Saturday, Oct 2, 1933 THE CAROLINA! TIM^ N. C. Mutual Fourm BY PEOQY M. SPAUtiDINO Wull folks, I’m here again and this time it is a doubts header. To my regret, I fail ed to get the Hcptember 18 pro pram in on time «« I’m doubl ing i>p this week ’cause I know you want to know whi*^ happened. (Taking a lot for granted nni I not). Devotions were led by Mrs. Dorothy Jankson at this forum hour and our ehoirister Miss LY Constimee M«‘rriek. Before tha main .speaker of the day was introduced, rather presented to the Mutual Family, our own Vice-President and T'rcaSurcr, Mr. E. 11. MeiTick urged the cooperation of all in the Third War Bond Drive and announc ed the number of bonds sold ot that point. Dr. Clyde Donnel was speak er for the morning. Wc are always pleas*»d to heai our Medical 'Director has to .say. In the course of his talk he mon- tioned there were four causes of all illnesses namely: poison ing, infection, injuries inflam mation. IJe explained the dif ferent kinds of light and heat used for the various illneas and ailments. There are thre? kinds or heat: conductive, con vective and convefsive. The Mutual Family is happy to announce the addition of two new ujenfbers of its fam ily in the pfir.'tot* of Mrs. B. Pemberton and Misa Mai)!-’ Robin.soii. Mrs. Pemberton is on the fourth floor in the Or dinary Department and Miss Robinson is messenger girl. On September 25 Mrs. Ade line Spaulding was in eharg.i of devotions. The Mutual wa^ rendered “Love’s Song” by Mrs. Margaret Joi^es accom panied by Mrs. Ethel Berry. The Sj)eaker was Mr. G, W. Cox, A'^ice President and ^Agency Director. (His nick name from now on should b;^ Mr. O. W. “Freedom” Cox.) He spoke on Freedom and ■when he had completed hi^ spcech if you ever felt like n free man you felt like it then. First, let us see .just what;. FREEDOM is: Quality or state of being free, exemption from necessity, ease, possession of the tights or privileges of a citizen, a privilege, independ ence. That’s Mr. Webster’# de finition). In speaking of free dom, Mr. Cox asks what kind of freedom do yon wantt Do you want freedom of speecli say what you to)^ freedom of notion do what you want to), freedom from fear, freedom from war. When we speak of freedom our hearts and minds turn back to the thousands of men who are now wading i i blood in order that they migh.; have freedom. Will the Poit War Relief bring them thu type of freedom which the/ are striving for the type of freedom which all men seek- We wonder if the Atlantic Charter will have effect on all'men, in that the Negro will not be all right in the Soutli “in his place” but be treated as a human helns^ The only kind of freeflom that wa should think of and fight for even to the point of giving tho last drop of blood to sustain it is the kind of freedom whicn will enable us to stand witii all in the presence of human personalities. I’d like to say that if you weren’t there you missed it for Mr. Cox, if I may put it in slang, really lay- ed it! Wo were, very happy to havo as our guests in the forum Mr. B. C. Robinson, Assistaat Manager of the Charlotte Dis trict, Mr. T. E. Qillard, As3c. Mgr. of the Charlotte District, Mrs. T. E. Gilliard, wife of the above mentioned Mr. Oilli- ard, Mr. W. P. Malone Assist ant Manager of the Charlotte District. Agents visiting were Mr. J. P. Howell of Concord Miss Jones of Asheville, Miss Ruth Shorter of Asheville, Miss Essie Harpter of Ashe ville, Mr. I. iD. Hawthorne of Asheville, Mr^ R. L. Haw thorne of Asheville, Mr. R. L. Hawthorne _ of Asheville, Mr. C. R. Brewington of Char lotte, Mr. II. C. Orier of Ashe ville, Mr. J. W. Bost of Ashe ville, Mr. J.' M. Myers of Charlotte. Also visiting from tjic State of Virginia in tho 1 JOHNSON H. RAY AND SONS “The Home of Dependable Service Licensed Embalmers Since 1915 AMBULANCE SERVICE Call J-SgOl*—Cor. Fayetteville & Umstcad Sts.