\ PUBLISHED WEEKLY BY THE CAROLINA TIMES PUBLISHING CO. 117 E. PEABODY St. ^ DURHAM, N. C. PHONES N-7121 or J-7871 En. crt J as pocond class mater at the Past Oficc.at Durham, N. C. under the Act of March 3rd. 1879. L. E, AUSTIN, PUBLISHER WILLIAM A. TUCK, M«n«iing Editor * ' ( • HERBERT R. TILLERY, Businot Manager (*nd that we may be saved. Men [and fight now, stronger ftnd more and nations and races.and minor-'.hopeful of victory than since the ity goupa may as well be warned,,war began. The Italian*, iirdor that a Christless future is dark Mussolini, gambled on a short and treacherous and without hope.,war when France began to tctter7 The formula for the preserva- but now find themselves in the* tion and ndvanoemont of mankind front line with little to fight for I wan not written by Pinto in hiS|and no hope of permanent victory |Xpw Republic, nor by Bacon in regardless of how the war ends. I his Xew Atlantic, nor by Moore i Germany is expected to launch i ‘in hiH 1 topia, nor by Campanella early attack upon the British ‘ in his City of the Sun, nor by|Without waiting to see if aerial Karl Marx in the Communist attacks and U-boat activity can of litV; hinv fill,.,I ^vith, luystcry^o^ce the British to sue for peace, arc the ways of Ood with man' ;^\'hile we here in America BETWEEN THE LINES . . . By Ddan Gordon B. Hancotk (For The A*Hociated Negro Press) FAIR WABINO 'Ti> ( liri^tiiins dny and thiTMit’ arc ^l;^(•ll(^in;' like a^ wild lufTc. Uow curious are the ways PLUG THOSE HOLES wns written by Jesus Christ the delay no longer. Italy CHARLOTTE OFFICE 420 1-2 EAST SECOND STREET in America arc Icelcbr.'ting the Vulctide with |gLi(i.-:ome hearts and joys galore, .r^uropt' is liowed beneath its load I of eiu-es and sorrows. Bombs— |.siiiitt«'ii cities are writhing' in ^niiserics while di-aster st.alks ifortli HI( ome ho')gob]in by nigtit ito vex unhappy sons of men. Burns was right when ho nver- rcd that “Man's ■ rhfist of Christmas! “MARGINS” FOR SAFETY .... By Dr. Charles Stelzle SUBSCRIPTION RATES: $2.00—Year, $1.23—6 Monthi, must be relieved somehow, or taken over by Oemiany. The sim pler solution, from the German view, is to beat England because no new era, under Nazi domina tion can get under%vay in Europe as long as the British continue to fight. The job must be done be fore Italy deserts the Axis, either a result of British attacks or internal dissension. British successes against Italy, EDITORMC The pilot of the big ferry-boat inhumanity fo f*n the North or East River in ;nian makes counllesH thon.sands New York instead of heading ^ , mourn.” AMiat is transpiring in straight into the- slip, usually prospect of future vic- ,Europe today i merely the repti- takes boat beyond the ferry the ^essuw upon jtion (if an old sorded act in the i^lip because he knows that when ^er Fuehrer Igroat drama of national growth the ];ropellors are slowed down, move, and det-ny. Nations like men come the boat will be carried with the | and g(» as with the breath of the tide beyond the pier, and so he NEW PICTURES A Favorite Bible Text: “Therefore my people shall know name: therefore they shall know in day—that doth speak: behold, 4t is SUGGESTED . TEXT: “God is our refuge and strength, POUCE PROTECTION “Third Finger, Left Hand.” In this film, Myma Ley is taam ■ ed with Melvyn Douglass instead I morning. Nations like men are runs his boat further into the born in weakness, wax mighty tide before he allows it to drift, and peri.sh from the earth in one To those who do not know solemn procession that never ends, nbout the current in the cupjrent of the usual William l’owell--8he As we glance in retrospect at his- in the river, this seems like wast-'a, magazine editor who toiy we pct faint glimpses of the ing time and effort. But this is annexes a husband simply to pro- outlines of once mighty nations, precisely what every successful tect her«lf from wolves and her y buri(‘l in the tombs of time. It man is called upon to do in his publisher’s exceedingly jeilous that appalls our hearts to think of struggle to win out. He must ^ sophi.sticated comedy T >> what they once were and how give.more* and work harder than too high quality, moving they came into their mighty es- merely “enough to get across.”