THURSDAY, JULY- 24th, 1341 I CHARLOTTE | .1 l^cv. Gi'o. n‘n(U>rriim n»d I'laujrli er, Idn Ma(>, (!linrl*'nlon, South 'arolinn imd Hov. I’nttorsuu, VnltortM>rt, jxiHscd thr(ni"h the | •ity re'(>iitly iMiroul^’ Ii.n-k iioinc | I'riHii |)aii\'illt‘, wlicre they \isit- j '(I rt'liitivcH. TH£ CAROLINA TIMES !i?m1 whn i atioiidin^ Snnimi-r HphonI nl .lolinson t . Smith Tni- vrThity wns II rci-ciif •jupst in t'Hp hdiiN* of Mrs. I’riiipp. Hcv;. A. S. rolnmt>in, IIa)'i>l(l Mrl'julli‘ii, Mn.vt‘>(vino, S. II. Scott, ('harl*>itoii, S. ('. were ri'i t'lit visitor-, in 'liiirlntte- Mississippi College Summer Teachers Hear Agrricultural Problems Discussed DURHAM li(‘V. A. ir. IVIru-.*, Joint Field i^presontativp for the Synod of tlantio is wh»>(luled fwr si'vcral (HifVr nc(‘s during the «nmnu*r nontiis both i^i tho pn*shyl»*ry nd sytuxi, he will l>e in AngUHtu, .July 15; t'heraw, South 'arolirut, •/iily !H, Riouiitvil)?', S. July ‘2;i and St. Au;'ustiii‘ ■’loj'idji 20, ('f>ncord, N. Aut'ust 18. lit' Hj«*nt (init** oin^ nnifl in Ornnf;cburj>:, South '’nrt)lina, Suintcr and Coluia))ia eoently in the p*M'l'ornwuu'(' (rf lis work. ' Mrs. Klli(‘ M. Hwivcr of 2(1-.”) )akVa\v-ii Avenue is spending oniotime with her sister Mrs. underliurke in Southern Pines. Miss Susie Co(>p>r of Siiclii.y, Prof. 10. lUtulware, JJarlwr- Swtia Junior ('olle^e, ('oiw’oril is «!-Histin{i’ in the work of Suntlay School .Missions in Ihe Presby tery of Catawlm during' th«‘ sun»nw'r and is sueeessful in j>ro- inotiini,' nuiny Vawitiou Uilile Sc'hools. Herninn Massey 'has pone to Por(K»K>iilh, Va. wliere h.* han work with the (iov>rni)ent in Na tional Defense. Mr. Massey Inter on will 1m‘ ,’foined by tiis wife and little daughter, I^iouise. \V. R. Saxon of Asheville wn* a recent visitor in the -‘ity. Mr. Knxorn repi-esents the Naitonal A4''ident Insurance PHilndelifhia. Miss Mars;nret Thor|>i* fri, n ^Raleijfh spent the week end w;’. ^ .Miiis Jtiniee Rii|(erH on ll\ile l’at\. Avenue. ^ Julius Augusta K*Hrer-- Irotn lli^h Point S|i“nt the dh, iii l>urh«ni Sunday with relati'e^ and friends. ■i' Mias Thelma Raymond left Fri day night for ('harllotte. .Mrs. Fannie Greene accompanied hi r.. I I arion Hfciiffln left for Hrooklyn , wehr>r he will spend a week with jhis aunt, | The Flore De Lora Cliil) of Al- bri^fht held a sueces-sful niet'titi^ Monday night *t seven thjiity- The meeting wag held at Para dise. . »* BUY YOUR MEATS ... At PAYNES MARKET 324 South McDowell Street • « Telephone 9482 The Teacher-Students of the Social Science Department of the Mississippi Neirro Training , School, formerly Jackson Oollegre, recently had a week’s intensive training: course in the pro- against the t’onipan> in] grams of the Agricultural Extension Service, Farm Security Administration, Farm Credit Ad- I’ark- ministration and Triple - A. Reading from left to right: A. L. Helsey, A.A. A.; «Cyies T. Hubert, F.S.A.; A. L, Perk ins of the Social %ience Department of the Sch ool; B. B. Dansby, Assistant to the Presidentf L. H. 'James, Social Science (Instructor; T. M. C ampbell, Extension Service and >rnelius King, ' F.C.A. ' The Albright Yankees played n suecessfnl game Pri»lay nisjht Elites at Hillside r>r. Mildrnl Bab/*ork "4 Hunter fhsiiTti;!?, .-f fh^ , AT.\ '->ub-«'(irnniittr,. i,n fUkfio, '.ill re|K»rt *‘>r fh.if American Rabbis Condemn Defense Discrimination i \ew York I'tp**>i.'il) — \ , reMolution conden»ning dir**ri. niination against Npgroe- m the inational defence program was 'passefl at the reeent 52nJ annual (neeting ot the Vntral Vinfer- enee of Ameriean Rabht.s in At- hanfie ('ity, New Jersey. The resolution proposed b' the 'ouiinittee of SiwinI JnNtiiv li rough Rabbi Edward L. I real, of Haltiniore read.- as follow.'