, ‘ V Two Negroes Appointed On F.D.R. Committ “WingsOver Jordan’*To Give $10,000 In Scholarshi 'iirjrir i«:nuninRi:i MAILING EDITION a Ctin^ 5c - PER COPY- Volume 22 — Number Durham, N. C, Saturday July 26th, 1941 PRICE 5c? SAYS WILBERFORCE MAY LOSE RATING Ten - Day Battle Ends In Success For .Recognition President’s Group To Contain Two Negro Members Navy Adamant In Barring of Negroes Wn*hington, D. ('. —. Kt'pro- Washington (Spwial) — In a sentntivcs of six national or- ten day battle behind the acenea ganizutions financed and offlpec- here and in New York, the tightjed by white people got “exactly to ^et two Negro members named .nowhere” in a reeent interview to the committee whieh is to,with representativeH of the Unit- .iunction under the President’s jed .States Navy when they lodKud executive order b*nniflg «iiscri-,a strong protest against tho vir niination in n»ttoB4l defense «di»»iwj ot Negro Ameri diNitrieS "was won July IT, On that date, word eame down from the poers that be that two colored men would be n*nied. Up to that time a eomniittee con sisting of four whites and one Negro wiai! |itioualy ^)onidered by high ofBcUki. One of the stubborn obstacles to. get a satisfactory committee together has been the attiude of Sidney Hillman, co-director of 0PM in charge of labor. From the outset, it has been choosing. Up to the last minute there has been vigorous olyection to and protest against two men in the labor field whom Mr. Hillman has insisted upon as members of the committee. The nominee from the AF of L comes from a union with a notoriously unsatisfactory record on Negro workers. The nominee from the CIO is almost wholly unknown, comes from a small union, and is knowi in the labor movement as a “Hillnyin” man.' His attitude toward Negro- his other handicaps more than match this good point. It is the feeling of those who have carried on the fi^fht for an effective committee that the group should be oomposed of eminent, citizens, black and white of *uch independent character that they .cannot be intimidated by employers, labor, or govern ment offlcinls. For this reason, the sugges tion has been urged iiPon Mr. Hillman that if representatives of the two wings of labor must 1)0 on the committw', those repfe sentatives should be Phillip Mun’ay, president of the CIO, and William Green, president of the AF ofo L. These emen, it is pointed out, would bring the pre stige of their offices to the com mittee and would compel respect •^namoAOui jOquf ojotiAi ai{] ui enns I'rom the' Navy. a The delegation, which called upon both Army and Navy olli- cials, was composed oi represent atives of the Union for Demo cratic Action, Friends of Demo cracy, Council for Democracy, Student D^pfenders of Democracy, and the Committee to Defend Amrica By Aiding the Allies. Not represented in person, but KM) per cent in supjiort of th® protest, was the Fight tor Free dom Committee. The Navy int»>r- view is reiwrted as follows: “Compared with the satisfac tory and, friendly character of the inter\’iew witih representa, tives of the War department, our interview wit! thel ' pBpreienta- tives of the Navy department got exactly nowhere. They ad mitted the existence of disc.ri- erimination, defended it,^ and in sisted that they would ^eontiniie the policy. Despite a long and sometimes sljjfhtly htatel inter- iew, the only thing we could get from tueni was a grudging siate- is said to be satisfactory, buT '»«*[ , th‘*y , rtM^onsid- Amcrioan Joke: Citizen crav- inff the decoration of foreiirn stateif and usually buying them by sifts and donations. • « « • The national defense emer gency will make itself felt upo« every American and no loyal American will object to carr^* ing a part of the burden. er their policy in view of the President''s proolanjation a^jainst d'scrinnnation jn i!mj)loymeiit,in the defense indu^ries. \Ve point ed out specifically that continua tion of discriminatiou *in the Navy meant th:it the President as commander in cfiief of the Navy was setting a had example to the employers in the defense industries, but even that argu ment did not change their atti tude.” , Washington, (Special) — It is being suggested here by NAAGl’ representatives that a Negro chief counsel l>e emi>loyed by the Sen ate committee which will be created when and if S. R. 75 is passed and serious work is start ed on the investiation of tho dis crimination against the Negro in the national* defense program, Na names haye been mentioned as yet, but it is known that Wal ter White is j)ushing the plan. Pre«edent would be broken if the plan is adopted as no Negro lawyer ever has been employed as counsel to a Senate committee. CHILD HEALTH CONFERENCE. CALLED GREAT SUCCESS 9 Standing iii front of ih« Whitts aclioat. builitiiig m the eatirc of instructorti, «t»> dents and children who iwrticipated in the dhi Id H^lth Oonfa^nce which elided in Durham, July 18. At the extreme right (top) of the