FDR ixufi-: I’ayroll savifig* ia our fjiTiitest Hin;rl‘ | y> furtor ill protcciiiig oiirxcKos ii^aiiist iti- (lalioii. I I -1 ;' v6i7 XX—NO. "41 SCllMS TH ONBRIDii^ Durham, North Carolina, Saturday, October 30, 19io Bl'Y WAR BONDS Former RJR Worker Testifies Against Sales Tax COfAB NOVEMBQI Durham To Be Host To Annual Session Of AMES; Many E^otables Expected SEEK 65.000 STUDENT NURSES mf. The forty-first aniiiia} sos- tioii of llie Westovn Nort!) ('fiiifei'onc'o of tlic A. M. 10. (Mnu’fh will convoii > in l)uiji(ini Nov«inl)er !)-! I nl Si: ,Io.,t^))li A. A'l.' Iv V riiirt:i(. i’, v.:'.3 officiiilly amiounci*(? tlii: \V('('k i)y I)i‘. J. A.. V'ci!>'ii- tiiM', i)'isl(ir (,f llu' iocMl (•lunch. 'I’Ih! f).i.slor and mem- b('rs of St. .lost ph have ht'cii I i\ pariii;.r for tlu« niM‘:i!in, fr r llio past scvL'nil nionllis, ainl V('ry thiii^' h- about conv- for (ntertalnnK'nt ol th>' ;u':!>ioii ill i^raiul style. Uniisiiai iiiliv'st is in;\Mifi‘Nt>(l ill Ihis year’s an- iiiial sc'ssioii of the coiifor- (Tut* Tdltio fart that niin- i-;t('rial dolcoratos to tlu> (ion- ('lal (’(Uifoiiic which nicots J:? I’hiladt'Iphia next y(>ar ai'(> to he (>h‘ct(‘d. Many j;eiioral of- fiC(M's of till' cllUI'cli al«'(! ‘X- IK ctod to l)(' iircMMit diiri!f)L>- 1h(* fiv’-d;iy session whi.'h :-t'irts I’uo.'sday^ nioriiiii." of Novomhc'r 9, wiu'ii d«>le^’at(!s .•mil visitors will bcjjiii rojri.S’ icrin;r. 'I’ho entire session will bo presided 'over by lllshop M. 11. Havis, presidini? head of I fie Second Episcopal District ol’ which Ihe Western North (’arolina Conference is a.part. * 'i he session will also have as ;i vi^itinJr Rishop the Kiphl; Uev D. H. SimriTs, Uishop of the Fir.st Ejiiscopnl District, which includes New Yor^>, ■w Jersey and the Nev.' ;-tales. Tlie Tuesday eveninjt se,>- PlOiiSf turn to I’.ipe Four Opposes Sales Tax Dr. U. S. Waiton kiied Patent For Improving Dentures IMMAir’FITS, — Aniioiince- ineiit li;is recditly been niiide of fi i);it(>nt ri'aiite-' Dr, U. H. W.iltoii on .'111 instriimt'nt fo- iinprovinf' dentiui'fi. Tho certi ficiite \vhi('h w.-is ia.siied by the pati'iit office :it Wjishinfjloii is regardfil by the fric'iids of Dr. A\';dlon iis i)Oth a ilistiiic- tion and achioveiiuMit. II(' eon Ccived of the idea almost 20 yem-s iijjo and luid worked on it until rer-ently when it w.ms conipleled and approved by th(“ piitf'iit offi^tv Eleven Southern States involved In Teachers Salary Differential Case Dr. WnpSu, born in Ti pton Coiinfy, Tpiiii., wjiere he , 'oin])l(>tJed \ his elementary j wdiool work. After graduation j from the Frazier hi^h s(;hool ' in CoviTigrton, Ky., he went on Tiane colh>ge at Jackson, Tenn., nfter which ho att('n(lcd \Valdc!! pollof^e in Nashvill'. Ilia professional training was received at tho M('Iiany Den ial College in Nashville. Ho began the practice of dentistry at Dyersburgh, Tenn 1 in 1909, and five years lator i moved here where the people I regard him with highest es- i teem. Dr. AValton’s civic activi- I ties included his position .ts I |trust(*e _nf J.ane colleppe, I trnstt'e of the Collins Chapel Connectional hospital an! trustee of the Collins Chapel CME church. TTe is n pasl: president of the Shelby Coun ty Dental society, a memhcr of 1 the Pan Stat(' Dental associa tion and of the Niilional Den tal association. Do(>ply interested in rolirious affairs. Dr. Walton, in IP'il served as a delegate' to the Ecumenical Methodist confer- eni-e which broupjht toceither deiegntes from the world wide Roland Hayes To Sing Here Nov. 8 DrUHAM — Koland Hayes, celebrated tenor, will sinij in Duke Auditorium at Xorth Carolina College in Durham, Xoveniber S. \ Mrs. Pauline B. Butler j “The Greatest SiTige;r of his Nurse Education, V. S. Public Hace — and one of the Great- Health Service, Federal SeciU'-, est who trod the concei-t staga ity Agency. Both nurses are'— is Koland Hayes,” declared graduates of Harlem Hospital ; the Boston Post in its issue endeavor to recruit new I School of Nursin.ir in New York of last January 27. Mr. Have.s student nurses this year to j City and have done advanced has recently retm-ned ta nieet growing war needs. They work in public health nursin?'