CLUBS AND SOCIETY r,OGAL AND PERSONAL WOMEN’S WHIRL 1>H0NE L-7423 News for this page must be in our office not later than Tuesday noon each week. That reaching us later will be published the fol lowing week. Local And Personal liN LEADERS BACK 3RD WAR LOAN I Barber Scotia Opens Dj- Charlotte Hawkins Brown Urges New Year With Huy \V;ir I’.onilrt Ali’xaiidcr ISiiriips, repieaoii- lativ»! of tho Wnahin'.’-tnn Tr^- hnnn iind former Diirhiim cit'- zcn is spi-mlinur sfvcr,)! d.i.V'’ ill tbf> I ity viHiliii)!: rcl.itivo^ niid friends. Musical Program At Lyon Park School Sunday- OcL 3rd. Mr. :ind Afra. f). B. M.'ntiii liry(1 r.Minily iimtored to (Kf(U'd S 11^1 d,IV rq V Mrs. IVIai'fiii. rhristino Alston, .=!t>- ■ct.'iry to n.'ites mid M. IT. hfis rptiirncil to work iifler ;i .short illness l ist week. Mrs. r. R. Xlx'Oii, hotijie de- * Titonstratioii nrent df Diirliam Pounty, attf'iidcd n ineetiii!r of nc'ents ,lield in l{!ileirli last week. Mr. nnd Mr.s. CJoorore T. Woody, former citi zens, who iire now residing in Wnshiiisrioti, T). C.,'arc s|reiid- ins; r-evornl days hert* vi.sitin^ reliitives nnd frioiids. — M"t War Hond.'^ -- Th(> \Vhit(> lioek Riindav' tQ vi.sit rolalivc'.s of Or.lioslra will prosont a en1 |)rODrr:mi, Rund.iy, Octobi*r ! .'!rd at 2:.'!0 p. m. at T.yon • Park Scliool. The followinir rriu ■ "ill appear on, the program: Thoiiipsoi I ^ ^ ! I'oiir fnterii, TiNivelm^ Star, and .Inst (’onie Four (Jnnrtets. Sohis will lie rendered 1»y the ^IfiH'owiiifJT, Mrs. (^neen jXJ.iet' Burton, soprano, Oeor^je Tats, tenor, Mias Artelia Tennessee. violinist, Frod Pratt, troni- hono. The orehostra will play Several selections' alonp with o^her interpstipT features thi' will bo worth hearing. Thi> proij^rain will he under t'le direction of Willio Doom.'^. rhairman of the proprnin eom- niittoe. Mrs. Duncan Sparkinnit who wry 4U bRR riuvpittl >- l)Oen taken to the honiO if tiM* dmiirliter, l\lrs. I?anetta Pc?ol;>. on I)iinlinr stroet. Mrs. Sjiark- nian is still coiisidi'red ver_; sick. r. E. ,\nthniiv, vepro.'ii'nta- five of iho Xorfh raroJiri-i Mutual niirhani f)istrirt sp(>at Sund.'iy in TIijrh Point visit in r his daii'-rliter, Mrs. P!v!i Towa- cs. President’s Address One of (he largest Negro organizations sponsor ing the Third War Loan in the nation’s capital is the A. W. V. S. (American Women’s Volunteer Ser vice). More than 250 Washington women are lend ing their efforts under the organization’s sponsor ship. Bond Selling Booths with A. W. V. S. repre sentatives in charge are maintained in the lobbies of all the leading Negro theaters ot the capitaL Leaders of the organization and its "^ar Bond ac-^ tivities are: left to right: Miss Frauds Hill, chair man of the Bonds and Stamps Division; Mrs. Elinor IL McGuire, vice-chairman; Mrs. Therese L. Robin son, chairman of the Cosmos branch of A. W. V. S., and Mrs. Nell Hunter, Promotions Specialist U. S. Treasury M'ar Financt Division. CONCOHI) — Barber Sooti,' I I College opened with an enrjH > ] nient of 14.'> .stndent.s, Ifi of J whom are reiyisti'red for tho third year. Majors will be of fered in homi* eeonomip, ele mentary edneation, English .nnl I religions edneation, A number i o^f .stato.s are counted in tho i regristration with North Tarc- ^ I lina ill tho lead. The fjrat chapel addros.^ was delivered by Prvsidoiu Cozart Friday nioi'ning. Sept ]8. lie presented what he called a three-fold challenpe to the pre.sent pronp. First, thit however chaotie the worl 1 condition may be, Ood ha s matched the youth of thi>( generation with this very *[ hour. Secondly, tho inatitntiin challenges the student to ^row and to he fruitful, to lay hold Mrs. D. A. Perry, 702 Lin.