill in refrigerator. When ready to serve, top with whipped cream and a bit of grated preserved ginger. New Year’s CofTolats Here's a tempting hpt coffee punch to serve your friends when they toast the New Year. You'll start 1941 with a reputation for oonsiderateness If you make your brew of decaffeinated coffee, so that enthusiastlo well- wishers may enjoy second and even third cups with no fear of sleeping problems later on. 1 cup strong decaffeinated coffee 3 squares unsweetened chocolate i tablespoons sugar Dash of Mit t cups milk Make decaffeinated coffee extra strength, using tablespoons for . each -cup, H pint water. Add chocolate I to x)ffee in top of double boiler and i place over low flame, stirring until chocolate is melted and blended. Add sugar and salt; and boll 4 minutes, stirring constantly. Place over boil ing water. Add milk gre.dually, stirring constantly; then hoat. When hot, beat with rotary egg beater until frothy. Serve hot. Top with whipped orean, desired. Serves 4. ; Boykins Tailor Shop Phone L-5493 MAN TROUBLE-rtlighf happen TO YOU ^ Tak« no chanc0|l If your hair Is dull, faded, sprinkled with gray, Godefroy'f Larieuse will make "him" admire it again. trouble" often results firom a wife’s neglect of her i>ersonal appearance. Don’t et that happen to you! Re- member, you woo your man by making yourselfattractive to him. Hold him by staying attractive. If faded, discol* ored, gray-streaked hair ^oils your appearance, use Godefroy’s Lar Coloring. ^aneuse e, use Hair Almost instantly your hair will take on new colotiis will sparkle with dancing highlights! Coloring won’t rub off or wash out. Permits curling, marcels, permanent waves. Known and used Jor 45 years. Satisfaction guaran teed Or your money back. Ask for Larieuse (LARRY-USE)i Look for the reei box. If your dealer doesn’t have it, send $1.25 direct to •ODIMOT MfO. CO, MIO OUVI n.ST. LOUIS. MAIM BILTMORE HOTEL James Baylor, Mgr. Phone N-333 nem BULL CITY BARBER SHOP & BEAUTY PARLOR Ge P. Holloway, Prop. YMCA Host At Xmas/ Party Continuod from Page One ■cludeil group singing, a full leng th movie of our National army at work and play, and atunta by representatives of the several Gra-Y, groups. After the program, each young ster was the reeipjent of a bag of xmas candy, fruit, etc, provided by various citizen and concerns of the city. ; , Assisting Mr, Anderson, execuj tive secretary, in the prograan were: Mr. Faison of the White YMCA, Carl McKee, and Prof. Brown, Second Ward teacher and , directt^ of the Phalanx Frater nity, a Y, affiliate. j Makes Quick Turkey Catch Rev. Ri G. Shannonhouses, of Pittsboro, a hunter of no small repute^ resorted to the primi tive in making his kill. Donning his bedroom srippera which were patterned fsome- what like Indian moccasins, he left home at ? o’clock with his » V