. : America from a triumphal ; ( XpJain career opportunities | Miss Collius will nppe.^r at! foreign lour. North Carolina College offi cials predict a sell out “perfor niance for the Hayes bngage- Opposes Italy *^1 Orieanna ^ViUins , j Miss Orieiina (’ollins, li. N., iiiid Mrs. Pauline B. Butler, K. X., who are touring Negro col leges as a part of a Nation-wide N: Tlieo(To?‘*i> —a to- j |)!u co worker of \\ inston - I Salem, was oiio of Hie ihr''i' I )'eprcsciitafiv(^s of I nitcd (';in- ’ nery, A'^ricultnral, PiK'king .•iiul ( ' Alliod Wo*-kers of Am.-ric:!. I CIO at the sal s ta\- heiirin;; of the House Ways and Meaii^ ('oiiiinittcc on OcloliPr !■) in ^'■ashinoton, D. C; H1h> strong ly opposed such a tax which ' would place a heavy burden on I the poor, hardly touching tiie ■ rich. A maclTiiie sletiimer a,I if. .!. Koynohls'" (-‘('amel”), Mrs. Simpson rci'ently .joiio'd Itlie rcAi'AWA staff as an iiiternat,ioiial Hoprcscnlative. LEAD CHEST DRIVE I ojien to the college woman by_j N. C. College November IS — I the new U. Si Cadet Nurse :l^ S. Cadet Nurse Coi ps Phot ) I ('orps. The Corps is under th-»j from OWI. supervision of the Division ofj House Ways And Means Committee Hears Plea Woman OpiWsing Taxes Died At Home Mrs. Wilma Milum and P.. I!. Kogei'S, co-chairmen of llio l'’,:ist End Dislri( t in the War Clii'st drive now going on' ar's ihrcati iiiiiii to lead all workers of the N('gro division agaiji this year. Mrs. Miluni and Mr. Rogers top)ied all workers l.is: year when their district walk ed ofi with honors ior rais-it^ Methodism, inflluding nil races and nationalities of the world. He attributes his success (o the fact that he hns “believed in Almighty Hod, have sought his guidance nnd relied upon Mi.s unfailing aid.’’ Dr. Walton lives Avith his iwife, Mrs. Anita Johnson Wfll* I ton, a young woman of rare ;«ttainments and culture. Mrs. I Walton teaches in one of the Wallace declares Jai>an will j Memphis high schools. The snrender in the “not distant jcouple has an .adopted child, future.” lAlb«rta U1;>b«3 Walton. WASHINGTON, D. C. - Testifying before the House Ways an 1 Means Committee today on behalf of 12,000 to- j bacco workers in Winston Salem I North Carolina who are or ganized in the Tobacco Work- ,ers Organizing Committee of the United Canner.v, Agricul tural, Packing and Allied Work ers of America — CIO, Mra. I Theodosia Simpson, young j Negro woman who worked for seven years as a stemming machine operator in the R. J Reynolds plant, spoke in vigor ous opposition to a federal sales ta.x. 1 Mrs. Simpson gave the com mittee an account of how the $22 a week she made and the I $16 per week her husband mak les as a tobaceo worker is .spent find showed them that-it tafc-^ j every penny to meet their I food, rent and other neees.sary I expenses, including regular purchase of war bonds and war the highest .nmoiint of uioii(!y during tho en'lnpaign. They hop > to .cpeat the feat this year. 3HP Hte camp.Mirn f.>r teacher p.iv cijuali/ation h.i' now reach ed 11 of the l:> triulitiOually soiitherii states .ntid in m-ost of th‘ lueal schiiol boards ‘*hav? followed rh‘ mandat.-:^ of the law as result of court ac tion accordinc to W;ilter White executive secri'tary of the NAA''P. The -siifireme court. thr*'t* ye.nrs ajo. decreed that t h .■ south must p.iy Negro -school te.icht'rs of the same experi ence the same salary whir > teachers receive for the same amount of work. A recent sun-.'V of state elu- cation offii^als shows thit cor!."Ji(l(''rabIe st'ides have been made. The most has bwa done in the richer-stati?d and in th"* border state‘s where thi* Negro population i.i pr>'p«)rtionat**ly small; and least in the deep south where the population-* app' ar the heaviest. , Said the NAACP official. In some states the scho«)l boards havi' •‘rcfusetl to give in, and h:ive taken different types of 'tcps ill an attemj>t to circum vent the true me.