im€ you Kn€iii - ov LAWRENC L J ARtT SULLAVAN mBLV BECOMES SKK WHEN BEING £N IN AN AUTOMOBILE, >^T NEITHER PLANES, SHIPS NOR TRAINS , ^ECT HER THAT WAY/ WW DOES SHE AVOID CAR-SICKNESS ? ,1 Nobody’s Business By Gee McGee holt find po!^Bi)rly by ftharlip Hn- hi* tirlirvf-i v(Hi havo I townrd." ilnly mul fTer-1 nuinny for t"o inonihh. ho thinks you )!' marrii'd a uatzi or| ^llnothin)(, or yciii would reuinin iimerican. hr rrali/t - h wife an | dicktntp the n^ w-ijiiijxT poHi*y of ■ a husband. The War In Europe May Be Decided By Effectiveness Of Rival Blockades I The R>oi)p of the Hrilish virtory in^ tho pre8'nt war and whilo the in Africa and the Kurprisinjf rale of los» varie«) the submarine supoess of the ffrcey army in eamiwiffn is about half aa ecective jAllianiii toiid lo distract attention ag in the period of nnrestricted (|iiarp says he hn* you fully from the deadly pnijii'le in Avhieh ^warfare in 1917. ; ). paid p to ninrtch the I'l, pro.x. (icrinany and (Jrcat Hritain are kin«ily iy c2m. he will iMiycott yore adver- ndjacent waters where surface The British that, he you have tluinccd l»v ■■’cn. wheeler iind Snakes are dcKcnded from lizards. r^/Hj-iNT ^ ^ SMITH PUYED IN ,97 CONSECUTIVE PROFESSIONAL HOCKEY GAMES, FROM 1956, TO 1939. WITHOUT RECEIVING A PENALTY OF ANY KIND/ WITH VHAT MAJOR HOCKEY TEAM DOES HE PLAY ? Another Good Subfcriber Has Been Lost deer nir. edditnr: nir. art '(iiiaro nsk- that yon 'fnp hi'- [liner nt once, he hit di~- nverel that von ari> a icv l;>ti(iii _ «..i ..... i -t and he io not want to r.M'l him hi*: refund, vizz- enwafred in the Atlantic ocem and BEITISH MUST HAVE SHIPS behind anylxKldv that i n;,,. iy «*2«. he will tMiycott \-ore adver- ndjacent waters where surface The British are fe>verishly hcnii in- from now on nnl(*s!^ you shL|>s, suhninrines and airplane# building eai^o ships and anxious- chnnpfp )m‘k to the n*nv deal, he are enpa^ed in coinbnt on, under ly seeking vessels to replace the will buy hin need> troiii a oatalcSf^land above the water. 'Icwrt tonnage. The sjipply of oldiTIMES, “in the winning of the liy a male in the future, he a.skrt While the British consolidate ships in the United States, grad- war and in the rebuilding of de- I'why you have returned against |their victory in I^ibya and pro- aally being sold to the British, iSjHiocracy, that responsibility should 'englaiid anl great brittan, nei-eeed with the business of dispos- 'not sufficient. Tn fact, expertsjthns be pinner unmistakably onto ther one of the great countries ing of (Jraziana’s shattered amry doubt if the combined ship build- Qennany. have ever banned a single hair and the (Ireek soldiers exploit ing facilites of the United States in N-ore birilhend. he believes you their stratj-gic gains in Alabama and Great Britain can offset Aniwen to "/T'S TIME YOU KNEW" by Uwrence Margaret Sullavan avoids car'sicknes* by driving heraelf. Clint Smith plays with the New York Rangers. In Ancient Greece, long before there was anything faintly re* semblin^ a Bulova Watch, people told time by "stepping-off” the length of the shadows of Gnomons, which resembled obelisks. The shorter the shadow, the closer it was to noon and vice versa. “It may be important” says the Can hnman synnpathy and rea lities of the British blockade be [So SNAKES EXISTED DURING THE 'REPTILE ACE.’ FROM WHAT ANIMALS ARE SNAKES DESCENDED ? ^ODAY, MORE PEOPLE TELL TIME BY BULOVA WATCHfSi' THAN ANY OTHER WATCH IN i THE WORLD/ WHAT WAS THE MOST POPULAR METHOD OF TELLING 1 TIME IN ANCIENT ' GREECE ? YDUR HOME IS INSURED “YES, BtJ ISTHIS?! See the jCocal Agrent o£ m RS’ FIRE INSURAHCEXOkPANY DURHAM, NORTH CAROLINA :ONSERV&TIVE- SOL - DEeEfcLDABLS ACME REALTY COMPANY RALEIGH. NORTH CAROLINA UNION INSURANCE AND REALTY CO. DURHAM, NORTH CAROLINA Durham Academy Of Medicine PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY * LEO G. BRUCE, M. D. Physican and Surgeon 814H Fayptteville St. Telephones Office J-6222 Res. L-*=)54 J. N. BOLLS, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Office 106% Parrish St. SPEQAL ATTENTION TO DISEASES OF WOMEN Trained niirse in attendance DOCTOR E. P. NORRIS DENTIST 707Ml Fayetteville Street Hours 9-1 2-3 4-7 Tslephones Office J-8321 Res. J-9042 DOCTOR A. S. HUNTER DENTIST N. C. Mutual Building Office J-0891 Res. L-3581 , DOCTOR M. C. KING Telephones Office 253^ Res. 249-1 Franklinton, N. C. R. P. RANDOLPH, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON 312 Dowd Strept Office Hours 9-10 3-4 6-7 Telephones Ofice N-5211 Res. N-5.'}^j2 J. E. TURNER, M. D. INTERNIST 618 Fayetteville .Street TelephonLs )ficce L-8251 Res. J-S5(;4 S. M. BECKFORD, M. D. GENERAL SURGERY 212 Montgomery Straet Hpnderson, N. C. W. A. CLEIAND, M. IX PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Biltmore Hotel Ea:;t Pettigrew Street Hours: 8:30-10:30 1-2 5:30-7:00 Telephones Offica F-1021 Res. J-l(j;^ J. F, THOMPSON, M. D. PHYSICIAN Fayettsviile St. Tetephonps L-2541 Pwe.s. L-8621 ixus E. TONEY, M. I), ttt Hili^oro Street . /QyfgH. North Carolina . Tdephonea 445 Rea. 932 ■ J. \V. V. CORDICE, M. D. j GKNi^RAL SURGERY j 711‘i Fayetteville Street 1 Tfjlephonss ^ J-'JOSl L-8571 IXCTOR J. M. HUBBARD DKNTLST N. C. Mutual liuiklinE: Office Hours: 9-1 2:30-(i:30 Evpnings and Sundays by Apj)ointmeni: Telephone J-0891 Bv AESm CORDON STORM v.-lndows are a piofit»bI« investment for fr? taiio 1:j loctl- itlci whore con{inucJ col 1 v/e*tii«r makes the fuel bill a ri.^unienaii’0 problem. Heat passes so readily t’lrounh sin gle sash construction that as much e.'capes on the average as throuijb all of the remaining wall areai com bined. Consequently, a comprchen- «!\’e storm sash Installation may well reduce heat waste up to 50% rer’-r'l" les* of further mural insulation v.ith accompanying savings of from to 20% in fuel consumption. Savings in fuel alone—not to men tion the increased comfort—invari ably pay foi^ the windows in from one to three years. Q.—How can I paint brass flxtuio> to tlie coating will not peel off? A.—Before brass is styled wuh paint, the metal must be clcaned throughly and absolutely dry. . Assuming the desirability of enamel finish, experience indir.'.tes that three thin oil paint undercoat* are preferable to two comparatively heavy, producing a more dijtubio foundation with higher adhtvive properties. Soft paste white lead thinned wiih are liable to sabbrc-tar^ something and s'pk to oiitst the Italians losses for many months to come. j5orrelatpd so aa to benefit starv* if you get a chance. ’ from their important southern In the former war the British,ingM h^lpl'ess peoplet IT WOULD * bases, the war of the blockades were able to secure faluable sup- SEEM THAT HUMAN INTELLI' the artickle which cooked youi* f^oes on with fatal consefjnences. plies from nearby nationa. Now, Gl"#NCE COULD FIND A AVAY.. jjfooHe with nir. s(|unre wa.s the one It the jitrnpj'le that may ulti- most of these countries are under in laat snttnday’s paper