H{BGR0HS tkt democracy , (Continued from page one) the numy protests made by the ikaBociation. First they g»ve tdje old stand by reason, that Con- press had bo adjourn. ,Whcn it became obvioos that Congress w«s not goiog to adjourn because of tile crucial state of world affaiiB, tiben they cnid National Defense lojpislation had to be got out of the way firalt. The final blow ^ which broke down their whole argument was the exten^n 01 the 76th session of (’'On^ew, the ionge«t in our (sountry*#; history, 367 day« up until the very open ing of the 77th aeaeion on Janu ary 3." Durin^? thie period the A«‘»n^ia tion jWaa the firet to report ,t^ adopitiorf of a new technique udop- ed by vigilante Aioba for covering up lynchingB. The NAACP made public a rot>ort by one of its in- vasiigetors, “Lynching Ooe« Un- Durham Academy Of Medicine PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY LEO G. BRUCE, UL D. Physican and Surgeon 814% Fayptteville St. Telephones Office J-6222 Res. L-ir‘>54 DOCTOR A. S. HUNTER DENTIST N. C, Mutual fiuilding Office J-089J Res. L-3581 J. N. MILLS, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Office 106 H Parrish St. SPECLAL ATTENTION TO DISEASES OF WOMEN Trained nurse in attendance DOCTOR M. C. KING Telephones Office 253-6 Res. 249-1 Franklinton, N. C. DOCTOR E. P. NORRIS ’ DENTIST 707^4 Fayetteville Street Hours 9-1 2-3 4-7 Telephones Office J-8321 Res. J-9042 R. P. RANDOLPH, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON 312 Dowd Street Office Hours 9-10 aU 6-7 Telephones Ofice N-5211 Res. N-5562 J. E. TURNER, M. D. INTERNIST . B18 Fayetteville Street Telephones Oficce L-8254 Res. J-8564 J. S. THOMPSON, M. D. PHYSICIAN 709H Fayetteville St. , Telephonps . Office L-2541 Res. L-8621 S. M. BECKFORD, M. D. GENERAL SURGERY 212 Montgomery Street Hpnderson, N. C. ' W. A. CLELAND, M. D. PHYSICLVN AND SURGEON Biltmore Hotel East Pettigrew Street Hours: ' 8:30-10:30 ' 1-2 5:30-7:00 Telephones i Office F-4(ei Res. J-1634 J. W. V. CORDICE, M. D. GENERAL SURGERY 7H% Fayetteville Street ) Telephones J-9081 L-8571 Red Cap Officiid Te Opposes Service Be cause Of Army I . • ' (Continued from page one) participation in the selective ser vice training program without giving me the guarantees of eriu- ality of citizcn^ip in the 0}X‘ra- tion of the armed service olaces certain liabilities upon my honor, integrity and self respect. For ihefle reasons, I cannot accept the responsibility of taking tlie oath upon induction into militoury ser vice under the present anti demo cratic fltructure of th^ U. S. army and aak to be exempted from mili tary training until such time that my contribution and participatLon in the defense of my country can be made on a baeia of complete equality. ” BEC^OED • A report issued by the U. S. Census Bureau revealed that con sumption of all cotton in Ameri- an mills in November totaled 744,088 bales, setting record. fHousehold Hint ) Angel food and sponge cakes should be cut carefully since they * are so delicate in texture. Use a I regular cake breaker or try twp I fnrlrn fnr MAnnrAtinflT them intu forks for separating serving pieces. derground. ” "ON TOP WhIRMNo /H /• iiOUIS ARMSTRONG ORCHCSTRA «««» snif^T- no^// RHYTH M tmaj: ! MAIY m WtlMNS ‘Jtittf liCHHONOt m„/rn m,sr*o « • HCNRV WIUS ' ELUS E, TONEY, M. D. 303 Hillsboro Street Oxford, North Carolina Telephones Office 446 Rea. 932 DOCTOR J. M. HUBBARD DENTIST N. C. Mutual Building Office Hours: 9-1 2:30-6:30 1 Evpnings and Sundays by ^ Appointment Telephone J-0891 ROY ELDREDOE and hii orchestra l0Vy*0OWW S>»VThM THAT'S WAV gP ' DON RBDMON A^tiC4J t»ue M W -..