• “Race discrimiiuiiion in «;m- plo3rment in defense indust ries, reanltinc in some points in the nt^er exclnsiob of Ne groes from I'bor opportani- ties has been so flagrant tLat The MeD Ice team defeated the AlbVight Yankees Sunday after- jioon at I^gt End School. Canning Contest A ” Feature Of Baptist 64th Convention Harris of Shikh and Rev. T. A.' rady of Duiiam. Morrisvilie An First among the priz« winners who were rewarded *t the final sPs.sion of the convention laat Friday was Mrs. Eula Barbee who jreporteil having camied 457 quartg of ^fruits and vegetabless. She outstanding*recei,ved .fa.OO. Winner of the jTraining Course David Pender Stores and Star Super FBarkels , Mwe/teSf My NewiAMPmaf, and practical feature of the sixty'$2.50 seeond priz^ was Mrs. Mary el at the Mount Vt fourth annual session of the New,'Worth who had 442 quarts. For L^Wers with Gofl and Hope Auxilitnry Sunday School having canned the largest variety and HTTT ('■onvention ftt Shiloh of frnits and vegetables Mrs. Baptist Church near MorrisvUK, Mattie Barl>ee won first prize July 1(), 17 and 18 was the award with 4T) difl'erent kinds; second in ing of prizes to winners in the this division was Mrs. Mary canning contest. Leaders in the,Worth with 35 varieties- sponsorship of th contest arc Mr.' The eomuiunity prize in the II BREVARD ST. BARBER SHOP Shower Baths... 15c N. G. EDWARDS, Prop. 231 South Brevard St. Charlotte* N. G. canning contest w%nt to Terrel’s! t'r^k with Shiloh second. 1*^ n » t Fuller And Jones Speak 'FOF SCOUt L/€d06rS Other features of the tinal || |j « »t» * session of thg Sunday Sehool con- |^0|(| 1*1*1(11^ vention were the address and ser-, ^ ® nion by Kev. W. M. Fuller and , T I . , , n T TT I 1 I Durham — A Scout Leader Bev. J. H. ,Jones respectively. . . ,, u i ^ ^ »»L- -f* « tu ;«f Trniiung Course will be eonduet- Vemon Baptist each Friday night for three weeks, begiiuiing .July 25 from 8:00 until 9:30 p. Rev. Jones preached the miss- m. ionary sermon and cited the mi.s- m. , 1 1 The Course i? open to all sionary experiences of Paul and , , XT 1 II. ■ „• adults (men and women) and Moses. He said: “the ulterio’ ami ... ' i . it. • 1 u r'u • I • -1 certiticates will lie awarded to in the mind ot I hrist is the »al-' „ ^ f those attending all meetings, ration of man. The pprpose of - the church and Sunday School is Its Reward^” He pointed out the interdependence of God and Man. the salvation of man.” The New’ Hoj)e Auiliary Sun day l^hool and BTU convention will holds its 1942 session be- ginniing the Wednesdty after the second Sunday in .July, 1942, at Mt. Zi'on Baptist Church in Cha- ham County. J 0- SERVICE... You will find our Service complete to the smallest detail. Our years of experience enable us lo anticipate your need and therefore .gerve you better. GRIER and THOMPSION FUNERAL HOME 701 E. First St. PHONE 7019 “Thoughtful Attention To The Smallest Detail” AMBULANCE SERVICE ALLBRIGHT those This announcement came from .John Bailey, chairman of the advance ^ eomniittee, and .f W. Carrington, scout commissioner. They will be the instructors for th(. course. What! That brand new bulh he bought less than an hour ago has disappeared!. It wouldn’t b^ so bad >1 thi* were the first offense but it happens all the time. Vfhy put up with this in your house hold when yon caiy BUY G-E MAZDA BULBS BY THE CARTON 2 Months To Pay With Your Light Bill DUKE POWER CO. CLINTON N. and I. COLLEGE Rock Hill, S. C. A^”c^-Educational Institution Conducted by the A. M. E. ZION CHURCH Healthful Location Reasonable Rates, Self-Help Opportunity ^ Fall Session Begins September 8, 1941 For information, address: President, E. Warner Brice Moses Collins was carried to Portsmouthf Va., last Friday to enter the government Hospital there. i Radio Progrem To Featunie 38th Convention A.T. A. Montgomery, Ala. (Special) — The 38th Convention of the American Teachers Association to be held at West Virginia State College July 20—August 1 will Mesdames Annie Lunsford, If'^f^rams and ladio Martha Stanlev; 'Miss Bernice radio discussions Haynes, Messrs' W. Gilcre.^s, L. Qoldston and A. Chavis motored* • ' . * . o n 1 1 1 » c> i ,dent of the e.ssociation, will be TO Sea Breeze beach last Sutur-' ’ dav night day. and enjoyed a lovely The Male Chorus of Ebenezer Batist Church appeared on a pro gram at the Orange Grove Bapt. CJiurch Sunday afternoon. Thisj chorus is unde^; W. W. Barbee. the direction of The Evangelistic play given at the Baptist Sunday Sehool Con vention was rej>eated at the Eben ezer Church Monday night. Mssers Mordell McNeil and Oliver Harris with other persons motored to Chowan Beach last Saturday night. M.