DURHAM SOCIAL NOTES Q city was at tlw Iioib* of| ICm. dMuti* moot, Mr. «nd Mrs. Eab&nkt Brown of cian ot th® 'DofRay B«auty Parlor •*ool there lorM str. -t Friday OTcninjr. wtumed to the city Tuewday af-I>urh«m thia week in tiM traded viflited fHtnda in 207 D Mr. and Mr*. J. W. Scurlock R«fn*!«hm«iU wer» aen'ed the holidaj-» in We«t served th«* g^mta and g^mes were Virginia, j—] played. Mrs. Refers will relum to Oreeneboro Sunday. 7i4tt tiieir «uait New York City. •ad brothers in Oeoi^e W. Logan, Sr., manager of the Be^al Theater, motarod to ^>r ’ d^« «pent Mi. wan. B.rl .pen. ^v,r.l Vi^tini. Thaml.,. Ch™*-"* days in Hendcraon visiting friwids who ha» relatives dinnrx ipieets Year’s Mrs. Francis Jeffers — j ETe of Mr. and Mrs. Erwin 6- visitinjf h‘r husband here *** Stark s Qtmb of HillsborcK returned to Stovall Monday to *8*' . resume her work their as teaoh* ^ . ‘ „ Mrs. Beulah Foster inffton, D. C. and New York City. M« Burl i. . .l«. Mi-'TWI. Bl«k..ll, ™Plo« gV;’" . ^ “J Bmuly 'oil. of tb. Holly^ooJ Inn >p«it ot W,n*»r, N. holidays in Kinston. a? * INTHE SHADOW or THE STARS B/ f)bbt^U)al lace. MjuNcesT McmtalistOm tug Aneptcma Stioe a W ->■ Mra. Sarah Pearce and uiecc er in the graded schol. Mias Lee Anna Braswell have re- - - tozved to their home after spend- Mrs. Martha Evans apent the . i j . ii^ the holiday* with fienis and wpfk end in Roxboro attending atreet, during: the holidays the East Cedar Grove TFnion. Ohas. Barbee spent the holidays Jonah Pear«* of Roxboro epent Mis* Edna spent the holidays with his parents home after spending the holidays Miss Mildred Compton Mr. and Mrs. John Pearce of !»ut of the city. 2. holiday® visiting relatives of Rie-h- Mra. Roger Lee Alston Malloy ▼ho i* »| mond, Virg^inia visited her mother spent the holidajrs in Franklin- at .Vfra. Cora Barboe on Ea^t Petti- ton. ,homfe for ihe holidays v«rt,n*r her| parents, Mr. «uid Mrs. Oeorpe Mrs. JIamie Daw^n of 512 Dnn Logan. j ' ’ bar street sustained a broken arm ' ' Th« New Bethel Church is pro- Osble hfti r(»tHrned i" Newark, N. J. and New York. Saturday mominjr when she fell - ^ j .i. tice that I Miss Mildred n’ the oD the front porch of her home. BTPSSine wonderful under the lead- Nofr;—You* Qvmtion Wiu Bs Ansviiio 'I'Ria*' This Column. For i Ktply’ ■ . . Scod onlr 2fc for my luw AmoLOCT RsAOtNo ft Luciy Dat Chaht tnd rMcivc by return miil t confidcntitl Utter o frrr Aivitt tnilyt- Ing three (3) Queitioni pririteljr. Sign jrour full name, iddrew. and birihdaie to •II letteri, and pleaie include i tAlf-addrnted, lUmpti envelope for rour repif. ^nd til ktteri to; ABBE’ TALLACE, wt cf THE CAROLINA TIMES. P. O. Box 7i), DVMIAM, N. CAROUNA. FCS—I^ast week I i^ived no- ^ ^eel that-you would be acting or notf »Uti«0 i)boai lod tkai ftfli I wlali to kiMvf irtlittt 1 «in do, tO make her itop and ao bettw haf* selff , t Ans; She baa no inteirtion letting you a youngar irMnan mftka la bdtter showing on the job tb«n • she does. Since you are ao diaaaitti fiad vrUh her it is aufgestad that , you look around *nd try to fl&d a better job younielf. You oaa’i make her stop tattliny. ■CBH—I have been keeping eiwi pany with this man for the pMt fiour montha and he tells me he loves me and wants to mariry Tell me please if Ihotild do thia I feel that-you would was to "be let oft my aensibly to ge>t him off yoar mind An»:—The feJbw is quitf o.’ the on the front porch of her home. KTPsnme wonuer^i unuci wtc i™u- j to know if this is make the best of your present . End Beauty Parlor spent the Mrs. Dawson wa^ treated at Lin- ^ »ome^hing that I have don« «ituation. You can't trust him now JJl! Miss Louise E\'ans return^ to friends in Burlington. and coin hospital and returned »home *lso growing spiritually, during the afternoon Robert WaHington who has be«o Baltimore Thursday after spend- iU at his hotne has been reported ing the holidaj-s with her parents as very much improved. ~ L ** ui*”V him and since Toti we in 1W> rtf Tw»f ^ T nji.n*f