TAliK TWO THE CAROLINA TIMB^ SATURDAY, MAY 24th, IMl PUBUSHED WBEKLT BY THE OAROU^ TIMES PUBUSHING Ca IIT E. PEABODY St. DURHAM. N. C. PHONES N-7121 *r J-7871 S^iered as Mcond class matei at the Post Ofice at Durham, N. 0. under the Act of March Srd, 1879. Lb E. AUSTIN, PUBLISHER tWnJJAM A. TUCK. Managiiag Editor S. & WlLLLUttON, News Editor CHAHLOTTE OFFICE 410 1-2 EAST SECOND STREET SUBSCRIPTION RATES: $2.00—Year, $1.2S—6 Months, The Platform of . THE CARO LINA TIMES indudes: Equal salaries for N^ro Teachers. Nerro policeaen. Ne^ro jurymen. Equal educational opportunities. Hiirher wafe;^ fmr domestic servants. Full participation of Negroes in alh branches of the National defense. f Abolishment of the double-standard wagre scale in industry. Greater participation of Neiproes in political affairs. Better bonsins for Negroes. Negro representation in city, county, state and na tional governments. What Others Say... EDITORIAL appearing in NEWS AKD OBBEBVER. Raleifh Nortii OaroUna, l^day Mornini; May 16. 1941. There must be very few Demo crat* in North Carolina who aro not interested in the present in creasingly lively fight between formr Governor Clyde R. Hoey and Riehard J. Reynolds for the ]>08ition of Democratic comiuittee- nian from North Carlina. And every Democrat has a right to suppport either one of these gentle mnn, including The Charlotte Ob server, which is all-out for Hoey. The New and Observer, which re gards both gentlemen as qualified iJUVENILE DELINQUENCY AND CRIME For a long number of years Winston-Salem was known as & city with one of the highest crime rates of any in the na tion for its size. This unenviable jposition has recently been taken over by Durham and Charlotte with killings among Ne- int>^ in both of the latter cities becoming almost appalling. ; •.'II-V/ * A receftt investigCtion into the reduction of crime in Win' ston-Salem, over a given period, discloses that what is be lieved to have piajwd an important part in the lessening of crime in that city, was the establishment of a juvenile deten tion home for Negro boys. Instead of placing Negro boys in prisons with older ai^d often hardened criminals, Winston- Salem placed these youths in an institution where they not only received literary teaching, but industrial training as well. Due to facilities of a similar nature offered by the Morri' son Training School at Hoffman, the state institution for Negro boys, the detention home in Winston-Salem was finally closed and its delinquent youths sent to Hoffman wiiere the city's quota was soon reached, the institution becoming over run with^inmates from all over the state. Since that time the city has been trying to solve its problem of delinquent youths by placing them in private homes, which has not always prov- •d effective. In order that Winston-Salem may continue to maintain its decrease in crime, which is in keeping with the program re cently launched by The Carolina Times to halt the rapid rise of crime in Durham and Charlotte, we would like to suggest that Winston-Salem reopen its detention home, lest it again forge to the front rank among crime - breeding cities of the etate and nation. We would like to suggest also that other cities in North Carolina follow, in the same path, and that in keeping with modem methods, the homes be known as Juvenile Halls, Boys’ Clubk or some other name which will not stigmatize them ■s a detention home. 4 In Los Angeles, California, there is such a home that feares for about 5,000 boys and girls annually. The place, ’we are told, is a beautiful group of buildings, with extensive lawns, flowers and playgrounds. "Nothing about it suggests a juvenile jail,” There are home-like, friendly living rooms with fire places, games, books and other things of interest to youths. "All children are admitted through the hospital with a pe riod of careful diagnosis, follovwed if necessary by treatment. For those who need it a thorough psychiatric study is made, aided by the probation officer’s investigation of the home and faunily. Thus the girls’ referee, when she comes to decide wfaat shall be done about Maria Mendoza, for instance, who St fifteen has been having temper tantrums, running out at aigbt against her mother's authority, and failing completely at school—the referee will know whether Maria is a tM>rmal child, mishandled at home and misunderstood at school, or whether she is suffering from mental and emotional disturb- aoees which call for expert care." Past experience hat shown that with the proper manage- nont such ^mes can be made almost self-sustaining by direct- imr the efforts of the ihmates in productive channels such as iSuming. gardening, bricklaying, shoe-making, carpentry and Htber useful vocations. We think that Charlotte, Winston-Salem. Durham, and other Urge cities of North Carolina possess enough broad- ■nfiiAJ and thouirbtful citizens of both t«ces itt seek out any —thodi bgr which youths of all races may be given an oppor> iKttHy to become useful citizens of our great state. 