I ■> 11».»->^1.-^KA»i&.y.;fe- 'Afci.-►■■-: —. 4-.' N. Affairs Committee To Meet January MAILING EDITION Volume XXII — Num&er One ^rham. North Carolina, Saturday, January 4th., 1941 OURfMK. -N a PRICE 5c HAPPY NEW YEAR NEW RALEIGH BUS STATION OPPOSED I w. k 1 Seek Removal Of White Draft Board Chairman For Slander Against Negroes New York — Removal of a white !gistrant know very little about local draft board chairman n^he truth. It is our opinion that * Jamaica, New York, for making (year’s military training will do • and slanderous” state- great deal to straighten this gentle against Negroes vicious ments against I^egroes in con nection with the appeal of a case involving a Negro draftee who sought deferment was asked o£,]ias%hown himself to be unfit to Governor Herbert Lehman ^tolay jgerve on a draft board, the as- the National Association for.gociation said: man out. In a letter to the Governor, which pointed out that Warnke the Advancement of Coloed Peo ple. The draft ofEicial, Edward War nke chairman of local boai:d No. The First Aid Department of J^yetteville Street Baptist Church, Raleigh, N. recently sponsored a Christmas prosnram for tlie old, needy and unfortunate people. The First Aid is doin£ a great work uii^er leadership of Mrs. Estelle Jones a local cliMrirMni and Miss Fannie Beid McLean wh|0 is State President of the First Aid Di^artment. The First Aid is a unit of the Xnter-DenonuBJitioQAl Ushen Association of North Carolina. In the picture stapdin|j||l^ft to right* front row: Mrs. Elizabeth trewmmr; .IliM W^^im Keid. ^irst Aid PresldQnt; MrB&tsUfid&^i^^Joeal pr^iiixlk; |S)r||Zareiialone8, ii^ Cel^ Colima, Ifok Martha W. Smith, Afiss Lila P&irtiif; liJ^s. Luella Buie and Mrs. Ifaggie lifiiliams, Back Row, ^ guest of the Mn% AiA Xisit to ri^ht — Alex McNeil, Q. A. Langston who is 1st Vice Presideott of the Interdenominational Ushers ^Association of North Carolina. Mrs. Carrie Haywood, Rev. j. W. Jones, pastor of Fayetteville Street Baptist Church and Alonzo Phillipa. We respectfully submit that any person holding such view* and who 8o gratuitously would slander an entire race is unfit for 261, i^ Jamaica, is charged with gp^vice in the drafting of men haying sent a meworanduBi in- ,gt> f-wth to die fop'de- “luding the following statements mocracy ” N. C.., GOVERNOR CALLS GRADUATE COURSES, EQUALIZATION OF SALARY ADMINISTRATION MIEVEMENfS’ Florida Boys Freed Then Re-arrested By OnuMlM: R:mb R^«l§fh, N. C.. 4- Governor Clyde R/ Ho«y ’ listejj- the establishment of'‘'greidu^te>” course in the Ne- ooliegres of the 9tp.te and the *‘e}o4ing«of-the gap" betveen the (i^ig*i«»a ot white and Negro teaeh- •rp 'as '‘iehiev^merits’' of the Hoey •di^lKtntttottiSfturdsy in an arti cle mitten, ^r th« Atsooiated Elected for four years in .the Nominations For Spingam Medal Award Received READ THIS to the ai>peak board in connec tion with the case of ^Leon Mel vin, who sou^t deferment on the ground that he had dependents: as chairman of local board No. "‘This particular case in com- 261 and from any other position mon in our particular board- We in connection with the selective have a large colored population service. This should he done not and thee ^cms to be no regard only to remove a man who hol^ ifpr^moral or finanoifl responsi-[aad exproses such vieious senti- bility ^d some get tiftd o€ t)lie menta but aiw) ae ^ woman and then decide they can!on to others who may be eiclined live with some one else.” to slander any racial or religious r “It is the consensus of opinion minority or any part of our na- in this board that this tjrpe of re- Itional population/^ Drs. N. R. Davidson aod C. H. University an dthe M. D. drpee D. Bowers will head sections of from Meharry Hediekl College, e therefore respectfully the Medical staff «t Flint-Good- &. Davidson is a gr^oate of urge that Mr. Warke