PAKiE fTKTR irt, Li'' Ml THE CAROLINA TIMES SATURDAY, AUGUST 2, 1941 AMSMCA'S OUTSTAM0M* A0VNO9 ON ^ # # # # ^ IN THE SHADOW OF THE STAR it it ,\Al. a iTw it 1 KS—I wish to knuw if thb ui: ijto take her out. In a I'l’w jears you have plfiity dutfs to go daneiug. You uiid your pluy sihter sbouldu’t choose the t^aiue I Mil fouig with lueaiu ui«; goodf \STiy does he dod^e i j or 6Uy hid frooi me when li.a )Miy days cotiir aud whcu it js over bc#u wiUi, hi' will coBie si'ckiDg back. Plea.M' tell met ^ , jjj—j j,lmunng on tukin^ n Ana: Vour ca*,* i>> idaiii to'trij, und 1 wish to 1>now if 1 cuu se** thru as daylight—h« just ^ „„ .m and will hi- doesn’t want to »iHUid any o£ his'he will / luoufv on you. AUhoUKh iifter he! ^ vacation would do y»u ha.-^^lK-nl it all fn' t^eems to k.uow but I don’t think that it where to go to get » deennt nieiil.p^„ui,| j,,. advisaliU- to deiwr 1 on A. loug as you take him buck person to keep all the prom- broke—lie will continue lo inill!ij.,.s, jmg ,„.,de you. H,. isn’t in a the wool over your eyea. BAK—Tell lue what I should do about the little score that cauie on me and the knot in uiy 1 ead f Aiu: Go)'to the doctor. It is aaoiit unwisecrTltl the .core stay on your body indefinitely and the doctor can tell you the j>roper thing to do about the knot ou your head. Doubtfal:—^Please tell me frank yl and straight whot does this boy think of nief Does he think le«°ibles loo. Under the more of me or uiv sister T Must stances yon would be I ask him to carry me to a dance T Ans: Well he isn’t very excited about you or your little “play” skter either. He’s teasink you two girls. No, don’t ask hiui to take yon to a dance. It ion’t consider ed a girl’s place 'to ask the boys WKIT STYiE BOOK etamme m m straws •COCOANUTS 4 •tfl«NOKNC • PANAMAS ALL SiZBuALl BRIMS HOWARD HATS hamemk hading stylist 2IF W. 125“ STREET o»r.».i position financially to do all that ht* says he will. Take the trip, but buy a round trip ticket so you will be sure of a way home. liUU—My boy friend has ha- Iiits that 1 can’t get him to l.reak We arc suppose to get inairied real soon and do you sujjpose that he is goniig to stop these habits or not T Ans: It’s not likely that he will, lie’s been drinking eoiiKtant ly every since you met him and circuui- takiiig quite u cljauce to marry him. lie also likes to run around with girls and you are too much of a lady to tie yourself down to some one who w'ill only bring you | sorrow. lILM—Please tell me it it would be best for me to go back to my boss und apologize ami ask for my job backt Sometime I feel like I um beiiif imposed uj>- on. Ans: Yes, go back to her and ask for your job. She likes you, and has proven it a number of time occasionally-, .She ]>ays you well for your serviot-a and I would advise you try to hold ou to this job. the first half of this year involv ed oollisions between two motor vehicles. The other 413 fatnlitiM were diKtrihufed as follows: l.’iO involved collisions between motor vehicles ailll pedostriana, 116 invotved motor Vehicles that ran ofr''the roadway chie to excwivc speed, 2U resulted from GolIisioiMi lu'tween vehicles and railirond trains, 3.') involved cars that overturned on the roadway, 20 resuKed from ctrfHsions between motor vehicles and bisy«le«, 31 occurred in motor vehieles that struck fixed objects such as brid ge abutments, 5 resulted froai ollisions between motor vehicles four children In Increaan Since pork prices hfcve been on the uPe'^adc, Wilson County farmers are increasing Iheir lireedinj? herds ir ninch ns po"- sible I ^ Approximately 75 per cent of ■ " • Cmr««of W1 poanut acreage in Northnmp- Xhe Bev. Glenn T. Settle ol bas been affected by revebwd, Ohio, announced Irf t"rips this season, reoent broadcast of Colnmbiq JTHrznrrnr; Uwork’t “Wings over Jordan^' luck for Polk County farmers, reports J. A. Wilson, farm agent of the N. C. State- College Exten sion iService. Jail Safe Robbed Five Times; Jailor’s Auto Taken, Too 400,000 Airport ■Santa Monica, Gal., — Polico|'| , Chief C. E. Webb was irrit«tody0lS UO AllCaU when iwisoners’ money began dis«. If IT O aPl>earing /roin the department^n’flQj trQIQ U, laft—it hapiKMied four timea. o It was einbarraaaing, too, when $300,000 has been allotted by someone stole an automobile be-the Civil Aeronautics Board in longing to {he city jailor. That’sWashinifton toward the con- Oeorge Webb, the chief’s brotherrtruction of the Durham-Ral- Well, .