iinderstRnd it and you would never be able to , _ ,. ■» ■ ^ unaersiana u. ' ^j,jj I can see no reaaoa it Mrs. Lillie McNeil is iH at her Ans: Whart you haven't done, Mrs. Jennie Garter, ieaeher in Mrs]. Laura Husband of 620 home. the city schools at Roanoke Ba- Dunbar street is very ill at t>er Mi* Ruth Morris left for Win- Pi^s. the hoUdays in the home. ^ Mr. and Mrs. John Fuller were sto^ Salem Teachers College Fri- city. She also visited her daughter rack end gaeats of Mr. and Mrs. day to resume her studies there, Wa«hin^on, D. C. an^ friends Recently when the new member FBC-My motherland father are to me as they pos- all why you shouldn’t join toge ther in atrimony. I wish you lo^ Miss Jessie B. Turner ia ill. of happaneae. J. W. Scurlock, Poller. parents of Mrs. in Greenville. of the family gave you orders and ^®t as meen you refnsed to do as you were sibly can be. They won t let mo told, you were then placed on 8» any pl«ce I tfli^t I am' JTV—Pleaee tell ma about m^ Rev. and Mrs. Stanfield had m probation. You eoniinued to »We to take care of myaelf. I Jove friend lady. W were lo«ving n ignore your . Mcbahe ^est t^ Ruth Norris a ignore your orders from this three boys and want to know if could be fore a long time but hedi E t? " lT.„rn‘wa^sl'rTLh‘ » ,ou the, lov, or U.ey pretend- I .« ^ i* I ^ Rnth and James let off from work. It ju»t doesn't ingT ^ [torerted m her anymor* and abi . pay to resent other people while Ans: As long as you are de- hasn't done anything^ ^o tell xbs Mr. and Mrt. B. Crisp have mo? Kathryn and Minnie Soward, Fri- spent t)he holidays here jj Cordice, wife of must do as you pendent upon mother aa father what to doT , * Warren brothers and Dwight Moore, guests of Misses Miss Virginia Myles of Haeken-1 «d to Ihei^ new home on the Guess day. road. They formerly resided on ths Hiilsboio road. Route 2. Mirs K«trina Tatum of Winston Salem wa.s in ^the city last week The Women's Home and Fore- visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs. ign Missi«Mi Circle of Mt. Gilead Eugene Tatrum. church in Orange County held a wstch meeting senioe at the home Miss Edna Tatum of New York visiting her uncles Worth and Shell Daniels of Hayestown. Dr. H. H. Cordice, local dentists g jjarria was the are told, spent the holidays with her hus^ bandand son, Mrs. CoHioe is em- cfj^yi^tmas holidays. Cameron Whitted, fomer resi- ployed as a nurse in Washington, dent of Durham but now residing North Carolina, in Michigan, is in the city after being away for approximately ten Mi»ses Lenora JeflferR, Doris Christmas vacation. . Miss Ruth Norris was the gueet of Mrs. Connie Hollowiiy during »t ^«ld do any good for support you must mind them. NW—Have been married since You are barely seventeen, and ’28 and have 5 children for him you are not old enougb to chooeie i*Jy and you cwt fws oujw and an doing bad. Now I would the right road every time and “1^ to ^or her. It is have two more children for him' if your parents know this to be true, g^tion that you ™ake and make The three young men that you ^i^h some other desirable per»on vAos: — You don’t love t ^ • of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Scurlock. visited her jArents A midnight supper was served by the holidays, the'hostess. here during years. Chas. Little spent in Creedmore with and family. Stroud, Julia Edmundson, DofotKy McAllister and Nannie Stewart jjjgg jje^tRICB WALSTON Sam Williamson, representative -or ^\inston Sasem Teachers of the CAROLINA TIMES in College to resume their studies. ■ ENTERRTAIN ON EUBB Mrs. Julia Sowell of .'519 Or^nt charlotte was in tixe city Monday, him come back'so’teU me what to feel you are in Jove with are de- for a^eeheart and ^lenri dof . , cenJ fellows but they do not love ^7 the one mrationed. She n Ans: Alt this writing he is so you, and neither one of them have a wo^erful pemn for a fnen? infatuated with another woman marriage on their minds. Be eensi ^ lovs |i«r,. don that it doesn’t seem