1^-10- % We are firm faelievfrs in t^ idea, that a majority of crimes ean be prevented if the i»«pc^ start i« given the child, instead pf trying to rtOfi him after he is set in his way. Consequently, we urge for Negro youths the establishment of the type of mentioned above instead of sending them to our pri- well as an individual respoiiiibi- lity. “The Highway Safety Division ii not in a position to carry on Muttained safety activity in any oue city or county. We can only inatigate »uch activity. Local iudividuals, agencies and organiza lions must carry it on. We can a«t a.s a spark plug, but the fuel to keep the engine running must couie from local soui'ces. “We try to supply tested ideas materials and iudpiration for activity, but the actual work, or the major part of it, must come from local people. That, I think, is as it should be. The people of every section thould bo vitally uoncerned Qver th^ir own accident problemi and should be williug to expend some eliort to help stem the unnecessary slaughter of their fellow human beings.” “They can feel free to call on us for 'afl poHiible assistance in The Right Of The for the post, is nofr planning to get n any row with The Observer ‘‘«>»''ing these problems," be Jfdded. about its preference. Governor Hoey is undoubtedly an experi enced politician who could give seasoned counFcl on the connnitee Mr. Reynolds, a« treasurer of the Kntional Committee now and as consistent supporter of the Presi dent, may match that expeinence with superior fualifications to co operate on the committee for the benefit of North Carolina Derao- sracy. Those facts lead this paper to ditsent from the statement of The Observer that Mr. Reynolds’ candidacy is "almost offensively unfortunate." Any Democrat in North Caro- Ina has a right to seek selection for this pof't without doing any thing “offensive’' to anybody and the suggestion that it is offensive for Mr. Reynolds, to run against a candidate who is a fo/mer Governor supported by the pre sent Governor, is absurd. Dick Reynolds has as much right to run tp Clyde Hoey and Clyde Hoey has no more right to run than Dick Reynolds. When the time SPRING HOUSE CLEANING By Bath Taylor From the beginning of time the favorite alibi of a man, a na tion or a race, for going astray has been the defection of the leader. He was the one to blame. His was the sin. The other simply followed. But that is one alibi that won’t hold water in a democratic soci ety. For where the people deter mine upon their leader—he is their servant—their representa tive. Wherever a corrupt or dishon orable leader is in authority he stays there with the consent or through the toleration of those who placed him in such a position —or which is most usual, through their indifference. , „ i „ i David Harum said, “You can’t comes in the Democratic party not. „ . . . . comes 111 wic jjjj honest horse race until any Democrat who wants to run , . . , uiijr xyci u ha\e an noneet human ra^e’^ cannot run for such a party post, the party may still be named De mocratic but it will certainly not be democratic. — The News and Observer. "[ Highway Safety J Raleigh — Individuals and*" or ganizations that are anxious to do more about traffic safety than merely talk about it should ftet in touch with the North Carolina Highway Safety Divition, Ronald Hocutt, director of that agency, asserted this week. “Street and highway safety,” he said, “is largely a localized problem, since traffic conditions, highway hazards and other fac tors in this complex problem vary in different sections. We can not by ourselves solve any comman- ity’s traffic accident problem, but we can and will help local au thorities, interested organizations and civic minded indivduals to work out an effective safety pro gram. Safety is a community as And you can’t have honest and honorable leaders unless the hon- est^and. honoraple people will get out and put them into power and held them in every way to ««rry out their appointed tasks. The crying need of the world today is leadership — in interna tional relations, in national af fairs, in local offices and in all branches of our daily life. Good leaders are hard to fmd because the task of conscientious, hones]^ objective leadership is a difficult, thankless one. As a people we are to apt to put up with mediocrity rather than to get out and bestir our ourselves to find men who can properly represent us. We are too easily taken in by a glib tongue and easy, confident manner. What we must do is to remem ber that our leaders represent us —they are the embodiment of the principle.s in which we believe. We must be as sure of their inte grity in all things as we are of our OAvn. They must measure up to our highest standards. Onee we have found such men we must THE POCKETBOOK o/KNOWtEDCE ca m A •■aeeeeeeeeeae ••■•■aeeeeeaea leeeeeeeeeeeeeeMvweett leaeeaeeeeaaeaeetaaeea* THE STRENGTH OF AMERICAN DEMORACY BY BEECHER COWARD leeeeaeeeeeeeefeeeei '•••Meaeeeei— »3iXK: ONt LMSBBOMBBk ae/m MAWMcrum) f^us- oeFet/st CARRIES OP 70 U, OOO SAUOf/S OfSASOUHn— AtOUT eNOOGH FOR MTO -rKlPSMOU/^P WS. mstB/ »um$ eROMriMlHPlA ■rue \04fttpmtp, fiKeufep 10 MAneeAStrers AfSfMATS lUDUStftV i6%, 60 WtfltW A )^RR)R 160,000 PRODUCES ABOUT 0.000 MUMS OF UtfS —- fttfW CUPS -1b P/AHO ^Mfe/ iearC MoumwML AitarsncH HAS l>EmoPct> 6 srwrwer/e KUltCh COMKUta WHICH iwtw t»6ETH£ft, TNf UF0OF ANP 9ms fsa mmv «fcn ‘W^AW snfutMie9im0fMo«m catrm so meycotw/tfFecTiyeiUBefOf sons — aoMBf/m fmm> to AWMwrwcr tmujcs m/iesismce. /m ■nmtaieptusn tb tUgm DescentMoeeoKiLV. 