$5,500 vanished fromcitrh airport. The board noti- the Police Defwrtment sole this^*®^ Congressman T. Dur- week end. A department (itore^**” and &nator .rosiah Bailey put it there—for safekeeping. North Carolina that this sum —!b— would be allotted in addition to jn^TflgtfB ’1100,000 put up by Durham, IJruee West, unit demonetra-?**®^*^’ West, tion t'arnier in unit the Marble com- Too Many Peaches, Too Little Money Advocates of the Govern crop curtailment of wheat, cot-| ton, etc., are drawing parallel pictures today with the peach growers of this state who find themselves in a tijrht spot>—they hate too many peaches and the price is going down until they'll fare little better than in an off crop year. The average price last sea son was $1.15 a bushel, but the million bushels crops is driving | the price this year down as low, as 60c in some localities. Parents are urged to have and animal drawn vehiclca. counties. ol tbb will iMulmioB progn (10,000 In scholarships to deser stadenfs of the raee. )li> I are r«itricted to pcrMAi jnrolldd In senior high sci^'lifi pc«4e4 anywhere in fiie UnlL * fail details coneei sis fOitt««t will be malic Ovfi •li i l^o Many promla«nt e^doati voctsanted to Mrve oi he Mmminlon d hla temtmri and (heir deeblon) bo fhics! in aJ3 caws. Keeps GWk Cool Mtrmiu a44r««lnf "Wi^ 0« (•rdMB* 1Q eare of CBlHktili )> Kbhli fter listen to i ^ u (NSUltATION, wonder labrte of to- day which will keep heat or ooM hi or out as desirM. to theaiedtaiv ksed to blanket the oiren area at Ihe modem gas r«nte; 'an« H Jiai tucceeded in makiotr the task et baking cool,- comfortable and aa* Urely pleasant for the housewife. -Hi V B8C—I am eeriouijjy in love with a young man from out of town who came down to seo me Sunday. lie says he awiul lone-, some und wants me to leave my husband for him. 1 married young and really didn’t love my hus band and I want to know if I should leave him and go to this boy fls I seem to love him. My husband- raelly doesn’t make enough to support me proerly. Ans: Young lady you haven’s grown up yet, else you w'onldu’t lie out cheating on your husland. This fellow from out of town lonesome—but he’s home now and that’s a dill'erent story. D) not dei)end on leaving your hui^band for him, for he isn’t that inter ested. If your husband is unable to properly sujwrt you at the time, get a job and help bring in ill^e meat yourself. Can Have Beautiful Hoir ^ UT THI’ MIMIAIt L MSMO \ fOtMWA Not Always “The Traffic Accidents Other Fellows” Fairit Anyone who thinks it takes t^o motor, vehicles to make an accident would be greatly disillu sioned by the Highway Safety DivifeijJi'n j[;( trallic acciUii^t vsum- iiiary for tile fiitit six mbntus^of this year. This summary, completed this week, reveals that only 129 of the. 5-lj tr,aOie fatalities on North Carolina streets and highways Proving tho positive value of In- mlatiou In a range is the trick bak- hg test you see illustrated. Four CO cubes were placed between two (lyers of the same thickness insula-' Ion used to blanket tho oven of |hls range. The oven was preheated o the' high (temperature of 460 legrees F. neleeasary for baking he^lscults 20 minutes (and that » a long time). At the end of the (eripd, the biscuits were browned, (rhile the ice cubes remained firm (nd were 75% of their origtaal size. When Insulation envelops the yon area of a gas range it keep* he heat within where It belongSL pr Jt directs heat from the oven jrn|l8,back into the oven interior. , hie produces uniform heat dlstribu- |cn which makes baking results far KtJcr'; the kitchen and the 'cook fe cool, and there Is loss fuel used . ■cause nono Js ^! . This $400,000 is the first of munity of Cherokee County, appropriations that are ,K,rts that Inne and Pjosphate^^ ^^^^d ^he airport in the' have increased yields on his farm^^^ and will likely take' by more than 50 per cent. preliminary costs'such Disaatrotts grading and surfacing. The Itains and drought have cOm- bincd to make this a year of hard?