Morris Brown tops Wflberforce In Thrilling Steel Bowl Game BT JOHH RODGBU (7or OroMdar Pntt) Borke Defeats Birminghanif Ala. — Mortii Stanton 19 - 0 In Brown OoUeg« football Uam won ^ x fl I the iteel bowl g.m« 50300881 BOWl ovf th.^ Otarl«ton, a C. - The Burke WiHxffforoe XJniv«r*ity team be-' for# 10,000 turn. J’i^rhtting Bull dogs defeat- Th« Atl&ntiftns scored tnriee on the stro.^ hea.y Station High long runs *nd l^fbw cortrerin^ up a Bki© Devil* from Jackaon Fin. by Wilbefforo* fumble, pi«k^ up a score of 19-0. in the second an- aflothei- touckdown. ' inuai “Sea!o««t Bill Schnebly of Wilberforce11 Running from behind an un- MorcK} a field goal early in the balanced line the Bulldogs receiv- game, but the Ohio team even ed the ball and after ti^^o playj thm fiailed to threaten Morria kicked out to Stanton who like- Brown. Tme tried three pJays and kicked. Morris Brown mmbied through Both teams kicked frequently n to ibp first touchdown shortly the finst quarter but midway the after Scbnaby’a field goal, and eectond quarter the bulldogs open John Mbody cricked the line for their bags Jf trieks and moved a serie* of first downs. From down to Stanton’s three yard Wilberforee’a 33, Joe Jenkins, line. At ithiB point a new quarter 163 pound lightning back, swepit back ,was sent into the giame to riffct end on a double reverse to a use the famous “Goal Line touchdonvn. , in the third period, Pershing Norris funvbled Oecdl Franklin’s punt over the Wilberforce 13 and Moody went otver in one smash ing plunge. Special,” a play starting as a line buok. but ends un ’n a fake for- ward pass. The play was made from Dippy Middleton to Cash the firist half ended Burke 6 Stanton 0. Hovering in scoring territory As the whistle started the ee- mu(A of the time, the Atlanta oond half Stanton’s heavy Blue team dominated play throughout Devils Bfcarted a drive down the the contest. Haywood Setttes and field bht was soon fftropped by and William Wysinger, tackles the hard charging Bulldogs. Stan and Gerald Brown, end figured ton kicked out and three olays in stopping the attack. Outatand- moved down to Stanton's 30 yd. ing defensively were Troy Boss, line a substitution was made and Shelton Bell and Charles Lofton., a forward paas inte^ed f 6 r Jenkins struck with a lightningjBurke’s big left end, Middlpton, thrust in the fourth when he took was battered into the air by a Schnebly’s strategic pulvt and Stanton player the ball falling The classic is planned each yearj "o the item of BoH (SimmonRf as an annual New Year’s Day'who was following up the play clash bei^een the nattions’ lead- Simmons crossed the Goal line ing Negro football teams. As a J untouched. The extra point was resnlt of Wedaesday’s victory, missed again. Morris Bi^n holdi* .title. IRBIGESTIOR owT af Ml Um Heart the national j The first score wa« made in the last quarter' after an exchange of 1 f’unts Burke took the ball on their 45 yd line and on the neirt fiwo plays Burke was thrown for loses Middleton kicned out and N.C.C. COLLEGE I political dismiiMl froa acrtia*,! I such amendment* to be of • «k«r- aeUr Uial wiU afford adwiaate Anr»M tlFDl? prot«’tion tor the taarher^ vnth- vl ElPI IlILIVE# oat iavolvtnf the State in ande-;r ______ able compUaetionsi that hav# been .. asnir. a erperieneod in awme of the ■tate« J . , ^ ■„ ajirirotn'n mithr-r and of ' t h natnre a- vrill »?ii®r- "t» antee the tebool and eomrounitvji . -'i .u ■ against incompetent and and^^ir- ■ jNtjin'l;ns[ w.r - ***, ' able teachers. btll, ar»- tn for ■ .» .1 Salarir-.. Beall/.ine that the U k, , , salaries of teacher:^ and other . . * v • school employees are out n. Iiae with the income of other groups, opponentii. ^ we reqnes* the m•^^t li'-f-ni in- It is no that crea««e possible in the teaching 'nrrre r>f th*’ \«*«- ' 1: r-hpdule, rith beginning -i... inrrenient for '••arheri. with la-* »nlv f . ir -I ■■ Ml lit SI i' ill ' salary U ninth a fifth inerement for prinoipafc, ‘sfek leave for ^chool eiitployeesi 'and financial rerognition for Thin year ?h superior teaching. We urife a i^tate home -* he*?ul»* .. ■n*' jschool budget a|>p/oxima»ely ♦»), ,, jowi.owi a year. I 4. Enrichment of ^ch.M)l pro- b, .gram. ^ Tm sdav nisrbf the a) Vocational Education. We urge substantial increase in North! Carolina appropriation, for voca-l„^. new (t-rr = .ne tional education tomatch Federal ,f: jfunds for this purpose. c .ro- I b) Local initiative and re8-;,j^; ^ ,s;uip[.e.l fith a ponsibility for schools. Ue «Tige j that the right of voting supple-, ,i«liMition pnyrrani mW ments for schools be extended to tall leajrlly constituted school dis-^ jtricts without discnmination. We ^ recommend that school machinery ^ are provisions be amended to grant asraln this year local board of commi.-«ioners and "DRE\M TE VM ” aldermen, on advice of ’ ‘Eaelw will' joumev to boards, the right t;, levy taxes for t,, invade the all such items as are constitution ally ennissible for the improve- ^nient of schools above the State minimum standards of ssfety and^ health in bus transportation be •made mandatorj- in all school limits of the State. I c) Expansion. If any expansion of State wideeduf Rtional facili- Shaw Bears. TYP NTR’S SYNDICAl l / for these Neero olavewm 19^0 and they^answered with their performances in the Republic films, scfnca of which R^mlTand MMred Govcr i„ '?.rk Ccjn^and" wi* CWre Trevor; Florence O'Brien in rltr Sto aoir ta "Carolina Moon" »th Gene Autry and Smile, Burnette; Daisy Ue M«her*rf and Wfc to ,n “WhrKilled \unt Maggie’”- Leigh Whipper in “Robin Hood of the Pecos” with Roy Rogers and Marjone Reynolds, Lilian ar ^e^ SpenL oZ.. and Man«M Moreland in "Bcwery Boy" wid. Denni, O'Keefe and Helen Vu>»„. THE GEaMAK IDEA VTell we see by the news that hi?h Oemian otTicial.' now declare that the Enffli.'sh channel will protex t the Bril«h t only so long a- Der Fuehrer permits it. Id other word-?, the Oemianft 'ties is possible under present con- that the narow channel fditions, we recommend that the no more to the British ,next step be a twelfth year rather ^laginot line wa.« to ^han a ninth month. Both are de- [sirable when the Stales tat Italians by British sea sources permit. power in the Meditei^anean seem ■ d) Compulsory Attendance. We in may ict lUn • ft dtatrtH Tabltti t« I^U«p but >*d« M tt* known for acid tndltntlon. iTtiM Doax dOMn't (nor* Ball-ui^ttn. Ntura j'Wild Man” Ladson recovered th% punt on the five yd. line after tlie ball tou(*cd a Stanton play- to lu and rtNlra DOUBUB Honikir Back. Uc. CT. PET DAIRY MILK IS PURE MILK! THE TAMPER - PROOF HOOD Keeps It Pure During Delivery! We have spared no expense to equip our dairy with the latest and most scientific facilities for the preservation of milk purity. As an additional link in the sanitary ^rvice chain, which we provide, we now cap each bottle with a sterilized SEIALRIGHT HOOD. Our bottles are automatically hooded after they are capped by special machines. This cover^all hood is entirely tamper-proof. Its seal cannot be broken with out detection. It brings to you, not only milk that is pure, but a bottle whose top has never been ex posed. If you use our milk, there is no need to wash off the bottle top before pouring, for it comes to you sterile- clean, completely protected by a sanitary hood. Guard the health of your family by using only protected milk! PET DA^RY PRODUCTS CO. , “A Pantry Profit In Every Quart” ”• DEEfeR CREAM—IT WHIPS ’Str^t Phone L-988 PEorrrABiiE' ,ed $45.90 spent for feed into aJnl — * lincome of |99.62 from eggs dur-^ Leghorn hens'ing the paAt month for a Pq^ EdUC^tjOIl recommend the raising of the age limit for compulsory school atten- I dance from 14 to 16 years, with a of Public Instruction, agreed upon I definite placement ot’ reaponsi- A United Program a l^islative program to be sub- bility for enforcement The 300 White owned by J. M. Stephenson, | fit of 153.72. Willow Springs, Route 1, convert-1 mitted to their oi:ganization in the) 5. Constitutional Amendment. In Aim Of P.