♦I, ||(« CfietftATeO ORCHf»T«A OwAiai'laUt fbr gallmoni.Holtl.niiotrt^lHbCliik'IUM —excias/i^/>*Mi4aeAtf4rr— - mNSQLIOATHl BO ROCKEmiER HA2A NEW YORK,NY WPTF Prepares for SO,000 Watts •1 " Pictured here !• the main 50 000-watti transmitter plant that will transmitter and audio equipment. Power eqnipment for the tranniiitter will be located fn basement shown above, where volt age regulators and blowers are being installed. T’ • .» 1 9 m ■ ' ■ ► ■■■ Photo directly above shows present stage of the new WPTF BO.OOU-watts transmitter, lo cated on Highway No. 1 near Cary. Plana indicate that the station will be operating at its increased power the latter part of January. Pictured In circle is Richard U. Mason, Gen eral Manager of WPTF, who has t>een the cardinal (urcu behind the station’s expansion of power that will soon equal any in the country. Under construction, at right, are the new 37Ufoot towers. Lower right shows an architect's vision of the completed transmitter plant, described as the most modern In the South. mm Jackson PlumWnf and Heating A. E. JACKSON. IfaMiOT A REUABLE BUSINS25S WITH A FEMONNEL MAKING IT EFFICIENTLY FOR YOU 707 H FAYETTEVILLE STT. PHONES: Res. F-0591 Bm. N4071 Service . . You will find our SERVICE complete to the sauUkst detail. Oar years of experieaee enable as to aaticipate your need and therefore serre yoa better. ‘*Thoughtfnl Attention To Evea The Smallest Detail" AMEY’S FUNERAL HOME 401 Pine Street Z4 Hour Serrice PlMBe J.2971 LOS ANGELES’ FIRST COLORED POLICE LIEUTENANTS BEGIN DUTIES BY HAKRT LEVETTE (For the Associated Negro Press) NINEH-THREE THOUSAND K ILLED Few of us realize that during* the year 1939, NINE- THREE THOUSAND people met death from accidents 4n America ... one person every five and one-half min utes, eleven persons every hour, two hundred and six ty each day, eighteen hundred each week. Sixty-two per cent of all fatal accidents fall under two heading’s . . . motor ;v'ehicles 34%» and falls 28%, With the holiday season approaching, ^travel will be in full swing. What would be the picture in your home should you be one of the victims? Insurance will not bring back a loved one, but there is satiifaction in the thought that the future of those left behind is financially secure. Can you afford to gamble with a need so vital? Ijos Angeles, — Marking a mile stone of important history in the jan,nals df UiQ local group, Earl C. Broady and Boscoe C. Washing- ]ton, Los Angeles’ first colored lieutenants of police, started on their duties last Thursday. An nouncement of their having al last •won actual pieces with the ac companying salaries accorded the office was mad© a week before by Chief of Police Arthur C. Hohe- mann. Both officers have compiled ex ceptionally fine records during their years of service. Compara tively young men, they are very studious, ^ during the 15 years of Washington’s and Broady's 12 year career, they have consistent ly taken the examinations. , Bat during stevapal past adminis trations they were never appoint ed. However, both have served as acting lieutenants and acting ser geants but there were merely empty honors at no increase in salaries. But this year with the appointment of 35 new sergeants and eight new lieutenants, Chief Hoheraann fairly and impartially gave t|ie two colored officers the lassignlnents their ratings on tihe list called for. | Washington and Broady are lar. ‘Fo ralthough the average Negro policeraan is fearless and oonscientous there has always been a suspicion that