! ,tates !tnd today are gone to come He must always allow for thei® slowly, but with attractive no more. margin of waste and ineffective-genial I ■ IIow' like the mighty empires ^ ness in every plan. i 1 . . »» r> 1 1 T He can’t say that present help.Ul,trouble. —rsalm, xlvi., 1. |Wliieh r(.so m glory and grandeur gpg'j. —_ and filTeiT TKe earlTi^ wfth fHeir mpntioning the exact cost of la- glamour but now are merely ,naterials-and then lay orcam-stufP, the casufil nnti of Mr. Dou- to to build a much ’ too jjarti^ular audience. ' "T2m L&dy in Quection” This is Hollywood version. ‘ i; TcrivirtES I — 'TAy " revemues m h 4 HA-nOhtAL pifgHSI? SPEN0W4fr t very admirably handled too, of a integration proceedings to inter- now or after the defense era is 'of over.'^ . historian pa«isers by The mvraids enough money to meet fjjm j,bout a kindly juror fere with the management For some unknown reason police haye "been taken ou?^f tonjrues of history tell a storK^^'^^ ^®^',who take| into his 'home a girnhese systems, can seriously im- thejlayti section of Durham, leaving one of the most thickly ominous and tra-\ about ten percen-t and pre--acquitted of murder and the con- pair their operations at a time popuiated se»tions of the city without police protection other • - »pj lijri-jiwav of fhe ao^es i ex ra. k ome wa ■ , , .. . 1 • 1 D 4-u;., f’^ UJ iiii is rnnnino' an automobile. It than patrr’ c?rs that make occasional visits. Because of this ^vreck-strcwn and flanked with fact hoodl. ns are running rampant again %vith beisterousness ^ thousand em- break^in,, .^-.'^ring and congestion of the streets t;o the extent eame and went of old! that decent citizens dread going through this particular section for fear of teing insulted or ^juref Jprchistorv where first wore 1 ind- It was thought that the Ha^i Section city would civilization which have regular policemen on duty there all the time after several , , , i ,j.^. , j , j ^ iu 1- r t. 4- -j. 4.1 4. have waxed and waned ten thou- additions had been made to the police force, but it appears that , . i i ■ sand years? Where is Babylonia, re for the extra. Some "'^^'ijsequent complications. All ends all the skill and resources of the with running an automobile. + By using the vast reservoirs of :vy industry, w* can relieve the growing Fiddlers Convention Will Be State-Wide well, however. 'existing organizations arc need- ... i if « t t II } ■ 1 always costs more than the figur e^ian Aherne, Rita Hayworth, |ed,’ not to mention $400,000,000 a ^ es given b^ the salesman. q] p ^d, Irene Rich and year they nay government in tax- ^ nate citizen i=, given X, • 11 • ii. U- X . V , 7 ,, • T ^ it. » souie assurance that he can go a- But It’s especially m the bigg- George Coulouris head an able es. In other words, the worst er things of life that we ll have ^ca%t. , ■ , P™ffram of ex- Moon Over Burma.” jsupply « ihe^ ]>ess,bihty of more handicaps ^.'political meddling—more leei>la- „ i ■ i i ot too many legislative and regu- to thirij'" oJ the “margins” Most men fail in business because they haveii’t allowed for the extras— Wish a, dash of about every-.'political thing that has been seen before five experiments in the jwwer instead of more protection there is less. I «7tl?' itT'han^^^^^^ necessary margins for safety. |in pictures of a definitely pruiii-.|field—and more political ' w\‘!„th7r"than nrofit* Frankly we have never understood just what objection there! ' ■ , J There are always extas about tive character, this is a melo- tax-exempt, tax built, socialized er t lan p otit. could be to the placing a half dp^en Negro policemen in the \ ° ™ > "1 i cannot know when you Hayti section. There are many cities in the soutli that have start out. us^ Negro police to a great advantages, and we see no reason Hammurabi the geniu.s. why Durham shauld hesitate to do so. If states like Florida, statesm.