THUTOAY, NOViaiSER tl, tNl OAmOLXirA TOIBi •Af. iroT. 14 liii in. WOMAN’S PAGE T-. V fTstsstutttimm m THE SOCIAL nhIRL BjrlXSS iUltT Tlife h tlie heart of tb* 'footlwll ¥«. M»ry Laws, reiWent of Cj1» Mill Boad if rapidly reciipep ■t{nf after a ment illn«as ot & few weeka. season and* on Satardayi-we-find Dar&atnit^ 'bvafin^ the elements to th^ ^afwmte ‘team* plav. Attmiin^ ^th^ elaah Charlotte bet#ein fl}rf North Carqlma Eagles Walker S«\irlo«k is at hotne on and ilihe Smith 'Pails irens: Mr. and Qu«m Road after bmng ooo' Mr*.' iL IB. Mr. and Mrs. fis»d at BNike Hoep^tal and improving rapidly. Mke«s lola and Elma Tilley vit- itefl Miss Eariiea Scarloek at her hom* Snnday. B. N. 'Harris, R.‘ L. MeDongatd, Ih". Jihynie Carter and Mr^'mid'Mi^ Jf. C. Scarborough, I i««i^ We C/ ft. held fc meeting at the YWCi^ciQber $1» fof the pnrpbse 6f aeeepting nfw inetnbers thofie^jbiipng MissW Etorit Qr^n'if fella Parham* M»ry Over- by, Teneta Sandtr^ ‘Dpris B^iA> soft, Yifian^ndgeweli, Vara Da- Vmim Helen and Thelma Jon«i Tis. Xoaiae Maloae. Nootoa Thom- Balloek, and ^hunie M*« as, Rnth.Joaey. WilhfiUneni*' Cam- eroHt Iba9l'MM}««,’Grate Moofe, Thelma 6pene#, Pinkie MeAden and,Helen-0)Hn>M. A4 th'e^elow of the «y«nlta|^*hdt abeo« aiid doagh- *. BTits were «erred t« the y^ng lAd- les.- .» On the evMiii^r >f Novemljer 5, iCifls'.yieteYi* ^rdiee'was host^ to the iry 'oiit o| *4 new .game. *‘S»t®n(|f^ Ijffisfr- C^ria G«n«tt^t groop^wto named the winner^ ol ‘*tk* evening. I'hose ^en- jdyn^ the hospitality were': Mitam Gloria ICJipm^fltin® and Harnett ■ Amey, iJlyne Tim»«p, Mftrg*!^ ' Sawver,^ imd Patrlcift Coles ;'Mesfo« Clifton Turner. L«o ToWiMiend, Edwftrd adyd, Ca«Mr Mts. and Ifra- John P^aree who Ut^ on the Oness Boad are, now rending on Cole Hill Road. WiUimns spant an enjoyable even- ioi^ Sunday in Ralegh. They were «e«»mpanied by Messre Garret Plfker^ “Sparrow,” and Oeoi^^ ^ /'Bn^k , Joqen” • fprm^ rerfdeiit of the city, now Corporal at Port Knoj^' Ky., spent the week end h«re. Pastor’s Aid Club of St, A* M E Church met with Mrs; .Hos^' Bojmter oft Grant St., Tlntreday eveninjg. Nor. 13 at 8 o’clock. * — - - Tke Ushers of St. Joseph A M 0 Chpreh h^d a meeting at the h^« of S. N. Davja on l^dwood Valentine, 'BHly Adkins and Char- Avenue, Tuesday evening, Nov. 11. les Diekerson. — * Th» members of St. Joiiept A M Mr. and-M«^ Sewrloeli j| Church liav« h«An extended a faa^w been^h^ly entertained wi|1> ^diai invitation by th* Kyles _ MM _ »_ ir- ji T*i^P)1«„.A M E 2aon Ctiurch to itlpnd the de^«atton service for th» pews‘at 11 o^lock Sunday tm»i:1iii^;.and the S o'clock service Sunday afternoon at ^ich tiine the Qoapel Cho^ist ol St. Joesph E Qiurch wiU|Sij^., • • . rt' *■ .■ f ' J ■ . , ■ .1 }••* i t- •« ,‘Mp. .apj| Mp|. ,D^i4n |r^n o^ Verljmn ai^ i^roth;^ Elane john- •on 'w;ho wetc' accomipanied hos^ft bv.’their'parenls. Mr.: an]8,Mfs.. 6au4y^ Jj)hn|oo.^ gcnrlock, : j ’ ’ J' -t ■■L.lg >Jf.1 %, LLxJll tHU-t f .‘ > vrt-n-'-i , /!