thev had in many instances been framed oil* of their rightfid places on the both located at Newton station in^u^g foUorwing exiaminations. There the heart of Central avenue Ne- been whispers that gro district. It is one of the most certain questions were introduced: important stations, in the city and ^^al part of the examina- until two years ago had a per- ,tions in order to make it still sonnel predominantly Negro. difficutt for the da?k skinn- Pollowing the last elecrtxon and ai^^ aspirant to mss at all. complete ghakeup in the police de 1 ■ - - partment, the colored officers! were scattered through several other stations. j With the appointment of Broady START THE NEW YEAR RISHT SAVE SYSTEMATICALLY A PART OF "WHAT YOU EARN THIS YEAR WITH THE MUTUAL BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOOATION and Washington to the morning waiteh the N6gro personnel was again tioncent rated until they have now 13 colored officer® work ing under their jurisdiction. These are Charles Wheeler, dis of water, add the juice of 4 lemoni. It’s easy. No trouble at all and pleasant. You need only 2 spoonfuls two times a day. Ottea within 48 hours — sometimes over night splendid ^ results ar« patch clerk; A. D- Johnson, desk obtained. _ If the paim do not quickly Lemon Juice Recipe Checks Rheunatic Pain Quickly If you suffer tis or neuritis inexpensive home are using. Get Compound today. from rheumatic, arthri- pain, try this simple recipe that thousands a package of Ru-£z Mix it with a quart of Compound is sale and recom mended by Good l>rugstores Everywhere^ sergeant, T. A. Hamilton jailer, T. J. Collins and B. L. Hoskins', traffic investigators, with Officers Moore, Pettiord, Holems, Kim- i brough, Reed and Slaughter operat ling radio prowl ears. Stanley and Life is especially funny when a Dunn ae on foot patrol. Mrs. perso^i, around fifty, gets the im- Harriet White is the morning | pression that he js about thirty- sten^apher, ifive. Local citizens are especially if leave and feel ' better, Ru-Ex nothing to try as your druggist under money-back guarantee. do not cost you •old by absolute Ru-Ex hiappy over the appointment for it seems to mark a change i/i,the Every man, woman and child should continue to study through ★ ★ ★ NORTH CMOLINA MUTUAL C9U. CC.SPAULDINO.PrMll»rv4 * DURHAM. NORTH CAROLINA Charlotte Office 23 3 S. BREVARD ST. A. £. Spears Manager II Durham Office 809 FAYETTEVILLE ST.| W. L. Cook Manager :«li GEaziEa tmmm aittitude of Hhe administration to-'out life; there is no saturation wards colored officers in particu- 'point for knowledeg, BASKETBALL 2-BIG GAMES-2 OPENING OF NEW GYMNASIUM TUESDAY, JANUARY 14th N. C. COLLEGE Vs. - HAMPTON THURSDAY, JANUARY 16 N. C. COLLEGE —^Vs.— S. C. STATE College Gymnasium Durham, North Carolina 8H)0 P. M. O’clock Admission—50c (Inc, Tax) January 27th—Tuskegee Institute A Thrift and Home Financing InstitotioD i Mutud Building & Loan Association F. L. McCOY. CHAIRMAN OF BOARD C. a SPAULDING. President B. L. McDOUGALD, Sec>.-Tiea& 114 West Parrish Street PH(»iE J-3921 816 Fayetteville Street PHONE F-5621 Comolete BUILDING SERVICE ••••REMODELING ••••NEW CONSTRUCTION ••••ROOFING SERVICE ••••BUILDING SUPPLIES Esi mates Gladly Fumoshed Fmr Paintinc. Pi^wriBc aai Decorating we oac R06EB8 PRODUCTS. SMALL PROFIT. LARGE YOUTIIE ALL WORK GUARANTEED We Use Lonr-Ltfe LOGAN* U)NG ASPHALT ROOFING EXCLUSIVELY. THIS C02HFANY OPERATES ON A YOLUME 1AS» Home Modeniistitfon and Supply Go. 614 Fayetterille St. DnrtUMi, N. OL Nil HI

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