-m who created the | It s the man who is prepared Tennessee, Texas and Oklahoma can use colored pplicenien, we >*“ited state of Mesopotamia and j for the “extras who lands in- ■ ’ " ’ ■ - '‘slip” he doesn’t have do not believe the heavens would fall if they were used here. foundation of her glory ?,side the drama-about life in the Burmese jungle. These are mysterious ghost tigers, sick elephants and inquisi tive cobra, a forest fire and o climax it all, a big log jam, not -o mention Dorothy Lamour who power projects. OLD TIME FIDDLERS threat of a crushing Old Kin# Gole and his Fiddlers three We all know made musical his tory Today as you know, we hava^oo king. But to our fiddlers, ouB. prai.sa*“*^ let’s bring! An old time convention let’s all enjoy, Come any fiddler mi?n, woman or boy. iatory penalties which promote Unfortunately those who object to Negro policemen, which bere is Assyria with its quad-,to waste time trying it over again, ri • h ' i l s a t ought to lower the crime rate among Negroes as well as make I’^ngular palaces and colossal |because he failed in the first at-)" ® aroun in er sua .c n the streets in the Hayti section fit for decent citizens to walk sculpture whose monarch took Jhe, tempt—as some careless, thought on, do not have to undergo the abuses of the Hayti hoodlums, pretentious title ‘ ‘King of the les^ or lazy })ilot sometimes does, who have no respect for themselves or any one else. ;Four Quarters of the World? The local branch of the Interracial Commission ought to Assyria’s glory is liound up for- take the matter in hand and use its influence to give the Hayti ever with the names of Sargon section the kind of police protection it ought to have. So far and Sennacherib who drew the as we have been able to see, it has never done any real service, blueprint for the vaunted glory and this problem is a good opportunity for it to do something of Nineveh. other than have a “high falutin" meeting. n , m ^ \Aihere is the Far-iamed Kgypt LEADERSHIP cradle of Thebes and Memi>his Thanks to 300 Jewish religious leaders for lending their ‘’‘I" pyramids support to the fight now being made by''the National Associa- those mute testmionials and archi tion for the advancement of Colored People against Jim Crow tecture of mass and magnitude? tactics now being used in the United States army. iEf?ypt boasted of a fame-filled Negro religious leaders, who as a whole, are about the sor- f'^ed history when Rome and riest group there is, when it comes to taking a stand for racial Greece were wrapped ijj .swadl- rights, ought to take a cue from the Jewish religious leaders clothes lying in the manger and exejcise their position as leaders of America’s minority time. And where is 1‘ersia with group. jher Cambyses and Cyrus, Xerxes A real leader whether he represents the religious, or Indus- Darius? History tell us that trial side of the race ought to possess enough unselfishness to the laws of the Medes and Per- once in a while forget his own welfare long enough to take a'" i-ians altered not. Where is Greece stand for the right and a stand against the wrong. Every Ne- the land of immortals and bright trying to land his ferryboat. Margins for safety and success aren’t always expressed in terms of cash—for poise, and decision, and cheerfulness, and mostly character—count for more than money, in “putting things a- cross.” That’s why many a ‘poor’ man who hasn’t much money wins out. It’s because his mar gins for safety consist of resour ces wjjich money cannot buy. a brief beach costume, this time ensemble. Assisting Miss Lamour, one might mention Robert Preston, Preston Foster, Doris Nolan and Albert. Basserman. POWEE FOR DEFENSE iOF SEOUEITY -See how you for “WHEN THERE is a big job to be dRone, it is logical and sen- nesses are not committing tliem- BBITISH PRESSURE UPON ITALY THAT BRITISH ARK IN posi tion to inflict severe punishment upon Italy seems established by the ease with wliich British battle ships bombarded Valona. The “modern” navy of which Mus solini repeatedly boasted has not lost control of the Mediterranean, Kro religious leader in Durham knows that the mass of Negroes est gem in the diadem of time? are oppressed, ^ but few if any of them are inter- Where is Rome whose name is a ^ V anything about it. They know that thje synonym of power and pomp and nght the NAACP has carried on for the mce is a just cause, splendor and conciuest? The .