• • THE WOMAN’S PAGE • • Homemaking Institute A t Bennett College March 17-25 Home-Making Institute At Bennett To Spotliglit Modern Family Life GRKENSllORO — Family life Oirla Chourg of Dudley High xvill hold the spotlipfht in the School. f:rthcominK l.lHi annual Home" Thnrsiday, piano recital by Misn Making Institute at Bonne^tt Catherine Badon, sponsored by Collesfe, MarPh 17-23. ActivitieUjThe A«Hociation of American will center around th? theme, Colleges, New York. “Family Relationships in a time Friday, panel ditwussion, “Pre of Stress.” ^ jsent Day Problems in Family Since sppcialisits moro or le«« R^la'tionshipe.” agree that the faniily is the basic unit upon which our pre sent day social order is, founded* it is all important that family head# and adviser,;, of young peo pic shoald con-iidcr serioui«ly how best to direct individuals in cooperative whole%onie living that leads ito ideal citizenship. It is doubly im^virtant then, partiftu larly in 'times, lof stress, ithat the Nes[ro, denied .so many advantr ages, give attention to its family unit. To this end, the Institute committee hast carefully planned a week's program which shall touch cflch phase of family, life, considering the family as a grouP a> well as its individual mem bers. QOENS’ CLUB ORGANIZED AT UNION BAPTIST OHUEOH At a home of Dowd St. evening, Baptist Bennett College To Glorify Family Life At 15th Annual Home-Making Institute i meeting held at the Mr. Lee. Pointer, 312' laA Thursday ev’ening, the ushers of Union church successfully carried out a long' contemplated atep, the organization of Mens' club. • OfBcerfe and members are: R. L. Chavis, President M. C. Hart, Vice Pres. O. B. Rusg, Secretary L. P. Pinter, Treasurer R. D. Rogers, Chaplain Bruce White, McKinley Cat- e?ik Edward Watson, and Rufus Parents of the Greensb-ro Hill, commnni'ty anr] thj^ughout fluil- After the business session, a ford County have been sent a delightful repast of green peas, special invitation to attend the,fried chicken, boile ham, potato Institute, take art in its dis-jsalad, peached and cake was' cussions. and view eThibit-i} thatiserved thos in attendance, will fiid them in plannin.r for| their families. As an inspiration ^ Miss Etta Motcn, who was the to wholesome family life, a pla house gu«»t of Mrs. B. A. J. que will be awarded on Friday Whitted, at her home on Fay. night to the family which will be etteville Street, for several days, gdjwdged a^ moat closely reaching left Wednesdby night for Blue- the ideal in coojjerative effort. field. West Vii^inia, to appear The program will be follows,in Concert Recital. Mlond«v, “Beli^n in JSiiiiilyj The many friends of Julius M. Life Today ’ ’ Speaker Dr. Ben* | Buanpass, Sr. will be glad to jamin E. Mays, president, More* | learn that he is slowly improving house College, Atlanta, Ga.' at his home on Dunston Avenue. Music by Providence Baptist Mrs. Catherine Bell of Long- Church Choir. wood, N. C has returned home SOCIAL NOTES I Memh>'rn o^ the lo«al Cltamb^r lof Coiiim*‘rre met Wedneiiday at. John«>n i'. Smith '* Colkgie Tn- i ion on Beattie* Ford ro*d. Tlie I Chamber had »» guest speaker ^ one of the mmt oiit>»tandlng elei^pman of th» Preaibyterian , ehorch. Dr. William Loyd Imea of Sew York City. , Imes ,epoke briefly cw “Business.” In ■his talk he said, “Bnsineaw is based on three things, Trn>t, j Character and Religion.’' Dr. Imes made a wonderful talk. I’m ‘hire all that heard him, enjoy»d it and were greatly benefited. ; We also had as a guest J. Frank ] Hanley, manager of the FairvieW ! Homes Projehts- Memlwrs pfK ■ i»ent were, Lee .Jackson, Zack: [Axleander, Fred Moore, S. H-, Adams Roy Perry, Archie Nixon I. M. Martin, Charles Brewjngtoa Kelly Alexasder, George .Jame*^ N. d. Edward^, F. D. Myers, Ne^ Davis, Ed. White, Dr. and Mrs- i McCrorey, Drs. , Anderson «»d jlxng, Attorney Bowser, W. P, ! Malone, Mi‘R Alberta Whil»j Mesdame^ Lucielle Blal^ev and B. H