Students Fight Bias in Law - - FLASH - - 'Besinning^ Monday, Uuly the 28 the “Wings Owr Jor dan” program heard each Sunday morning over station WDNC, will broadcast a pro gram daily with exception of ^turday over the same sta tion frcMn 4:45 to 5:00 P. M. t: ••••■••a Volume 22 — Number Durham, North CaroHtia, Saturday July 19,1941 I,■ ,11 - PER C30PY- PRK^ 9 BUS STATION APPEAL QUESTiO HOPE DIM FOR JOE, MARVA TO KISS, MAKE- Louis Denies All Charges; Claims Gifts Lavished Chicago — Adolf Hitler and Joatph Stalin will probably kiss and make up before Joe and Mnrvn Louis take such action, it appears today. The heavyweight championpion filed an answer Wednesday to l»er divorce suit, which he denied virtually all of his wife’s allega- tiotiis and intrwluced some of hia own own, among them the con tention that she had not been a “true and virtuous wife.” At the same time he told how he had lavished thousands of dollars up on her,' and enrl«^d Ijy asking that her plea be lenied. The Rrown Bomber, who had been reported coming to town for a conference almost daily sinee Mrs. Louis started action, finally did arrive last Thursday and spent a few hours here prior to leaving for Minneapolis and a boxing exhibition Friday night- Joe spent most of the day jday- ing golf, hut he is understood to have called Marva- on the tele phone. However, what they said to eacK other is thus far a ssecret. It was also lenrned from Atty William Temple, the champion’s counsel, that any talk of a .t2.')0, 000 out of court settlement for Mrs. Louis was a pipe dream. Thus far> he said, nothing along that line had been suggested. Sources close to the titlehold- er are inclined to laugh at Marva’s contention that Joe is worth .15400,000 in real estate and other $400,000 in annuities, stocks and bonds and checking accounts. Although he has gross ed around $2,000,000 in his seven years of professional fighting, Alumni President - '1 he has had to j)ay his luanagern, Julian Black and John Koxbor- ough, bus trainer, Jack Blackburn as well as other training cnmp exj>enses. This in itself knocked a big hole in his earnings. In adiniion. Uncle Sam has taken hts cut through income taxes and this alone amounted- to several' hundred thousand dollars. It is estimated that a heavy weight champion ordinarily spends .$1,K)0 weekly for living expenses" becaiwe >€ his promin ence in the world of sjrorts and his nfFiliation with the niany tfbo live iu the sjiorting world of ^‘,easy come, easy go.” An^vthing less brands a titleholder as a piker and many react unt'avor- ablj' at fhe boxoflice iu future fights. The champion has also spent considerable sums caring for his mother and family, both in De troit and Alabama. His interest in pedigreed horses, of which he owns several, also is expensive, and' extensive. He is umlerstood to have taken a loss on his soft ball team of a tew years ago. According to his answer Wed nesday, he has spent more than $125,000 on Marva in the nearly 6 years of their marriage. H-* has given her everything financially to make her happy, including an automobile or two eacti year, a » allowance of * $.100 weekly pin other gifts ranging from“Tl»5tXt-'tt $5,000. But Mrs. Louis has been such an expensive item, the peti tion .says, that he has been coiu- l)elled to pay her other bills and obligations amountin'" to another $4i000 to .$6,000 anmally. Leslie A. Furlonge was re cently elected president of the Shaw University Alumui Asso ciation of tKe nation. Kyles Funeral Attended By Thousands Who Pay Last Respects To Deceased Chained Slaying Lover f urn ■ I— Durham —* Miss Lucille Harris 20 year old young Mangum Town 4hip woman who is charged with^ the killing of James Allen, the' young man whmi she was to have married in the fall, was bound over to Superior ('ourt after pleading not guilty in Re corder’s (’ourt. Judge Borland ordered her held without bond to wait the a>tion of the grand jury Monday Jnly 14. Allen was stabbed to death at the home of his father Saturday, June 28, where he and Misa