MAILING EDITION Volume XXn—Number Three ^iSM8 PRICE 5c Durham, North Carolina Saturday, January 18th., '1941 Prosecution Witness In StruSwick * * Case Fails to Appear at Trial ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ UNC APPROVES NEGRO PLAYERS Man’s Three Life Senteaces Are Puzzle “Harlem’s Going To Miss Rte”, He &ys NEW YORK — Roger Quilltry was 8 very puezled younff man when he waa leaving --Qraod Seasions Count accotnpenied by two deputy sheriffs. He just eo\ild not seem to understand bow be wu going to serve the three pos sible life terms that had been im posed on him by ^udge Jacob G. Sohnrman, Jr. Two of the »enten- eas, for first degree robbery with the use of dangerous weapon, « long knife were for term^ of Woman Tiiougiit To Be 115 Died Near Raleigh I They Carry On Palmer Memorial Institute In Sedalia,N.C. Three Children, Ages 1 to 5, Burned To Death In House RALEIGH — Mrs. Elra Jones, who believed she waa 115 yeat« old died at her home in Holly ^ ^ .1. .Pprings township Wednesday thirty yeasjr to Uf»^ and *«otb«r, for fape, from twenty ^ %J|j|l*Jl(>.1nfomation 'iff. * ^ indicated ah« wM'bom joto al«- “Why did the judge give me very in 1825; Mrs. Jones was life three times f” hA demanded nuunried twice btit^-At th«'^tim’e of of the deputies. I haven’t got'ynih her thr^e hye . > I , ^ , 'only Uving son, John Rogers, who “He told you those sentences73/ . to 'be served leoncmrontl^'*' '.ex-^ ’ , . . . plained one pf the-dfepttticB. ... . Surviving 'besides him are “What’s that • meanf’ a.jked, «eVen gr^dohildren and ^enty- Guillojy.. 1 1 gi^^ratidoliild^n. 'She ‘'You.can 'serve all thrw’sen-^ buried last Saturd^ at; 2 tenicBS at (me time but of cotirse, o^clock at the Sweet Springs the least you Will ■ serve' Will- be «iuroh. about thirty years.’’ ‘^My; !my V eiclaihed' Qullory,!| “Harkrm.^ going, to miss n^e « long time.* 1 ; ^ : (1 ^ f Guillory had a polioa .,1‘fteord nunning ba^k fourteen yetrt and ■hdwiog' abyen arrests. • ■ He had ple1ad6d g^iiity to two robberies hit knife and stolen her $3^0 wrist Vatah, and he 1 bad, ^olen ^1-OB from the second a few days later and attacked her. This woman outwitted him, however. She suggested they tewn and the third charge. Two woman up as a hold ui> pair, she to decoy in "Harlem were separate " oofa- men victims to him. But the first plainanta against him. He ha4 “victim” she brought to Ouilloi^ threatened one on the street witn soon after was Detective Hebley. — , . . ■ - .... , , , , Schools Share In Historical Meet iMMWkMMiiSliSM RALfSBt'RY, (CP) Threr children, ages five, two and one, bnmed to death is a famihoase near Bear Popalar Saturday night. Dr. W. L. Tatam, Rowan county coroner, said Sunday. N. Y. U. Objects Playing Famed Basketball Star In South NEW YORK — Reporta fom- truth of veracity of the students ing from New York Universitv are claim'to the statement made by The victims were Mary, Ernest to the effect that student in that Tanner on December 20, to the and Kate. Jeanette Liles, eiiildren institution are np in arms against effect that, of AbrAam and Mrs. Alberta the administration of thal famooa „po,^ n was the color UJqs who live on the Mitchell edactional inatitution ov*r the keeping Coward of Correll fam> ibarfing of Jim ?C!omcu Nin institution Tim the team. We get objections fUmi After snpper Mn. IMm pat thr ^^^7*to be^yed i> Chapel ^ against •she and her husband went visit a home a Aort distance Contrarr •d in. They have a perfect n^t Educators who make up tho ad- lug. p, Charies Andrew Grant, and head of department of Ro- ministrative committee at Cha’;- Dickerson college B. S. 9th year, mancc languages, 4 Walter Hamil- lotte Hawkins Brown’s school in head of department of sciencc and Sedalia, N. C. are: 1, Dr. John mathematics and athletic coach. Bric«, Khoxville college, B. A-, D’. 