'wm mm SATURDAY, JLiNE 19th, 1943 THE CAROLtKA TiMfiS ■ANNUAL MEETING PUEE WEIFARE irO OPEN JUNE 24 IN RALEIGH, N. C. Working on the th.in, of “Public- Welfar. I'rfH’tii es nr4(l Probleps in a War 'iituutloii M Negro social workers of Noft^ Carolina will meet for Iheif 17th annual public welfare in stitute June 24 and 25 at Shaw University, Raleigh, waa the announcement made this w’ok by Mrs. W; T. Boat, State Wli- fare Commissioner. Speakers on the two-dny prci- gram include several natiomlly known leaders in all lines of Negro activities. P, B. Youii;', Sr., editor of the Norjjolli .Jour nal and Quide, will talk nt a dinner meeting of Negro stufl workers at the Arcade Hotel nt which C. 0. Spaulding of Dur ham will preside. Addressing the general spss- ions in Qreenleaf Hull on th«; campus of the Haleigh institu tion on the subject of commun ity organization will be Jesse O. Thomas, special assistant to the American Red Cross director ol domestic operationsv Mi-s. "ira- bel Burns Lindsay, acting, direc tor of the Howard Un'lveraity {^ocial work division, will dis cuss ways of relating the in dividual to other person, groups and national problems. U. L. MoMillan, State civilian defense director, and T. S. John son. State OPA head, members of the state office staff of thi State Boartl of Charities and Public Welfare and of staffs of private and county welfare units will appear on the proram. From the state welfare staff will be Commissioner Best? Jjily E. Mitchell, director of the child welfare divisioja, aad S. J. Hawkins, director of field ser- ' I vice. Prbra the State Board ol Health will be Dr. Walter J. Hughes and Jennie DougUi.^, health education advisor. County welfare workers on the program will include Mrs. .Jeanette Siils, John Lee Wilson, Rockinghan; Annie D- Singfield, Anson; .James B. Unthank, Forayth; Mrs. Mabel B. Wortham and’ Llewyn M. C. Hayes, Wake, nnd Mrs. liilliaft CalinA^y, siitff nurse of the Wake County hea!‘h department. ^ ^ Representing private agen cies will be Sndio D. Cox, honr! management llupervisor, Fa.Tettc ville, and 0. E. Davis, H:gn Point Negro boys commissioivcr. Ruth L. S|evengon of Morrisen Training' School, will talk Fri day afternoon. Presiding at the general sessions will be Mrs. Bost, Anm A. Cassatt, director of ., /-taff developradnt for the state de partment; John R. Larkns, Stat.» consultant on Negro work; Mrs. Viola B. Martin, Winston-Sale n Family Service Agency; and Mrs. Carolyn L. Ofey,. Guiirord^ county welfare^ department. BiIwmJ It U. 8. Var DapMtoMNt Bomv «( Nhil* K^fetieM HIW GUlNBA-^Mat Joha Kdly of Tnllolah, Florida, in- •MMiag Corpwal ^bs fivans of Chattanooga, T«noMM«; Private MU Jtaktni of SatuBah, Georgia, and Sai^ant Hoary D. MoneraJ N«w Orljiani, Louisiana, ea th« ropab of eatorpillBv. All ar« wwlwf SsglnMni tmit. SAYING ; YES Tp riMU T# your ff'df MUutu MEANS: For our men ic the ARMED FORCES GIVE A BOOK • • • • • In Loyal Support 'Sr kave \ of our fighting men.we pledged ourselves to remind every American to buy more W^r Stamps & Bonds *Nom Bricks Boys And. (^kCsnq) ToOpea Monday, Jnly Stti . Irresp«ctiv* of increased dif- fifulties connected with the op eration of camps for boys and girls thk year, the North Cdro- lina Congress of Parents and Teachers has agreed that 3u«h diffTciillies are very small io cotoporison with the great need for proper guidance for yonng folk. President Jemagin in- aiata tb«t paventa ara rathar unworthy ones when they allow their interest in children to be come seasonal. Increased juven ile crime, delinquency, misguid ed and mdiriso-vEEs .. ed leisure time activities ofrep even a greater challenge to PTA Organizations. i- I On July 5th boys and girl.s who have been approved will ?o to Bricks, N. C. again to spend four weeks. The camp is to be staffed by specialists who will provide wholesome food, a healthful environment of play and constructive learning ex periences. The camp was stai*ted in 1938 by Mrs. L. U. Yancey, who is i^ow chairman of the atate •amp committee. Through hard work and fine cooperation of parents and staff the health facilities there are unsurpassed, 'the State Board of Health has approves the camp and has given it an “A” rating. Thfe director of activities will be Mrs. .T. 