YOUTHFUL aiNTON COLLEGE PREXY ADDRESSES MONSTER EMANCIPATION DAY AUDIENCE IN QUEEN CITY WITH ORATORY bii of ora- t hnriolte — In • whirh hi- lurjrr r bound, Pr»^ilent E. \V. Rrifr of Clinton tlnnmr Rock HiH, Carvilina dflivtT' «*i tilt aimuiil Kniam'ijiation I>ay •dclrr-i Iri'l \Vi»dn»‘sd«> at Kb -nf »er chnirh. hia Muhjfrt with drxteity. l*r«^ident Brin* d^lvrd deep into thi* his torical hirkjrrwmd of the X#^rro, tr«rinr hi;- coarse I'rom Africa t > fhi-* «>*«ntry. cWeil and mo«t pfficient carricr, and RoowveFt Johnson forraer rnrrier, now etudrnt at Tuskeg^ In*titirtp. After the banquet proper, the earrior* and thrir KUP:«t were in vited bv toastma^er Roliert Glenn to tJie w ljool'a Library where in an a«tno5#i(here of fraiety, a •ro- irram of entertainment and danc ing wefe enjoyed. The Truth AI)out InterSfM>r>ang his s(>ei'ch with;p , r\f t|| eitation «f ontstandinp contribu- tXpOn Ul 1131168 tiores by variou« member.* of the * raee the upoaker jiointed out that the Nf«ro ha» onJy played a lead-j injj }>art in American civiliMtion, but also in world eiviliwition. ‘The Xepro of today has, in EXPORTS OF PLANES There i« eon«iderable interest in the number of planes that the I’nited States is sending to Great Britain. Many people have the addition to his fipht for survival, a fight to retain those basic riphtR, whi^h we have pained un der OUT constitution.’’ Our place in tie sun is an in dividual problem depending more^”^, npon oiir adaption of the more . ll.~ry «f Booker t. W.shi,^n. “Lrt y««] More the E»rop«.n W.r broke bneket. where yon are Ih.l ..I ,939 He Unit- .»k,w the best ot onr s.te. exported 135 plane, and ties where ever we may be, than numfcers of aircraft to aid the British in their fight. For this 'reason, it might be interesting to some of the figures relating to the total exports of planes and from the United will inflict iHritjiin, he jKiKVe^ful attempt jlosg 5f the flower heavy damage upon fj^gt band daily contaot with the'Uual and beliwes that an un- situation on the other aide, ariived greater if phyaieal,” would be the Britiah blockade will mean the decision after eonaiderable were broken by this tide of Ameri of Germany’» reflection highly trained manpower n.ay IW ‘'"'1,““, be the turning point of the war. Lillian Yorbo seems to hove coi>gbt ."Grandpa" Spencer Charters in o raid on her kitchen, in Republic's "Meet The Missus" first of the Higgins Fomily Series,to feature Roscoe Kams. Ruth Oonpeliy. Lois Ranson, and George Ernest.) ^ npon our enibra.eing the varidi economic and social isms so ramp ant in our modern world. 169 engines per month, on the 'average, for the sii months pre- One Thousand Peo ple Greet Sedalia School President Charlotte Observer Fet^ Carriers 206 after .the our Neutrality Act, 294 planes and 382 engines. ^ OmrlolrteJ (By Mrs. Bessiej The figures for the first ten Hardy) Cherlotte Observer months of 1940 follow: frted its colored carriers at a Planes colorful banquet giren at We«ti Charlotte High School last Friday ” evening. The keynote of the 170 fair w«s the address by CX E. I Cobb managing editor of t h e March 191 Carolina Times, Youth and 238 New'spaper was a masterpiece ofj eloquence and information- The May spe^ea- pointing out the 372 for the newspaper in our modem 1 aociety, brought out the import- Jniy — — — — 338 ance of the role of' the carrier j j boy in the general circulation the modem newspaper, and high September 284 lights of his address with 334 statement, “Only through initia-j tive and courtesy can a boy be-| Thie reader should eome successful whether he ia.that the .figures shown do not re- Richmond, Va. (Special) Dr. Charlotte'* Hawkins Bnxwii was the principal speaker at the Boule of the Zeta Phi Beta Sor- „ , ority at Me public meeting in ceding the out ° Richmond last ni^t t where o»e In September, , jthoueand Negro men and women planes and en^ee; in Oct^r, I frienda listened with in- 43 planes and o7 engines, in Noy.j^^^^ to an address on 62 planes and 143 enginefl and Womanhood in National December, after ,the revision oil Engine* 364 285 290 358 397 314 437 451 441 648 understand ganised for the purpose of iuter- preting the need of the Negroes of the state to the Board of Educa tion, As a lecturer on personial cul ture and aocml hygiene, she in continning her work with t^e Ne gro colleges in the South, t Among the cdleges in whicfa she will speak or hold seminars during the month of January are Moi^an College, Baltimore, Md.; I Defense.” This sorority is made up of Ne gro women college gradnatcs ffctca '.and State Teftehers College, Bowie all p^ of the coantry the theme Vaiytand. President Bluford of of which i’ “Finer Womanh^.”jA and T College has extended an Dr. Brown made a return trip by