be removed ndge Hospital, beginnin^f Jauuar^Moi^an Coll^re, Baltimore, Msr^- first. Dr. Bowers holds the def land, and tlie Howaijd I'niveraity greet of Bahelor of Arts anti Scho^ otf Medieiae ia the ciass Master of Arts from New Orleaws of 1934. ; I I. Clinton, N. C. — The Sampson News, backwoods white weekly, Thursday published the ollowing story: , , West Palm Beach, Pla two weeks ago three boys were freed here after seven years of mprisonment. They were only to enjoy s fow hours of liberty when they were re-arre»tea by State Attorney Phil 0. Connel who plans to seek reindictment when the Grand Jury meets in' BlMtion of 1935, the' governor •Af»d the two 'geAures among 23 4|wr ttocomplishments which he, Frequently called “the little JjMtd as some of the lichieTeinents Seottsboro boys ' Charles Davis, of the etate. jWalter Woodard, Jack William- Th* oitation ir*B number 22 in Chambers were con- Ithe list and reads as follows: l^i«ed in three trals for robbing New York — The names of no minees for the Spingarn Gold Medal Award, are* being received by the National Association for About Advancement of Colored People ttt its headquarters here at 69 Fifth Avenue, in prepara tion for the award committee’s meeting which will be held dur ing January, officals of the or ganization announced today. The medal is an annual award established in 1914 by the late D. L. Davis Colored Dies J. W. Yeargin leads Figfct Against Side-Door Entrance For Negroes j viced in three trals ‘Oradnate Oounev” killing a' white fish dealer, The estaWishment of graduate'R«^ert Darcey in 1933. Then last courses in our ' Negro coUeges injFebruary their very aJ?le. defense tbis state to meet the require-MaeOill appealed to meats -of the Jaw to provide equal highest court in the land. #or the appointed Supreme Joet E. Spingarn, former resi dent of the association, and is given each year “to the man or woman of African descent and American citizenship who shall have made the highest achieve ment during the preceding year or years in any honorable field of endeavor. ” isduoatimal opportunities *ot the appointed aupreme Court Negro races to dp justice to all .Justice Black ruled that, ‘ Dfte who seek education. Also the clos-'process of law preserved for all ing of the gap between the salar- by our constitution commandb {«■ of n^itc and Ne^o teachers that no such practice as disclosed by this record shall send an/ ac cused this death.” The court ordered a new trial iwhich didn’t get under way until 7 months later. At this trial, and the ^ adpj>tio& of a policy ‘ which will finally solve this pro- bieo. ' '■ - r-. ■■■ Ex-Slayes Pfay We Stay At P^ace Atlanta, the old days ’ Rwiniscing about when at Christmas Mr. and Judge (|rdfi[3 ^ Held Jor Trial De^ite BefHi^ngoatiEitioo Thst No Proof Was IVoduced Of Any Kmd Baltimore Man Establishes New . jACP D. G. Davis, colored, who oper ated the New Citizen Funeral Home in Cftinton, died Wednes day night. He was a highly res pecter and honorable colored man and a trustworthy citizen. He *groes, which was the main objec- three daughters present. Accoding to members of the by Negro citizens here Sunday in a meeting held at the First Bap tist Church. The blueprint calls for a rear alley entrance for Ne- Greenwieh, Conn. — With NA defense counsel eha%iag that the “State has failed utterl;f !to eonnet defendant with thi» «>f- NA k k A William T. Stroag , f , AWBTfl denied their motioB to dismiia ■New York - Announcement of *omplaint «^inst a ^-y^r- ^ ' • Old ehauireTary floseim Speii, whoee^ annual award of fitty-dollarswealthy M*s. .Mtn T. to be given to the taf»neh at' the Strubiilg, charged had raped her oi^anization sdoing the most oat- four times, hear White Pfcuas. N- st^ding woit- duri% ths year, earjy on the morning of Dec. was made by the National AsseciA jj, tion for tlie 'Advfcileemeilt ofj Present in Greenwich Tpwn Cqurt,* frdm w^ieh the poblie The award, which is made pos- was'barfed; w^lre Thttrgol>a M&r- sible through a gift made to the sjiail,.