PUP mmm. ' ' ■ ‘" L ‘i ' ^ PiyGp^tfWR»jr i^-t (■ • « I ^ THE CLARKTON DISTRICT COKFE?.ENCE To Cjnvene With' CAVES CREEIi-A. M. E. ZION-CHURCH GOUNGIU N. a 'v '' .' ■ ^ » Srpteioiber -11 and 12, -1941"*^^ «* District Officers Rt. Rev. J. W. Martin, A.M D.D Bishop Rev, K. T. Mamford, D.D. Presiding Elder Rev. A, Q. Jbnes District Secretary Prof. F. G. Shipmon ___Director of Education for Adults Prof. J. H. Jones Youth Mrs. Josephine Freeman Children Mrs. K. P. Anderson District Pres. W. H. & F. M. Society Mrs. Ca^ie Monroe ^District Secretary of Younsr Women Mrs. L. M. Jones District Supt. for the Buds of Promise Rev. J*. I. Robbins .J-—— —* Pastor -PROGRAM- Tbe Qarkton District Ckmference Oouneil» N. G September 11 and 12, 1941 — Carres tkeek A. M. E. Zion Church 10?W A. M.—Devotional Service, conducted by Revs. J'. A. Brioe and J. B. Evans. Th^ organization and appointment of Committees ' Discussion period: “The need of organization for the present ^hurch, led by Rev. E. P, Boyce. 12:00 M.—CH>eninK sermon by Rev. T. R. Singletary, followed by , the Holy Communion. Offering. Report of Committee on rules, 1:00 P, M,—Adjournment for dinner. ^ ' AFTEIWOON ^ESSIOJf 2:30 P. M. —Devotional service conducted by Revs. W. L, P. McRae and G. Gilespie. Report of committee on credentials. Regis tration of $1.00 from all pastors and local preachers and 5(te from delegates. Report of finance from charge?. Report of » delegates from charges. Visitors introduced. 5:00 Adjournment for luncm EVENI'Na 6GS6tON 8:00 P. M.—^Devotional ^rvice conducted by Revs. SL Ru Torrence and G. A. Thompson Annual message by Rev. A_ Q_ Jones. Offering. The local progr^f«^ll be conducted by the pastor in charge. • Announcements, Ben%di^^d:. * % « SEJCOND DAY — MORNING SESSION 9:30 A. M. —^Devotional service conducted by Revs. W. Q. Welch, and J. E., Hampton, reading of the minutes, unfinished business, correcting of the roll. Report of pastors and local prcachers. Chiecking up of several claims. Discusnon Period: “The best method of raising conucctional claims,” led by Rev. St R. Torrence. -v - 12:00 M. —^Noon-Day Message by Rev. J'. H. Jackson. 1:00 P. M. Adjournment for dinner. AFTERNOON SBSSIOf^ 2:30 P. M.—^Devotion conducted by Bros. T. R. SSngltary and 0. L. Clark. Check up on conference workers. Election of dele gates to annual conference. Report of committee on state of the church. Report of committee on Temperance. The Mission aries will be given one hour to check reports. Report of commit tee on examination of local preachers. Report of committee on , location. 5:00 P. M.—Adjournment for lunch. EVENING SESSION 8:00 P. M. Devotional Service by Revs. E. H. Ste^rart and Boyce Educational sermon by Rev. W. Q. Welch. All ministers, dele gates and friends are asked to pay $1.00 each for education. Report of Committee of Resolutions. Report of Finance Comnaittee. Doxology, Benediction. * . ASSESSMENTS: Clarkton Circuit - S 17.00 Phoenix Circuit - 13.00 Bladenboro Circuit — 12.00 Lumberton Circuit -— 12.00 Reboboth Circuit 13.00 Caves Creek Circuit ^ 12.00 Shady Grove Church 8.00 Abbotsburg Circuit - - 5.00 Elizabethtown Circuit 17.00 Bakers Creek Circuit ; 10.00 Armour Circuit 15.00 Cromantie Mission Circuit 4.00 AMimCAl OUTiTAN|iM*AQNoilON ^ # # # # ^ # !M THE SI1A3CVV Af ■ Ai r KKiWKmiiimmiaaaaiBKi DO DROP IN Pt m HOLLYWOOD INN « Not ^isfied... Dcm’t TeU .CM^...Teil Ust . ittc. St. Prop. Mrs. Hayswood I AM OLAD TOTt MY FSICONDS Dear Qod, It would be very louely here, Without our friends ' To romp and play The whole lonij day. I’m glad you made the world this way, Where girls and boys Can share their fun ^ . With everyone! f Please help lue to be luad and fair ," To all my friends—thif is my prayer . . . .Ameri. —Arlette Ohristsiaa Harvey. CL I have a girl friend, or I had a girl friend, yon tee we can go toyetber,for-abopt a week or two and*i^lhen''8he will quit me for no reason at all. She gave a party about 3 weeks ^go and all the boiys ^ere talking to her and wanting to g^et a break with har and I go mad. Afterwards she said I cheeked out on h«r. I saw her in'ti'e show Fri. and she and her girt friend came and sat in front of me and my friend boy. I wouldn’t go and talk with her. I couldn’t get up nerve enough.Am I being too good to Jjer or whatf She is 13 and T am 15. Ans: I thought so. .The trouble is that yoou have picked out the best looking and the most popu lar gal in your part of town and you’re trying to monopolize her time. She can’t see things