1^. Barnes of Header- aon, N. C,. Parents who wish to make ■application for thri- children may do so thn/ugli Mrs. Barnes. The camp is for children between ages five and twelve. They are requested to bring^ their health certificates, play clothes, light bed coverinfrs and*a fee of four dollars a #’‘ek to take care of board and lodg ing. ud9ieewk 'ivi% ^PROILEllS OF UK .srsttfrsxasss'ajs % bi aiti' muan smiu Ik w ,i_ " Rclaued bsr C. S. War Departmant Buma o( PublU KdaUons ^ PORT LEWIS, WASHINGTON—Left to right: Sergeant WUUe Brown, Omaha, Nebraska, post heavyweight champion and holder of Se|tttle Golden Gloves and Northwest Servicemen’s Tournaments titles; Private First Class Am Hallada, and Corporal Milton Jones -of-St. LoBla> hoavyweight elHH»pioa «>d-holder of the 1943 Seattle Golden Gloves and Northwest Servicemen’s Tour, nifbient titles. ^ ^ ‘ t j •' No business ever becamc great without a program oi' pro gressive expansion. ^ Josaph Stalin seems to desire close harmony with the de- mocratie nations. B. T. U. CodiereBce RALEIGH — The seventh an nual Ministers’ Institute, and the sixth annual women’s Mis slonary training conference and the first annual Sunday School B. T. U. training conference will be held jointly beginning June 4i and ending June 18 at Shaw J^nUiversity according to on- nbuncenienta of officials of thp steveral North Carolina Baptist orgajiizations. ITie conference are sponsored by the department of relii?ious promotion at Shaw University with the cooperation of thr nenaraT Baptist State Conven tion including the department of religious education and traiu- iag, the Woman’s Home ^nl Pbi'eign Mission Convention of dearth Carolina, and Home Mis sion Board of tha Southern Baptist Convention. ^ JIVE GRAY By OL M4IIIIINGTON J^hiG AT aoss Id 600 MPH •ffie Svsi^ssGee waishawk^ UNB ’TUB MAJiAU^NG NAZI BoMsees IN THm GuNsistrrs... DH HH |H IH DMC — My husband and I live here ir> a small town. He writes insurance and I am a b£aur>ciiin. We have two houses, boight a ’42 Plymouth, bought nice furniture the six yoiirs we’ve been married. Now son;" friend* uf oars in the north are trying ta coax us to «om« u]^ there where the big monpy is and I am satisfied here whi r' I am. Do yon thiai we should give up what we have here and make the change. I hate the ut most confidence in you. Ans: — There’s big money to be made in the cities but livir#' expenses are big too. These friends muf yours haven’t been aWe tO’."accomplish as much as you and your husband during the past six jrears.. that’s prouf enough that you are better off right where you are. There is ^ poasibility that your husband will be drafted in service Soon and you would be acting wisely lo remain in the small tovii where you have a business an,] can look after your property .'tnd o.tber holdingsr.' AOX — I am a constant re.i.!- er of your column. Why is it- that the boy in my neighborhood a^ts so funny? He’s always talk ihg about he is for their bene fit, not-yours, He has “sweet nothings’’ to whisper to you once he feels sure of you. Don’t fall for h is line. You’re too young tp go regular with any one boy. Ijet him know too, that his big 4 SSX12ii6!2—-tiiSttSSiJS By TiD WATSON MANK B06ANY JACK DAVIS I pmm. .Ns aoHe. 9 eOi/tat^ !Afr*o Awte... mmwfU mcfratfr M&tf. oowAnm/e$^ OYTMK Vi/A)' /f fesD ysT? nmr aor 70 wof» fmr... stays. A muHeref A Hi/ARD, //A^ ^£Ai fV/geCTBl* me 70/frt/^£ CMA/tUfeP CaaifMfltil’MurM McNutt Say None . But FEPC To Handle Capital Tnu^it Case _ WASHINGTON, (A N P) — There ta no jurisdictfonal d’S- pute within his official famiij ovtr the handling of the Caj iiii] Transit company charges of dis crimination, Paul V. McX'iti, War Manpower chairman, tol I his press 'Conference last vnek. Ramy B. Deschnei’, area diref-- tor for WMC, had sought *.o take the ease out of the hinds of the Fair Employment Prac tice committee by insisting that the committee’s function was that of a “fact finding’’ ageiicy with powers to recommend. Of course, the committee disagreoil, and said nO. “Deschner was wrong and 1 told him so,” McNutt firmly d.3- clared. “Under the present or der the jurisdi;tion fs undHi- FEPC,” he added. The Manpower chief was a.nk ed whether or not he would be cooperating with the war