^^ial coonsrf for the Na- W. R. Johnson, consultanl Thalhei- tional Asaoeiatioa. tm the A4- RaJeigh — A vigorus protest passengers of • both races, against the floorplans of the new j Yeargin stated that Negro Raleigh bus station t;, bo erected ,^hite passengers use the same en-jColored People tod^y. on West Morgan Street was made*9 Winston Salem busl- , station. leaves surviving and two sons, besides Mrs. Jane Davis, with lived. Funeral services will his aunt, whom he committee leading the protest, the Negro Affairs for the Carolina Welfare Boad, spoke on the matter. The theme of Sunday’s meeting wae “How We Can Cooperate in North Baltimore,. 'Md., ^ will be Taneement cjf Colored, People; and also for the first tune at g^muel Friedman, o#, Bridgepeo^, ^the thirty secbAd annaal NAACP Coan.j vho -is eonriiieting the de- conference. which will be held fense. The hearing was held after next summer in Houston, Texas, jthree po^pen^ments. * —■ ' Friedman, protoil^ be held I University. time they went with their parents to the bif house gifts from “masaa’ to receive their Civil Service Exams Announced Washington — The United ■States Civil Service commission announces an open competitive examination for the. jrositions of Ijrincipal metallurgical engineer, senior metallurgical engineer, sen- Lawyer MacGill based his case onjior metallurgist, metallurgical en- the grounds that the Grand Jury'gineer, metallurgist, associate me- was illegial since not a single Ne- tallui^ical engineer, associate me- gro was asked to be on it. The tallurgist. • ' Judge Chillingworth agreed that Competitors will not be required to report for examination at any place, but will be rated on the extent of their education, on the extent and quality of their experi ence relevant to the duties of the support of several well known or- Solution of Civic Problems, ganizations has been secured who, spoke on the . Imonw which are listed the North w»re Rev. C. C Scott, tomorrow from the First Baptist jCarolina Negro Teachers Associa- Church mtenwnt ^ membership of approxi p,. jq- g Harris of Shaw mately 5,000, the North Carolina IntefiBrracial Committee composed of white and Negno members and the North Carolina Committee on Negro Affairs. The chairman of the committee leading the protest is J. W. Year gin, prominent business man of Church, colored, and will be in Clinton in the cemetary for the colored. Clerical P^itions Open For Men Thru Civil Service Exams Panama Votes Disfranchisement . Announcempnt of competitive examinations for male clerical workers for government posi- tion% in four states was made Saturday morning by Roy J. ^ Wheeley, civil service operative.'connected the entrance with the'to amitious Positions in which openings street is to narrow and would en-|Arias’ plan Lad Killed By “Unloaded’" Gun the failure iof the ]»oseeuior to produee Mrs iStrubiag in court. “I eaVnefitly believB*^ he said ‘‘that StruWng has no inteotion of ap- Sanford, N .C.-Alinzo Pegues,pointed oat 14 year old boy^ was instantly defense, because it tad killed about seven o’clock to «ow qaestwa. day evening when he was accid-,*»^>'- hampered- in its etly shot in the head by his bro-j ther, Clifton P^ues, 17 with pistol which he thought was , , . , loaded. 