WTHO Defies- OldiiiiMd tnm Paf» One OvMMil «f tlM [M Ch»rck th«t tte Bisliun forin«rly used I w tniiuag of wovea la Social [WnrMa and RcKginM Kduca- ■ow placed entirely in iKliit of the eoUQKF ActhflH- BUY WAR BONDS TCmT I SATURDAY, JUNE 19tK, 1943 T» b« ■ct of 18 tto miezpfre^l^rm of Col. Jaceph Q.Tie Pratt lOBir ft faithid BieiT' Board, the Trnst^-es Robert J. Jobnson, Dt^f WarrfBton, N, C., •? of the ecoll^. !■ bpite of eoiupUiotfl re- Ifwm ft eommittee of stu- from .Atkpr soa/cr;}. [wt l^stees TOted their CicoOft in the ftdministfation of the ^leg«, a»d tock steps to eoHfthiiNite with it m endeaTiiT- 4m & briai? abont a»y, im : ftble prsrticdble after' cpre- !AL NOTICES TRATEH’S irOTXCS JO qoajified m$ adminis- of the estate of Miss Thompson,, de*eaSed, late Pajetteville street, JDur- ronnty. North ('aroliua, to notify all persons hav- ims against the estate rf «eased to^eilribit theni t ^the naidersigned at 1812 Fayot*r- ▼ill* fltreet in Oorham, North ■ Carolina, on day 0 Jone, tttifr n««- , ticf Al be pl^pgo' in bar of I their verorerr. ' ' Allfbe rsoB indebted to* sajil [ Estate will please • make /■MdiagEe payment. * Thi loth day of Jnne, 1 11^ Anna H. !lCho■!pflbl{^X'^'^ l^a Payett«vii« Str««t,’ ^ ‘ Difc>hfta>, N. C. Atelnistratrit of the estnts of"Mi88 !Zena 3. Thompson. 1 ADMaratnATBix’g ironcs Tr.^fIWGJqaalified' a« ,adjHipi^ ts'atrijr of tlie estate of Martha Hfllilmrton, deeeased, kt« of , Or«m^boror North Carolina, I tSi« a to notify all periton liav- #iims: against’ the, estate ol isftid iieceased to exhibit theic rto tfifc nndersis^ed at 812 Dell- ; imget. Streep in Greeftsbora, [»ort& Cftrolinft^ on or before the IftZth^ay of Jane 1944, or this botie# will be pleaded in bar of I tteir^^MoTery. jpMBOQ»—j&d«bt«d-4e said Mta^ wilT ]^ease make immedi' HOLDS CIO WA • •• *«' s ntk« 'Kirfc~eoinelvl5ffice wftwinrer of the National CIO Coimnittee tdt Amertean and AHIed War Retina TDetroH branch, who has won applause for her diaMnct efficiency. Truth of the matter is, at kast a ^ha]f-dozen rniton organiaations in the Anto CHy would like to do some polite labor pirating to secare Miaa Kirk, ft popular figure in Iftbor circles, was educated in Detroit and worked prc- itrloBaly^t^ ,the MiWgftnjtJnemplOyment^Coininigsion. She confesses to a lOTe for horseback ridint> June 194]. ,HAt:ibUR- TON WADE, Administratr;'s 812 Dellinger Street Greensboro, N. C. Administratrix of the estate of Martha Haliburton. Mpa Schuyler-- Continned froin Page One ^magazine, wrote columns about it- A"t *four, Philippa had eor.’.- posed a dozen sealers, 10 picei’S and knew by memory many eompositions by tjie„ niastCT;’. Just before her fonrth birthday, she played Schanntnn and Mox-^ art on two larffe radio hooknps. She has sinee lived up to all ex- ^^^tatipna„ , J*£d|€tiona ol her future made at this time. Highest Tribunal- Continued from Page On>; ed the matter to the Supreme Court- where, it jxas decid:^d that this procedure was equally un lawful. The opinion, however, pointed out that the Court did not s'pass npon the j»estion a.« to whWlier or n«>t it would i*? nlawful for the Demoeratie party >in convention assembled to decide on who should vote-in the f primary. At the next eo»- TfiMtioh of the state party^ a re- soltrtion was passed limiting membership- to “white” Detao- crats. Inl936 a ^oop of hitei- ested citiaens in Houston, Tex as, carried the third ease to thf Sufweme Court (Grovey vs Town- aend>. In that case the roHKl States Supreme Court held that this action in excluding Negroes did not violate the Constitution. □□DODOODOOPOj GREENSBORO SOCIALS □□□□□Dooniann Greensboro—T h e "Youth Council,” met «t the Hayen Taylor Y. M. C. A. with T fi. Hummons presiding. Plans were completed for annual Summer conference to be held Juy 4th ftnd 6th, representa tives attending were Mrs. Ufa- ble Gunn, Miss Francis Gunn. Mrs. Martha McGrier, Mr^.' Annie Fowler, J; W. Sflites, Joseph McClellan Everette Graves, Misses Celesttfie