I iNcinre Untrne TRE CAROLINA TIMES Vn^. Ho has a .Miiiihnttan high cprtifioate from Hchool where ho City the w#«*k hf for sheet inrtal work. Mtwrdiiif^ ,to V«n Ost**n'» af fidavit. he was intrrvioMcd iit t)K>'p)Uit by a Mr. Framopton told him were no oj>en- itigt for slioet metal worker^i. \ un Oaten aaid be saw Framepton aiMHt S5 4tr 40 white mrn for fki^ Job. Van Osten then asked B job a« sheet metal helper, kit toW by Framepton that WWte workers did not like to with colored. He offered the ft^rieneed eraftman a jo'> as ^ , . , , «re working now at the plant. Vm Oaten retnmed to the ^he NAACP declared that if plfct 1.^ week on adv,ee_ from l^,j iEmpiojTnent Semee an^ Weaver on behalf of the 0PM ar® by Pramepton that he would Brewester ea«e, the ■ire any colored werkera. l/.u,, \r. rv * 1 J tu i 1.1 M w RttemptinR to ])aint a rVto Oaten aslo said that while .. # j„ i ■* „• „ , . . , ^ rosy piture of a dark situation. r^A^ng i|im work, Brewster | ' hirea a south European who had _ rv 1 oidT his second citizenship papers \flQf| KAY llPrnV •b4 had difficulty in reading the ^“F ^ bla^fN'int. .attempt to get work laat ^ be kept deaner. it was agreed. jiiln> failed. yjOVCmUr I In contrast to the jjyreater I Oliver Xfin^, 21, of New York'^ I mT O L | Patr of the Courthouae, the '( itv hn> lH»th frainiinr and |/)(*IW llG{frO ^CtlOOl which is kept up ^6 by the prisoners under the direc- Aftor niffirnlt Parrish, /allCl 1/llllvUlL 1 Cloli ;vaa praised by the b^ard, which ! agreed that it had never seen a Georgia, (NNS) — Thrifty and,®!®®*'®*’ (ODntlnoea rrmn p*ffe one) Stati K«l>loyment Servie*- to the i“ “n-'-"" ■"? - piiie ijierhanies and a certificate from tlie same aohool for a course in emergency training which he took last summer. In addition he workpil for a year at La Uuardia field iis Junior Aircraft Assis tant. Twice Ming has applisd at Brewster’s Long Island plant for (‘inploynient, once a year and a half ago, once on ThurHday, July :H). Both times he wax told there were no openings, in spito of the fact that there ar*. k number of graduates from Manhattan High school whom he knows personally The second case bronght to the NAACP last week is that of John 'Woods, 222, of Yonkers, New (Continued from page one) pa ted in the local races two weeks ago made very creditable 400 hours of special,^ , ^^‘^e riveting. youths and deserve teh full co- with trainiiiff in aircraft Wbbds completed his eoose ««ths ago at Saunders Training tnp.They sefaool, YonkerB, where the in- tHictor were all Brewster em-! ji.yees. In spite of this, Woods’ mriieation wa« turned down IW RMoth .need transportation and main- jtenance expenses as well as mon ey to defray the costs ot crating and shipping their cars. , Listed as associate sponsors by Brewster on the are: Dr. J. M. Hubbard. Mtes- ^nnd that there was no need dames Ethel Hubbard, Ethel for n»-ters. Woods learned later Berry, B. W. Kennedy, Ada ftom hia school principal that^C. Palmer, Messrs. George Lo- wrwal riveteB had been hired gan, L. W. Berry, Thomas fi^ the school after his afjplica-1 Jones, Samuel Moore, John Mid- tioo was refused. Wood’s stcond'gette, «nd Miss -Ruth Palmer. MW DOBonnr van nuts WXudUr Sam frmiim OaUtr CM far seeing Negro women of (Jeoi^ia saved their peniuea and diinCH for mniij' long, hard years i’l order to build a reform school for girla of their race. The state had a taining school for 'vhite girl delinquents, but Negro gifl* had to gn to jail or the peniten