^^®‘’ cost twice the $400, - 000 thus far advanced. fmproyed LowaIoried Diet Helps Shed Extra Pounds tpXCESS K'eittht, • butgiiw unattracdvc fi^re, provide a very real problev. It's a tciiwta£>o not to iodu^ in the joys of eating, to foroid yourself the tfain§s you like most to eat. But mth detcrtdinadon and a well-planned diet, the task is not Impossible. Take for Insmoce, the improved 9-day reducing diet ap pearing in tlie August iuue of Good Housekeeping magazine. Prc- r imp YOU AS IT HAS mLPCD THOUSANDS OF OTHMSI How You CaKjGrow LoiiQi Healthy Hoir Ceitaia partt of Ae body *fww to « certain .im and no further, vrhereM, Hair Cnwifs tlw^ys you your Acalp healthy. An aiung scalp caut^ Udung. When you *cr«ch jrow^tcalp you make tores and scars. * HAIR WILL HOT 6ROW FROM A SCAR I 1n»ere are no sweat '* I by Mtorc to nake eertain ontgrowthi of Ain which we all know very weO. flair is produced by our ccalp skin. Each Hair Crows from a specwl ' Ifttle place in the tnie skin. If you destroy or niutiUte this true »km yw nay fed all ri^t, but nothing will ever form another ttve skin. A tear is not dua. You will ne»er find a hair growing from a scar or •ate. Hair grows from the cells of the hair bulbs. If you do Mt after these bair bulbs. 4>air will become brittle and^ break off. There are two gbnds to each bir lo produce oil that keeps it wft and fceept it from becom pp-jg-jn " and from crackmg. Every hair has h wUdi is aliichad Root. In order to have attractive. haut Crow Hah by keeping yoar scalp la «aad ^afgHF'Keep h ^a. wit and eliminate itching and dandruff, an! wirii head aores ar »cai» do net delay taking our i tttMm or you will taae your hahr. Jo yoar h^^ pwperfy and gaaraatee yauraeW a ■'bMhhy. beautiful head of ln^i^Mria('.hair, gi«« yourself a complete N«*Hair Treatment, I Sc«f^ rn9tmti/t fiuhH vf: ir* furmdmt ^MONEY, ^ t r m. . ^ SnCIAL OFPfft FOR OHLY 1 r/ I aalr $\Jt9 ftm i*» ctau »»>Ma« n(vmU4I CTSTiis:! irei4woy. N«w York. N Y. For your card file. Cut along dotted Unea. * Betty Barclay’s Jelly Shetf n A IS RIPE PEACH JELLY (Makes about 9 medium gla$tet) 8 cups Juice caps sugar 1 bottle fruit pectin To prepare Juice, remove pits from about 3Vi pounds fully fipe peaches. Do not peel. Crush peaches thoroughly. Add ^ cup water. Bring to a boll, cover, and simmer 6 minutes. Place truH I In jelly cloth or bag and squeeze out Juice. Measure sugar and Juice Into large 'saucepan and mix. Bring to a boil over hottest fire and at once add bottled I fruit pectin, stirring constantly. Then bring to a full rolling boil and boll hard H minute. Remove from Are, akim, pour quickly. Paraffin hot Jelly ^ at once. I tared by the Good HottsakeepinCt^ Bureau and tested by a volunteer •quad, 'the diet works like a eharni. The meals are planned to provide approximately 1000 ealorlea «ach 4ay, but thj foods have been •clected so that you will be ade* qnately and well fed. Inelnded on the diet are substitutea for vege tables and fruits, so menus can be adapted to financial conditions, tcasons of the year, and personal preferences. Margaret Kingsley of the Good Housekeeping. Bureau, who saper^ vised the diet has prool of its success. Members of the volunteer squad lost from* four to nine pounds in the prescribed period while carrying on 5 norma! sched.