where mately be dwisive in the war. jNazi domination. This means you said that uncle same had[ that British merchant ships have better coHect his old debts befoar i jUTTING OPF SUPPZjIES longer averape hauls and con8e«- he lets the alleys ninke anny newf The Rritijh blockade of contin- quently ini/port less supplies. The ones and that he wouldden-t loan ental Kuropc is tight, enforced of the long route around nK>nney toj germanny or italy at^for the most part by surface'Africa instead of the short trip this riting. nir. s|uare saj-s that shii>s of the British navy. That it through the Meliterranean has england or great brittan either is effective is certain although intenmfied the British short- one can have hi» part of the Germany may be able to last of ships. Moreover, in the wealth in the n. s. england’s cash longer than e.xpected on account last war. American merchants seemed to be o. k. as long as it of the captured resources of con- lasted: we took that and smiled. Iquered nations. Then, again, re- it looks reasonable that if a maij serves accinnnlated for the war spends bis money with a merchant, by Germany may have been larger ho should have a little creddick than suspectcd and until these are when it gives out. | exhausted the coils of the Briti h ! blockade will not strangle the ADVERTISE Of HIBERNATE ships were not prohibited frotn transporting cargoes into British hartiors. BEITISH DEPEND UPON IMPORTS We stress thus phase of the war in order that readers may understand the situation and the possibility that the war may be lAVSCU be sure not to let another one economic and military activity of of yore papers come to mr. jthp Nazi regime, square’s residence, he raought fly I Hitler countered the British into a tantrum and rush to the blockade bv measures designed to „„„ ji. i.„_ hv countv seat and do your some reverse it,' that is, by bombing ^^^r^ boddily harm, he wonid rite or airplanes and submarines he seeks battles between huge armies. The foam you hisself and have you to sink so many merchant ships s blockadp, backed by airplane of- Btop yore paper, but ho is a fear to cripple liritish industry and present victory to one part hard-drying varnish and ed that he mought say something war efforts. The experience of the Jt mav pro- two parts turpenUne is a wid^i.v nxjulddent sound good over 'World War indicated that an , Intpmal nnr.«t tbnt will specified formula for this work. i i i , i. • • i,* internal unrest that ^vllI paint should be mi.xed sufflcienti.v the foam or be legal in the male, all out u-boat camimign might | morale of the thin so that the brass color showj he is as mad as a old wet rooster, succeed although experts dis- , anrl tpnd fn rWide tliP through the initial coat The Mconc {,g^are of him till he oools ofT. he counted the threat by recalling j n prtTnKnf and third ground coats are best tint- . , . „ , , . , ^ „ . * • ^^sue ot the combat, ed with colors-in-oil for incroa.-.ed is talking of volunteering to light that it was suecessfully met in opacity as well as to blend with the -with cannady. the former proposed finish | vov system. 