Hardy. Dr. Buford Gordon, delivered a wonderful and inspirimr ser mon to an appreciative audienc# last Sunday morning at Li“’' Rock church. Hia srabject wae Good Man, And The Life O Cood Man.” Dr. Gordon is • sidered a pulpit oraitoar an- a noted for sipeaking far and i He ij, aHw Editor of the A '■ Zion Sunday School Literatar Tuo.saiay, “Making Adjust* ments Within the Family’’ ig the topic to be discussed and the music will be by the Bennett College orchestra. Wednesday, a play, “The Home of the Dolittles" written by Gwendolyn College, ’45, will _ advantage® of well planned ,in after spending a few weeka in the city the guest of her sis-^E. ter, Mrs. Rennie Gore of 1417 South Street. At left (dval) Benjamin address on Mr. and Mrs. McKinley Smith, of Benbow Road, Greensboro spent the weekend in the Cily as Morgan, Bennett the gucst« of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. set forth thejBett.s, on Unistead Street. While the city they also visited family living. Music by the other .elatives and friends. Missoinary Circle ?Tumb. of Little Roek church met “Religion in Family nd develop. At the Piano is and in Mrs. Harris’ arms is the al Conference on Saturday an“' \rrs. Elinabeth , Locke Wer Mays, Preadient, MoreSouBe Life Today.” Center, The Clyde Mae Norris 11; standing Joyce, baby, Elizabetii. At the right, close the Institute on Sunday day evening at her home oti College, Atlanta, whiQi will open Harri^ family of Greenalbodo, at 3, on the floor are John Cliftcn, Dr. Paul Popenoe, director Amer March 23, at 4 o’clock with an Ninth Street. the 15th Annual Home Making the evening story hiour. It is ifche 7, and the twins, Dorothy and ican Institute of Family Rela address on “Democrary in the Insititute at Bennett Co^lege on sanctity of such family groupi^. Gwendolyn, 5, attendants at the tions, Los Angeles, California, in the family ” ■ Monday night, March 17, with an that Bennett seeks to preserve Bennett College Nursery School, who will speak DURHAM SOCIAL NOTES ... *^}7la)du^(>tiorum^ BEflUTy-^RomflncE SPONSORED By LARIEUSE BEAUTM BUREAU Th« larUwM Beauty Bureau was MldbtblMd by Hw Cedefroy Manufacturing Cc.'.it>ooy to ttudy nwthod* of praiervins woman's natural beauty, and to make the rewll* of this research aveilable to the public. The Burton PTA will hold a meeting' in the school auditorium Sunday, March 16 at 2:30. The prCgram haa not yet been an nounced. The public at largfe is cordially invited to attend. Although it is frequently said that the eyes are “the windows of the soul,” I sometimes believe that the hands mirror a person’s charac ter almost as well. In a sense, the liands move in a wider orbit than the eyes, and their free and spon taneous actions perhaps claim other people’s attention more than we realize. We all notice hands on occasion. Sometimes our attention is forced on them. Restless hands, fidgety tiand3, or quiet hands; well-groomed, ill-groomed; the warm hand clasp, the clammy handshake—we have tJiem all. There ar6 Certain occa sions when you especially notice ether people’s hands and your own, as for example, when you are play ing cards. You have an opportu nity to study the liands of those around you and to compare them with your own hands. You study their size, length, naiib, skin texture, movements, etc. When you do make such observa tions, liow do your liands compare with those of other women? Perliaps you wish the fingers were a little longer and not quite so thin, and stubby—or that your nails were more almond-shaped. Very few peo ple have perfect hands, but any woman can make her hands attrac tive if she,will watch two things: (1) the use of her hands, and (2) the care she gives them. The first consideration has to do with the gracefulness of your hands. That doesn’t mean yon should take a course in dramatics. But here’s a tip which comes from the dra matic school; Never gesture for the sake of gesturing, or feel that