- of a purpose as well as an i avenue, who is making objective for lifo, to bo the enviable record as an agent answer rather than to find thft j North Carolina Mutual answer is the ultimat? f|ue!- | Insurance Company in tions which face ns. | Newport News, Va. Mr. Perry New faculty members addo.l has one of the largest debits are Miss Frierson specially the Newport News Dis trained in elementary educa- | tw t. tion and bringing several years j College Women To Become Homeinakers Enviable Record I). A. Ferry, ,1?., son of Mr. GAYLADTE9 MEET WITH MISS ANDREW EDWARDS ON MORELAND AVENUE Th(> Oayladies, a club o' young girls met at the home of. Miss Andr(“\\s« I'ldwards nr Resigns Pastorate In New Jersey nninity church of Schenectady. I New Yovk. I SERGEANT C, MfBROOM VISITS SISTERS HEBE — Buy War Bonls — Sgt. rhas. McBroom, for- Mra. Ophelia lnan(iy, Avifo of Dr. Clemuel (Iriindy, speiM ! Azi'lle White, .several days in fireiwishoro Inst week visitin'' relative^ and frionds. David Dean, member of Board of Dire(‘tors of the North rarolina Mutual Life Insnrnnco Company spent Sat urday and Sunday here. Mi'. Dean and President C. C. SpauIdiiVfj li'ft the city Monday for a business tour of several fitities in North Carolina. Mrs. Laura Husband who has bi'en v( rv ill at her hfirtT on Dunbar street is somewhat imjiroved. "Nfiss Elnora ' Edwards of l‘2fl7 fioerwood .Avenue spen^ the week end in Raleirli visit ing friends. P\t. Ivirl A. B'luciim, .Tv., son of Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Baiiciiin of 010 Prince Stree*: has returned to Fort Bennin^, (la. after Spendin;,'' several days with his parents. Pvt. Baucuni was inducted into tht> armed services in October, SlfMl. He rei-eived his baaio trainiii" at (^amp Croft, S. (''. Tie wa.s accoinpanii'd on hi“^ trij) home by his wife, tho former Miss Tx)ue,lla Yir{z;inir. Evans Atla*'ta, !a. — liiiy'\^' , Bonds — Seaman First Class .T/imes Mil^n Loyd of SOI Maass'.r Avenue has retuniod (o (ireat TiakiR after spending bis furlough with his wife. S'ani.MTi Loyd is the son of Mr, and Mrs. Janies Loyd of 10(!7 Second St. Pfc. .Toe Nathan T^i'verettc' who is stationed at Egliii Fielil — Huy War Bonds — liev. \Vm. Ttevies, former Morehiiid Avonuo last Sunday Durham citi/ini anil pastor o'l iifternoo in their ri'gnlar week- rhe Friendship llaptist Church nierly of 1(117 Kent Street visit ly meeting. After the business for the past si.\ years, visited ! ed his sisters Mrs. Sarah session refreshments were sei’- his sister Mrs. Mary Cook thi.? ^ Hester and Mrs. Hazel Rich- ved the iiiemberR. Tn additio;; week. Kev, Kevies hiis resigned niond buth of whom reside Cn to the mi'inbers present the tin" ])astoi'ate of, the Newn-■ Kent street. Sgt. McBrooni club had as its guest Miss", church to take over the dnti‘S ontnred the Marines at Camp as ])astor of the First Com- Lejuene, New River on April 27. He was promoted to Cor poral on July 14 and received another promotion to sergeant on August 1. Cpl. Ellis Jones, Jr. who is stationed at Camp McCall it\, ' HAMPTOy, T*. — Dwlar- ing that war ^ jobs for wom€n i will not last forevf-r, Doc’^or (’harlntt*^ Hawkins Browa of Palm»*r Memorial InstitoW nr ed Negro women to prepar> themselves primarily for reers in homecoming in an a’^ dreas at the Women'* Sen«.t« induction eerenoaies at Hanp- ton Injititute last WeilB«*da]r. The ceremonies, held ill Qf- den Hall, inelnded the present ation of officials of th* Wo men's Senate and tk* indue tion of freshmen into tlM or ganization, in a candlelight serviee eondneted by Ifir. Plem- mie P. Kittrell, dean of wt»- men. Miss Barbara Glenn «f Annapolis, Md.. i>r»»id«nt of the senate, presided. Asserting that a happy marriage and th» e*p«rienee of intelligent motherbood aboald be the highest aim of erer/ woman, regardless of race, creed, or color. Dr. Brawn ^ stressed her' conTictioB that Negro women should nOt de ceive themselves and expect !.» hold big jobs in industry ift»? the war. She said: — Whites Hare CapittI of experience to her work; PoiCAfl’c Johnson trained in psychology ! i OiuUll u nnd English; Mr. and Mrs, Ashton in history, religious education and home economics respectively. Former Barber Scotia graduates who hav’ _ ^ , now joined tho staff are Miss | The old Mt. Vernon Baptist. . . *****^ Vanci^ in biology and chemis- Church, corner of Queen and p"°“’^ the 1 «« Qiurch Staging “You will still he living in a world that is largely wiit«*. Financial Campaign BoU Hoffman, N. C. spent th*'-''^Miss Spearman and Mi’^ Mt. Vernon Streets, 'recent!/t Parker in the nursei’y school purchased by the Church of both race. And since a. which is aew being project" 1 ; God in Christ Jesns, N. D., I part of capital belongs^ as a isfiufte part of the pastor Bishoj. C. L. Faison, is 1 the white group, it is perf#^ staging a great Financial Cam- | natnral that a l*r^ pert^* ,Fla. home visiting his wife, the .former Miss Sadie 1.. Hnd.son. T’fc. Levorctte is th ' son of Mr. nnd Mrs. Otis Thjv- eretto of Lexington, N. (^. Pf‘. l.ev'Tettp was inducted into the armi'd services in March, lOK? and received his bnsi" training , at Jcffrrson Bar racks, Mo. Miss Maude N. Austin, teacher in the Roanoke R,i- pids .school system was a week-end visitor iu the city. Harlem Beauticians Substitute 'Bonds For Beauty “S’ Til The New York Beauticians Volunteer Corps works towards its .$1,000,000 Third War Loan goal, with Harlem’s leading beauticians taking the lead in keep ing the Drive at top pitch. Organize by Mr.s. Maude Gadsen in Augnst 1942, the organization was endorsed by Secretary of the U. S. Treasury, Mr. Henry Morgenthau, Mrs. F. D. Roosevelt,' Mayor Fiorella LaGuardia, and others. During the first and second Bond drives the Corps grossed over $300,000 In sales. The B. V. C. also in the various beauty shops, theatres, churches, schools, and other places. Shown (b. to R.) are: (p Mrs. Maude Gadsen, fdnnder and president; (2) Mrs. Gadsen giving last minute instruction to a few of the 230 members of the B. V. C. at the start of their Third War Loan drive; (3) Katherine Burton (ii^ foopth), top, sales woman of group, has sold so far in Third War Loan over $7,000 worth of bonds . . . she is Corps “Bond- adier” ... shown buying bonds are Mrs. Sarah Davis, widow of a merchant seaman, and Mrs. Evelyn Jack- maintain a canteen for servicemen at their head-, son, second ranking saleswoman; (4) Young bond auarterq in Harlem. .The sAle of bonds takes place purchaser at theater. Cpl. Arthur Van Holme.’ IS tho week end Mrs. Ossie M. Royal. week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ellia D. Jones of Fayetteville Road. Mrs. Lola Williams of Chi cago, 111., visited her husband at Camp Butner, She returned ' to Chicago, Tuesday bat is esiwcted to return to Durham next week. Mrs. Mae Cox is visiticqt her parents on Massey Avenue, Miss Cox is doing govern ment work ir Washington, D. C. A 3 I Wilson Personals j □ □ Miss Mattie J. Armwood of Norfolk, Va., spent severa' days in the city visiting rela tives and friends. Mrs. "Bertha Hawkins of Brooklyn, N. Y. is visiting her yP-ents here, Jlr. and Mrt.. Idhai'* .Jryant. Mrs. Evelyn Carr has re turned from Washington where she went to visit her husband. Miss Catherine Wynn of PhiTadlielphia spent several days in the city visiting hei* sister Mrs. Jessie Pitts. Miss Marytena Melton hns returned to Washington, D. C. aftervisitng her parents here. Mr. and Mrs. Rufus Hilliard motored to Tarboro last week to visit relatives and friends. Ilev. and Mrs. Robert Loo .leans and Miss Inez Hooker ot Washington, D. C,, were ii the city a few days last weel; to attend the funeral of Ge.