'S: a n« wm N.t is applied. When the third coat has set-up firmly, finish off with a single secker-terrv of war, coat of good quality enamel. When In HEW YORK For tiM Day, The Weekend Permanently The HOTEL 7th Ave. at 125th St FOR EXQUISITE LIVING ^Ittinctive location ... All outiide rooms: luxurious suitet. Restaurant and Bar. Every comfort and facility. iMtfe rooms with private buth *2.00 Single—*2.30 Double and up >1,50 Single—*2.00 Double and vp Spscial WetUy & Monthly Ratu Washington, d. c. deer sir: the son of the undersigned, Merchant mudd lark of the state and county and escorted aforesaid w’as number is 477, he now wauts vollnnteer for service in the u There is no present evidence struggle by the con- ously weakened by the loss of merchant ships. Reduction in meat qno^tas, however, indicate that, at this stage, they must WALTSR W. SCOTT, Mtnajar Hotel THEBESA 7th Ave. at 125«h St, New York Oty Phona: MOnuiPtnl 2>1700 H Wait On The Draft To Call Him. DIFFERENT FROM WORLD WAR choose between importing food World ^ar answer to the u-boats were co ec e ^ace years, it is pointed • t roug angerous British import 80 per aforesaid wa^^in the draft and his waters by warships. Depth char- to ges from^ destroyers eventually , , , , , , . nnrestrict^ products and a he do not want to go to spam to submarine warfare but, in the vegetables Eight he says he |s not mad at present battle, Great Britaan nobody «cro.s the briny deep. with half as many destroyers and i/^jjl befoar mudd lark vollunteers, a much larger naval task «n |he want, to know the followenn-. ^hand, is unable to assign suflfici- he get govvernment pay ent warships to the convoys. from the dav he reggistered it he I- , • , j , ii. r» -i- i 1 i ,tish isles and also the British p*,inters „o, t 'aIEP^S AID O-BOATB I eU™here in the field. I 2—by reason of him being ai Hitler’s present attack uponj ^ood carjienter, will he receive a British s'hipping is greatly assist- .captiiigs pay? ed by the development of the S 3-if he gets a captings' pay, how long, befoar he will be per-and much more important, jraitted to wear'the stripes? (ho means the captings stripes, not i . , ^ convicts), he is 6 focrt 2 and will operating between Norway make a nice looking capting WARNING! On • iBMor tour, or utf odier trip tway from hom^—roddenly youi UQ-fbld it fOQcl Misplaced? Dropped froin your pocket? Stolen? No metief iiov, jroa m«y be stranded without funds, your vacttioa wrecked, your idamty niined. Why run such risks? Piocea your tmvel oiooey agaiast kx* or theft with American ExpteM Totvtien Gbeque*. They ue your own personal funds—safe, ecooomical and Readable aaywheiv. Just sign your name to eadi cheque when jfW buy tbent—again when you spend them. They provide you with a “checking acwmnt" wberever you go. Should they be lost or ttolea, Mocoyntersigncd, your money will be refunded in full AMERICAN EXPRESS TRAVELERS CHEQUES Au Issued m DsNOMn^Anora op |to, $20, ISO mm lioa at n Cum foa Each $100 Pui MECHANICS & FARMERS BANK DURHAM, N. C. RALEIGH, R C. a SPAULDING, President L. McDOUGALD, Executive Vice-Pres, J. H. WHEELER, Cashier C. Civilization Has Obligation To Raise scouts the ocean for approaching; Its Voice For Weak convoys. Long' range German I and France, can A NATIONAL COMMITTEE on locate convoys Food for the Five Democracies, I 4p-ron jpay tni’u .an his wife get anny of hi8 .®"‘^ positions to u-^with Herbert Hoover as its honor- . iboat which then the government? «he, quit him a year ago and found ‘he elustered ve^els. her bed and board elsewhere.! dependence — borne commerce Comolete BUILDING SERVICE ••••REMODELING ••••NEW CONSTRUCTION ••••ROOFING SERVICE ••••BUILDING SUPPLIES Esimates Gladly Furnished lay in wait for ary chairman, has been organized to “RAISE A VOICE IN BE upon sea- HALF” of the people of Finland is far greatet Norway, Holland, !