invitation to Dr. Brown to spend plane hafving been present as aja jay on the oampus for the pur promoter of the LeToumeau meet'pogg qJ conferences with the aen- ing at the Trinity Zion Church in class, the afternoon on Sunday. carrying papers or following other worte while pursuits. Other speakers on the program were: Prof. J. E. Grigsby of Se cond Ward school, BiAop Dale, outBttanding Legionaire of Queen city, Richard Massey, present the assistance given, the British because the statfetics cover our total exports. To illus trate this, in October, 1940, our total exports were 334 planes the but British countries got only 280. in Out of 648 engines, the British point of service, the Observer got only 544. iiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiim^ Dr. Brown has just completed a course of twelve leotures which were given to the Negro teachMis, parents, and civic leaders in the Staite of Delaware under the aus pices of DuPoint interests. As the result of her interest, a state coun- el on colored work has been or- SOUDIEBS MUST LEABN ENGLISH Ah important step in hemisp here defense is • reported from Ecuador where the- Ministry of Defense has decreed that mem bers of both military and naval forces must learn Englieh and Reasons Against Sending Food To France Are Given Bobet C. Dexter, Executive Director, Unitarian Service Com mittee, explains why his organiza tion has decided that it should not pngage in sending food or supp-! lies to France, or to any of, t li e other occupied countries, l^rimarily, the decision was based upon the conclusion that the supplies sent, even to unoccupied France, much less to the occupied countries of Europe, would actu ally add to Gernmny’s resources and thus increase her fighting strength. While particular supp lies might not fall into Geman hands, they would release other supplies which could be used by Germany. Illustrating the pojnt, he says that one of the Committee’s re- ago from France to tell that only one third of the preserved fruits, canned in Southern IVance this autumn, were allowed to remain there. One third of the supply] Germany and one units of the Western Hemisphere, ithird sent to occupied Franc*, Elcuador will soon receive mili- ^ where a good portion of it will be tary and naval mission from the consumed by the Geman Army of United States to serve as technical ,Occui>ation. Ivisers to the army and navy. I Another factor, which, he said, Naturally, it will be better if her^bore considerable weight, was soldiers and sailors speak English evidence to the effect that food i but we wxjnder how-much they ex- and supplies can be created in oc-i pect to* learn in “two hours a cupied Europe provided the man power is left free for agriculture and manufaoturing. Thus, if the blockade is broken and supplies arc sent into occupied countriesj it only means that more men are free to devote their enei^fies to manufacturing niunitiona of war. Mr. Dexter says that there ia no question but that thee will be gij.' hardships in France and. the continent of Eur- j we should not oP« winter. And, “while un-| der normal conditions, , we should j wish to use America’s resources ! they , ca»« if Great Britain a« 4he lead- chudren of France, or any other European country to suffer. democratic nation* were able Frankly, howOTer, the Com- to shake of? the domination of the mittee felt that, in the long run totalitatian states and restore the gum total of suffering, spir- freedom once mote. BREVARD ST. BARBER SHOP Shower Baths... 15c N. G. EDWARDS, Prop. 231 South Brevard St. CharlottCf N. CL > I I W I-I I I I I I M l I I I I I i 'l 'Mj ALEXANDER FUNERAL HOME 323 SOUTH BREVARD STREET t Day Phone , 8431 Night Phones 3-6027, 3-2472 I devote at least two hours a week to instruction in the language. This is interesting because it may be forerunner of general ef- for the cooperation of defense |was taken by MERRY XMAS ■ To Our Colored Friends Full Line Of Santa Claus Merchandise for the Whole Family EAGLE STORES (5c & 10c) W. Trade St. Charlotte, N.C. week.' Expect Attack Ob England Within Six Weel[s Or Less While the America people gage in a debate over methods to, ^^*'®'*Shout assist the British, forget that mo ft experts are look- ii^ for a German attempt to in-,^ ade England within the next few,^® alleviate thee hardships, weeks and that what we send the are perhap no more serious than JIMMIE LUNCEFORD BRINGS COUNTRY’S LEADING SWING BAND TO CHARLOHE JANUARY 11 Jimmie WidiMMkBr 0 dr 4 % TffW ^svouvitf wnxm SMm« iPM fOMMUNS ‘dKatui'0«lle* Aim •WajL AUUOKt flWK JIMMIE LUNCEFORD, whose 1®^ Apollo theatre, also in orchestra is known throughout Europe and America for its swell police riot squads were style of play will play in Chaf\^®''®^^ handle