at all likely ble child. hesbitate to admit the truth. the holidays *reet has returned to her home his son Fran after being away for several mon ths on account of an extended ill- ness. Little spent the on business. Miss Sarah Tuck was the week end guest of her unile and aunt, SEVENTEENTH BIRTHDAY »,x m 1 L' Miss Beatrice Wabton enter- Mii8s Doris Holloway, daughter Mr. and Mrs. Alton Turk of BhzK ^ number of her friends' TitUfi snent the Monday night, Januarj’ 6 at 7:30 Im. M^is Little spent taie „ „ , of 905 Elizabeth street, has re- duarte of North Carohna tbllege , . Polfiix Street on holidsys with her d««i^ter Mrs. j Mr. and Mrs. Alex Jones of Ral- Augoatin© College in and is now taking special work in seventeenth bithdav I ‘ .Sunday afternoon m is a seaior. edtication and music at ' Winston/*" « ■. . Mi® Johnett^ h»r sUter, h.. re- S,Uem Te.,h«^ Coll.ge. Unt'd Id ' W.-E. Doby headwaiter of one ends. , , I turned to Bennett OdWe in eorated. ancl nrarorous games , tb. l»di^l.,.l, ^Wbj*M.r ^ — F- M. G«,-8e h« j.». retu^d Vosin* IS visiting his wife Mw.' Mrs. Dorothy Green Barnes,. ^ ^ spending t h e ^ delicious repast Mary Doby of 508 Glenn Street, wife of Alexander Barnes, circula- The Lindsay Davis has from sp4ading several N«w York and Atlantic , . . vT evening was highly enjoyed . , Miss Jessie Logan has returned Christmas holidays in New lork , „ , _ tion manager of the Washington speeding the holi- visiting his parents and friends. ^ returned Tribune spent the holidays with ' days in her parents here Mr. and Mrs. p ^ Ci^. days with friends in Washington, Thos. L. Green of 411 St. Joseph •Street. Mrs. Barnes is residing Mrs. AnjKL B. Rogers of Greens witi her husband in Washington, horo who is vinting friends in the D. C. Messers Nathaniel and George White of the Service Printing Co, Mias Gra«e Roberts of Rouge- took off during thei ■’f holidays to' HOW to your OWN DECORATOR By Diftctor, Good Hotijeketfing Studio Fixing Up Daughter*$ Room for Christmas When daughter comes home for the holidays give her a surprise. Fix op her room for her as a Christmas present. Or, if she isn’t off at school I or college, take her into your confidence — as you must — and fix her ! room to her liking. fiy asking a lot of questions, I found a few facts all eirls agreed upon. If not sharing their room, they would like two single beds in it, so that they can ask a friend to stay with them. Even in a small room they want it. Then they want a desk of their own, and if not a desk, a table which can be arranged as one. with blotter, inkstand, dictionary, etc. A drawer is wanted if possible. A three way I.E.S. floor lamp placed between the bed and desk takes little space, and gives good light for reading in bed as well as writing at desk. In a small room more spaciousness can often be obtained by placing the beds, apart along opposite side walls of the room, and putting the table desk and lamp between them at their heads. Perhap.” there ia a window between the beds in front of which the table desk may be placed, giving a good light by day. This arrangement uses three wall space; on the fovrni opposite the window center the bureau with a mirror above it. As most rooms have two windows the chances are another window win corns at the foot of one of the beds and a door to the hall on the opposite wall while the closet door is on the end wall to one side of the ' borsap. So much for the arrangement. Gay.,.Gjddy and Frivolous ’ ate these PARTY CANAPE and APPETIZERS "^by Dorothy Greig m By Mrs. Bessie Hardy T^phone 31626 Members of the Swanks Club en tertained at a theatre party Mon day December at Grand theatre. After leaving the theaitre, the party went to Connie Ardrey’s home for an after party. I Maxwell Mennis, nephew of Mrs. Eugene Alexander, spent part of the holidays in the city enroute to Decater Alabama bo spend Christmas with his grandmother Mrs. Anna B. Phinney who Uvbs in Ala. Mr. Mennis is a student ait Sadalia. Dr. and