DUUQtiAM /€CICTT liRE. p. W. HARRIS, SOCIETY EDITOR All News F«r Tbii Pag* Must Be Sut>mitted Before 10:00 A. M. Monday Eacb Woek P R O n £ R- 0 V I 3 VISITING FRAZIERS Mr. uiul Mrs. Frazier of Nfw York City nn* visit inji: tlu‘ 1j. B. Frazitrs of 211 Dun- tan Street, h. B.'aiul Joseph are brothers. VACATIONING Mrs. Kffie C’. Daye is vaeii tioiiiiifr in Atlantic ('ity, N. J. iind New York ('ity. SICK AND SHUT-INS; Don’t f»rj?pt our sick and shnt-ins: JSlrs. Marion Alston, Mrs. Irene (iates, Mrs. Hattie Itiiss, Mrs. Ileswii' MitehoU, Mrs| 'Vie Pimlle, Mrs. Rose Murphy, Mffl. Jjaiira Shaw, Mrs. Eliza Riveria, .lames Harris, Dr. I. B. Turner, Thom Charleston, James Bailey, Mrs. Rosa Cle- land, Mrs. Julia Moore, Mrs. Josephine Johnston, Mrs. Sarah McCauley, Mrs. Harriett Ken ney, Bunny Atwater and Mrs. Maud Pratt. WasliiiiKton and most of all, he is travelinir alone just like his big brother. VACATION WITH I'SIS*' Miss BMle Wilson and broth er, ljiuwoo«l Wilson of New York City are vaeationini? with their sister Miss Janie Wilstni and other relatives. ALLENS WITH RELATIVES Misses Haiuira and Patricia Allen of New York City are vis- itinpr relatives during the month of August. SEE DERBY NATIONALS Mr. and Mrs. T. h. William.s, Mesdames Mabel Powell and Plas.sie Harris /notored to Akron, Ohio Friday to attend the Soap Box Derby Classic. VIRGIN ISLANDS CRUISE Mrs. Laura Bruoe left Tues day for New York on the first lap of an interesting three -weeks cruii^ to the Virgin Islands, '■ Haiti, Cuba and other points. , She will be joined in New York by her sister Mrs. Omeda Liv ingston. Mrs. Livingston has been in attendance at summer school at New Y'ork University and the trip is looked fonvard to with muoh enthusiasm. TO HAMPTON Mrs. Alethea Jones, house di rector in the Senior Dorm, at N. C. College left Saturday to spend her vacation in Hampton. Va. HOUSEGUESTS Mrs. Rosemar and son of Grantville, Georgia, were house guests of Mr. and Mrs„ Morgan of Morri.sville, recently. WEEK-END WITH JONES Misses Tempie and xVJma Lee Morgan and Warren Mangum nt last week-end with the Jones family in Berkley, Va. FETE CLEVELAND VISITOR Mr. and Mrs. Preston Pickett of 414 Pine Street entertaui- ed Mrs. Alma Dodson of OUve- land, Ohio. Guests present were Mrs. Kosa Bethea, Miss Tempie Morgan and Mr. and Mrs. John son. Delicious refreshments were enjoyed by all. RETURNS TO NEWAR^C Miss B. V. Bynum concluded her vacation Thursday when she returned to Newark, N. J. to re sume work and studies in cloth es designing. AT ATLANTIC BEACH The Clarence Laniers and Hencher Harris are spending a few days at Atlantic Beach to engage in some swimming pid sun basking. Mrs. Jean White and sons, Nathaniel Jr., and Joseph, have returned from Atlantic City, N. J. where they visite'd Mr». White’s mother, Mrs. Pearl E. Briscoe. LAST RITES Mrs. Addie Torrance attended funeral services in Rowan Coun ty for her granfather, S. Fisher. Mr. Fisher was only confined to his bed for a short period. He was ninety one years old. FROM BRITISH . WEST INDIES Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Escof- fery are back in the city from Janiacia, B. W. I. where they spent a delightful two months with relatives and friends. HOLMES TO D. C., N. Y. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Holmes aro visiting relatives and friends in Washington, D, C. and New York. / Mr. and Mrs. James T. Tay- .lor and the Tarpleys of Greens boro spent a few days in New York, TO DEE CEE AND SISTER Mrs, Isadore Michaux left Monday for Washington, D. C., to visit with her sister, Mrs. Edith Lewis and brothers Earl, Wilbur and Buster Coats. She will be joined in Washington by her youngest son Eric who has spent the past six Vfeeks in Kantonah, N. Y. w'ith the Tjarry Knoxes. Eric is getting the thrill of his life in his plane trip to SURPRISE PARTY On Sunday afternoon, Aug. 14, Mrs, Flonnie Rogers of 1311 Hyde Park Avenue was enter tained on her lawn by a surpriw? birthday party given by her daughters and dauj?hter-in-la\v, Mrs. Eliza Rogers Ford. ^ A delightful repast was en joyed by all. Many beautiful and usefi\l gifts wer received by Mrs. Rogers, Guests present to help make the birthday a delightful one were: Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Walk er, Mr. and Mrs, Arthur Rogers, Charlie Thompson, Mrs^ Nannie Tmstead, Mrs. Williams, Mrs. Lillian Phillips, Mrs. Mattie Harris, Mrs. Jennie Share, Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie Deans, Mrs. Mattie Jeffries, Mrs. Annie M, Walker, Mr. and Emmett Strudwick, Mr. and Mrs. J. O, Cannady, Mrs. Ora Shaw', Mrs. Mary B.ridge- ford, Mrs. Mary Vaughn, Mrs. Hattie Mitchell, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hayes, Mr. and Mrs. Kemp Ford, and Miss Margaret Thorpe. MRS. BULLOCK ENTERTAINS BOOKERTTHEATRE * A I R - C 0 N D I T I O N E D * * SUNDAY-MONDAY—AUG. 21-22 * LARRY PARKS * ELLEN DREW in TKE SWORDSMAN Cartoon Comedy Musical Specialty Movietone News ♦ TUESDAY—AUGUST 23 * ^ ZACHARY SCOTT * FAYE EMERSON in DANGER SIGNAL BUDDY RICH and his ORCH. News Of The Day ♦ WEDNESDAY-THURSDAY—AUG. 24-25 ♦ OLIVIA DE HAVIL'AND * MARK STEVENS in * THE SNAKE PIT Oddity Subject World News Erents "JA(^ ARMSTRONG,” Chapter 7 * FRIDAY-SATURDAY—AUG. 26-27 * DOUBLE FEATURE CHARLES “Durango Kid” STARRETT in LAW OF THE CANYON CHARLES RUSELL * GARY GRAY in NIGHT WIND Also First Thrilling Chapter THE DEVIL HORSE Added: Color Cartoon ♦AIR-CONDITIONED* Miss Mary Estelle Trent, youngest daughter of Presi dent and Mrs. W. J. Trent, Salisbury, North Carolina, has returned to Japan where she will serre as Serrice Club Director with the United States Army. Miss Trent pre viously served one year in Japan in this same capacity. HER SISTER Mrs. W . H, Bullock, of ItiO? Lincoln street, was iiosteiu at ner lioue on Monday evening at a “LH) Drop in Aud Chat A While” honoring her sister aatl iriends Mrs. Anna Johnson, Mr». Louiiie Sparies and Miss Bert Fiores of New York City. After the guests made the round of chatting with the house guest and Lizzie, Misti Flores who had a technique of her own with the camera developed many out standing photographic models for the evening. This feature lent much color to the occasion. Mixed summer flowers were used throughout the home. The dining room table was centered W’ith an arrangement of red flowers in a shallow crj’stal bowl with red tapers in crystal candelabra. The table was also very artistically arranged with an abundance of delicacies, which consisted of. a variety of open face sandwiches, devil eggs, -pickles, olives, cheese, potato chips, nuts, mints and punch. Guests, in addition to the hon- orees, were: Mesdames Alice Payi^, David McPherson, Irene W’mned, Martha Long and Mi.