■ 4kfi 3 / ■- A It " jfc 'A ' I M^mui t«lam ji Mrt «a«r ll; n^~ Sit jnM* II ttfupsff.,: = SiSMiv*'Mlatlii in hot mdt joiisiB ana lUd «aIL Tw tot* iiiridwl aMAa. CWQ imtU wm. ui* a,«li. iwvd IHtOaH, VMU, VpilEi M totiWjFt vHms l.haS-sU* ni)Ma. oitf «] tiuri*r whioH bu Maitr- a«ML «n4 teaUd U> i>r AroM* «liUf M«k WtU have M(tt« oauM JMr^ThaHlufwiBf a «b« ^viMts la % iut«k4^Mi • ■ - f -. SeM. 49«)ick-ft«s*a v«r«tei^)w J«ir to hvmr 4ooka, tof, iMoauM as ik# iTHb^jr t!m« • oonmifiilsK «tu>ri pr*p*rattoa art 41«|Msad o( '4\iick>tr««siBK U appn«d. - ‘ Oy*t*F Tui*l(k)r ;4 oap* »m br«a4 crumb* . . k tMMipoon tAc* k i«M^n tbynM U taaapoon BHtnwc , > 'i t4MMi»eoo Mlt Dhgb «f btaMk Mpp«r U twMPOon MrapAd onhm >i act. ■llfbtir b«at«B aup B9Mt*d b«tt«r IWHitlt. twts'wlth itW And wowiiii ws i|lkMt In ta^ 0V4B. iMt deUteUrty on i . fIttM ta«^ 1 box qiilok'frofm oTstars, tiliav«>ii asd chopMd 17m d*r old br^ad. Cembln* ^«ad •riimbt, aAatoslQKi, and oidon. ’'Mi' An And buttor aM tou toK«tb»r tork. Add ^opp^ oystam asd faU UabUr. UakM •nough ■tuffln* tot ^ ymall turk«y. WN1»0M tWMt Potato** in Oraag* i^lN I oranc** I otma boU«d w bakod aw*«t potato** I t*aapoona aalt I taMMpooiia »*lt«d battor I manrtimaUowB ^ Cat off top* pt onagoa and rom^tr* pulp and jntito with a abarp koMf and spoon, vnip awMt potato* wttk aatt, buttar and oraDg* Juloo to moistan to loalrfA con*tat«D«r. vm Juio* BMitrod \ TfA con*tat«D«r- '«parlaf abol^ flU oranv* Mijilte ^p Mdh jMtb a aDM^mallow. iwa la lao^ant* ov*a naWI >**»*|s (>rv*s •>. . ThiaksfMM IH M^ia^ C»**(Mta^^- H ottp l*«on Jvto# 1 019 waab*nr Dlllp, ftaisafl S •ns> Sfpiumtod $ flipUP Bata# tart SlMlto «!• ow t«,Mm:.tb«r’iY *a«r fiiato. W tor tb* r*c4pM vm faiiuro-praof. M*4*H(r«i» Oli*M*4irf Onlw ipi%ad wl i«da -onipn. To sBarlaf^t#, onioa, add aalt, p*pp«r and oqual quanUtiM Of oil abd vln«a*r to sliced otilon -and tot Itaad twAnty sninutaa. Qamlab wi^ttl ati^od oUvt«. . Hot Coffolat* fi^tnanKm 'aiiolt' atlrroni add a d«K- ,to flavor to Oiia foatlv* O^anlugtv- inf boyaraM, vblob la maijo of ctioMlnto ootebliiod irltb d*cafinnat*d to fhit ntttwdr wtU worry ovor fltaoptnc probtaiaa at tb* and ot a to^r holiday. 1 eup stvo|f daoalMnatad ooOa* I aquarta uaawootonod ohooolata t tSMotpooaa augar ' Dash of salt • aupa isUlf . ■ llaka dacaffalnat*d w^** aztra and Maggie Whitted, Misaea Hor- dire Mack, Nobie, and Messrs Charlie Wall and O. Boondtree were visitors at the Mt. ^lead Church in OrangB County Sunday. The Male Chorus of Mt Vernon BaiAiat Church celebrated its third anniversary Sunday afternoon. The Gueat leaker for the oc«r- «on waa Rev. F. O. i^ss, pastor of the BHrst Baptist Church in Reidsville. The music was fttrn>ah- ed by the Second Baptist Main Chorus. The officers of the ehoras are: Tommy BowIaiM, president; Clyde Richardson, vice premdent; Haywood Royster, general mana ger, and Mtaa Eddye B. Hicks, di rectress. The chorus also exjwes'i- ed encouri^mant *nd support to those who so generously contribut ed encouragement and *uppore to them during the three years of thfir organization, On the evening of November 10 the “Diamond Jubilee Banquet’* was held at White Rock Baptist Church. Mrs. Ellen Smith, old^«t living member of the church made a speech, with