1*^® learned that the so«ialit» ana former model, had fOMt to the home of her oarents in Phihidel- !of the case. Assistant ProaMutor ^'ABchibald H. Tuniek haj[ prtoa^ ed to orodace her m eoart, but ft aleigh. Mr. Yeailgin stated ro- .. t» ,‘Buchanan, the older bov was play- tests were being launched because The Republic of P^ama—Witht- mstol’ which he the new station will subject -Ne-ithe voting polls strictly watched unloaded- Dr. J. F.t P“3^' groes to undue expwure to the-over by Government officer#, all ^e^ county coroner con- examinpa weather; the fi^e-fobt' walkway'Panama voted unanimously ‘yes’inquest unnecessary, wa» rttiwiiiij the discrimination was not accid ental. So the bojrs were freed. Then State lawyer O ’Donneil re arrested them, claiming that the ^rtate had not been prepared to 27 former ilaves met as they h«ve:arbue on the issue MacGill raised, jposition applied for, and on theic f(ff 23 years on Christmae eve for ^ One boy, Isiah Chambers, caimot fitness, on a sale of 100, such thpir annual reunion. tbe tried again-as j! last February jratii^ being based upon competi- Ven whom the Civil war freed he went completely insane. He is tors’ swcsj'n statements in t^eir from bondage j»ayed that this now in the hospital for the Insane *appliceitions and upon coirobora- country ihall remain at peace, at Chataooochee. With quavering voices they Bangj — melodies „they had heard in the cotton . fields Swhesp they wiy* ff»ung*t«rB. Most ef them wete from 99 to J.07 yewf 7 *‘0od hath made Him to he ■bi 4^ vs, who knew no aia, that'iN mlfht he sude ^ r^hteoumeM of Ctod ttf Hip.” tive evidence. All qualified persons are urged to apply. An insufficient number of eligibles for filling these posi tions resulted from the e*amina tiona held in Sept. are available include those senior and junior senographer, and persons accepted will be as signed to field service work in Maryland, North Carolina, Vir ginia and West Virginia. Applications will not be ac- cept^ fixtm any peraqns iy)w employed in any private indus try vital to national defense or in any national defense agency of the federal government. Application blanka may be ob- danger Negro ‘ ‘President” to make passengers *> in-If or Panamanians.” He further stated | the new law, now comprised a Arnulfo ‘Panama According to in effect all tand Mrs. Alex Pegnee. coming buses. that N^roes comprised a lai^e! Negroes who do not speak Span- portion of the traveling public jiah _will have their citizenship and under the laiw were entitled .taken away from them and a to equal acconunodationa. ^the«TO»e, peoples of North Afiic»'IJjMn|ylJI “We went to see the Utilities East Indians along with the' Commissim uid the -Carolina Asiatives are.priAibited from |W Jl Coach Company, and they told us immigratii^ to this tiny I^publio. *^1 Xa the ^plahi? for the station were or- jThis is a direct slap in the ‘ace ign^lly drawn up for a corner to the black folk who control the lot, whih. would have given us a stveet entrance,’ he said. .“Now, shooting ^ witness who £reetly liakad! . The shooting occurred at the home of the boys’ parents, ^ since he considers the accidental. tion as to til» naa|«,s«|',4lj| Mrs. Stn^kiBg her, the pltysim'iuB Th« oni^ o^«T" tained from the manager of the, fourth U. S. Civil service dis-l^®? **y ®*eel alrea^ ha^ trict, 820 Seventh St.. Washing- l»een proceed and anothw toiv or from the secretary of .tranee for n» can^ h« made the board of civil service exam-;Morgan Street, iners in any postoifice located | Those present Wilson, N. C. — Three Negro tenant farmers went out and ent 'dnviW i«>bs on the Panama canal and a big dead pine tree to use yet speak nothing but Englt^,!firewood. At the top of the tfM|a,ipar as they were imported from the in a little dead hollow they Britsh West Indies at the time of a nest of squirrchi. Undtr onlthe buildi^ of the canaH Also i^alrrel seet they foaod trace eoneious. Arias dislikes the raeooQs and- eaiquht ob» w)^ oa recoi)! East Indiana who control another Bight u^der the eoe«> in any of the four states listed ^as favoring a chan^ in the plans jpart of Panama’s chief industa?,-found tiM heehireis •so as to providf o|>e «j!:ranee for that of the retail business. t«d about 109 lb» above.^ were: i