Wetr- ster, and Rhucell Alexander. Miss Pearl Garrett and Ches ter L. Bradley both of Greens* bqi*o, were united in marriage at the United Institutional Bapist Church, June 3, at 4:3o o’clock with the pastor Rev. Charles Anderson officiatilig. The church was decorated with palms, magnolias and roses, by. Mrs. Cora P. Love Harvey Coke and George Hay es. Music of the brides choice was played by Miss Daphne Lawson. Flowers for the bridal party were furnished by Clar ence SpenceJ*. The bride was given away by her aunt, > ick, wearing a dress of .sheer white organza, fashioned parti cularly for informal weddings^ large white hat, other whittj \cce?snries, ‘a corsage of deep pink roses and baby breath completed her costume. The bride's aunt, Mrs. Rena Bullock of ■ Greensboro, wore rose and whitt- The bride’s maids were Mrs. Ruth Nicholson Buress and Miss Fannie Nicholson of Washington, D, C. Mrs. Bures? Mutual IVesident- .Continued from Page On? forts have not been in the field (»f labor although he has ^ervel on some mter-raci»l groups and has had consiler- ble success in his chosen field of insurance. “* No indication of thp identity of the t#6'7 white members re maining to be appointed has been forthcoming. L. E. Austin- Continued from Page One soeiation of Randolph Cotinty, Nartli^JC8rQlia&_ tQ hfi held. ai the Saint LuKe Methodist Church, Asheboro, N. C., June 27, 1943. The Interdenomiiiii- tional Fsher Association is one of the most iiflnential chnrch orglinizations in the state at tiiia tinie. Under the leadership of its^State president, L. E. Aus- tioii, the organization recently completed its first annual driv'r to solicit funds for The Oxford Colored Orphanage. During the course of the campaTi^n the oi- ganization colleeted $1,000 and presented a certified check for this amount to T. A. Hdmmc>, Superintendent of the Injtit'i- tion. The Randolph County Associa tion is one of the most promtn- ^ent groups 4a- the organization. A Y9MfimK (H MtUOUS t w«wo Mom'mru MeCNAiKAI. KViCiS. SOLDIiR Of- pftowcnon YMi tWM'flM »MAT lUM*. LMM MSIUEI^ CUM ) 4k .nw ARt ALL 0(IT m mu mklieT «IN -mi •fAyy t wfiucTidii BY’W m cfiiri m mhhvimw, WM mt CfWnflfKrf Of immviwiai wowctiom. WtST HONOR Crivew TO A WWUA BY WW 1 : z r w ore qqua and white; Miss Nicholson wore pink and, white. Harry Vincent, » friend of the bridegroom was Ihe be.s' man, A reception for the newly vVeds followed the ceremony at the brii^e’s home- which wap beautifully decorated wit! Summer flowers and rosea. Misses Carrie Hill, and Net tie Nash received the guest.*. ,Eefreshmenst were planned and served by Mrs. G. Sabourin *lnd Miss Lavaine Davis. Gifts dt home were received by Mr,'^ €ora P. Love and Miss Agne- Meares. Mrs. Bradley, a native ol Glreensboro was graduated from & T. College and is a the Hayes-Taylor Y. M. C. A. with Mrs, Parah Johnson as mistre»» of eeremonf. Partici pants on program were Rev. 0. Anderson, R. 6, Lewis, Miss Angie Tynes, speaker of the evenins Mrs. J. Quinn Rogers of Durham N. €., president of the N. C. Beauticians Associa tion. Misses Sarah Browin, and Lucille Jackson, Perry J, Brown, Maco-Eetete Present ation of a war bond from tht Almuni to the college by Mm M. B. Withers'. Remarks by Dr. C. Cowan. D^’-nvIlle. Va. MEETING of brotherhood The Brotherhood of Railw^ Express Handlers and Ladies Auiliary J^td its 4Qint m,e€tini. teacher in the Jr B,- Dudley, a follov^% PUBLIC 3GHOOLS IN THE NATION’S CAPITAL GO TO WAR High School, she is a member of the Alpha Kappa Sorority and is well known for her ver satile talents. > •: Mr. Bradley of Greensboro, was graduated from A. & T, College and is a^ teacher and' football coach at Greenville, N. C. The newly weds will be at home at 3111 Sherman Ave. NW, Washington, D. C., aftei a brief honeymoon. the Maco Beauty College Alafftfii held its ainnuaf meeting Tuesday June 8th at 10 o’clock at the Maco Beauty College. Election of officers and plani: for a gift to college were com