picture i*- Dr. Walter Hughes under whose leadershiti the conference wias held. Dr. Hugh cs is a tireless worker in the cause of health for race, and the advancement of all man kind President Roosevelt Lauds National Negro Insurance Association’s Devotion To Nation’s Welfare and Defense Publicist Hard work and long hours have never killed a man who was really interested in the work that he performed. Sherman Briscoe who hag just been named to a post, in the U; S. Department of Agriculture as an assistant agricultural re search writer. Briscoe, a na tive of Mis8isist>pi and a gradu ate of Southern University, was publisher of two Southern Broadcasts and more recently on the editorial staff of the Chicago Defender. All that Hitler would ask of the United States is that we permit statesmen to debate un til he gets ready to act. Durham, (ANP) — Through a recent exchange of corresponct-nce Iwtween the White House a»d A. T. Spaulding, president of the National Negro Insurance dis sociation, President Franklin D- Roosevelt’s deej) appreciation was expressed for the associa tion’s “spirit of devotion to the nation’s welfare.” Mr. Spaulding’s letter express- er gratitude for the President’s executive order of June 2.>, in structing ofticinl agencies of the government, labor organizations, and the defense iiulustries of the country to practice in America the democracy which we have pledged ourselves to deferd a- broad. In this letter to Mr. Roose velt attention wa.s called to the fact that at the anhiMil meeting of the association, held in Savannah, June 24-27, appro|vri- ate resolutions were , adopted en-. dorsing the President’s “valiant leadership during these trying times” and pledging full support of the more than 50 companies, K-icties and associations com prising the memberHhij>- of, the association, and representing more than 2,000,000 policyhold ers, “in the defense of our bc- lvved America and the noble things for which she stands.” The President’s special gratifi cation was expressed for the good will of the association as indicated in the following thonght which closed Mr. Spaulding’s letter to him: “May the Qod of our fathers guide, sustain, and eonstanCJy supply yHi with the necessary courage, strength, clarity of visidn, understandiyng, and determination to co|>e with the many vexatious problems con fronting you and enable yon to rise even greater heights of lead- •ership in the democratic ways of (Continued on page seven) Governor Guilty Of “Lynching Academic Freedom” in Georgia New York — (Jovernor Kugene Taluiadgc of Oeorgia is “^'uilty of lynching academic freedom in Oeorgia” by his ouster of a uni versity iean and a state college president, Herbert Agar declareiJ today in a telegram to Talmadge, si)caking for the executive com mittee of Fight for Freedom, Inc. In a se[)arate telegram to L. W. (Chip) Robert, of the Oeorgia Board of Regents, “ Fight for Freedom, Inc., is ashamed that you, a former as sistant of the T’. S. Treasury and former secretary of the Demoi-ra tic Nafional Committee should have l)een a leader in th(. dis graceful campaign to oust two of Oeorgia’s leading educators. Dr. Marvin S. Pittmaii, preside»;t «f Oeorgia State Twwrhers’ ("ollege and Dr. Walter Cocking, dean of the school of e'tjucation at the University of Oeprgic. We can discover no eviile !(••» that their •ecords have hs'rn anything but laudable,” Agar statecj. j't the snmr time, g.ir inform ed both C(M'kii!j and Patinan that they have \hv “full support (f Fight for Fn\!i!(im, Inc., in your fight ai'.nits', intolevuicc and Itisiotrv in 'ie)r;;ia. ” ‘‘Ficht for Fr.»» l”Ui l;*l.ev-s the survival oi’ democracy is |>redicated on the military del eat of Hitler,” A'-r d>'ci, “tut we also feel certain that your ous- stt'r because you belie***- de mocracy was for all ra • and creeds is a blow to fretdotn in our own country. Agar told Talmadge .und lio l>ert*that “Hitler^ nnght _ wel* be proud that his principles have woH a battle in America \v*thout the firing of one shot gr the dis patch of one division. Th ■ AxU agents who were sent home today on the West. Point cpuld not hcvf (Continued on page seven>j Former University Prexy Says He Was Dismissed Without Formal Charge “Wings” To Award $10,000 In Scholar ships To Negroes Clevelatid, (ANP) — Rev. (Jlenn T. Settle announced i>n the .luly IH prograiii of “Wings Over Jor dan” over the Ccdumbia Broad casting system that ilurin*: the tli^kl year trom Sept- 1, to Sept. T, i!)42, thi.«( program will avvai'rl $10,(MM) in .scholar ships t> de serving Negro students. The winners oof these awai^ds will selected through «*ssay con tests which are restricted t(» those students enrolled in a senior high school located within the I tiit«>+i States. Students who except to be enrolled in seiuor high schools, how e'er, are also eligble t'oi- thi.