—Res. R-4311 Bureau ot Public Rclitioiu, 0. S. TVw DepartmcDt JOE LOUIS TAKES RIDE IN JEEP—Some one hat posed question: who has the most punch, Joe’Louis of fiatiana or the Jeep, rugged and mighty midget truck of the Army? We can’t answer that on*. Sergeant Joe Louis, at Fort Dix on his nation-wide Army camp tour, goes for a ride with several of bis ciwnles. Seated beside him is Sergeant Don Blackman of the Fort Dix MiliUi;f Police, fortoer wrestling «tEr. (Photo by Fori Dix Public Relations 0£Sce.) tovt ON THI PROBLEMS OF LIFE Am ms^AfioH n roo who uat mm# 0Vi«4MCf.. .m oriacoMiNc rov4 raov«ui 'ti btf ABBE'WALLACE SERVICE LET US REASON TOGETHER IN W/SOOM AND UNDERSTANDING' EMR — I have been reading aw HI.. . your column for some time and I like the way you solve pro blems. I’m married, my hus band works hard and makci good money but somehow jt doesn’t seem like we get any where. We have four children, I want to "buy a Tiome how, Mutual Family were: Mr. D.' C. Deans of Richmond and Mi’. Lester Moore of Norfolk. Now that I have named the “Jodv es” that were there let’s tallc of the service men that were there in the person of StafC Sergeant Edward Johnson of Camp Pickett, Virginia and^ Seamen II. McNair Woodard and his wife. Incidentally young ladies I meant to say the Jodies and Josephines as I understand the WACS and WAVES are calling all eivili^ii! women Josephines. Don’t burn your candles at both ends because though th’ light is always brighter whi'e burning when it gets dark things look mighty dim. In other words “Take it easy.’’ —Peggy M. Spaulding. while wc have a good chauc but my husband kindly want^; j dom and look elsewhere to quit the job he has and get companionship, something else. Shall he quit now or stay on here and buv the land? get out of this nieS.H. j An=s: — Put this man oat !of your life entirely as r») halfway measures can be used in a situsrion of this kind This man’s wife is on the “war path” and she thorouj.'li- ly intends to protect her in terests even if she has to re*, sort to hair pulling. It’s iiof safe to go around makiiit: “sheep’s eyes” at marrie 1 men. MWC — I am a hard work ing woman, a maternity nur.^^ Have a good many patients and try to do what's right. I have a daughter who is J*!, she finished school thi.s pn June. I wish to know if .'■h-'' will make a worth-whi'e triiiii- ed nurse i Ans: — A “cracker-jnck.". Your daughter was brousrht up j in a nnrsing ntmosphcre and ' she will lie o^i f.nmiliar groun'i any ho.=!pitnl. There is a 1)1,r demand tho cnuntrv over for tr.'ir.if'd uiuieii and your daugli t'T will be r iid. .!ng a great service to her country if shi^ enrolls immediately. Daisy Mae — T find colump very interesting. I more money ‘ elsewhere but I’’fwriting n bov in ser- high living conditions in largo'T'’® I cities would soon absorb this i T"' .surplus. Everytlung you makei *' deeply ,n love wi h me. Do now is clear profit and yDal^V t^nk- «• Vv^uW love .a t^-o have money in thei bank I by just seeing her photo better stay there. reading her letters? HD - I have had two wiv- es in mv life and I want to '"T "'"t know'which one means m3 ?•" the most good? One was a ; ' young Avoman and the othir j one was old. What must I do? Ans; — Wipe the slat? clean. Why keep your mind in turmoil and unrest about some thing that should only be a vague memory. You ■ couldn’t get along with cither one of these women. Get your free- Gandhi. It boilrf d. '/n tu thi,-': Should I tay, ri- * h*"- «elf- ishnt =i^ soni«thing t^ le*.a «u, ( .1*^ that s her dom'nant > h.trair teri.‘!ti' • Ans: — elfi'hnr.--i wor’^i j both waj. 1. ^ou aTf .secretly dfsiriiig the thini'-= in life that yiiur t‘( ks do not ice fit for yon to 1 >'■(- and this *.' the ba^i‘ of your entir> di;t- ?atisfaftion. And f“0, yonr mother i'* not a Tt-ll v.i. u^ia. N’ow, V' li're : ic ‘)*3’(»nd yenr*- i(.d .t uy t‘ you to ftver 1oi% tftes^ ‘p« rt>’* fal^^ of jroJT iuukhci.'4. Spend th« n€xt aiatf months In preparing jtmrwit far making yoar own way In life and give jroiir me^hfr th« Mtisfaetion of kaoviaf th't she has edaeated jm. The re*t is np to you. I.