>. Ellis, well known ciizen of Wilson. Rev. .leans offipiat;(’ at tho funeral. Mrs. Isabelle Shark a n d little daughter Hortense hnv;* returned to New York Citv Hortense has been spendin? tho summer with her grand- SCARBOROUGH & HARQEn FUNERAL DIRECTORS Ambulance Service Phones: Day J-^721 - Night J-372v: 52Z E. Pettigrew St. ^^'^'paign. Our church is iti direct j 3®^® wiH g* to wbitea. ?r>Hts, li;. and Mrs. i^ma«. need of repairs, and since wejff™ women's jobs in many OM^ Mr anf Mrs.^ T. E. Elln i to clpar the church!®^ to whit* men. and p. Ilarns have return-,^,^ indebtness, and fori ed to the city frwu Wniston ! ,.e,nodeling, we are asking tha Salem after attending t h - Sin.e our agency institute of the Win-:,„,„t needed as a din- ston Mutual Life Insuranco ( onipany. I National State Council meet-j ifrom the i.'Vth to the 31st, we shall begin immediate work to „ , . , ,,. , . .P' make it sanitary, and comfort- TTolmes is stationed at th“ ,, x. „ „ u _. ^ able. Perhaps even you wonia New River Marine Base. i „• „ + : „ 4.- _ desire to visit our meeting, w*^ Stewart 2nd Class uham i 11 j I would be overioved to enter- Kelly Hart was in the city for a few days visiting rela tives and friends. Mrs. Mattie Barnes an.l Mary Melven have returnal to Norfolk, Va. after visiting their mpther, Mrs. Matild.T Roberts :wht) has been ill. Leonard Moore and his brother Carl were recent visi tors with relatives and fri ends in Richmond, Va. ■ The death of Mrs. Mnttio tain yor and have yon dine in our new dining room. So then, if you, our friends and well wishers desire to find the same comforts when you visi* with us that you enjoy in yonr homo church, why not join ns in this Financial Campaign and send us a contribution, i Yon may mail in yotir contri- I bution to Mrs. V. R. Johnson, I Post Office Rox 1304, Durham. N. C. Simms, who died after only a: few days illness came as a tlis- | school program and hopes to tinct shock to her many render service to children of friends. Funeral services wc.’^the community, hold on September 22 from | ^ _ . Need Intelligent Muth«ri— “What the Kegro' aie« needs most is a namlM* of well-trained ''hogrs There is a tdr iat«^ij|«a^ Negro mothets,- rt children to bfr .honart, t3r»thfoJs industrioiis, 'J*d4 ' . meeting gjreat building for their’'«ie** 'tjiil homes ithieh ma|e • np tlii basic nnit of civilyMtion ud racial .progr«a^> , • ■ \ “Only aBont' , Oii| * American men' '‘"wtfir in World ^»r I, birt^ the*»;«r« about eight tirn«« “t^*t m&Br in World War II. —Moral Rearmament^ “They will come back i^ai^ torn, disillusioned, needibj* love and the comfort* of » happy home to bring thekn back to normalcy. They »i‘l need the eare aad noderstaBd* ing of women of higher.^ehar- Please turn to Page Temt the Union Orove Baptist Church. Mrs. Simnis is sur vived by two brothers, one sister, one daughter and othrr relatives. Interment was at th’ Rountree Cemeterv. JAMES THOMAS Funeral services for Jam!'.’ Thomas were held at the First Baptist Church were bold hero Sunday, Scptemhe ■ 2fi. Snrvivi.iig him are his wife Mrs. Ora Thomas; one daugh ter, Miss Mary Thomas; two sons, Willinvn and Willar I and a large number of rela tives. Tnterment was at th3 Rest Haven cemetery. FRESH FISH IN SEASON QUALITY SEA FOOD SMITH’S FISH MARKET 514 Pine St. 718 Fayetteville St, Phone R-3191 Phone L*7M1 YOUR PERSONAL APPEARi^ Don't be slack with your i>ers6nQ' aj>- pearance whether you are lookli^i lor a job or ah-eady on one. We art srilitdil ists in all kinds of barbertiiv beauty culture. FRIENDLY CITY BlOm AND BEAUTY PAKiOK A. ARTIST, 711 Fayetteville St