Mrs. Eugene Alexander Had their dinner guest New Years I day, Mrs. Dekcy Denowa of New Jersey and Dr. and M'rsu John Isler. Mrs. Lelacy was the holiday guest of her family. The Phalnx fraternity enter tained at a breakfast dante Wed nesday morning between the hours of 7 and 11 o’clock. Danc ing was enjoyed during the mom ing after which hot coffee and crispy cream doughnuts ,yere served. ' . , I IT’S Time you Knem amx=iaiiL=msamaaam^mm^ tn that he will return to you and the BLE—!Dhis old woman that j jj-ji—interested in knodf 'children. Under the circuwstances, Works on the job with me tells jf husband is going to ggt employment in the n«r futurey Also tell me ■ just how long in will be here In thi pla«*f, ^ Ans:—^It is indicated, to that your husband will ^t wctfk in distant city duriiig the spring of this year - you will foltow him a fW weeks later and you both will be happy in your new loca^ I’tion. Insist that he keep right after the man who has promised him help- f HILE ATTENDING THE RACES AT SARATOGA. ERNEST TRUEX WAS MIS TAKEN FOR A JOCKEY BY LILLIAN WSSELL, WHO CAVE HIM HIS FIRST PART IN A BROADWAY PRODUCTION, FOR WHICH SHE ACTUALLY WANTED A REAL JOCKEY. HOW LONG DO YOU THINK HE HAS BEEN AN ACTOR 7 (HE BULOVA •PERlSPHERf WATCH MODELED AFTER. WHAT WAS THE STRUCTU Dlthouch THE U.S. CONSTITUTION state? a « SENATOR MUST BE 30 YEARS OLD.HENRY aAY WAS ELECTED TO tH£ SENATE AT THE AGE OF 29. WHAT PRESENT U.S. SENATOR WAS ELECTED BEFORE HE WAS 30 ? O WIRE. WRAPPED AROUND A. PIECE OF ICE WITH A WEIGHT . , SUSPENDED FROM THE WIRE. WILL PASS COMPLETELY THROUGH-YET THE ICE WILL REMAIN IN ONE PIECE/ WHY ? When a man be^tLs fo tell you nice things about yoursflf, ‘f you are" a man, the worse is yet to some. • i ; ■ : i i men WliNTED thatofltetwUutufe. • ••But NOT Men with GRAY HAIR I Hero's Help I r A large hantftome grapefruit makes a good heldtr for Hot Mushroon^ 1 Ham AppstUers. - t CORNEUTTS REIVES DIES IN GREENSBORO Cornelius Reives of Chatham County, father of Mrs. L. A. Foe- ter died while visiting her in Greensboro. Mr. Reivea was a member of the Masons. H3 w>as taken to Chatham County for in terment. mrmngtd THOSB bright bites known as canapto and appetizers are cer> .talnly nothing to feed to the baby !or to a man after a bard day’s work. Tbey belong strictly in the realm of I wonderful nonsense. They are tbe sparkle in the rosy aura of szpeeta' tioD tbat borers orer the party re* treshment table. Since ttaw are flaror bites, let's make then^^keen and tangy with maybe a tonch of the unexpected. Serre them as accompaniments ol tomato Jnice, punch or otber re-' freshers, the prelude to tbe more substantial foods to follow. As onr contribatlon to more and better HH* today ha»e definite ideas about color and general atmosphere Parties we suggest: _ than ths actual furniture. Therefore assuming that you will fanrftnre wondert ean be done with the walls, floor, curtains and ' invM* No namby-pamby room for today’s college girls. No indeed, r iWit s^etbiwg more sophisticated, a scheme that has dash and dur- sides comfort. Wallpaper with a light ground will lighten a room ths other hand a light room may have pamted walls of a blue for instance, on the end walls perhaps with a tight tone Hot Mushrooin-Ham Appstlzsr X cup condensed craiuii ot mvsh- room soup % cup fins soft bread crumbs % cap sround ham j4 teaspoon prapared mustard ^ ~ K teasi>oon worcestarshiM Itenoe Stir the cream ot mosbroom soup r^srslU. Following the color Kheme and remembering “ho namby- well. Then add soft bread cmmlta, yte a rougb-tcxtured jfabric of the same deep blue for the draw groand ham, prepared mustard and “1a W*e inexpensive rug, relieved by s gay booked rug in front Worcestershire Sauce and mix. Selection of correct bedspreads is important. They must fRiape Into small sbont the iC-aod not soi^asily. Tbe durable, blue-and-white striped size ot a marble, i-te'the phptograph harmonizes well with the rose-eotbred hreaMauf chair