-T. A. Scarborough & Hargett FUNERAj:. DIRECTORS AMBULANCE SERVICE Phones: Day J-3721, Night J-3722 522 E. Pettigrew St. State. The program suggested is order to avoid the duplication I as follows: jand over lapping of authority| now existing in the administra- 1. Retirement. We endorse th_ tjo„ ^f the public school system' report of the Retirement Com- q£ North Caroina on the part of A Group of educational leaders jmission for a retirement system jjjp several agencies charged with Ifrom all sections of North Caro-1 covering all St^te employees. such administration, we favor j lifia representing the Parent! 2. Continuing contract. We fa- submitting to the voters of the I ITeachero’ Association the Associa vor appropriate amendments to State a constitntional amendment! : tion of School Boards, the North the School Machinery Act that creating a representative and ade-j 'Carolina Education Association wijl include the principle of con- q^ate State Board of Education,! 'and the State Grange recently/tinuing tedbher contracts of such ^hich board will be vested all I met in Raleigh and in oooperalion a nature as to safeguard teachers State’s authority, povver and with Clyde A Erwin, .State Supt. against arbitrary, capricious or responsibility for administration of the State School System. MVr^CNT S' WARNING! On a motor tour, or any other trip away from home—suddenly your bill-fold ii gone I Misplaced? Dropped from your pocket? Stolen? No flutter bow, you may be stranded without funds, your vacation wrecked, your itinerary ruined. Why run such risks? • Piotea your tiavel money against loss or theft with American Ejqiress Travelen Cheques. They are your own personal funds—safe, economical and spendable anywhere. Just sign your name to each dieque when you buy them—again when you spend them. They provide you with • “checking account” wherever you go. Should they be lost ot stolen. ’«ooQunterslgned, your money will be refunded in full. AMERrCAN EXPRESS TRAVELERS tHEPUES Au lUUBO IN DbNOMU4ATIGNS OF $10, $20, |}0 am |100 At 7> Cami for Each jloo PuaotAsaa. MECHANICS & FARMERS BANK DURHAM, N. C. RALEIGH, N. C, , C. C. SPAULDING, President R. L. McDOUGALD, Executive Vice-Pres. J. H. WHEELER, Cashier ; n eoMBS DRo»no CM IRISH SOIL IN TWO NIGHTS ii UMUlTAHtOUSiY WITH ATTACK f«OM IRELAND NAZI PiAiJ CALLS roa ATTACK rtOM CHANNfL •MTMAsne INVASION 09 MIDLANDS WOULD CUT •«»7A»N in TWO W M^nckO nvMovrn PAQIS !•••••••••• MONEY TO LOAN. On Diamonds, Watches, Jewelry, Silverware, Men’s Clothing, Type Writers, ShM Guns, Mosi^ In* struments, anythingr of ralne. RELIABLE LOAN CO. 121 EAST TRADE STREEt “Charlotte’s Oldest and Largest” A cooperative order for more than one hundred dollars worth of fruit trees has been plac*Hl by 4-H Club members of Edfjecombe County, reports F. H. Jameson^ assistant farm agent. 'MEN.WITH' BRAY HAIR ... Herels Inside Tip Look Years Younger This Easy Way... Stop worrying about whether yonr grwy bair might some day cost yoo your job—or whether folks arc whispering, ‘‘That man ccttaiiily has agedr* Yes, stop worryiaf : : 3 and start using LARIEUS^ \Titfa GODEFROY’S LAMEUSE Hair Coloring you can bring radi> ant, glossy, youthfiil-appcaring color to AIX yoor hair. Easy to apply. The exact shade yoa want comes evenly. It won’t rub off or wash out. Known and used fmr 45 years. Money back if oot satiaiad. Ask for LARIEUSE (Larry-ns*).: If yoor dealer doesn’t hare it, send 11.25 direct to ... GOOEFROY MFG. CO., 3)10 OUVI STK££T, SAINT LOUIS. MlSSOUEl. ^ MDlffMrt w 4^ HAIR COLOIING IVOUR HOME IS INSURED-YES.Bt; CHINESE- AMERICAN FOODS Special Dinners from 11:00 A. M. to 9:30 P. M. A* la Carte at All Hours l^taaks - Chickens - and Chop^ & Sandwchcs of All Kinds Asia Cafe 611: Fayetteville Street BANKERSTIREINSUI DURHAM, NORTH CONSERV^IVK- SOLI - D£jetE|tMQiar ACME REALTY OOMPAMY RALEIGH, NORTH eAROUNA UNION INSURANCE AHI> R8ALTY. CO. DURHAM, NOftTH eAMUWA