depa't- nient in the distribution of wai prisoners. “We would be consulted in that respect,” he said. “Where it is possible we woulil use them to meet our needs. They are der the control of the wai: de- Discussing the possible ef fect the use of war prisoners in industry would have on local labor supply, McNutt said rh^ number of prisoners would he inconsequential. Any confliel there miglit be, he said, would be up to the secretary of war to handle. talk doesn’t friirliten y«m is thf least. CL — I read jour column every week so please try* to help mfe. I live on a farm with my hasband and 3 children. -My huAand and I don’t get Along well. He asns me to leare tit th^ ti»M» but I am trying stay and rai.se my children. ^Inat I quit himf Ans: — It’s not your husb.^nd th.it you shoultl quit but the OTIIKK MAN that’s been hang ing around puUing after you for the past two years. YoiM" hns- land means business now and if N'Ou don’^ gjye up this fellow ind live frjio to him, he’s goin^f to put you out. It’s haril to re Sistant as your boy friend but you can't afford to run off an.d leave yonr little babies just for a “fling’’ with him. Yonr hus band will be willing far you t«J stiiv if you l)€have yourself. PO — My husband and I are !)Oth working and doing fjne We want to know would >t bi wise to open up a boardin? house or should we contintto "on our jobs as we are saving our money? We want to build rt home later on in life. Ans: — The income from your jobs will far exceed any iii- iipme from running a boarding i house. There’s plenty of grief in the boarding house Cusiness and especiallly so since the ra tioning became effective. lli you two were not physic«Jh' ablei «" f W ) ■ to i«t >nt mi ImM doirtlii uMt vimli* utt pm • Una* Stiick to yuur job* ud •OBtiuj t* MV* wrnum mA will oe able to boiU aft«r ^ Ita* war I* orer, C ; — here 1 Mm |*«i noc «iiother n«v seems like he in thing. Tell mistake to I hBvc tm want to make _ Ans; — thia fellow tbaii. sent bea woman and jea mastgP^ bxfe— too* closely ItMrolTedfKlk hip until he is free to with you. Continoe for a nice husband andT^e re*- dOnabiy sure that the one y eho*ee is single aad not mizi tfp with anotker woman. FO — My husband is loeat in Seattle, Wash. Efe’ii tfle vice. He is hialstiH^ come up there I go. or wait and get a furlough! Ans: — Give vour hyh*atl tb* thrill of lvi» life an^. pigrfciB a visit. You aren't Nterjr" far soot# from his camp> ami it weal'd certainly lioost his moral to lee his “sugar pie” again. " Aid to Enemy ^ “Any American who wOfaDy neglects to pay his -taxes aa time or to invest every cent ba can in ^ar Bonds ia surely gtr- ing aid ami coaofort t« the enemy . . . lie have a iob ta do and w» ara an caj^ for a«vic« to one cnitril*':%ar doBars ara c| ,t00. XiCt 08. «kaH wa Iw ■nr teBan ftai{ Ik ^ tffas •t mwc aaaat* - SMretary lCorgenfha» ..r f-1. 1 "louRpimtoBBE Don’t be slack with your personrtl pearance whether you are lookii^ a job or ah-eady qn one. We are ists in all kinds *^of barberlnc' beauty culture. FRIENDLY CITY BARBER AND BEAUTY PARLOR A. ARTIST, Prop. 711 Fayetteville St. ^ Phone J794 PIANOS 10 USED PIANOS Tuned and Reconditioned. i $50.00 UP TERMS AS LOW AS $2.00 PER WEEK. Will alsp pay casli for used pianos re- grardless of make or condition. CMI F-3451 or write Bk>x 164(K Durliam, N. C. I SAlfis: TheTESTHIONYtfTIIOUSI IVtUf HOTEL THERESA Wftoft fn KEWYORK My Mataa •f tiM yoar mAvtTttiastiiti.' niv rWWWff 349 iMcioiu, all outai4« luxarlout suite*. Th« ktaatlfvl Orchid Kfora lor diatefs eoektail liNMat tmd Wt tiM toraly Ma». MialM mrdas«tion. Ideal atmo*. pikcrc for tat, itudy, avd comfort. iMTga rmmt with ptirmf b*th n,W Mil HIW Without prlvl* h»th nJO INH-fjMf MM Ml 9 WALT^ W.tbOTT. ifrni iiiKiiis& MAKE WAY FOR ONE MORE! We welcome the patron ace of you whe .*re cafat onr senriee to fet to kad fro» TOtur iota. If St tiaiei oar buses are crowded and there an traffic delays, your patience will he Rest assured that our entile oigaaix^^ioa is dotac , everythins humanly possible to serve jrwi. IHiriH the ‘tpeak-hours,’* there will be times when •errice will not be as ceod as wa^ Ite II !• ^ i^the cenditiona *«!« beyond coatrri d«e to noi^r tfator D1

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