tiary. Georgia’s Negro women raised several thousand dollars, obtain ed l.'JO acres of land near Macon and got a WPA grant that made it poHHiblc to build the desired institution. In the training school was completed und given to the State. Legislature accepted the 1 alnt, hut refused to approjiriate funds to ooerate it. Delinquent Negro girls were still sent to jail, and no effort was made to re habilitate them. Two years ago the DeKalb County grand jury adopted the following resolution; “We find there is no facility whatever jn the State for handk ing Negro girls, and we suggest this same committee vigorously take up with the governor this astounding situation, and demand that something be done as prom ptly as possible. With all the money that is beinp: spent in tis State, could a better Christian cause be found? SPORT-O-GRAPH By FRANK T. WARD RAY ROBINSON TO JOIN LOUIS CAMP I I New York, (Calpin)'— It’s not quite in the bug yef, but you can almost bet on U that Ray Robin son, the brilliant ex-Qolden Gloves lightweight is joining u|) with the Joe Louis forces.- Hay, who did a beautiful job last week in Philly, outpointing Sammy Angott. has split with manager. New Jc^ey brew- John Aveiy Boys’ Club To Hear British Sailor The following members of the John Avery Boys' Club are en-* camped at aCmp WhisperinR Pines near Cary; Billy Marsh, Alexander Shearin, harles Brew- ington, Billy Perry, HJira Tur ner, Bernard Tate, Tom Hub bard, Ralph Malone, Mickey Micheaux, Dan Martin, Deur- ward Hughes, Carl Whitted. Milton Hollar, Calvin Hubbard, and Ronald Forman. They were accompanied by Counselors Hen ry Burnett, Itevid Weaver and Merriman Hill and Truant offi cer J*. W. Bailey. Friday night the group will have an opportunity to hear a speech by one of the command ing officers of the British Sail- jacent to Whispering Pines. IS MORE GRAND TASTING 28% LESS NICOTINE Am Ac cvciasB of dw 4 odm lltwy ftgMf ° !■§ tkaa mar ot them accotd« !■( to inlp«tiidcMt wkwwHic ■M of ifc* aoMlce tadfl only after much deliberation, for We claim both just a week or so ago, Black in a from a social and economic stand- short interview, expressed his point this money would not be true feelings about signing up a spent in vain.” new star. Said he: “After be- After a gieat deal of agitation, ing around a fellow like Joo for the' Georgia Legislature this year 10 years, you hesitate to start voted—almost unanimously — an over with anyboly else. It’s such apprporiation for putting the a pleasure to work with Joe. He idk* training school plant into is a quiet, easy going, and easy operation. * jto get along with boy and John Governor Gene Talmadge, how- I can’t seem to get ent^iusiastic eVer, preented Georgia from help about any other fellow, no matter ing its Negro girls. Ho vetoed the how good a prosipect he looks to appropriation. ’ be. ” The Georgia Training School After all, a feller can change for Negro Girls, built four years his mind! ago' With pennies and dimes of JUSSE IN THE ROSES self sacrificin.? Negro women, | Ljfg hasn’t been exactly a bed still stands empty, locked and roses for 27 jrei*r old Jesse deserted.” Delinquent Ne^o Qwens, King of the Cinder Paths, girls, who could be rescued for|'-^Yj^jj very few track opening in useful life by modern reforma- iJfpgro colleges and with three tory methods, are forced into [^.rowing kids to support, Jesse Kurt Horrman, er, and is now in Detroit talking j ors who are now in encampment business with John Rojoborough: f^ Crabtre^e^ Pafk, whi^h is ad and Julian Black, Louis co pilot. Sharj) shooting Robinson is a strong contender for the light title heavyweight title which is so shanely perched oh Lew Jen kins’ brow, and need strong guid ance in this s^age of the game.