the crowds, lotte Tuesday, , January 14, 1941tvindow had to be in the Charlotte Armory at 9 p, at 12 o’clock noon, another all time record, unequalled even , by Chick Webb, Cab Callowav and Up in New \orfc Citys Harlem, Duke Ellington Harlem favorites Jimmie Lunceford and his or-|of long standing. And, during the chestra played from 4 to 6 o’clock week end jjeriod at the Apollo, Christmas morning and 4,127 broke “Satchmo” Louis Arm- people jammed into the Remeiss- strong’s attendance record—and anee elab, breaking d«wn the that-had been another all time ^rs and breaking an aU time high. If you are a lover ow sweet Harlem attendance i^eeord. A swing by all means hear JIMMIE week later the orchestra opened LUNCEFORD and his orchestra. Annual CeMration Of the “Feast Of lights” Observed at Church of Saint Michaels and All Angels Last Sunday Charlotte — The Church of St. Michaels and All Angels, Rev. J. iW. Heiitage, Vicar was the scene last Sunday, January 5 of the an nual celebration of the Feast of Lights, or the Epiphany, ’om- roemorating the visit of the Ma^, jwise men to Betiilehem and the manifestation of Christ, the Light of the world, to the Qentiles. The I beautifully lighted interior, a scene of solemn grandeur, echoed! of 1 Yuletide British before the attack is about all that will count, W. L. White, writing from Lon don for The North American Newspaper Alliance, says that Nazi tactics in the air indicate that the real purpose of the flights may be to~^ train German pilots to key objectives and to familiarize them with night fly ing. He says that the small - mount of actual military and in dustrial damage and the use of not more than one half or one- third of Germany’s available plan es support this belief^ According to Mr. White, neu tral coiTespondents in London think there is better than a forty per cent chance that the Germans wiJJ attempt an invasion within the next six weeks and that the Germans will have less than a forty net:_ ccnt chance of suceed- ing. \Miile an attempted nvasion the hradships being inflicted on the British people.” In the judg ment of the Committee, “every ounce of supplies sent to France and the occupied sections of Eur ope may increase the hardships which the British people are un dergoing. He reports that his Committee, composed of men and women with a religious and humanitarian mo tive, having the advantage of 8 WINE AND At DINE Archie*s Bar and Grill' "^601 East First Street Specialties in Breakfasts - Lunches - Dinners Imported and Domestic Wines I Pints 15c - Pints 25c - Quarts 45c WANTED AGENTS TO SELL PAN-TONE LAXATIVE TONIC Attractive Proposition To Distributons: 9 “Free with initial order for one dozen tonic: one year’s subscription to The Carolina Times—with or der of two dozen or more we will include one zipper Medicine Case. We have thousands of Minraters now selling our line of medicine. Pan American Distributing Co. P.O.Box 1627 Charlotte, N.C. ■ i 2 Sentences Psalm 19th Gloria , Lesson: St. Matt., 2nd Chapter 3 Creed and Prayer * 4 Solo “Noel”, Oscar J. Jackson 5 Address r — Rev. J. W, Herritage,5 D. D., Vicar 6 Offertory — “The Lord is My L^ht’’ Maynard Wilson MORY ADD. CHARLOTTE with the strains music as '^he Vicar, representing jihe Clergy, lighted his taper from jthe Alert light, which symbolized Christ, the Eternal Light and passed it on to the Magi, jvitness to the mimculous birth, who in turn passed the light to the .Gentiles, symbolized by the mem- Jan, 14 Doors Open 8l30p.m.‘^“ «udienoe, who march- * 9 Until Adio. 75c plus tax jed out, one by one, symboliding •the spread of the goapel or light to all corners of the world. I The program follows: 1 ProceflBional “As With I Oladneoa Men of Old” The Pageant of the Wise Men Distribution of- Tapers •Benediction — 1 Recessional “From the Eaartem Mountains’^ Rose Graham Oiganiat, Mrs, Ushers: Dr, E. £. Blackman Dr. W. A. Williams J. A. Ferguson Dr. Thomas Watkins S. H, Adams Dr, A, J. Williams Edison Wilkiiv. UNCLE SAM’S LOAN OFFICE^ At 205 E. Trade St. Phone 8276 Is The Place To CHRISTMAS SHOP SPECIAL BARGAINS in 1. Suits $5.95 ahd Up 2. Overcoats —$5.95 and Up 3. Jackets $3.95 and Up 4. Watches , $5*95 and Up 5. Men's and Ladies*. Rings .$5.95 and Up • We lend money on all personal Property David Pender Stores and Big Star Super Markets Davidson Brothers Funeral Home 901 S. Mint St. Phone 3-2336 M-I- DR. AUBREY L. PALMER EYES EXAMINED! GLASSES FITTED! (Opposite Public Library) 317-A N. Tryon St. We maintain a completely equipped office for the exclusive convenience of the Colored People. SCHOOL-RINGS, KEYS, FRATERNITY - JEWELRY GRADUATING - NURSES - PINS —Write— H. FLOYD-HORNE 108, E. first Street Chariotte, N. €.

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