the music being famished by the Hillside Hi^li School band. Enjoying hot “coffee, buttered rolla, turkey and potato salad were s«Tred members of White Bock Chiweh and theii friends. AMgfii€A'| INJHE SHADOW OF THE STARS * * * WWW •N. B. R, I was wlh a man 13 years and we have two childran- man he is with right ndw lUid only treats you nice becaitse . ;oa. did We separled because'he likM the-mean something .to him^ at one The Shaw C^ub held its second meeting last Wednesday night at the W. Q. PeMaon School. Mr^. Bettve Reaves, vice^ ja*e8iden^ pre sided in the absence of Mr. CSheek. Plana ?ire under way to, Uinnch a definite eampaign, the- pur|>08e be ing to raise for financial aid to Shawj Univ€jpsitv., The next meeting ikll be held on the.fiirat Wednesday night in December at the home of Mrs.” Marion Alstmi, 1607 Fayetteville Street- if— Developments indicates that the total Inumber of eattle fed during 1941^ feeding season may be smaller than a year ewlier, re ports the U. S. _Burean -of Agri cultural Economics. - * . . . . . ■ A^er the leaves haw fallan, one month is a^ut aa good as another foifi‘p|Tininfe gfap.fv,ief in feQtipfts whg?^ -wlnlw tej^i^rtituces - ra ye)y Jow^ i|h|n IJ dje^nnqes beloF ' •treaftb uplng tabloapoona fw oach Vi.' % pint wator. Add |a top of dQubl* bpUor tow flamo, atfrrloc uatU diooolato top of doubl* (dMtiolat* iff astf.Riao* ^ iDMltod abd bloBdod. Add atigar and .Oy. X^oa ovar bolltng watM. Aid milk gndually, at^na oonatant- gM^^jwd tell 4 mta^Qt4% ftlrriM o6b- Add milk greauaily, ly; than haat whan hot, b*a| tritt rati^ oii bMtor vntU frothy. 9aty* hot or ootd. TOP with wfalppad orOam, tt d^tlNdT Sa^oa I. •oelal I** ■raalar* Wh«Qk*r yon'ro antartalatnf .for th* •4»Vio* bioya oB loav* or n^bborhood that HO Id on to 4W^r* pirijr smooaaa. IB Dorado, an IjMtSmT »«w hoiM tam* baaad on ter mvMkmUe l^oa baaanrM. _ as mvr to !«ara aa I>ic, tho It ipuao you plm^ irtl^ Uttl* alnar’a f and al|bab«t l«ttani or &&Miaa, noW fii4 Woada lachinaa and I a^ oif oonra*. llonimiy, thi^ * - - Mwaya ■o. 11 aatat* traOlnc fan* can « oas^^ M t» SMlta a iwity i night life fnd 1 don't. He is begg ing me back Tic[ht now sloee h« found Out a nice, high type man with plenty of money ia goinc with me. The n«» wan wanta to marry m^ too. Tall mi what to do and which one to marty. The ■fiwt man says he wil| marry mo now. Answer: —■ Tliera are adfant* ages and disaljirfcntagea r^rding both men. The flr*4 man is the f s^ ther of yoot ^ildreh, biit you two have «ep*ra>«d tnd liV^ hid-' ly for the whole^lS ywrt. The new man 1ov0b you *^d *ih hftoeet is wanting to BMpey. Ni>w *yoti are* 'going to to ehoosQ tlfe o«w that yoa. love the b^ii—4jat b» sure you macry~do not any more of theff partnerships vien- tures for they, oe^ljr ail Vei^d to sorrow. i L. S. — PltM«K l*t m« ^ you think X *lK>j|ld Uk® tfce Sob that has beWi (^^wed* la^ •bon’- 300 miles awayt 1 Ana: — Tal» it- A* th* pwpent time you ar« badly ia need of * change, eesai^ially lAat happeaad the first of OetoUr. Th* «sw jo> will miAa tt ^possible for yo« td meet neW friend*- att^ tliat is