*s. Mary Couch of Smith St. is risiting friends in New York City. ^'W\ the Wing.s Over .Iordan speaker from Cleveland on 'Sunday morn ing, July 27, thus open the con vention week. Radio programs will be arranged for the convention the convention week which will emanate from the remote control facilities located in the auditorium at West Virginia State College. A nAv department this year will btTthe Department of Audi tory Visual Aids of which Mr. Walter N. Ridley of Virginia State College and Mrrs. B. B. Walcott of Tuskegee are co chair men. This department will spon sor joint administration discuss ions with the departments of Elementary Education, High School Education and Rural Life Activities. Dr. I. Keith Tyler, Executive Secretary of Tho In stitute of Radio in Education, will particopate in the discuss ions aiid will sjient to thp gener al sessrion on Thursday afternoon. tlM Ptwiitot has ItrmA te r«f«r 9«Mk% to H." ••niir ( ■,n.(iiH74inn witb r*- fif this ('onf hj»- frMireentty ij#*-f»re«f if.t op- to ‘Jim I row’ ia . / (.’HiTdi/* It n highly »•'‘tt’ti- •laj t^iat III ■ n»ti(-n ’he j>r*-»-rv»t .*»n *>f >i*‘mf>ernry, I inrifJr« oS democr.iey -h«>uH > fih in onr i-onr.mif* lif# and and e«j».‘i‘i«lly in thn»e imiIu-*- tries pri»f«ring for n*ti»>n*l de fense. We' ticplorr tlte ee>n*Hnir di>M>riminiitiHi that exi^tii aj;aia> .Vwoes an4 ;irge a r»- e‘'ficiition of thi.'^ injuiilrre.’* * r.ife in.-iurance concern* pay I II, 116,084,000 in five nMmtks. To build a box car reqairwi approxiniatRljr 2,000 man'houn of work. Ri I roads in 1!M0 expended more than $61,300,000 for fuel oil and gasoline. Dr, Nelson says youth be taught to think. ” Japan hails id»*a of V. S. fleet transfer to teh Atlantic. One Hot Dish ) f»t Every Meal is Good Plan (or Summer says Dorothy Greig WHEN summer sixxlera come along tlie temptatloD is to coil- centrata on cold foods ana Iced drinks, orer-lndulge in frozen des serts. In actnal tact, however, we keep cooler and more comfortable if wa' wisely include a little hot food with ) I C. W. HOBBS GROCERY Groceries - Meats Foood S||tampei Cashed 501 E. First Street every meal. Hot food aids diges tion. And a digestive tr«ek *11111*^ kept bappy helps keep its owficr happy, too. The hot dish in the meal need not be an elabdrate one. nor a long slow motion affair—on important point, tor none of ns wants to spend a long time over the range on a blistering day. Seldct something easy, snch as a light hot soup. It’s easily digested, comes early in the meal—fuid is 'simple to prepare. For instance, this one is delicious: Cream of Chicken-Aspsraflus Soup 1 can condensed uparagua soup 1 can condensed chicken Boup 1 can milk (uaingT soup can as a measure) 1 can water Stir the chicken soup Into^tho asparagus soup. Then add 1 can of milk and 1 can of water (using jthe soup can for a measure), and but do not boil. Synres S-7. For your spring painting see PROGRESSIVE Paint & Glass Co. Paints - Varnishes • Enamels Wall paper and auto glass ;404 E. First St. - Charlotte J. L, Powell, Fr«w NOW Budiret Prices Are 20% LOWER GoodHch - Silver- town Stores 4th and Brevard Sts. Phtme 3-4131 KING’S FOOD STORE Groceries and Quality Meats 530 E. First St., C^rlotte SCHOOL ■ RINGS, KEYS, FRATERNITY - JEWELRY GRADUATING - NURSES ■ PINS -Write— H. FLOYD-HORNE 106 E. First Street Charlotte, N. C. iiimiiiHiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiimi Dr. Aubrey L. Palmer Eyes Examined Glasses Fitted We maintain a completely equipped office for the ex clusive convenience of the Colored People. »' Tele. 3 - 8500 (Opposite PuUic Library) 317-A N. Tryon Street IIIHIIIIIIUIIIilllllllllllinilDIIIIIIIIIIIU MONET TO LOAN On Diamonds, Watches, Jewelry, Sihrerw|p>. Men’s Clothing. Type Writers, Shot Guns, Musical bi- straments. anything «f vahM. RELIABLE LOAN CO. 121 EAST TRADE STSEET '^harfotte’s OidcM ami Lavg«t* ALEXANDER FUNERAL HOME 323 SOUTH BREVARD STREET Day Phone 8431 Night Phones 3-6027, 3-2472 C. W. HOBBS GROCERY V.S 1 Groceries - Meats Food Stamps Cashed 501 E. First Street AU HOWAtb miK HATS av w. w* sHUwi HK*>

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