and tbe pad of the‘Empire chair at the i ^ lisau^stirostaral «li|iife was madet*^double four-foot > tebUepoons water 1^ « Uta siife wall over each of the beds. If tbe double ^ ^ cnunbs (rolled tte l«d issulj&cieflt it is well to leave it at that. ^ I frystal stde1ifbte4snking tbe bureau mirror give it needed ■e-tiwieefliw by Iht dnk. B* lure th« room has adequat* ^ Fry In 4eep fat (*75*ll‘.)'iintU bromt or about 2 minutes. Pat on a tootli pick, arrange tootbpicka in a larga grapefruit, apple, cabbage^vor a*^ pettzer holder. Makes 40 appetiaet*^ Rosy Chsese-Baoon' Canapto/ 1 paokase (S os.) cream ohMso. - « n'a^s crUp bacon, ohopped , j I 1 tablespoons coiulensad tonuitor soup A. H teaspoon WorcMtersbirs Sauce ^ Cream the cheese. Then a^ chopped bacon, tomato soup and Worcestershire Sance and mix welL Spread on toaat or eanapd crackors.' i Hot Shrlmp-Mushroom AppstlzscJ } CS" 8% ow.) shrimps ' I 1 tablei^ooB butter j I can oondsnsed cream of 1 room soup ( S tablMfppons cream' | Orated cheese Clean the shrimps.~Melt'^the ba^l ter and santd tbe shitops nntil deli*' cate golden brown. Add the cream! of mushroom soap and cream and mix well. Put into midget ramekfna' or shells, sprinkle with cheese and ‘ brown off under the broiler.; . Hakes 8 hot appetisers. i Smoky Celery Cansp«a Ui 1 packace (8 os.) cream cheese) ^ H cup condwaMd celsrjr soap - ! 1 cup salami, ground Cream .the cheese and add tli9| celery soap. Then add tbe gronnd^ »*>aml and mix well. Spread mIx-( tnre on toast or crackera and b«M under thev .broOer^^^antil^sQldABj Aostvers to "IT'S TIME YOU KNEW" by Lawrence Ernest Truex has been an actor for 30 years, from the time he appeared first in "Wildfire” to his present role in "George Washington Slept Here." Senator Rush Holt was elected to the Setute before he was 30 years of age. The "Perisphere” of the New York World’s Fair, after which the Bulova "Perisphere” wrist-watch was named, signified the "World of Tomorrow" and inside it was shown a model of "Democracity”—the "City of Tomorrow." The heat, caused by the pressure of the wire on the ice, will cause the wire to pass completely through, but the cut pieces will instantly freeze together. but we want a yonnger Have you heard those words? And watched another MAKE LOVE'S DREAMS GOME TRUE! Gray hair makes you ''old looking. You can fix that, eatily, with Godefroy's Larloufo Hqi** Coloring I Gray Hair is no reason why you should find romance only in your dreains. If that alont keebs your dreams from codling true—here’s f oda newsiWith Gcidefroy’S Larieuse you can iringradiant»gIeamingcolo^toALLyourhair. coDErnow*! When used as directed, Larieuse gives quick, sure results. It won't rub off or wash out. Permits marccls, curling, permanent waves. Known and used for 45 years. Money back if not satisfied. Use Larieuse (LARRY* USE) today—!opk /o*»e(y tonight. If your dealer doesn’t have it, send $1.25 direct' to.,i GOriEFROY RfFG. CO., 3510 OUVE STREET, ST. LOUIS, MO. HAIR Co€otd^ hopeful tob hunter turn sadly away, betrsyeo by his own gray hair... - This needn’t happen to ym. With GODEFROY’S LARIEUM . Hsir Coloring you can eonctal tbe grtt in your nair and look years ioungw. When used as dirked* ' LARIEUSE colors almost instandy—gives the hair a spar* klinfe««lossj', young appearance yott’fl 6e proud of. Choice of 18 skadu. Every bottle is guaranteed to tttisfy or your d^er will prompt* If rMuna your money. If yoitt oeslet doesn’t have LARIEUSE (Lar/^-Use), Send $1.25 direct to “ OOOBr&OY MfG.CO« »510 OUVB STRBET, SAINT LOUIS, MISSOURI. HAIR COLOIINO ' Wh0Hlm NEW YORK FartlMPav, TtaWtsfcsad Of r«nMMPil9 Tike HOTIL THERESA kttZStbtt roR IXQUI9ITK UVIHQ i&Utiactivf locatioa.. ^ AU outsids rooint; Iwniriaua MitM, SMUurant •ad Bar. Bvcfy comlort and fadilty. ioomt wHh privmt* b»lh M Ml ip *lJi'tti|li-«2X>* MW mt if WALTBlt W. SCOTT. Mana^sr TUBIM. 7tkllM.it UI«ktt.NMry«ri(CN|r Phenet MOesiMsI **1/0€T ■III

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