exactly what you need. • B, C. T. — I bate ^ third time, Uf second hatband still Pulls afhgf toe aad I can^t help myself moviH# lolling hkn. I lofro him so ha^tf. TO»a taaii’Irlto ied to is refcj nice to mo in ever way. But everytime I tee my se cond husband he Will bay me cold drinks and bi nice! Do«rl» tow me or just playi^ Ans:*-^;Don%t70tt’think if tow second htt^and U>^*ed ydu-^-^e tima. My hone^ si^eation ie that you “be nice po this ttiiH hvsband aa he loves yon, is sincere in every respect and wUI make yoo a ^ood mate! fitop ming out jiut to lAeet this «eond Vvsbiuid, if, J.l^at ii”wroiig witK my feet and ny head ]»ina me tfome- •Mng terrible! I wi^nt to send ^ my wading when it gats roady. Ana; — Yon must ‘go to a reli able doctor th»n in joar eitjr for |reatmeot->4i« ea^ dia^^oae ybur case and help yoa. Tea, tha new ^942 Aatrology Readiagi ar* r«^y now. The fPric* ia 25«. Bend for yonrs asytima. A. E. L. — I started to write yqu before but I waa aahamad. I know that I did my "fifo wrong so please help me and tell me what to do to get her b*ek again. I Idv* my Wife but v>me people are talkinf. Writ* m* and I will da anything that you aay. ADs^*-Go to yoar wif* iand ask fongiveness. Be aure that you kave mdpSy in your- poeket to dra« hea aP tor that will go a loi^ way toward winning her, baek after'the brenk aheJuui had recent ly, Tour wife J« no fool—i# you ti7 ‘aiiy of yotcr ij|onkey b^iness i»rith her agai^, .ah8?'will ftrow o« down .and will never chan^ her mind, lire up to you# ro«irriage code. Mra. ^.—I have been reading your eolunm for a long time and fnjoy it aa you h^ peoj^. Now h«vw iTprobleia. My luaband and hfVe been mairi^ fw two ywira. Tlie fiwt year w«'w«re lovely and lot^ Va^h- other m«eh but now have chan^. .H* is a® CHARLOTTE SOCIAL NOTES Mn. Willie Mait; fiood and Mias Francea Coleman optratorg of the Ho6d^ QMa^ 6aJon preaent4^ thirty-threa models showing dif ferent style* of new fall hairdreM. Mrt. Olivitf W^dii^rton was mis- tresf of cerflmenlfls. Those mode ling' wer». Maddamea I» Blakenry, C. Barksd«le, M. Phillips, H. Rich ardson, M. Williams, W. Porter, and the ftolbwinf little girls, Miss es 0»e Lee Huteteir, Bernice Blake, Berdio Bamhar4t,_ Doris P-orter, Dorthy Mae Ethel Wilson, Irene Gunter, lillie Nelson, Mary Eliaa-beth Bli^e, Woodard, Mattie Portwj Odessa NelsoR, Rosa Ua« Heese, Thelma Ootrell. and Bertha Wilson.' The hair show end^ with a vfflry fine program. The Besidenae Committee of the YWCA sponsored a; vesper Teai Sunday the YWCA on Sonth Brevard Street. Gvest speaker for the occassion was Reverend J. W. Smith, paslkir of the 7th street Presbyterian ehureh'. Miss Gertrude' Hi»ton and Mr. Ernest Ratchford of B«ck Hill, S. C., were man^ej last Sunday ip an impressive cereniony at the home of Mrs. Minm;^"Sinapson. The cou- ph will bo at hi»ae to friMids at SI02 S. Chwry Street. Mljw A^’liver Aiken has ratarned to the fiity after spending the sum mer in Ijake Junaluska. . The Touchdown club of Johnson C, Stnith Utoiveraity entertained af • danca laj^f Saturday evening' at Sunaat Park after the Smith, N.J2. Stata game. Aroand lOQ guests were inTited. mm Ut0^w% f* anviPerefti ^ V '•ji** .