1. What the United Statsis repre sents: " I have this country associated with the word Americanism ra ther than with the word Demo cracy. It seems that a country which has a minority group name ly, the Negroes, with individuals who neer become reecj^ized as worthwhile persons unless they prove to be geniuses could hardly be considered a dettocratic coun try. I think it is more accurate to say tha{ this country Is one which practices Americanism. How ever, this term would seem to be more satisfying than other ^isms’ We constantly hear about. It’s no use to discuss the word Democracy for everybody knows what a country is supposed to practice to be considered a coun try of true Oemocracy. A coun try which tries to strengthen it self adequately for an effective defense and at the same time has a limit to what Negroes may par ticipate in to help build up the defense behaves contrary to de mocratic principles. A democra tic country would not retard its own growth just to have an oppor tunity to prevent a distinct elan or group of people from living, normal, haj^ lives. So one may rightfully say that the United States represents Americanism. II How Americanism affects Ne gro teachers and indents: How can Negro teacherrs in many places adequately train the children to Become law abiding citizens when they don’s enjoy the rights of citizenship themselves f As everyone knows the major theme of the educational pro grams in all onr schools is “Train ing the Child for Citizenship.” But the Negroes in many coun tries in North Carolina don’t vote and the' teachers are afraid to de mand that right. Consequently, the child has no faith in this civic living and voting that the teacher is talking about because he knows that the teacher a ndothe leaders of his race in thisi particular lo cality do not vote. Certain influential persons are questioning the jWtification of back them wholeheartedly, in ac tion as well as in speech—for we are responsible for them. If they turn out well, We can take the credit. If they turn out badly—there is no alibi, for we chose them. As long as we toler ate them we remain responsible. Let us look to our leaders. Negro teachers! salaries being raised to' equal that of white teaoherp. Negi’o teachers have never contendeH for equality in salary as much as thy have con tended for equality in equipjnent and buildings. They also question the quality of ouf work as Negro teachers. They‘d are wondering if our attendance and instruction will equal that of white teachers'. Give use. equipment and buildings and we mil prove that Ave teach cqally as well as white teachers. We will then be in a better posi tion to be demand equal p&y. One writer says: “Tbs school building and its equipment are powerful edu cational controls in the teach ing and learning process. They vitally effect the curricnlam, the teachniqne of teaching and the> development of child ren.” So if North Sarolina wants to measure the Negro teachers’ pay in terms of the quality of work accomplished, she should elimin ate the diff'erentail between equip mat for white and equipment for colored. If North Carolina does this, the salary for both races will automatically become equal. Ill How to prove the strength of Democracy. _ _ •! , It has been indicated very clear ly that fifth-columnists and other anti-American representatives are at work in this contry. Think of the larger number of trained Ne groes who are idle in this country because they don’t have an equal chance to do the things they are capable of doing. They don’t have the chance to utilize their abili ties in the strengthening of our na tional defense as has already been pointed out. , j.. | Thisi group may easily become instruments of fifth columnists hnd other similar groups in AmericA. According to history, underpriviledged groups havt al ways lined up with what ever foreesi there were available to de stroy that government or institu tion which supprei|ed them. There are also plenty white people who doubt the sincerity of Democracy in America. We read of their op position in the papers and other pR^esi. We also hear their speech es over radios. This is a thing which America must fear. The Negro leaders must not wait to remind our country of this fact. Now, before the European con flict has ended, is the time to press this realization before the nation. Some of our Negro leaders are saying that if we don’t get equa lity before this crisis is tended, it will be imposeible to gpt it after wards. I hold that if America fails to grant equality to her minority people before this crisis is over, she shall lose her only chance to prove the strength of Democracy. History shows that the chances of a country to sur vive in such av catastrophe as this are very slim when such a coun try boldly allows conditions to exist which breed criminals, trai