«ii.s Rebecca Faribault, of Hillsboro, Mrs. William Davis, Ridgeway, S. C., Mesdames Lorraine Brown, L. C. Coleman, Sarah Felder, Janie Wheeler, Mary Ray, F. P. McLean, Minnie Gil mer, Ruth Bibby, Roxie Davis, Bessie McLaurin, G. Lipscomb, Alease Townsend and Pattie N. Hall. Members pment induded: Me^amcs OilchriHt, lUeekh, WstHon, Dale, Cheeks, C. Ed wards, M. Bumpaae, £. Kobert- sm, N. Kreene, D. Oijeen, I. Dav- ' Is, R. Farringtwi, M. AVilaon, W. Faison and E. R. Tuck. • The next meeting will be held Monday, 8ept. 5 At the home of Mrs. Farrington. ' ■ - - fi«i, MARK^AM-HOWARD VOWS SPOKEN •On Saturdiyk, August llJ'^t 8 o’clot-k in the evening. Miss Mar jorie R. Markham, daughter of Mr. and .Mrs. J. H. Markham of Thaxton Avenue became the bride of Noah A. Howard, Jr., Koygof Mr. and Mrs. Noah A. IFowflrd, Sr., of New Jersey and Norfolk, Va. • The living rot)in was decorat ed beautifully with palms, floor ^baskets, filled with white glad- ilas, whit^” asters and baby’s breath, and was lighted by cathedral candles in wrought iron eandlebrae and formed the background for the ^larriape vows. Prior to the eeremony, a musi cal program was presented by Jdmes C. Fuller, Organist and Jlrs. Georgia Taylor, soloist. Mrs, Taylor sang “At Dawn ing” and “Because.” The tradi tional wedding marches were used. Escorted and given in mar riage by her father, the bride wore a white gal^ardine suit white a blue handerchief linen blouse and blue accessories. She wore a lovely orchid corsage. Mrs. Clara Perkins attended as matron of honor. She wore a blue suit with fitted bodice and full skirt. Miss Lenora Jeffries of 1928 Cecil Street is home after hav ing completed graduate work for the Master of Arts Degree at New York University. High lighting her work this summer was a trip to Montreal and Quebec, Canada, where a short study was made of the educa tional system of Quebec. The Pearsontown Community Club held its monthly meeting at the home of Mrs. W. Faison on Cecil Street. ! Mrs Mar(i«r.-t Minm- w»j SATURDAY, AUG. 20th, 1949 ’ • ii; N :i - l.il II- CAHOUITA TIKIS Tlie bridgegroom chose ii>> his best man, iViaurice Howard, his brother. Mrs. Markham chose for her daughters wedding a dress of blue and white floral crepe. Her corsage waH red rose buds. immediately after the cere mony a reception was held at the home of the bride. After the reception the couple left for a brief honeymoon to unannounc ed points. They will make their home in Norfolk, Va., where Mr. Howard is postal Clerk and Mrs. Howard has accepted a position as Public Health Nurse in Nor folk. Out of town guest were Miss Addie L. Harriston of Win ston Salem, Messers Leon Bell, Willie Jones and Maurice Ho ward of Norfolk, Va. Mrs. Essie M. Redd and Mrs. Helen Hancock of New York City are visiting the G. D. Whites of 812 Dupree Street. Many social courtesies were ex tended these charming guests by Mr. and Mrs. N. B. .White, Mr. and Mrs. Freeman M, Smith, Mr. and Mrs. D. F. Reed, Mr. and Mrs. HeFshey Seate and other friends during their stay here. COSMETOLOGISTS Miss Alice Blue was hostess to the Cosmetologist