^egium and than Germany’s and the counter- Central Poland, blockade can be decisive without How to make food avaiable to approaching the effeetipeness of these people fwithout it being sedz the British blockade of the con- ed by the Nazi, is being consider- tincnt. More than 4,000,000 tons ed. The Hoover organidation and of shipping have been sunk dur- the British government both know 4hat Germany has systeniatically For Painting, Papering and Decorating we ROGER5 PRODUCTS. SiMALL PROFIT, LARGE VOLUME ALL WORK GUARANTIiED Use Long-Life LOGAN- LONG ASPHALT R0OFIN( EXCLUSIVELY. t she savs the law will give her alljloo^el her conquered territories of niud(^’s sallei-y except T)$ per food and supplies. Both know month, mudd chaws more toback-|that the blockade is England’s er per month than 5$). imost deadly weapon, and that 5-if he can’t bet back pav, he' the blockade would . mought wait to be drafted, if you Or®** Bntain’s ultimate need good men at this riting, it destroy the Nazi tyranny. ! will pay the govvernment to how to relieve suffering pay back pay. ' remains a problem for civilizj j. i ed people. Commenting on sending i I 6 - -miiddlark is a crack shot food to them, the New York Times I with a rifle, he winned 2 turkeys says editorially that Mr. Hoover I at a shooting’ch enduring “can point to the safeguards with i jxmus. j which he as surrounded his pro-| I - , , It • posals—safeguards resting not on' ! 7—how much are vou all paying „ j e -n, u i. n I 1 „ ,110 German good faith, but on Ger- ,p(-r month for good soldiers row? " ' , I 1 1- ni®n pertormance. The distnbu- I as soon aS the above qnestion- ,. „ „ , ,, , * • •_ I , 11 I tion ot food would be stncilv m START THE NEW YEAR RI6HT SAVE SYSTEMATICALLY A PART OF WHAT YOU EARN THIS YEAR a WITH THE MUTUAL BUILDING AND LOAN I ASSOCIATION k A Thrift and Home Fmancifig hstitutka O ASPHALT SHUtfiUI naire is aiicered, you will hear from inr. lari:, sign it in, the pre sence ’t the hands of a neutral agency as of a notary public and use no lead peneil. return it was in Belgium whole of' the World more than two weeks' during the War. No supply of, « 1 . J ■ i? Iiiwc man t v> u •a'uitut.y v/i... 4» HI care of the undersigned, it . . , « , n i ilJ ,,, , , 1 1 , 1 • J imported lood would be pcn'nutted i mndu s liack ijav can be h?.a, kind . ., . , . . T Mutual Building & Associatios Loan THIS COMPANY OPERATES ON A VOLUME BASIS Sf©s^ie Mo^ernisatflon Supply 614 Fayetteville St. Durham, N. C. Phone J-4821 occupied country at; / any time. If any of this food should be diverted toGennan uses- or if Germany sihould resume looting of the occupied lands, the America would! , .111,1 stop, and Germany would be he ;)0.i; per month, plus board and i i branded tinally and conclusively, in the minds of the conquere^l peo mike lark, rfd, , i i pie themselvee, as the sole cause his father, of the misery that wouW ensue, i 1 , II ’ , i inside any 1 • have I'.ir. iiiorgon thaw send it by reggiat^red n»ail to the s-aine I'erson. this sperrit mudd’s will a vake t{he youth of the country to the crvinc; need of lovalty an- , . . « „ ■ , , . 1 • M Ehipments trom .-oforth, mudd hopes his, pay will , ' , ^ 10.1; J fiothes. F. L. McCOY, CHAIRMAN OP BOARD C. C. SPAULDING, President R. L. McDOUGALD. Sec'y.-Trew. J 114 West Parrish Street PHONE J-3921 ' 816 Fayetteville Street PHONE F>5921 ■ i ‘•'r ■

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