- Of course wc can think of no one better tWn the champion’s managerial experts. If and when Black and Rox- borough, really do sign on the dotted lined to take over the re ign of ambitious Ray, it will be CAMEL THE CIGARETTE OF COSTllEn TOBACCOS I Too Too Con Hove Beautiful Hair ' ifTtHi; MMUIt ■mto POtMVLA IMLF YOU AS irHAS HILPID YHOOSANDI OTHIftSI ,jH#w You Coi Grow Long, Hooltliy Hoir Cwtaia put* of the bwirp«w to m ccrtaiii sixe and no further, whereat, Crm alwa)« if ywi keep Kalp heakhy. An tiling tcalp cautet leraldi your tcalp you make toret and scart. HAIR WILL NOT GROW FROM A SCAR ffcere met m aweai glaiidt Ib toret or tears. The body it fdven power Mtue •• Make certaia ouMtrowtht of ddn which we all know v«7 Hi^ it pr«4»oed by oar tcalp tkin. Each Hair Grows from a tpedal Iktla pUee ia the trw Ain. If you fettroy of mutilate thit true tkin yM auy fed all ri|^ bot aolhing will ever form saother true dcin. A scar is Mt tkia. Yoo will never find a hair growine from a tear or ■tte. Hair growt from the oelit of the hair bulbt. If you do ' tin lo«k after i»te hak bulbt. Jiair will becoote brittle and break off. Tiwte are two giaadt la each ^r t» produce oil that ke^ h toft and fiolila, ketm M fro* bcoom , ' and from erackiVig. Every hair hat a Made wUeh to altadwd Root. In order ta have attractive, , fctallhr hskt ^ Miwt help nature . Grow Hair by keeping your scalp ^ gao4 ^ Keep ll dean, tofi and eliminate itching and dandruff. If yM ar» mtferMg whh Iwad toret or mrt do not delay taking our ^aiplele trefewt «r ytm will loae your hair. To keep your hair cellt aMHttef pietwl'iy and guarantee yourtelf a beahhy. Mautiful Itead of Umfi paalaj: hair. gi«e yoartrif a complete Nn-Hair Treatment. HthHvIr Trt«fM«a# c*Mf«#s of; SPICIAL Of Hit ALL FOR ONLY 'J iwfr# HMMr frvMiai Cowp— flND NO MONEY. MOMICYS. im iTMdway. N«w York. N. Y. crimo breeling jails. jhas 'had to seek his living other than running, graceful and swift, /y M (F| J. !though he may be. At present, he u3l6S 1 r0S6ntS CHSG the southland with baseball teams, giving exhibition .. J » 'matches, besides running and (Continued on page three) I „ , • , ^ -operating a cleaning and press- som said that almost uvery de- ing plant in, his hometown, Cleve- patremnt has been complaining land, Ohio. Jesse says his only aobut the way it is cleaned up, hope for the future is to teach or not cleaned up. ^ I mechanical drawning '•in some Floors Are pirty 'collie and ooach a little on the Various commissioners men- side until “the little world of tioned seeing floors dirty on nu- sports,” as he calls the track, merous occasions, and they a big. spot like agreed that the woodwork was boxing. i f rarely in satisfactory condition.; ’ . ! ' '■ ** The condition of the public toilet rooms also was pronounc-' ed deplorable, althougrh it» was stated that the public apparent-■ . I ly makes little effort to cooper- (Continued from page one) "^ate in keeping these rooms campaign. William clean. |A. •Tuck serves as sesretary of Newsom told the board that the^^Durham division and J. he had been notified unless the H. Wheeler is Treasurer. elevator boys close the safety. gates, which they have not been Pasture demonstrations in Re doing