■« ^ -4. i' ■ n »«a ’Jit*; Sfoe to t*#b«‘iya^t b^o.>Now cittetiw JAufon; ar«mi mtii *r than gennil^v irNiitbh^ Vflf aorMfWm ■iaion . n o'wMthe krtni«atl to ap mm the gat garmio#- loft.» 4owiuiQtirt ^ich itiifp poaad to wil|i a short tafi^ifiaaif by Mana ger Prank Hanley. The proee^'dp frota ^h« contest will go toward baying handicraft material for all idi^ grotmda in the city. Mrs. Harry .Samuels returned it the’ city last week after Tisitiii;^ the State Fair in Columbia, S. C. While 'in Colombia, Mrs. ^amucLi waa the house guest of Mrs. S. A. BroWn of Columbia. 1 BTITTEE Buttear may be successful^ stor ed in sub-zero temperature for six yecn. elahn Cornell Univeisity scientists after faking butter from coojers where it had bera stored for that period of time. POTATOBB The tr. S. Department of Agri- cultare ha« just announced a pro- grah for diversion of up to 5,000,- OOQ buahela of Irish poiatoes into starch and dextrine. TIRBS Industry sales of ]»ienmatie farm service tdres are expected to reach an all-time high of $34,- 00^,000 in 19^, u statistics show some 1,400,000 rubbershod tractors now in service. l^ttera 476 is c«t 4n wanwiA riiaa 36, 38, 40, 42, 44, 46, 48 and.;-. 50. Slae 36 reqoim 4% yar& " ^nch falHtie. ' , Send FIFTEEN CENTS (tS#) ttt ‘ toiaa far thia pattera. WBITB I CLBASLT SIZE. NAME. Al>> PRESS AND STYLE NUMHEB. , Send orders to Newspaper Fattera Department, 70 Fifth Avenoe, Nc# Ywk,NLY._ Claaa ll,| of Second Ward Hieh School entertained at a Sadie fia^ins Day dance Friday night lit .the Khool. Students from both arid ■ West ChartpttQ rn‘|od^--rt'. 1 ap^ lhp'otttriif. toifn goest^ ifr ^ Hanri«4; Mm. r A; Baery, ■ I ^•frard^ of kr ntitn^f of o{W ’?^}it-«Sfi ^ t in Oiftf J N ,» tii, ffiiniDss JOIN NEE-CHE Self-Rising Flotit out ofjpiakiti^ and Saves you Moti0^ _jij^a, aftd d61^' tfld phloxes tom4- tllftat ihdw &at^ traits. i^w , d!tiph^U¥ims, eolumbihai, gafttardlat, fcoeglovat, Canferbury bi^s, iMach'leavcd belUlowert, co- raopsia—in fact any of the hardy parannlala—lato this fall and tav;e that much spring work and get bet ter r6au|ts in the way lion. Prinurope taed , hl^ar percmta|a ot if town in the fall than low^ apring. ^ow the taad in rowt may grdw along until are aufflcient lue to nia on* danger of fall pl^u the wash from heavy ramt, a gir always in planting seai^ in v open. To obviate this danger, mul^ th* beds with some material th#t will not mat 4hawu- yoUdly, tuch as oak laavet, pine naadlet, or frai^ ttraw. In the apring the beda may bi protected by ^mea cowed witii window screen or lath to break the force ot driving raint and pre vent tti* tiny aaadUngt from beiitf wathed out of exltteno*. 1%it schema is ukad quite widely by mf. fattiooal gardeners to protect ttev aaedlingi^ a lairg* proporticA. « a . - - yeart, thoiila pUi in^ da^ tUs falL anilt*. ahd tall beaded aot^ ^ heict K^ich wtU jiol' rMSft wi^ at jpOSi oertahi^ pm Wpm- town aaad, toina of iHfl • year bitfair* «i«iaarlag. fha pir^al fa«d^]^ thiiVtld Im made #at^rt»d enrisWifi wttt j» baUmeiia mt 9otf asi^ »t rate ot 4 poiWlb a 190 fMt, to #neoi>raf*>a attaDi MTly gn^ of t;^ ji^tl ao pat^H^if may tti^ toil«( will the •’driw’ pilfuse be- tttoif'--' ’ ' • ' • f A. wffl l^e no ’'irive. >th'iiik of.'the 13^ WtkirisisB like the'l|m WorW’War.wMfeh w€»e SUbtrian. J#|h for.