Harris livwl. The defendant stated to SheritT E. (J. Belvhi that she stabl>ed Allen to make him leave her alone, but contend ed that she did not mean to hurt him seriously. Allen was panning to take a bath and tried to take some wa ter that , she was heating to f*crub the kitchert, and when she at tempted to Itop him, a fight be gan, resulting in his death. They were to have been marri ed in Sei>tember. Gets Appointment Hold Legal Traming Should Be Easy to All Special Assistant The National Council of Law Students, the/irst national or ganization of law students dedicated to the problems of law students, was formed dur ing the school year at Howard University. So great was the need for such a progressive or ganization that affiliation by local campus groups through out the country has been tre mendous. The National Council of Law Students, as a part of its na tional program of “Opposition to discrimination because of na tionality, creed, sex, color or marital status in our universi ties our profession and society at large," has created ft com mittee’ on Ekiual Opportunities in Legal Training. This com mittee is now making a survey on discrimination against Ne groes in admittance to law schools. Advisors and consult ants on this project are: Thur- good Marshall, fecial Counsel, N. A. A. C. P. , Malcolm P. Sharpe, of the University of Chicago Law School, John P. P. Davis, of the National Ne gro Congress, and Osmond K. (Continued on page eight) Missouri Court Upholds Blueford Jim Crow Case Winston Salem — Funeral scr viee for Bishop Lynwood West- inghoutMi Kyle* were held from Goler Memorial Church here this week. The' 67 year old senior bishop of the AME Kion Chureh died at his home Fourteenth Street Tuesday night, July 8, af ter a critical illness of only a few hours. He had been in lvcllning health for a year, however. Bishop Kyles, who was out standing throughout the nation a« an educational and religious loader, was born May 3, 3874, in Albermarle County, Va. He was graduated from the liberal arts depflrtment of Lincoln University in Pa. in 1901 and from the Theology Department in 1904. It was in 1890 that he entered the ministry in the AMK Zion church and he was. editor and general manager,of the AME Zion ohnrch Keview from 1908 until 1916 whrn he was eleeted Bishop. The aited Bishop was^pres'ide.nt of the board of trustees* of Wal ters Ingtitute in- Warren, Ark., a trustee of Livingstone College in Saliwhury, a nati(jnal tniHtee of the World’s ('hristian Kndeavor Society, Chainman of the central conmiitlee and ^ general director of the Tercentary campaign for one niiilion dollars. He was dele gate to the fourth Ecumenical Conference in London in He was a member of several fra ternal cJganizations. Kylew Temple Church in Durham was named in his honor. Civil Service Examination Washington — The United States Civil Service oominission announpes ypen competitive e.x- "minatiops for the following jiositions: junior public health .nurse, and assistant manager, the latter for apfxiintment in Wash- i^igton, only. Furthtn* ioforbation may be obtained frooa local post ■office. Head of the department c^f reentgenology at Provident hos- Chicago, who has been diplomate of the Amer ican Board of Radiology, high est earned honor obtainable in that specialty. Dr. Anthony's Jefferson City, Mo. — The Missouri supreme court Tuesday upheld the decision of a lower courtj which denied Lucile Blu- ford, managing editor of the Kansas City Call, the right to en ter the University of Missouri school of journalism. The court’s decision was based on the conten tion that Miss Bluford was not en titled to enter the white univer sity “because of the l»ck of jvre- vious demand on Lincoln univer sity. ’ ’ However, the court held that the University of Missouri must accept Miss Bluford “if upon proper demand and after u rea sonable time the desired eoprne is not available at Lincoln univer sity.” The decision pointed out that the state is making an at tempt to establish a school of journalism at