regularly, the insurance wan County are teaching farm- rates for the elevators will be ers a real lesson in the value of, increased sharply. improved pastures, says P. H. The courtrooms too, should Sutterwhite. Henderson “Wins In Airplane Game” By W. F. ALEZANDBS Henderson — On last Sunday capacity crow witnessed the base ball game between the local Carolina Tigers and the Congo Zulu Oiants of Winston Salem for the benefit of the Old North State Fund, which is designed to rai^ funds for an airfdaoe asa- bulance for En^and, and saw the local team emerge victorous by the score of 6 to 2. Preceding the game. W. R. Johnson, consultant. State Board of Charities and Public Welfare, made a brrief but inspiring speech in which he told of the |rians of the fund and the necessity for Civing all possible aid to England —^Mr. Jahnson is secretary of the Negro Division of the lund, and Dr. James E. Shephard is C'hairman. Bellthorpe, Allen and Hunt of the local team led in the hitting with three hits each, while ^ailu startling hnrler. led the visitors tBfee.' ■ ■ ■ ’ ■ * ■ Batteric^ for the teama \rer«: Zula Qia'nts, Nailu, Culberate and W41laoe, ’for the tigers, Taylor and Knight. . : Manager Chinn of the Hender son QLantg told this writer that he iasuea a personal (duillenge on behalf of himself and each mem ber of the team for two games iwith t'be Raleigh Grays, whose ^nager “Pete” Wilder l)a« aaid in prompt, that it man almost im- poeaible to find worthy 0|qp0&* entfe. The fft^as will be on a iMMne and 4k>me basis, according to Mr. Gunn, with reciprocal t^ms. The,^ tigerfc boa«t of one of the country with sixteen wins against ony two toMes, having defeated such teams u Darham Bed Caps, Duriiam Blue Caps, Rocky Mount, Eichmond Giants, Rich mond Cardinals and others. AUGtBT 7, 194] Extra ^ Milk routes are foraishing Anson County farmers an extra source of income and a ehance to get away from one crop farming, says Clarence Earley, farm agent. President is backed on day light saving in Gallup survey. CLINTON N. and I. COLIIGE Rock Hill, & a A Co-Educational Institutiop Conducted by the ...... A. M. E. ZION CHURCH Healthful Locatkm Reiw>nable Rates, Self-Help Opportunity Fall Session Beifins September 8, 1941 For information, address: Presklenty £. Warner Brice o20 Autonoiitirii 1 tItlttHftI KILItCD DUfilNO MM UOHT oomxnom fffffti PRICES REOUCEDI The Durham schedule of Public Service Company aniioiiiices the followini; new icie prices eff^tiye Sunday, July 27,M94L DELIVERED IGE J. U. LOWE I - 'i -s' ' -f' 300 n^OUR HOHg IS INSURED-YES. BtJTiaTI8S?l ^ innwr«ikJ m !!'il » o'ee tM Juocal^crentc£ ' = BAMCRSTKE INSUI^E CCy«^ 1 DURHAMa NORTH CAROUNA CONSERViTlYE ~ SOLt ^ - OEBEN13ABLI ACME REALTY COMPANY RALEIGH, NORTH CAROUNA UNION INSURANCE AND REALTY CO. DURHAM. NORTH CAROUNA BISHOP DAI.E INSURANCE AGENCY, CHARLOTTE Pounds $1.20 Pounds.,...., 40 dknts Pounds. ’ 20 cents Pounds............ 10 cents ALL SALES FOR CASH Minimum Gut 25 pouoclS tor 16 cents Special Delivery Service Ithsimum Cut 50 pounds for 20 eepts Platform prices at our Vivian Street; Plant an^ the East and West Dur ham Ice Stations are the same as delivered prl^ with the exception of sales of 300 pounds or,more at the platform which are at rate of $1.00 for 300 pounds. In return for these reduced prices we will appreciate your cooperation in the matter of cash payment, special delivery setvice, and greater use of ice. For Better Ice Service Pfcwe F-8%1 ; DURHAM PUBLIC SERVICE