3, Misw Cecie Roberta Jenkins, D. 20th year; director of religious Howard university B. A., M. A. actiyities and landscape garden-.'4tih year, administrative assistant At the recent meeting of the Howard univereity who read Ameriean Hiatorioal Awociation paper qfi sMne new light on the held at the Hotel Pennsylvania in Colonization movement and Dr. New York City, fw the first time !oraee Mann Bond* preaident of the mother of children to sleep in dlie bed and the to asr*inst the jtipalations, and we hare sity of North Carolina on Jantiary ^ ^ away. An al«™ was soon sounded traditional custom -rtipnlations.I dnn’t thi^ and the house burned quickly to I obiects to playing ,h,„g '7 Co..rd .„d not th. CnivJiitJTf 2* « The attitude of the North promise. It is onr pnvil^ to taka iCaroKna institution has been de- edored players o«f the team.” finitely exjOTsstd in a statement In an interview with Badger issued bv Coach Lang who stated early in December, Badger said that he had no objection to lOay- that Coward was disqualified by ing his team against Coward. On the scholarship committee (Tan- the contrary. Chaiieelor ChaSe, ner) and said, “If a white girl who is a former presideat of the doesn’t want to sit n«rt to a eolo- Fniversity of North Carolina says red boy or girl at a table it 3 h«r that he does not believe the time privilege 40 move *way.” He qaes- has arrived when southern schools tioned one of the girls to the ef- they went to sleep. War Dept Urges Emplopent Of Negro Subalterns and head of department of Eng lish. No. 5, Emory Riley, Hampton institute 3rd year, superintendent AYASHINQTON ^ ean be asked to play against * that “Would you marry a D.par.«»t „„p^. colored bo,t- At NYA the Council for student has been denied a table petitions protesting of the administration fonWtrded structions to Generals of the nine Corps Areas ce .angua^«, - authorizing them to employ Negro equality ha: Lnghsh, Howard University R 150 colored to ;ircul.te Civilian ConservatiMi Corps camps the action it was announced office of James today at the an interview- with Coach Lang. J. McEntee, brought the following statement: WILLIAM STRUDWICK CASE IS SETTLED Director of the COC- j “Negro reserve crfficerB who are DURHAM — New evidence Strudwick. was taxed with costs brought to light' this week in the of court and the case was cloned, case of William Strudwick, ' »■ u ^ popular, Durhimit.,, and Faj.lte-; •g-i-st ville 'school teacher, discloses the Strudwick by the mother of fact that the young girl in the the child created state wide in- caie was not actually criminally terest when published last week assaulted by Mr. Strudwick. prominence of the ac- In a later interview Saturday ®“sed in social and educational with the Editor of this newspaper, circles throughout the atate. Mr. the tribe, great cattle ownen has ar~ child st^d Strudwick is a native of Durham range to The PoUowinx Statement Is Issued by the Miembmliip Meeting Of The Gonndl For Student Equality at Washing ton Siiaare Main on 3aamterf 7th, 1941. 4-6 P. M. “NYU game is a high spot on' The present policy of the Board our schedule. We have a lot of of Athletic Control with which resoect for your team.” * Chancellor Chase agrees and »np- in inactive status and rfficer» o want to plav against pOfts has^resulted in the diseri- ,the active reserve who fail to (Coward), against NYU at its mination and Jim Crow of Leon- jquaify for military doty, may be no objee- ard Bates as in the NYU-Mo. game jconsidered for vaeaoeies in the j j jnd, 1940. jofly^per personnel rf CCC camps, make . a statement for the The policy as statcNl by the the War D^artment announce* g^jjool.'The team will not have any C-hancellor is “that the time has jment stated. “Negro educational ojj^tions. You may quote me ’S not yet arrived whea sfmthera jadvisers who have been on duty tjjjt j have no. objections.” schools can be asked, to pls^ jwith the CCC and eolored en- symmthy with the against Nagroe& on . Son them rollees who have demonstrated We would r*lav according to campuses.’’ This clearly meaaa jtheir HtneiB will also be eligible policies and traditions of the that Jim Crow of Negro players ;for appointment as snbalterns. school which we are playing. The on the NYU team, or the exeiaskn ' “At present there are two CCC traditions i? verv strong in the of Negroes students from the icompanies, one in the S.?eond sooth, th Corps Area and one in the Third The" no bsue as far as we are ^rtune. 'Corps Area, officered and com- eoncerned. NAIROBI, Kenya, — The Masai manded nitirely by etdored per sonneL Kenya Cattle To Feed Britain it is dimiiiishing. teams antfl it is apropos or Ojp- And aecoding to th|s It would have to be p^icy it will be opportune the school. I have no no southern games are on There i» a single subal- sothor^ty. ’ schedule, tern serving in the Fifth Corps Since Jan. 2nd. the COUNCIL Prof. Badger, head of the BAC> sell 1,600 head of cattle and one in the Eighth Corps STUDEKf EQUAUTY have proposes tke following as a s«|»- ill, th. lift, five yem «f th« the Port V.11.F 8t»te oollw wbo .pMiiS«.lly ^ uITa^' o*f' I8°"D^rf^ B(^Lr dumtion of tlu to, rt^t »« f™" !>' ‘'iiool .i£iiii»tr.lion schools OM Teu in wl In th. .mtament and | Pri_ 150 »np.^ of th. ™n>n~. ■* !»' l' "> S« «>' .«stom«, th, fdlo-i., J.« i. soeiation a teSiioa vai devoted to diaoussed a paper by‘Dr. Yernon not raped. the History of the Negro in the Wharton on the race issue in the hysteria following the finding of United Statei. 'Sie overthrow of Reconatrnetion the child, statementa were made memlwr of St. Jose^ ^urch and , Pictures *ote are th* Negro in Miaeiuippi. , iby principals in the affair, which amember of the Satterfield Da\^ participants in thia historie oeOta* I when viewed later calmly and dis dramatic club of St. Joeeph AME ^jhon^ sios: L to r., ■ lir. W. B. flu Do- Others not piekired who parti- passionately, were found to have Church. He is ®«o « member of Bois, of A/tlanta Universi^, who oipated in the sfssion were Dr. been exaggerated. Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity.^ prssidsd; Dr. Ohrles H. Weik^, A, M. Aroett, of the Woman’s jfr. Strudwick was given a hear It has been a source of grati- .. , ... of Howard tinive«*iiy; who read College o^ the University of North ing in Recorders court Tuesday f facation to friends of the accused a paper bn the Negto i« th* bf- Carolina, and Dr. A, Ray N»w- this week, at the trial none of the throughout the state that the case AiHii^ a head '♦" soiae, of Ike University of North | prosecuting witnessea appeared _against him has been settled satis |on cattle •old'* a Al'earolina *t col(H«d. ScMDe 70 have one or more ganisatioa of ths ^olitioa mor*> msotj Dr. Ba^ffevt L«^a» Oiapel HiU. 'against |he accused and Mr. Ifactorily to all parties eoncerned. Ito war funds. other camps table in~..(he cafeteria for the pur- This is no solBtion sb4 eolored enroll- P”®® petitions signed to aeeapt it. It ntdates erwry a have CowaM placed on the team, homan deeeney and is they consider cattle After being refused, aneqoest to to the ftetdaaental are currency and that cash is of A eolored •doea^Mtal adviser have the table was signi^d by 110 racial toIattM* for Httle value, the Morok branch of “ at eae* of the 150 CCC studenU in the spaee of 1-2 hoar, ia kncnnu camps. Mr. MeEntee said. Ia ad- With a further roaaround, a ^ooi* .Aa mt il^ dition to these edoeationsl ad- mittee of some 20 students visited tihdlk of viaers, eolored doctors and chap- Deaa MeConn ia Washx^o& adi wt'-mBge a eonfaibntioB ]ains ha^ been assigned to CCC Sqpiare College on Janoary already started doty dnring the past five year*. U:30, who waa qaihUia( atxMl ^ Hilr

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