pleted. President, Miss Rhucell Al exander^ Vice Pres., Miss Julia ■Johnson, recording secretary, Mrs, Arnelle Randlemart, As sistant secretary, Mrs. Hassis Hayes, corresponding secre tary, Miss Sarah Brown, *frea- ?urer HissTIozelle GanC^isf- ness manager, Mrs, ffeal Le Gette. Other members present were Mesdames Catherine Ro vale, Parah Johnson, Iona Cla> 3Jladys Lytle, E. L. Jones L. Loftin, P. C. Colman, Chestent McCoy, Loretite Tones, Louise Blackman, Margaret Jones, Myrtle Maxwell, Ada Motley, M, B. Withers. The Fifth Annual Alumni Banquet of the Maco Beauty College was held Tuasday eve ning 5 to 7 o’clock June 8th at Plans f|^,^^'^#%ual meelin? to be held in August were made. Ladies attending were Mes dames Ada, „ Bofeerson, J,. L Booker, Willie Black, Geo. tyrd, ,1^ - McClendon, Clar ence Beam,'' Richardson Har- Ifraves, new members Mrs, Al exander Aaioes, and Mrs. Li!^ lie Mlledge of. Winston-Salem. Brotherhood officers elected A. L, McLendon, President, E 6. Nance Vice Pres. P, H, Lee Treasurer, Alexander Ratnet* Becording secretary. Other members present were Harder Hampton, Richard Hargraves W. G. Black,' J, B. Jackson, Ralph Williams, J. Clinton, James, G. P. Taylor, Robert Gill, Eugene McLied , Out of town guest were Cpl. Wm Garrett, Ralph Williams, D. Clinton, Wm. Stewart of Dur ham, W, H, Hinton, and* H, A. Williamson, of Winston-Salem i The SUvw^Trompet Gospe fingers appeared at the A. M- p. Z. Church Sunday June 6tfi at 8:30 o’clock with Jame> apton as sponsor. PERSONALS, Mrs, Gestner N. Neal, Miss Francs jp. Francis, and Miss Mldred Galowqy of Reidsville, ?pent Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs, Samuel, Withers on Ragap Street. t 77^ Miss Lucy VaMnes ^ Rox- boro and MisS Beatrice Barber were guest of Mi*, and Mrs. T. "Whitfield, dufihg the 'week end. Mrs, Elizabeth Loiig and daughter Many Ann are visi> ihg Mrs., Long’s 'mother . Mrs, tt, Holman. Mrs. Long lives at Nev? Bern. i Mrs, Macey ‘Braoflhaw of iexington was week end guest of Mr.y&nd Mrs. L. Reid. GUEsf& Honored *' i Among the^ sWUll ■ courtesies .^hown to Various mothers who dame to Greensboro to see ther daufhters graduate from Bennett College was one given by Mrs. W, F, Galloway. The home was arranged with an abundance of beautiful flowers. Invited gtfests were Mes-dames Carrie Beaver, M, B, Withers, Tiny Hood, 0, G, Donnell, H, F. taylor, B. S, Adams, W, W, Sharpe, J. W. Snipe, A. A. Lo wery, H, L. Wiggins, Robert: Gunn, M. L, Scarlette, C. S,^ Madkins, E, E. Anderson,. J. E. Lee, J. T. Rollins, Besse R. Jones. Misses Eliza Groten, Cora Hill, and E.lizabeth Cobbs. Mrs. Galloway received the guest while Miss Ruth Galloway introduced them. s s z s the fOftl of ttie Second War 1 Loan drive It lS_l>llUon dol- |lan. That Is just mbovt me fifth of toe estimateii lactewte «f tlu ihiblic Debt lor the to- e»l year 1W3* ' X Dt Cf iBu dioM io mMt »ir ewrioiU to fit thiir 1 _ £^tiO.| ‘At top, left, pttW m idftaaft 6M«n ^ - -, a young woman (n afrplaae metor. “““ to >1 snidaaee it 8t^ , . , , , . , - , —andiin^ ,9«A(otft to' i0fseii Bldli AjttAMmfiWttf I^igh SHlMl, IM piq^ilc SM tftught U ani:«(tMr froM aeiftp aUd ' * tibmm Vitk «« etthAik • , Cififta Omi. Tkeieliooto' iitili^ axe not cosfia^to *» 4HliMu^;Mflila,ara 4It6>tmbiedTfor wir indtistrieB.'THe tr^OM mdvn mij MiiikVl] t S S s s WHO PAYS THEM AFTER YOU’RE GONE? Ever stopped to think how much an invest ment you would need ..to.produ€e on omount •quoJ to your present •olary? Swpose you ore eorn- Irig $2,(XX) a year—ck) you realize it would take $40,000 ‘Invested 5% Interest to pro- aur BONDS ... So you duce the income you receive now as salary? Be sure that you hove adequate life insurance protection. Why not discuss the passible ^ ni®d for more insuronce with a North Carolina Mutuol agent today? No obligation, of, course! Won't Havt to Wear Them £ e fS s s Hcmni cmtoUNA mutuju un DfsinuiNCE coMPmn >fi. C. SPAULDIIMI, Prci,

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