i F OFL OURGES RJR Ufi III 11 ill I I i ■■ nil I ■«"' ■• ■ ' ■— ■' '' —.—II I II ■—1~ ^w->ii.i— — ■— " ■■ Natioiiil CwCari HE^&yTH£lislBRl5liE d" & -NO. 29 DURHAM, NORTH CAROLINA SATURDAY, JULY 81, POPULARITY -CONTEST mm WEEK CIO Claims 75 Per Cent Vlorkers Hear Appeals ization AFof L OmClAlS AND ORGANIZERS W^TON'SAIJIII — Btfort » eM%d of'aiire than 6,000 on Wo(^iind Ave. Sehool gronnds SuadO. Hsrold Laite, Seiireii^ I * ' TreAflvrer the IJiGAPAWA CIO d«HTWed % stii^ rio^ iiippmil in behalf pf )ii9 .oi> ^ be chKie£a« «ollee* Kff«td: ill «a /•fcr the Bejri»»ld« V6bw^ ted hevpti^ repTMttttRtive reel* ae«ompUslnneiit8 of the Stone Pusi^ Mtssl)odsonforT(^ PopolBity Race J^polariiy CoiltMt irai th* hm- iest stneCij. the dp^orog^ of the campai^ with Miss Sarah Dod- Cip aiiolig the laboriaf elasiw^fj”’ Eliz^eth Stone aa»^ -li 'Mrs. Ma»®irot Minor holding fMt to their petitions of iast Wek. The only change ot any eODseqnenoe pf thia week’s line- aad said'thAt workeni xMSt h«ve li^iitrc^ oi^eDiMtioH ..to batfi^n Wl(b the •strong and fabnlonaijr eocpomtioni. Be traeedj , . gaJii8:Ur^dt.-te*4e for the Bej* JP.JJ ^ by Mrs no|ds|‘%o^l;ers iMachlnlr Itt H atoee iWin- profrvmln Safeft,- e^tion hiijnoi yetbeen hi|ii4. lt''is iv^ pipH^d 75'jl^i> eeat of tlik i Bfi^o||te: vork^. have' pl#d* 11^ t^enfe,!^ to ttite- 010. 'Edtt»Austin, of The f>oixrthtg"ont*the vahie of or* i^niztfiUon.j loyalty end eoopera* ’ decried diiiWyAlty/#arn' ^ of Traitors ‘ and V ^ishcHiest leaders and ;»#id, ‘*WiMton • ealeiib oeedi some Fanerak.” To asaist in the approAehingJ election Avgnst 34 UioJfatioo^ al' l^^r Belations Board has provide dollfieial * ballots And instrnetiona. »0n ne*t Tuesday Unit No. 1 I^^paration of Leaf) and on mdniesday Unit No. 2 Maniifac- ttxing trill Totc t odetertnine whether the A. P. of t., the & I. O. »r “Neither” Uniou ^11 present them. _ ^stelle Freelaad from 8th to the 4th place, which was held last week 7'Miss Victoria ^ Moore, Miss Moore dropped back to 5th place. ■ '■ ■ As'the last week approaches^ the eOBtMtants are all girding for the home stretch and the contest ' manager h«s made special arraiigKinents to take care of the heavy voting expeet- ed this and next week. There is a .rnmor that a darlr horse may step in during th^ lait week and take one of the top positions. ^ far as the eampatgn manager Is concerned there has been no actual evid ence of this happening so far. however, preparations are being made to-take care of the heavy balloting during the last two Wirwiidi sL bhacco Workers Says Tobacco Company 6at.hiiis “No Union” Funeral For R. L. Chavis HeM Tm. f*r fnadmm'* Spk» weeks of the contest. If the dark horse does nose up into the froni of the race, the contest manager will be prepared. The management of the CAEOMNA TIMES is well ex perienced in circulation and popularity contests and has pre pared for any event, whether »t be an overflow of ballots by Please Turn To Page Pour van COUPON CAROLINA T« BEAUTICIANS POIULARItY CONTEST NAME- — A D DR E S S Pictured ab6ve is a group of officials , and representatives of tthe Totecco Workers Intern «- tional Union,, American Federa- ation'of Labor, who are seekiiig to unionize the Reynolds work* ers, Winston Salem. Front rois- reading left to right: S E. Blane, Vire-President; Char les !Watkins, Yiee-iPresident; Rimer D. Keen, First Vice- President; R. G. Powell, Presi dent; (}eorK« P>enjanuii, Viec- President; li. J. .1’etriH*, Secre tary • Trea3nr'’v; l’. \'. Wi*aver Representative. Back row loft to right: C. E. Maiden, Represent ative; .7. T. Morris, Vii'e-Presl- Roy Tlionias, Bin Le’,vis, W. B. Jarvis, 1-tort J'it'fds, dent; dent; five; tive; live; Willie President; ])r Vice Presi- Representa- Hepresentar Tiiepresenta- .Mereditli ¥10“^- D. G. Oarland. PHIU.IP MURRAY WIRESlS ADVICE TO WORKERS OF REYNOLDS COMPANY ‘‘The workers employed by the R. J. Reynolds Com pany have a wonderful opportunity in the comiiig labor board elections to advance their owm interests ttiroug-h voting CIO, and at the same time to lend theii weight to the progressive labor movement in working for speedy victory in l^his war against fascism by voting for CIO. “You will win the protection of a powerful union and of the whjole CIO. You