the Ni*gro univer sity. f' In a unanimous ofinnion the court said it was the “duty of tiiis court to maintain Missouri’s policy of segiTgation so long as it does not come in conflict with the federal constitution.” According to Atty. Sidney Red ond, NAACP lawyer who with Atty. Charles Houston is repre senting Miss Bluford, a motion for rehearing has been filed. They contend that the state is not providing etjual opportunities for Negi'oes if they must wait for tacilities desired. Tuesday- the senate pasmd an appropriation bill that inHuded $(>5,000 for a Li9«olii —uai^tirkity A. T. Spaulding Is Head Of National Insurance Group Savannah, Oa. (By J. Collier for AXP) — A.'T. .Spaulding of the North Carolina Mutual Life lusiiranee compHny, Dui'himi, was elected pivisident of th,. Xational Ncfifo liisiivaiu-e • association for the term ot tlie !ii tlie final session of the ussoi-iation Fiiday. lie succeeded J. K. Smith presidtnt of the Denrestic Life and Aftcident Insurnnee Company LoiiisviUe, wl(t> wa« elsMcd 'liair man of the executive committee. The complete slate of Oltrcers tor 1941-42 is: A. T, Si)aulding, North ( aro- lina, president; B. T. Bradshaw, Virginia Mutual, Richmond, first vice president; Charles (Ireene, Atlanta Life, second vice presi dent; J. C. Atwater, Great Lak es Mutual, third vice i>resident; T. W. Josey, Pilgrim Health and Life, medical director, C. L. Tow nes, Virginia Mutual, secretary, . Mr. Christophe, New Orleans, assistant secretary, H. L. Street Mammoth Life and Accident, Louisville, treasurer, M. S. Stuart, Universal Life, Memphis historian, Miss Mamie Hickerson Supreme Libei'ty Life, Chicago, statistician, A. M'aceo Walker, University Life, actuary; J. Ko- biiLson, American Woodman, chaplain, and J. Leonard Tjewis, Afro-American Life, Jackson ville, general counsel. The grou]> went on record as supporting the $100,000 lobby pbin of the National Nt«ro coun cil which has as its liiember Konie of the most prominent “inen in the country. . Tl\is “March of Dimes” program will be ed with a. National Atty. George A- BUkey, brilli ant young Chicago lawyer, who has , been appointed assistant attorney of Illinois by Atty. Gen. George F. Barrett who torfc afflice in ^amuiry. Mr. Blakqrv long in Repnblicaii politia.* has also attracted wide attention for his numeroas civil righta Victorina on behalf of the Chi cago Branch NAAOP. Utilities Boss Say Time Extension In Jim Crow Ca ci[;ality. Self -aid that the Ser' t arnlina Sujreme Court no* this decision just before World War when th# Mer«-ttai! .\',-.H*iution of .\fi>np»ntMn a PtaltNl a decision on the li>«at. 1)1 u railmad station: A the maflf^r run.- -*timd:«. i nmniissiou must rnh* on the If the rnling i- unfav» - Dnrham c«rtnniittee v: Durhani — lleatfd (liscussmn is now in progress to deteriuine whether or not it will t»e lej;al for fhe Durham Committee on Negro Atl’airs to ai.i>eal tii.‘ re cent decision of the Utilities Commission dcining a Main | .Stii'ct entrane^e to the new bus j station. The committee deeidfd toj mak(‘ the a) jM'al rn theii- Tu; s.lay I’’'‘I’**'’"”- meeting. |at)Ie, th» • _ have to to the *Va :e Till' committee was granttd aii onnty Superior (’ourt. hearing l)efore the (’ommi.-sion, Ituie 16, hnt the unfavorabb* ile- •ision was-banded down. How ev»»r, 10 >Anys crfvMi to Jdc •jkceptions. The tiin** expired, and R. (). Sell, chief clerk of the i’omnii.'sion, granted an e.xten- ^iou of JO more days and this time the ((nnmittee fil**l their complaint. The ( arolina Coach Company, which, according to George lohn- on i f Raleigh, trallic manager >t _ the Coach Company, will figh th - j proposed change in the plans; :ias protested through their at torney. Council for John Buehan- nn of Dnrham owner of the site, also ^odged a jwotest. but both were overruled. Chief rierk Selt indicatitl that the grant of an extension of tiiiM* might be illegal.