your way—^for there are too many other boys who are glad to show her a good time. Just keep oa treating her real nice and you will be rewarded. WR—Please tell me what is the trouble with my son! He won’t stay at home and tells it around that I won’t let him stoy at home. He steals and stays in jail the most of the time. What’s going to become of him and why doca he do these things and what can I do to stop himt AnsTThis is a pirfetty late date to be thinking of making the •boy change hig ways. His troubles all date back to the way he was raised in the first jJace. He got to running around with the wrong sort of pals and now he is a full fledged “tough gu3^” Abou^-all you can do now is to pray that some ^ood girl will come fclong |ind straighten 4\im out. While you can, I suggest that you en- ouwgev him Io“ go to church for association with gopd Christian aggosiating w’ith good Christian people might have some influ ence in showing him the mistake he is making. And the best ex ample you could show him for a good Christian would be for you to start goiqg to church regularly yourself* every Sunday. DR—I have been married six years and until last year when we got a car we were all right but now he runs around and drinks a lot and we fight a lot and I say I am going to leave him but secmg like I can’t. I know I don’t have to put up with the way we are livings Everytime I leave home I mteef someone who tells mo where they seen him and who he had in the oar. P. S. My things are all packed but I’ll wait until I hear from you. Ans: Well, don’t wait any longer. The “love bird” had done . out the window and when he goes there isn’t much left to hold husband and wife together. You have no children and things are going from bad to worse so I think a separation is the only thing that will jolt your husband to his senses. HMD—I am in love with a married man and have been go ing with him for 5 years. Both are very deeply in love with one, otht*r and just cannot be satisfied unless we are together all the tinfe. Will it be best for me to wait on the man I love or marry someone I do not lovef Ans: For the childrong sake it would be best if you and this man'ied lover of yoiir saw no more of each other. There can be no married fol' you two—so disraisg this idea from your mind. The present setup leads to nothing but unhappiness. It will be to yoiir advantage to make a change, but thig does not mean that you have to marry the first Tom, DicK of Harry that comes along. in mipd to go awly someday poon and not to return as'uijr fa- Iher beale me for the fun il. .'Ans: Your father has, hat one aim in life and that is " to have’ you kids grow up to be respect able men and women. Being left a widower with a bunch of kids to look after hag it problems too and he is only trying to make the best of a tought job. He doesn’t take any pleaswe in correcting yon—but he is deter mined that no daughter of hia i« going to disgrace the whole’ family. Stay home where you be long and go out of your way to please your daddy and everything will turn out okay. A. & T. Instructor Given Post In Capital GREENSBORO — J. Arehie Hargrave, director of pabKeity and instructor in eoeial science at A and T Coll^, ha4 been granted a leave of alMenee to as- 9ttme duties as a problem pte- sentetion specialist with the con sumer division of the office of emergency management, WasMng ton, D. C. Mr. Hai^aves left Gr^neboro, Wednesday night, July 33, to take up his duties in Washington im mediately Hargraves' job will be the oiTganization and presentation of simple and direct consumer education maTerial to the Negro public. Hargraves has been a member of the A and T faculty since September, 1940. In addition to hi* deities as publicity dit«etor, he served as graduate manager of athletics and alumni secretary. Hargraves is « native of Greens boro and a graduate of Dudley high school and A and T Cellege. Throughout his high school attd college life, he was regarded as a well read and well informed in dividual. In high school as well as in college he was a member of chanlpionshi p debating teams. Hargraves is a memherr of the Gamma Tau Chapter of the Alpha IfidtiaB Afilitary Acaw Gidits Uii;ed To Prq»are For Service—Even Abroad I . * t- la awa)rding ,4iplomas to thirty (wo «adet!s of tbe^ Haitian Mili tary Academy at Port-au-Prince recently, Elie President o^ the Republic, nrged ^ them to pr»* pan *to« be^ teuti vb«For«r^ deemed ^eeessary, even abroad.’ ’ At the ceremonie* in the City’s largest threat«r»^ the ^^sident ^Id the new Sdeond Ueatenants of ttie dnftrd of fiailS that “in the troubled epodi*ini'which we live, no one can predict the role that omr little army may be aeked to pray* It was the first clags to gradu ate from the Haitian Military Military Academy imder the direction of the United States Military Mission and the first | time tiiat the President had awazd ed diplomas at graduation, exercises followed closely those of the United Statea Military Academy. Kappa Mu Honorary Society. Beeidra having been on’the ataff of the Registrar, the A and T newspaper, far the jwist fonr years he has been a frequent con>- tributor to the leading newspapers and magazines of the country. ^ The - nnmber of ^ patenti- for • iBh ventlons granted ^ throughout the World amounted^to^ 147^396 daring l93d, the latest ’. year for which Statiitics are available. Deiydrateed Dehydrated foods, declared Mual in in value to canned loods ujy the Food Committee of the Armj^ and Navy Rations Board, may help solve a possilhe short age of t|»f> The difference between the French and the Britkh is that the British are “last ditch” fighters, and they are hard to beat. POM smi looK {Vfunnwe Mtw i» sTiUwt t . •'c«tcdaNttf• • I ■ • N|0 • N • • > A N a M at AIL SI2|^LI MUMS HOWARD HATS HUUM9 UAOne stYtm 125» STREET C. W. HOBBS GROCERY Groceries - Meate Food .Stamps Gashed 501 E. First Street Onapoi^er A new proceas for using staple cotton instead of cotton liutwu in the manufacture of smokeless Powder will be^ipven a pla^^ test Boon at Hopdt^hlViiigiiiia. Dr. Aibr«y L: Palmer Eyes raittnined Glioses Fitted W« maintain • completely . equipped office for the elusive' convei|ieftce&. of the * Colored People. TeIe.J-^ (Opposite l*ttbl!c UBr^) 317-A N. Tryon Strbet iiiiiiHiiiiiHiiiiiiiyiiiiiifniyiiiuiiiii MONET TO LOAN On Diamonds, Watches, Jewdry, Silvenrare. BCen’s Clothing, Type Writers, Shot Gans. Musical In* struments, anything of v«Rie. RELIABLE LOAN CO. 121 EAST TRADE STREET 'Charlotte’s 01d«it and Laivn^ David Pender Stores and Big Star Siqier Markets 217 w; HERS JOB EXCHANGE £)f)lTOR^ NOTE: Thiis clolumn is published for the benefit of unemployed t^chera desiring positiims, emidoyed teachers de siring better positions, and superintradents and principals in search of competent instructora. Addr^s all correspmd> ence to Teachers Job Exchange, Box 59, Durham, N. C. Cost of listing your desires for. a position in this column will be furnished upon request* Principals niay list their desires for instructors without cost. No. 125—ELEMENTARY TEACHER (Female) with 16 years grammar grade and elementary teaching experieuce with a grammar grade A (Certificate .desires position. Can play pi ano and teach public school mudic and direct playground activw ities. No. l^ELEMENTARY TEACHER (Female) with ele- mentary "A” certificate and 15 years teaching experience in grammar grade and elementary work desires position. Holds A. B. degree from accredited college* No. 127—HIGH SCHOOL TEACHER (Male) with A. B. degree from accredited college, English Major, French Minor and, six years t^ching experience. Has high school “A" certifi cate. Please metnion number when making inquiries. Address all correspondence ‘Teachers Job Exchange’, Box 59, Durham*N.C. Day FUNERAL HOME 329 south BREVARD STREET Phone- 8431, Night Phones 34027, 3-2472 RD—^My mother died a few years ago and niy eldest sister (she’g 16) taken the place of my mother. I’m 14, but here is the point, niy father scolds me so much that I^am ,ve^ unhapp.’^ and unpleasant iUl jthei time, j lijy sister doesn’t even ttll t^ie truth' on me and it maker it veiy hard* on me. Sometime I feel as If I am thrdwn away. I earn the j money for my clothes and I have ■WEOTSBBwigiiiiig BREVARD ST. BARBER SHOP I Shower . 15c N. G. ElMIRiiRDS, Prop. 231 South Brevard St. Charlott Regal Theatre t- “VICTOR CAUTION** Also Last Chapier^^of “DRUMS OF FU MANCHU” Tuesday and tWednesday, SPECIAL HUMPHREY BOGART in ' “HIGH SIERRA- f rhursday-BARGAlN DAY-Thursday Sc and 10c Two Features and Short JACK HOLT in “PASSPORT to ALCATRAZ” Also—Roy Rofi^ers in “YOUNG BILL HICKOCK” EVERY MONDAY, WEDNESDAY FRIDAY-CASH NIGHT! Scarborough & Hargett funeral DIRECTORS AMBULANCE SERVICE Phon«»: Day J.8721, Night J-3722 522 E. Pettigrew St. i “SUMER IS THE T0»E TO LOOK SMART” Be Smart and Visit THE SERVId TAILOR SHOP E. D. Davis, Prop. 612 Fayetteville St. “12 Ye^rs of ijjcperience” n

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