will be assured of your own union representatives in collective bargaining to im prove your conditions and defend your rights and you will have the satisfaction of becoming part of a great labor movement which; is devoting all its eflurta to securing a people's victory in this people's wav and a greater measure of social justice for all the c^ntytou peo ple. “Be sure in your own best interests to mark your ballots for the CIO." (Signed) FIBLIP MURRAY, rsii dent. CONGRESS OF INDUSTRIAL ORGANIZATIONS. ^ Flora I. King Chosen Qneen Of N. C. Mutual District The above photo is Siiss Flora 1. King who was oTJowned Queen of thi‘ Durham District of the North Carolina Mutual Life !«- i«run«e Company for the month of .Tuly, The crowniufe of. Mis? King took place in Greensboro Ikjt Friday. July 23 in Greens boro when the Durham District Please Turn To Page Fohr Funaral services for Robert Lee Chavis, well-known berber of Durham, were held at tho Union Baptist church Tuesday evening at eight o'clock with the Rev. A. S. Croom, pastor of the church in charge of the cere mony. Mr. Chavis died Saturday nfght at 10:40 of a heart attack which was the climax ta-a short illness which started Thursdav after he had returned the day before from attending the East Cedar Grove Baptist Associa- tion^car Roxboro. The deceases was bom in Granville County but had lived in Durham for the past forty tional yeayS; For the past 15 years be had held the position of ^ener- al manager of the Bull City Bar ber Shop, located on Pettigrew ■«ttreet, and w.is held in high es teem by his fellow barbers, fri end.*! and acquaintaaees. jMt -e- cently he had been elected presi dent of the Durham Barbers l3- soeiation. As a laymen of the Union Baptist Church Mr. Chavis was considered one of its leaders and IS very active in every phase of church activities. At th» time of his death he was chair man of the trustee Board of his church, president of the Uslver Board and was a former presid ent of the Durham Ushers Un in. He was also District Depuiy of the Odd-Fellowstj Seven years khe deaeesed was married to Miss Lizzie Far rell who survives him. He is al so survived by one sister Mrs. Minnie Brown of Durham and one brother ,Iohn W. Chavis of Summit, N, J. Pall-bearers were C. p. Dun- nesan, Lee Brown, j^rcb roley Malachi Hart, McKinley Catei» and John Flintall* OORREOnON . . . The address of Cullese Grill is 18(SH Fayetteville— Stfest instead of 1800 etteville Street. WINSTON Salem — The A. F. of L. filed m protest with tlw National Labor BelstiofiS Boai4 asking that the support of B. J. Reynolds Tobacco Compaay withdrawn from th« “No tInio»** 1 campaign being condBcted ,»t B. J. Reynolds Tobacco ^niimj according to s sta^raeaif Jlf- ^*hilip Wlitihe^^epoke i TobsMo Werkirs^ !■ (A T at L) aad _ ^ representative of William Ore«i;' president of A. F. of L. “We have in our possessioii at the present time doaeag 9I affidavits from Beynollds eat- ployees, showing that the eam- tributions for the ‘No Uiiion* campaign were taken ap by 3»* pervisory employees or by per^ sons accompanied by or tmdef observation of sopervisorr «»- plovees," Whitehead said- ^ islso said that this is * .,‘Iear Violation of the. ;■ Natioaal Labor^ Belations Acta. , “We know,’* he said “the* in many instances employe*! were openly threatened, iatiinid- ftted and coerced into contrihat* ing money for this canpaijta, and we are demandine of the Labor Relations Boiqrd that this activity «ea«» at eaM or that the bo£^ iBtottFTHT inrmediate ■invrttieation into this open and flagrant attevpt to deny workers the opportnutf of choosing their o^wn bargain ing representative under fedee* al law.” Revnolds Tobacco Com^aa^' officials said tha^ they had statement tn make aon the A F of L eharges. Aiecordine: to WhitHMad- telegram from the A. W. ot office here was diapatehcA the National Labor Board in WasbiagtoB ating these demands fbr aar- ▼estigation of the matter. »‘Whtt e«f«c; on the election held on August determiaed 'hy ' bor Relations Board. The spokesman the A F. of L. ha delay the eleetton be placed elearljr opposing what h* aetfvities the entire aleetiMM ed aftar It has hem Aeeordii^ Toliaeeo ,.Warlei^^ made a««^|^ J. Seiraette *■ >-3. Baa - aiade