^ He sail that some vears ago in !. case involv- New Hope Meetis Convenes At SIril New Magazine On “Africa” Is Started In New York The African Publishing Cor poration, a new organization in- cori)orated under the laws of the State of New York has tak en over and resume publication of THE AFRICAN, a magazine which had been on the market for over a year, and suspended; ing the rnion Station at Kinston, publication. The Corporation held its first meeting of the Board of Direc tors at 8 West 17th Street, its general office, on Sunday, July 13th. A reception was given in honor of the occasion by the officers and Board of Directors for the general staff and friends of the organziation including Attorneys, Thomas B. Dyett, climax-1 Emile Thomas, Horace I. Gor- Re'on.secra ,don, Mr. Edwin Isaacs, Mr. tion day on July G. Edgar Brown spoke during the convention to the body concerning a lobliy to work in the direction of securing legislation from congi'ess guaran teeriig no discrimination in the million {>(]|sitipn8 of the federal service, no dehial of Negrges of almittance to labor unions and the opening of skilled and un skilled Jobs to Negroes in nation al defense industry and federal training programs. A five year plan ,t‘ working (Continued on page eight) Winston Hibbert, Editor and others. (Continued oh page 'eight) the court rult'd that the iK-dav periotl given for the filing of ex ceptions to rulings was a matter of legal statute a?n1 could not be changed by the coniiiUHsitin any more than the eommis.sion i ouM change the statute in any other matter. Self also said that, under the law, he understood that a ‘*?roa^> oi ranl’om [lartie'’.” could not appeal from a Utilities Com- missR>ii ruling. The appeal ^.ould have to eome from one of til ■ in terested parties or fr»>m the luuni-1 Mitrrisville — The sixty f*HiTt annual >*‘ssioii the N»w U- Auxiliary Sunday S^hoai BTI' I'invent ion h«s be«n in sim wtth the Shiloh Bai-' Church near Morri«»ville Wednes.lav. bulv Ift. The session is Friday afternoon. The outstanding feature of t‘ o|>eniug ilay of the , (m'« en.i was the election of oflieers the- coming year. The same cers were retainetl with the tse [ tion of the au«litor and two n»e hers of the executive biM James. A. Ail*‘n pre«ident. J. R. Stnford, first yiee ent, Miss Hogan. sei'oiui president; Rev. .1. H. Jones, cretary. Mrs. -I. H. Uan»l tr«a!«irer; ilif-s IVarl Mel corresix^nding seereiary, 5; Jacobs replaced Rev. James wart as auditor. Members of the executive are: .1- A. Allen. Rev. T. Grady, Rev. .Tames Stewart,- -M K Hill. Rev. .1. K. Sta* Rev. W- M. Fuller. Re^. J. Thomas and Mrs. J.. H. Outstanding on tke (Continued on page e' rating shows he is an expert in the use of the X-ray and in school of journalism. The Wll has radium therapy. yet to be approved by the house. Bar Association Publishes First Law Journal St. Louis — Announcement of the publication of the first issue of the National Bar Jourpal was made this week by S. R. Redmond president of the National Bar association, the organization of American lawyers publishing the magazine. This is the first law journal published by the Negro, bar. It is to be quarterly edited by Freeman L. Martin. President Biltmore Hotel Is Give* “A” Ratiig By The Health 1^' It was announced this week by officials of N. C. that Gayle Peters,' noted baritone, will render a recital on Joly 26, _in B. N. Duke auditorium. Ad mission is free to the general 1 public. The Durham County Health department announced last week that the Biltmore Hotel, Durham Negro establishment had been given an “A’ rating. The Biltmore is believed by many to be the only Negro ho tel in the South to obtain such a high grade, and the mfanace- ment was receiving throughout the week congratulations trom friends and patrons alike. According to Junes manacer of the DoriMon ry, the Biltmore was der a most rigid throuj^outr campaign of the XXoluuii department to clean ing houses, e«tiii(‘' meats, mafkets, other places tbat eral puUie of the have been the many piKes ha«« to go OQt of ~ vat« throoghout. The Butaiorft helii, m • thn» itwry: oUmv

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