^^enito’s “Italian lake,” but is so but we doubt if there are five ministers in the entire city who genius of the Ceasars could not are financial mem^rs, much less willing to do anything that ^ave the Eternal City from the might cause their Sunday collections to run short, I nf tlmo The Jewish religious leaders are to be commended for the ti if r i fina „ 4. J ^ i-umiiieiiueu lor me fbp ouce mightv natum.s one bv fine example they ha\e set, and we trust that our own religious ' one left the summit of their grand will awaken Ircm their leihargy long enoujrh to tako . „„ ^,„,y in the tombs of time. Whatever rthat somethin'T was, which might not only against Jim Crowism j,, ft, in our national defense, but against other evils that retard the progress ,of the race. tefs - - Very Brief ••••••••« 'IcIms scored Lindl^ergh and Hart as “native fM- tfsde urged as way to Bxi^ort iecdership for U. try to more." “do the impossible once ihave been dorfe to save them, was not done and badly damaged a-s to be unable to protect Italian interests in the Adriatic. With a long coast to defend, and dejiendent upon im- j>orts for economic existence, Italy cannot long wage a war against a sea power is strong enough to cut her colonial possessions and threaten attacks unon the Italian sible to assign iJ: are^ willing, ready, able, and ex perienced," writes S. B. AVilliams editor. Electrical World. Tha^is directly applicable to the problem of electric jxywer for defense. The willing hands in this case are the private utilities. Their exjierience cannot be ques tioned. Nor, in the light of statis tics, can there be doubt of their ability to meet the demands of de fense, even as they continue to maiintain their nomial, peacetime services to the homes, industries and farms of the country. At the end of last year, there was more than 40,000,000 kilo watts of generating capacity in this nation, of which 88 per cent Business, if backed by a friend ly government, intent on easing Durham, instead of Old King INEXORABLE FACTS the “rough ei)ots” insteasd f' Col^. sends for you ECONOMIC theoi7, no matter making them roughter, can do a j Come! bring your fiddle—show how finely spun, becomes rubbish real'production job. But as long! what you can do! when it collides with certain hard a» it is artificially hampered by,^"® night of January ninth hi human nature, inimical ofticialism, maximum pro' ® good date Come all o. you- can rrte. Of course we have prizes those who are best And wh(a.t good entertainment for all the rest! So if you are a fiddler, come, please do And bring your friends to ap plaud for you. You know the place, date, and the reason If you are a fiddler and don’t come—it's treason! facts inherent It it a fact, for example, that the duction cannot be secured. average man will not enter upon | an undertaking of any nature un-,^117,600,000,000 WORTH ss he sees promise of oireet! benefit to himself, or to someone or something in which he has a vital interest. Interest. At this moment, the banks of the nation are suffering from lack of loan demands. Individuals and'.^busi- to hands thatlselws to future obligations. You can call it fear, or whatever you wish. But Avhabever you call it, the fact remains that except for government induced activity, en terprise is n«t going khead. Guy Emeivson, Vice president of the Bankers Trust Company, of LIFE INSlfRANCE in force in this country recently touched its all-time peak of $117,500,000,000. And during the first half of 1940, the lapse rate was the low est over recorded for a similar I>eriod. ' That gives you an idea of what the American people think of the life insurance industry. They regard a life insurance policy as something to be kept at "all costs. They won’t impair its value by V t)anes want to sell thirty- seven vessels to the United States. Railway taxes averaged $1,'107, New York, forcibly pointed out N abandon it for cash 000 daily in 1940, or $768.75 per he dangers anto which this counj,.