^ jle of work, and no unfavorable results were reported. Though any normal man or woman can follow the program. Mias KlngaJey ad ! vises that no diet shoold be under, taken ^thout the authority of a physician. , To correct any vitamin deiicienoy • toliK’h may ocout in a reatrieted diet, the Good Housekeeping sched ule provides liver, green, leafy vegetables and ogga for Vitamin A; whole-wheat bread, milk, vege tables and meat for Vitamins Bi and Bf; and tomatoes, cabbage and fruit for Vitamin C. But here are some suggestions to enhance the efTeciiveness of tho new diet. Drink plenty of water. Including two glasses of war;» water Immediately upon arising ia the morning. Use mineral-oil sala# dressings. Get plenty of exercisa. Cj sure to eat only the lean por tion of meat because of its lo*» Calorie content, and for the sa:ii« reason stick to boiled or poachei eggs. And remember not to nibb^ between meals. But do not continue this low ealoried dlat beyond the recom mended 9-day period. At the en-1 ef this time take a week’s vacation. If, after this, there are still to many pounda, start another nine- day schedule, bi^t don’t forget that tho vacation Is an important tiart of the reducing routine. C. W. HOBBS GROCERY Groceries - Meats Food Stamps Cashed 501 E. First Street Ther we|7| ilnoDail bible each Entertains With Bufaft iiiiiiiilHiiifliiiiiiniiiiiiiiiitiiiHiiiiiiii Dr. Aubrey L. Palmer Eyes Examined ?lasses Fitted We maintain a cowMdy equipped office for thi« elusive eonvenienee of the Colored Pveple. Tele. 3 - 8506 (Opposite Public Libmry) 317-A N. Tryon Street IINIIIMIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIflllllinHIIIIjllj if On Diamonds, Watches, Jewelrjr, Silverware, Men’s Clothing, Type Writers, Shot Guns, Musical In* Btruments, anything of value. ' RELIABLE LOAN CO. 121 EAST TRADE STREET “Charlotte’s Oldest and Largest” David Pender Stores and Big Star Super Markets TEACHERS JOB CLINTON N. and L COLLEGE Rock Hill, S. C. A Co-Educational Institution Conducted by the A. M. E. ZION CHURCH Healthful Location Reasonable Rates, Self-Help Opportunity Fall Session Beg^ins September 8, 1941 For information, address: ' President, E. Warner Brice E^MTOR^ NOTE: This clolumn is published for the benefit of unemployed teachers desiring positions, employed teachers de siring better positions, and superintendents and principals in search of competent instructors. Address all correspond* ence to Teachers Job Exchange, Box 59, Durham, N. C. Cost of listing your desires for. a position in this column will be furnished 'upon request* Principals may list their desires for instructors without cost. No. 125—ELEMENTARY TEACHER (Female) with 16 years grammar grade and elementary teaching experience with a grammar grade A Certificate desires position. Can play pi ano and teach public school music and direct playground activ ities. *• No. 126—ELEMENTARY TEACHER (F\jmale) with ele mentary “A” certificate and 15 years teaching expeiience in grammar grade and elementary work desires position. Holds A. B. degree from accredited college* No. 127—HIGH SCHOOL TEACHER (Male) with A. B. degree from accredited college, English Major, French -Minor and six years teaching exiierience. Has high school “A" certifi cate. Please metnion number when making inquiries. Address all correspondence ‘Teachers Job Exchange’, Box 59, Durham'N.C. Regal Theatre SPECIAL Tuesday and Wednesday . SPECIAL COLORED PICTURE , “SUNDAY SINNERS” rhursday-BARGAlN DAY-Thursday, 5c and lOc Two Features and Short “THE CASE OF THE BLACK PARROT” mmmmmmmmmmmrnmmmmmmimhmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm SPECIAL-Friday Night-SPECIAL On The Stage —At 9 O’clock “PARADE OF THE SOAP BOX DERBY” All Contestants Will Be Present -(Prizies Will Be Awarded)- On The Screen “IN OLD COLORADO” ALEXANDER FUNERAL HOME 323 SOUTH BREVARD STREET Day Phone 8431 Nigiii Phones 3-6027, 3-2472 Scarboreugh& Hargett ( ■f FUNERAL DIRECTORS I AMBULANCE SERVICE ^ Phones: Day J-3721, Night J-3722 522 E. Pettigrew St. 1 V I V V V V ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■I BREVARD ST. BARBER SHOP SKower Baths... 15c N. G. EDWARDS, Prop. 231 South Brevard St. Gharloite* N. G. “SUMMER IS THE TIME TO LOOK SMART” Be Smart and Visit THE SERVICE TAILOR SHOP E. D. Davis, Prop. 612 Fayetteville St. “12 Years’ of Experience”

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