«wis B. Hershcy, Maj«r Gem^ eral. Selective S«rrle« DIree* tor: OCCO-NEE-CHEE Self-Rising Flour fakps tht» Guoss out cjf Baking and Savps you Mon€7 For A One-Stop Real Estate Service. CALL DURHAM REALTY & INSURANCE. COMPANY 109 MAR.ILCT ST. PHONK 115-79 for Aiisr — Right now, while there is money in circulation, you two should begin buying a home of your own. Yoa have the ojiportunity to buy the place you are on and it is very adaptable to your need.^. Your husband could make JOIN THE The South’s Greatest Membership Social Club Beer - Wine - Champagne - Sandwiches 707 Fayetteville St. Durham, N. G JUDGE F. K. WATKINS, Manager lliWMHWiiniO "MBW — I am in trouble with another woman about her husband and she looks so evil at me like she wants to do me bodily harm. I want you to please tell me what to do in love with you but ho d ie-i get a terrific wallops from the torrid letters you write. You are really a good sport to boost his morale. Keep up the good work but don’t take hi t! seriously or lose your heart i i yo«r ^forts. Bewildered. — I’m a senior- in high school, 38 years old. T desire to leave my mother’.‘5 home. Th^re is no sincerity and humaness behind her sup posed kindness. I blew up re cently and it was a blow to my mother's domineering ego and it’s no wonder she didn't make me play the m!e of i NATURAL PAGE BOY ATTACHMENTS m 1 Get .I*”,'• • OW VMl ~ "MIRACIE 60001” OF rOiNORKOW n BAHxm soMfnm BtemJUUY TODAY MECHANICS AND FARMERS BANK THE riRST STEP fOU CAN HAVE YOUR HAIR PERFECTLY MATCHED FOR C Creations "M W WiBii/y Attached, g Hu)^n Hair — ■■■ All Shad** 'T* QuIuTv SEND NO MONEY Just send sample off your hair or slute color. PAY POSTMAN $2 50 plus postage on delivery. ALSO PUFFS, WIGS AND BRAIDS SAflSFACTION GUARANTEED Gray Hair $1.50 Extra SEND YOUR ORDER TODAf We .carry o Fi^ll tine of OVER WIGS All Colors iiiicluding Mixed Gray JESSIE KARE BEAUTY PRODUCTS COMPANY S07 FIFTH AVENUE (Room 905) NEW YORK CITY ARE YOU FU ■W" PROTE ^/■2 jfcL HOSPrtALlZATION PLAN ROOM. MEALS. OPERATING FEE. X-RAY, AMSULANCK CHILDBIRTH—MANY OTHER BENEFITS ANY HOSPITAL IN AMKMICA WRITK rODKV-MWitllCE INFOttMATlON Soutlie'rii Fidelity Mutnal InsBLrauee Ge* DURHAM. NORTH CAROUNA ' NAME. . AOC- ADDRESS. CITY -STATE, ■■BHI I I DURHAM, N. O. RALSmH, N. 0 I I How will your child earn a living in the highly competitive post-war future? Will she be able to train for a career in teaching or social work? Can you guarantee him your ability to finance a professional education? INSURE THEIR GOLLEBE EDUCATION WITH A CHILO’S EDUCATIONAL POLICYi it provides an immediate check to cover en* trance fees and expenses . .. and a monthly ckeck for 4 college years! You owe it to your children to take this step today—they’ll thank you tomorrow. 6. C. SPAULDINB, PrisNtnt DURHAY. NORTH CAROLINA noRTH cnROiiinR muTURii LtlFE IKSURRNCE ^JQIllllPRny^ "nu ioniicumpu'u imoutiiorthCRRoyuflmuTUHLpowciis” L MAKE WAY FOR ONE MORE! We welcome the patron age of you who are usins our service to get to iiiid from your jobs. If at times our buses are crowded and there are traffic delays, your patience, will be apprrriated. Rest assured that our entire organization is dofng everything humahly possible to serve you. During the* **peak-hdur8,” there will be time;^ when our service will not be as good as we’d like it to be but the i^nditions are beyond control due to the laige number of rider at these particular hours. DURHAM PUBLIC SERVICE RENTING - REMODELING AND PROPERTY MANAGEMENT INSURANCE OF ALL KINDS If you have houses or apartments for rent or sale list them with us. If you have insurance problems call us. Advice without cost. Union Insurance & Realty Company , ^ DIALJ-6521 814 Fayetteville Street DO YOUTAKEO ;f ORTHS CHANCES LIKE THIS See fAe £bcal BANKERS’FIRE INSUR DURHAM, NOirrH CON^RVATiy^ - SOUtP .IM UAL INSURANCE AGSNCY - iMO-y LNSUltANCE & REALTY CO., XC IF RKAI.iY COMPANY, - . lUiillOP D.U.E I. ; IHira^.S .....