tors, and the like. We have seen demonstrations of this things in fhe rise and fall of the various nations throughout the world. The war in Jtt'rica proves that there are no peoples on earth truer to the cause of Democracy than the Negro. Insipite of the fact that all the Democratic world looked on the fall of Ethiopia without offering a helping hand, the Ethiopians are still battling against tremendous odds to help England save democracy for the world. But man’s human nature is of such that he will eventually reject and fight againfit the thing which continually hold him down. So the strength of Democracy in America, after all, depends upon the kind of example America will demonstrate with all of its subjects to the rest of the world. We must practice the thing we claim We are defending if W3 ai'e to survive. I A V 1 B B E FOK TODAY.. If inifolty be hi thlse hand, put it far away, and let not wickedneaa dwell la thy takemaelee For tiien shalt thou lift up thy face vithont spot; yea, thou shalt be stedfaat, and shalt not fear.—JOB 11:14, 15. Is LIFE WORTH Living-? Not many years ago Clarence Darrow said, “If I were a young wan graduating from eollegti this year I would bhuek it all—eommit suicide. Life isn’t worth living today.” Since that tragic Kut- ence was uttered, the world has dropped several notches lower in its scale of living and in its in terpretation of life. Probabaly half the bousholds of Europe would say that today’s brand of life is not worth living. Soldiers, in their lonely night vi gils, human eagles with their eyes scanning the earth for prey, and sorrowful wive* who from their cottages lok with terror at sky, sea, and land all must feel the fu tility, even the stark tragedy, of living. H With mockery that such defeat should come out of man’s jnater- ial victories—a orld of mechani cal perfection and moral disillu- tionment; a gadget world where every step is made more comfor table, and every night more horri ble;, a world to which the one re jected Christ of God still says. “A man's life consisteth not in* the abundance of the thingst which he possesseth” If there ever was a day when men needed a gospel this is the day. The word gospel means good news, and out of aniety and ui^ rest and disillusionment, the world longs for good news Well, thank God, there is a gospel to be proclaimed, and jt begins with an affirmative answer to our ques tion, LIFE WORTH iAyiN^I.. Christ lives to give you His life. It is true He was ^atn on Calvary, but death could not hold its victim. Death is the penalty for sin, and He had never sinned The death He suffered was due IS, and takng our sins upon Him, He died in our place. There isn’t a broken heart but can find heuling in Chri»t. There isn’t a wrccked life but may find repair and renewal—a new life— by acceptance of Christ. He will meet the need of your past sin, blotting it out. He willt,meet your present needs. As you trust in Him any yield to Him He will carry your through the experi ences ahead, until one day you will stand in His very presence. Yes, with Christ, life here is worth living, and the end with Him is life abundant and eter nal. “The President Has Reached the Moment When He Must.. ” ■ !f ' On the third of May, Joseph Alsop’s and Robert ^intner’s widely syndicated Washington column said thisi; “The President has reached the moment when he must make the most serious decision of hia, long career. Withr in the last fortnight the leading figures of the Administration and the most influential military and naval experts have all but unani mously eeaaed to hApe Britain can win . this war without active American intervention. . The President must therefore decide "between war and p^ce for his country.” It is xtremely signii:\cant that a good many other W^hington writers, along with men in high governmental circles, are making similar statements. The recent aggressive f})eech of Secretary Knox, in which he said, in effect* that America will fight if and when national interests make war advisable, indicates the way the official wind is, blowing. And the President went farther than he has usually gone, in his speech dedicating Woodrow Wilson’s birthplace, made on May 4. He Jiaid, connecting up the present crisis with that which confronted \\ ilson in 1917, that this county would fight again whenever its basic freedoms were in danger from any quarter. This does not mean that there is much likelihood of the Presi dent asking Congress to declare war upon the Axis. In official circles, it ia believed that there i.? no need for that—some think that we might become active participants in the war without without even completely severing relations between ourselves and Germany. What England wants now i« our unlimited naval sup port and the British government is making it clear to American repreisentativcs in London that support, Hitler will continue to hold a disastrous advantage. •*** **«• * THE great men of the past • * did not slide by any fortune * * into their high place. They * * hays been selected by the sev- * * erest of all jedgee, Time.— *

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