it is necessary to do this in order to be exp.'esslve. A movement of the hand shc'old be as natural as a sincere smile, and as spontaneous. It should be expressive of a thought or feeling within you. The thought or feeling should come first and the gesticulation spring fi^om it, without- any effort on your part. Such move ments will then have a certain natural grace. If you have a tend ency to throw your ‘hands around like a Dutch windmill, or to effect certain mannerisms, try to curb these habits. Keep your hands In quiet repose when yon are not using them. Avoid nervous fidgeting or playing with jewelry, or parts ol your dress or coat. Of course, J need not caution you against bltinf your nails or fingers. The second important consldera tion is the grooming of your hands— the nails and skin. During thesf more or less wintry days when yov ore inside heated rooms, it is vor> easy for the hands to become rougl and chapped. Sometimes this is caused by not thoroughly dryinf them after they have been in water At the best, however, you will prob ably find that a good hand lotion is necessary to keep the skin soft anC pliable. Your nails should also b« faultlessly manicured—special oar* given to the cuticle and shaping ot the nails. Then, too add the finish ing touch, a well-chosen shade o: polish should be applied. Your hands, the same as you hair, deserve special beauty atten tion. What are'your beauty problems? Write: Marie Downing, Larieuse Beauty Bureau, 3509 Lindell Blvd., St. Louis, Mo., and she will be glad to answer them. Be sure- to enclose a self-addressed, stamped envelope. The Maxahela Class of St. Jcseph AME Church met at the The ACE League St. Joseph home of Mrs. Lillie MeDade on AME Church rendered a pro- Whitted Street, Tuesday, March gram Sunday under the leader. 11 at 8 p. m. ship of the Look Out Committee ^®r Baptist at 6:15 o’clock. The Topic for direction The Julia Warren Circle met discus&ion was: "The Grace oifi rendered last Sunday aftei^oon at the jChrist, The Son.” Shiloh Church, home of Mns. Laura Strayborni at 3 o’clock on Dunbar Street. . Mi?s Minnie Seward enter tained a number of friends at the The CIC Club had a very in home of her mother, Mrs. teresting session last Sunday Katie Sneed, 312 Plum StreeA evening at the home of Mrs, C. honoring hej. sister Katheryn on J. iGatesi on Pekoe Street. her birthday, Monday night, Fcburary 24. The guests reinain- The Durham Ushers’ Union'ed in the living room of the held its monthly meeting program home izntil Miss Seward was sent at the St. Matthew CME Church jin. All greeted her with a hearty Sunday March 9, 1941 at 3 p. |‘.Happy Birthday to you” Miss m. The program w^s carried i^ut Se^vard. The evening was then in a splendid way and was high, turned into a great' enjoyment ly enjoyed. It was as follows: at the Princi" ■I = MRS. BESSIE A. J- WHITTia) ENTEETAINS MISS ETTA MOTEN number of them were entertained at a Buffet Supper given by Mrs. Whitted at her home, honoring Miss Moten. Mi% V.''G. Thomp^n was at The ladies auxiliaaiy t» the Ctarlotte Meilieal society met with Mrs. Estelle Hogans last week at hej- home on Be&ttiert Ford road. Mrs- Mildred Brodie president, presided. Mrs. Hogans served a delightful bugett luneh- ecn. Mrs. Bessie A. J. Whitted en tertained at an informal Party Friday evening at the Alg'Cnquin 9 o’clock, honoring Miss Etta . Tennis Clubhouse, honoring Mias Moten, star of stage and rpdio. The auxiliary to the Good J" Ebene- Moten, star of screen, stage Tbcise present were Meedames i Samaritan hospital met laet week, under the nadio, who appeared earlier Clyde Donnell; George W. Cox, jFrnit and magazines were dia. church, of Mrs. Bettie music at the in th^ evening in Concert Recital W. A. Cleland, J. W. Goodloe, pribTted amon? the patients. Mrw The Manhattan Club was en tertained last Monday nite by Messers Gilmer, George Roberts and Willie Crews. The meeting wis one of a business