-i contest. The closing date for entries for this contest is Sept. 1.'). It is exjHKsted that the first scho larship swill be awarded on or' al)ont January 1, 15)42. Many prominent Negro educa tors of America have consented to serve im the educational com mission of this contest. Th'* de cision of the julges will be final in all cases. One of the objwtives aimed at the ])repetuation of Wings Over Jordan is that of training and developing Negro yonth talent. Believing that the present atti tudes of various raees in'America toward each other can 1m> in a considerable met»>ure influenced for good by a wider, distribution of edumational and cultural de- velopmerrts on both sides, this ot^'er ha sbeen made by Wings. . To enter this contest it is only necessary £or a person to write his name and address plainly on a |enny postcard and mail it to “Wings Over .Jordan” in cure of thi* Columbia ' Broadeastinsr sys tem station through which he hears this progrma. Cpon re ceipt of this postcard full and complete instructions for tht* contest will be mailed. Principal Miss Sadie L Saulter, princi-j pal of the Greenville School and one of the outstanding teachers of Pitt county* Miss Saulter has taught in Greenvill** for nearly 20 years during which tiQic 5hf' has made an enviable record. [ t bicasjti — (ANP> — f>r. n I niondo Wallit*r, the former (ilent Ilf Wilberforce HKiver sto|>[ ing ;tt Iikter:»atiomii b ..isi* I f the Ciiive’Viity of Chi..^»o, thi.-- week, hxtlved b;>rk lia tt.* furltnlcft r(N-»T.t hisl.>n o* the !-cfu>>l. dfplnred the di.-^Hen* ... j H !iich r**nd it every now an4 fl-.a jhu(H-il it WfHtId h«* a)4e rrt 'the aijitlcmii* ac«-i*etiifatinti vr.!^ he h:iil witn for it ;i!id esi'ri*^ ~4 hi. life kiiur interest 19 h*> ^ititnt inn. r>r. deelami he iJaiC it**eM t!i« virflii* tK'ia tirwi p«dtfii-, the jiditi(“ «»t' the as well n.-i that »f the r Caii^.t ln*twet*n the had !'«>en >»rrifir«‘«l. or.»tr natb that he felt, ami th»t ren:Mm behititi his di^niiisM. owl never l»*en ♦iis«d*isetl. why were you ilisml Were any formal ehanres MMdv against yon f the virik*, |r. i>i^‘ pi*»ns ministt^l was asked. ‘•No charges were made," Db. Walker replieil. "‘I insisted SM|I they make stnue. The only they have given is tJiat tliey • ooU iiot get alonjj with me. Negro High School May Not Be Built Durham — According to a stateme«it froiy Superintendent Liither Barl)our of the Ihirham County Si'hools the rising c«*st of building materials and lalM>r may cause the posti:onement of the erection ^f the pro|M».se*l high school for Nejn'tH's in the'VasterJi section' of Durham County. If »' pritfe increase atfe'tel th*. bids on the school he stated that the buiUling et>uld .not be built for lack of funds.’ Tobacco Fanners Urged To Secure Ballots Far Vote CSief Clerk F5. P. Dixon to1ay ui’ged toba‘co farmers who .sold tobacco on the Reidsville or Dan ville luarkeU last year to come to the coupty agents QflkM* as soon as jKMsible to get ballots for vot ing before July 2ti on whether they favor free government grad ing service to be established on I those markets. The 'Negro sehi>ol project, the principal one »n the county ■ schools’ bnihling list, wa-s being plannetl on a curtaihnl Imsis. The original plan called for a l;{-nxMn building t^o cost abmt .f42,»HM). Because of lack of funds, the s-h«H>l Iward dwided to erect a huihling with as many nxmis as could be built for :|s;M),IMM), ho|Hng to get from nine to 11 rooms, ac cording to the way the bids nMj. liarbour yesterifay said that the most that couW he spared for the building is about .f;^l,000 or 000. Unless a buildihg of at least nine rooms can be erected there is no use in doing s(h and th» funds available will not do even this if there is an increase in eo«ts over expectation smiilar to that ex perienced by the Health De{>art- ment, Barbour said. In additioB to the cost of bnildin|( itself for the N school, there will .hav« k» b* septic tank, coutiog ahwit (CoiQtinued on ^ ^ “Of coui*s«> ;tov. Uriekf,’. th*' Itejvnbliean rhief executive ■■tate, 'has l^t-en violently t^t me ever since I campaii^ against hiiu in IfVU!. He to make eertaith ehnnges tl which w*Mild enable him to greater control of the >rKti. hut dis4'»»vereti that nmle' laws gi>vernii»g the institutirn, ';atl no {K>WHr over the prrsii of Wilberforce uriversity, “The g«tverni>r had [ias.44Hi.i “ri[P«'r' bill which stripped -.0111, under N-hi>..ie leudc went into itoiitit*^. of hia pi: the stitte {liorole boani. He KmI in a new set nf tmstees the state side, one wkieh io his hiiMinic, had tlti htaii:d..to hold op a| vital to tht* life «f the this forced the state side imtitutiot^ to rate me Dr. Walker di:^chaaed thir lintr idal stlppoK whiA .srhiNt Irereivwl. He udd thffe providetl between annoaHajr to affairs at- Bit ft! was the deniper^ aadhr 41^ ing of Bishop self who first ■ propriatiuis to t^ the cnrEeAt to foUov. The aboT* tion by Ui» stat* lil be tkm tioap. Tko Awfh the aliit mit t til*

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