^,^^ ^^^il dire necessity makes ry has drifted as a r^ult of|j^^^ absolutely Unavoidable. And etting too much theory obscure:^ they’ steadilv in- the dictates of common sense, ^heir ownerehip of life in- “The ine.w- ^ able fa«t will sooner or later be- eircum-^tances permit. minute. SD come manifest that only a con fident, creative, risk taking busi- nes's ajnd industrial gi’oup will First, it shows our create and maintain the kind of earned social security. This is indicative of two things. desire for Taxes paid by Class 1 railroads in 1940 totaled $405,000,000, the greatest amount in any one year on record. economic America that both busi- it shows faith in an institution of double the was privately owned. By the end jn&ss and government wai^t, either outstanding solvency and safety- 1916. of 1942, new^ installations will Earnings of railroad employees Second, in 1940 averaged $1,900 or nearly amount recedved iu Electors in all vo^^ re-electing Rc^sevdf they perished I from the earth. The signs of our 'Thus, the end of 1940 finds [own times .suggest that the nations Great Britain and Italy confronted of our day are marked for destruc with serious peril. From the Unit- states^ cast lion; for th«> cry is going iij) from ed States a continouously increas- bring the total to 000,000 kilowatts. more thant4.’5,1 By .Way of comparison, Germany, England and France each have less than 9,000,000 kilowatts. The utility industry’s ». gross in stalled capacity is close to 50 per cent above demand. Not only is MAKE LOVE'S DREAMS COME TROE! jthe utternioBt parts of the earth jng stream of supplies pour^ into power for defense assured by ^“^HAT MUST A\E DO TO BE British harbors, to help a brave this capacity, but it^ further Billy Hampden, ' baseball star There is only one people when they have their guaranteed l»v intecaonnectiftrf^aftd of 1890's died at the age of 74. believe and rendezvous with destiny in 1941. integration of the principal sys- live fhe ( hri.st of Christmas. There Tq^Italy comes little assistance, items. Intergation and inter- is no ootlier name under Heaven as the Italians realize they face connection were started 40 years nations can be real war, and the only source oo *ago by the utilities, and have been )jelp is "Nazi Germany, whose brought to the highest peak of and nations pmbnw'c Viay be as permanent and develojiment in this country. The Unity with Europe in war ^heeby men and aimifi IS proclaimed in Tokyo, yavcj.' • 1940 retail sales rose 28 peri it i it. * lK.r cent below 1929. ' . . , ihall spend all the years of their ^as distateful as complete defeat. io of the Yankees is | jtiine trying to x-limb up ‘some hit* chWBpion of his icent over 1939, but wore 13 other” we have no way at pre- PRESSURE COMPELS i, wif^s from McCoy by cent of knowing, but the solemn HITLER TO MOVE it- 1^*40, knockout m six rounds to re- truth .stands astride tJiuVathwayj tain title. |„f warns mankind thatj THE BRITISH, under Cham- • «■& dMlter is built l CaifLiaals’ order. tool indw- it is Jesus or death for' flie world I ^berlaiii, Risked ti^eir empire upon Stim'son moves to improve'And so in this-rhistmas time it is the belief that’iieace was. possible "moral conditions'' near the'grood for u3 that-w^ should think with Hitler, but they'- have sur- ^mps. ton these eternal verit5t;s to fiic; mounted first grave danger private utilities employ 27,1,000 people, every one of whom is fully trained in some job necessary to producing and distributing po^v- er. That gives an idea of thi ex cellent position the utility indus try is .in today. Yet, there is a danger.' Te quote Mr. Williams again, “The government, by dis- Gray hair makes you ''old looking/' You can fix that, easily, with Godefroy's Larieuse Hair Coloring I Gray Hair is no reason why you should find romance only in your dreams. If that alone keeps your dreams from coming true—here’s good news! With Godefroy’s Larieuse you can bring radiant, gleaming color to ALL your hair. oournow's When used as directed, Larieuse giv^ quick, sure results. It won’t tub off or wash out. Permits marccls, curling, permanent waves. Known and used Jor 45 years. Money back if not satisfied. Use Larieuse (LARRY- USE) today—look lovely tonight. If your dealer doesn’t have it, send $«|r.2 5 direct to..i GODEFRpV MFG. CO., 3510 OLIVE STHEfiT, ST. LOUIS, MO.

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