at the Nicrth Carolina College. E. A. Carter; Bessie A. .1. Whit- P. D. Alexander, president, Sunday Mar. guests were greeted bp Mrsw ted. Misses Felicia D. Miller and L. A. Yancey Historian. Whitted,^ and then introduced Nola Mae Cox. to the hontme, MU, M«t«, Md Th. p.r™t~T^hers- fMil J ® *’*1 On Monday ec^ning. Mareh 3, of the Greenrilte section met at • Mr. and Mrs' W. D. Hill, had as ^'-ii^iew -whocl last week. A Refreshments were served dur- dinner guests Mis.s Etta M>ten Negro History program was ing tlie evening ; and a delight- and her accompanist, Clyde Wink- rendered. a business nature enjoyed by the field, Mrs. Bessie A. J. Whitted and plans were discussed for the present, after which a and R. L. McDougald. “Intra Club Get Acquainted •♦■»'*»e e.e e»e e»eee»»e»eeee» eeeee Dance” which is dated for, March 20. The Manhattan Club extends a cordial invitation all other clubs and members in the citn to attend. A special pro- Devotiona, Rev. Tolbert, Saint Paul B^ponse, ’Mrsl M'itinile Ford> Union Baptist for the guest with games leing K^am has been ^planned for the occasion that promises eveary Solo, Miss Edna Cain, Vernon Reading, Miss Varia Davis Sold, Mrs. Edna Jackson Recital Miss Narcisrtis Lun f:rd, CME Music, Ushers’ Song, Congrega tion Address, Joseph Goodloe played. The gues>ts were invited‘in fo the idining room f^r the repast The table wag very beautifully visitiOr an evening and pleasure. Herbert R. Tillery, former' Mount decorated in a color scheme ofjBmsineas Manager^ of the CARO- white with pink and green. ThejUNA TIMES left Monday even- imusually large birthday cake j ing for the Eastern ipart of the waa used «« a centerpiece ftfr gtate. repast also carried out the colors listed. The evening was really an enjoyable one. e»4iee« ill ^lections^ Quartette. '^eloome Address, Ernesrt Col-* Mrs. Beatrice Finch is •her home on Amber St. ,The Pastor’s Aid Club OS' St. Mrs. Katie Sneed of 312 Plum Joseph AME Church met at the St. is able to up in her loom home of Mrs. Annie Hedgespeth after a recent illness, on Mincy Street. eeeeee ****** Willie Whitefield entertained Miss Ella Clark eiianis'ored a a. few itjf his friends on bis birth Tukery Dinner at the home of day last Monday night a-t his Mrs. Evelyn Rogers Thursday home on Plum Street. The cven- aftemoon at 4 o’clock. The ing was enjoyed by those pre dinner was carried out splendid- 'sent, ly and very much enjoy^ I •••e,e* Mrs. Alice Mitchell of Lumber, ton spent the week with her mo ther. Mrs, Proprietress Inn. Diana Hayewod, of the Hollvwood Maude Austin of 509 Dunbar Street left Saturday to resume Her work in the Rioanoke Rapid,T School system, after un- der dergoinjr an operation at Duke Hospital. ••***• Friends of Rev. Williams of of Sowell Street will regret to,-- leam of his illnea^ at Lincoln Hospial. TOMORROW’S SKY-TRAIL BLAZER m In AtMfM. finiMnw... tlMM Mm"ki liHrplitL WlMttirkt is k ki a fl)fw ■r Ht, IM «■ iMlp }W btf iM miri, ilHrfy My ktlisKd iiMw ]«tf«. Wa nuriY ii l«ky M tl Urn Smtt Ym'I fM Miciittt, Hihniiy Mni Imi^ ktai atMy« Ml Uyov KTMi't Mrs. J. Walker Stewart of Washington, D. C. was a recent ' visit Of in the city. The Junior Red Cross has been iCTganied at Pairriew school under the dieretion of Mrs. A. E. Heritage- Trez Anderson is b«ek in citv after an extedent toQr fljf the Southern. Western, a a d Northern Cities. Mr. AttderKNn reports a wcnderful trin. Miii^ Minna Reid wae« Ikostcas to members of the Aoror» Cfak last Fridav ni^ht eveniwf kme home on E. 8th street. The bon* was beaotifalhr deeMrated vitk earlv sDrinsr 0»m^ rvere enioved dnnn^ the CTe»ir|f. Mi-sses Beaulah lioore and Pp^rrv won elttb parixM, 16* Willie Perry won eonMlatiiM rrize and M>> Prane«« SaaqsHi wftq rresented a twIw ''fenihen, nrwwnt M« Smith Aiiaia Wa Willie Gabriel Pmtt. Lino. (Miva I/e)uid BkiiAo. Bvaalaiif Mimile Flufiiir. Mina Ba|| Heoeretta KMa.

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