-ming of the Hfh amendment.’’ This, bo adtjs'. has been done by “rat- iin" systems"’ and oth,>r meth* Otis. “The next step in the cam- Ipaiirn.” White said, ‘‘is an at- t:tcl on these ratiitsr system* \vherebv Negro teachers, for CHICAGO — The ^ Julius **•'' ^re rated lower The Negro Division of the !has fixed Jan. teachers of eiaival ment. Negro Division N. F. G. of A. WiU Hold In-gathering Haile Selasie, King of 'Kthi> pia, who Ifitterly oppos.-s arcep iiig Italy’ as a co-belligerent of the Cnited Nations. The Kinx voiced his disa[)proval of the ideii when ■ questoned by repre sentatives of the Allied {>ow- ers last week. Closing Date For Fellowship Blanks Fixed At Jan. 3rd. Needle W'^ork Guild of Ameri ca is having its Annual In gathering of garments on the 2nd and 3rd of November. All • Haygood. acting direc- members are urged to give two new garment.s tp the di- relieC donations. Thousands of at Salisbury, N. C. Mr. terroii Co workers, making 40 was a former employee of .thi s an hour, must support P nnsylvani whole families, on this amount . October 13, 1!)^ * at h;s hoiu''. 3, 1941 as the closirig date for* stamling.’ submitting blanks for fellow- ' The supn>me court was firtfr: ships according to Mrs. Wil- aroused poneerning the subject when Melvin O. Alston, a tor of fellowships. school teacher in Norfolt. Rosenwald fellowships are broucht le'jra! action ii) 19^19 rector of their community. fintende(l to provi.le opportimi ''"mpel the citv to pay hint These garments are distrib-j ties for special experience or the sajue scale as vloVf Uited to the Eight Colored Ci-; advanced study -to indivi.lual- teachers. ty Schools of Durham. Lin-|^vho have given evidence of The suit was lost in distPMi coin IJo.spital and to the jp,.^.ptional ability and wh.> t Alston appealwl lo ■C ount\ Nui’se foi the neetly. 1 wish to pi-epare further. Cati’ the supreme court. Jmlge I The displaj’ of (laiments i show exception i! Parker, of the I*. S. Ciresitr (will bo hold at the Algon- accomplishment an I '•»«rt of appeals. rerpr.«wi jduin Tennis (^lub, layette-j p^,,. lower court decision, with tk#;’ com.• vice. ' ‘’Thit tuneqnal The f»>llowships are o(>en to clear a discrimination oB scientists, and persons intcres*' ground iif raw* as eoofal ed in creative writinc or jour- be imagined and falls nalism, education, agriraltmre. within the F- riled’ Democracy has its faults service., the ilue and ttt ' uut it is far superior to oth-^They are open to men and wo-, prot-^tioc »f the .villc St.. Nov. 4, 194:?. , , .... .. HT r -r T» iparation for distinctive ser- The late illiain Onzer> Mrs. M. Tj. J^pnnon. PreST-t...-^ • Ferron, until his death superin- dent. tcnd'ent of buildings and Miss Geneva R. Thoiyipson. grounds at Livingstone College Secretary. she pointed out. “It isn’t that wc don’t want to do our part,” she said. “We ^ates the first victims will er forms of government and! between the ages of ‘24-2 > amendmfut. [will, in time, prove the sal-j y^*''rs, though the committe* If inflation hits the United vation of the world. ] consider very exceptional i eases on their merits. C.'indid- are loyal American citizens and want to do everything in onr Pleas* turn to pag« two _ be the farmers. It will not do U3 any good to make money now if “we lose it later. Two million and a half are | ates must have completed their available if war workers are j general college or xeneral pro drafted, Gallop poll finds. [ Please turn to Page Tovr ii Ob Oct. 29» 1940, r rvnie coart the tase. This tb« r^t NAAfP. Simt

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