«t#te i^oda to ibdeifio }uotas. 1%0 De-. Vjoipcnn MM lonff- itl''’t!^t-Ikit iOor'^o*a]^k. Tho ei^di^ WMl,io art^t}!# jt am^njr tha i4rilts of th^ iKi^ier that H^dieraft alnro miy l>e ort^itdd for the winter. Some ‘ of the, main artices bhown w«ra: hand bags, crochet 9cArlr>, b^ Vpreada, buttons ma4e from hickory nutt* knitted sweaters, Ihd bed room slippers.'A Ifiokey Mouse contest was h^d after the eihibit, of which pricee' wer« a- wfirded to litUe Miss Rosella Da- vi^n first prize and Alfonsa I^arr Second pri»e. A v«y int#* eating program ended the affji'i' *k You Toe Can w I wHMHoir DO DROP IN' td ^ THE HOLLYWOOD INN ^ Not Satisfied...Oon«t TeU Others...T«» IWi^ tl| S. Manrura St. Pnq|k Bi^fwc«l «soiitinuiii* etfort to fftimqiKta the wlb|ic to buy inmre V lA4 .ix^re Defeose an^ 'month by moatb, ftnijl k r«iiNitiBUy a ]:^gnto to pn^ cSofeQ.mMB a* aa to W0Q97 40£aiuie. Q. Are t lio DtoAipiM Sa«io|Ri ftSiDi' Mjia M.MtNI atoM ec^ Mll4e for SaviQjiCf Tf«i, TJiay pM awa© M'Stamps t>o*t pffi. eiw ailt«wb«rQ, ' NOm--To b\^ IMkfeiMM Bonai &n4 ^ to the tmx^ .office, btoli, or aavinffi lOta iM|Kicifttioii; or writ« "' the ^i^ttrar df the UiiitM !, WM|}iaiKton, D. a A4«i A«w «r« n ma ft retail ,,1ipriy» eaflo^i ^ bitomioow eOaJi handlM AnnujiUy by ^e raihtiadf ^amany. cit^r epnmodt-^ ■- f ' • » lifTHl I^AIt ^ POtMVLA HWLf YOU AS IT HAS HWUKD THOOSANQS Of OTHmSI i How Yea Cf ■ Grow Lo«9, tfooHliy Hohr Certain parts ^ ilte bed; srew-t* a eextaia sw sad a* Atilber. lAsnas. Hair Crew* alwaTS if ywt keep ynm seUp bedAj. Aa tSm%»uiip caaacs IttUng. Whea jraa *a«ich jnear *ea^ |«ii male* seres sad sears. HAiR WIU MOT MOW SCAR tlwce si« so awcst ^a^ ia s««« or sears. The b«4^ is |d«» pawer by aati^ la awka eertaia eat^^vtlM af dda wUeb w« al fcaaw vary w^ Hair is iwrwfciccd by OMr soi^ dtte. Hair Grows fraas a ipcdal Itttle {dace ia the Iraa skla. If jm iestmf or siatibte dus tna dia yaa suy fed aU ri^M. bat aothlag taffl ever &Mrai aaalhcr ttaa> A aear b net dua. Yea witt ao«r fiad a hafr growiiM tmm a star ar ssi^ Hak powa fraM tba edb at tha bi^ kwa. H yait da as* look after dMSe bak- balba. Mr wiB bseiais brittk>^aad btaak A T%m sre two iltods to aadi ta pradaca aS tiat ksM k soft a«d ^labls, keaas k hwa beeoai - sAit frnw rriTraif rrrrr a sMHol wMtb is aliaehad KooC. h «rdir •• haw aNi|i bsellhy haii^ aiatt b«^ Miare' Gnw Maw by ia fsM Keep fe tiaaa. sah sad sHaiinsii iicMagai* ‘ It yaa mn sattwrag with bead safes or ecan da aot aklss jnaspleta nastsMBt ar yea wdl Iho ymm fcak. To beef asar ^„ werUag pitBWly aad ptwaalta a haabby.Jkawtitf b«|^4 bag paWiaf bair. yyuttl a etnpkwi Ka-Wsk CewfliN N»4i«lr Sc«4* TreeHHH# PonMPto 'J.-: ^ » -V i I-. s hm Mai MMB ht MNm a .«• iSmt HiMiAii peopuers, 1ISS fcwwp|k Miig

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