Club, 1j«- cal Number One. The regular business was transacted by the club president. Miss Mildred Compton. Those enjoying the afternoon, were: Miss Lois Burroughs. Mrs. Pauline Love, Mrs. Lucy John son, Mrs. Margaret Minor, Mrs. Gladys Washington, Mrs. Bettie Fowler, Mrs. N, J, Curry, Mife Mildred Compton, Miss Eliza beth Stone, Miss Lillie W^ells, Mrs. Jella Mae Adams, Miss Annie Johnson, Mrs, Pauline Boxley. REGAL THEATRE * SUNDAY ONLY—AUGUST 21 * “LASH” LaRUE * “FUZZY” in Cheyenne Takes Over Serial: GANG BUSTERS, No. 10 Added: WHO’S CRAZY? * MONDAY-TUESDAY—AUG. 22-23 * Chapter Number Of THE BETRAYAL (Greatest Negro Photoplay Of All Times) Don’t Fail To Miss This First Episode FOR YOU I DIE Starring: PAUL LANGTON Serial: BRICK BRADFORD, No. 11 Also RADIO ROMEO * WEDNESDAY-THURSDAY—AUG. 24-25 * (DOUBLE FEATURE) BRIAN AHERNE * VICTOR McLAGLEN in CAPTAIN FURY LEE GORCEY And The Bowery Bojrs in JINX MONEY Added: NOVELTY * FRIDAY-SATURDAY—AUG. 26-27 BUSTER CRABBE * FUZZY In OVERLAND RIDERS ROD CAMERON in PANHANDLE Serial: SEA HOUND, Numbsr S Added: COMEDY — NEWS Ciilturisl's Ix-ttfruf which wa-^ In lii Hi t.'.liiiiKloa, D C, Atig 8-11, The hostes.^ ser\'cd a vt ry delicious and refrcrihing repast P Aim FITE FUNERAL RITES Funeral services for .lusi-ph Wade, Jr., son of ilr. and .Mi- Joseph Watle, Sj'. were held August fl at the home of Mrs. Irene Archer, ‘J42.'l W. Petti grew Streetr^LittIji' Joseph had been ill fur twelve months MIDSUMMER PICNIC The White Rose Circle of St. Mark A. ,M. K. Zion Chui'f h held its midsunier picnic at the home of Mrs, Edna Satterfield. 707 Pickett Street. (iuest speaker for the occasion was .1 M. U, Mayes. Tiiose piesent were. Mrs. Lorena Cotton, treasurer: Mrs. Catherine Lnnford, Fult(m Clark, .Mrs. Sadie I’lillev, Mrs. Annie Lyons. .Mrs. P'lla Little. Samuel W. Davis, .Mrs. Bettic F’owler, Mr. and Mrs. Ellison, Mrs. Fidelia Brooks. .Miss Ger aldine Barbee. Mrs. Mattie Daye, Mrs. Elstella Walston, Mr. and ilxs. J. H. B. Mayes, Mrs. Evelyn Greene, Mrs. Ada Bates, William Tuck er, Ferdinand Felder. Mr. and Mrs. Jes.**" Alexand er, Solomon Bennett, Mr. and Mrs. Alonzo Erwin, Mrs. Pearl Thompson, Mr. and Mrs. W, Crews, Mrs. S. B. Lloyd and Mrs. M. R. NonVood. A very enjoyable evening was spent by the group. RETURN FROM VACATION Mi*s. Sumega Solomon and daughter, Shirley have return ed to their home on Moreland Avenue. They spent a two week's vacation in Newark, \. .1. at the home of Mrs. Lucille Lane and Mrs. Dora Thorpe. They also visited Mi’s. Beatrice Cove, sis ter of Mrs. Solomon in New York, Belmar. N. J. fishing and swimming, board walk and oth er sports-at Coney Island, New York. VISITS GRANDMOTHER John Luce Cave of Bronx. New York is in the city rMting grandmother, Mrs. Geor- giana Richmond of Moreland Avenue. HOSTESS TO BEAUTICIANS Mrs. Pauline Boxley proved a charming hostess when she en tertained the C’osmetologist Cluh Local NnndKM’ One, Monday aft ernoon at her home on Tjpp St. The business was carried on as usual by the president, Mi>s Mildred (\)nii)ton. Mrs. ^largaret Minor return- turned from the National Beau ty Culturists TjeJigue, which was held in Washington, D. C. with Ladies Auxiliary of Heart of America Dental Society, Kan sas City, Missouri, was host to the NDA auxiliary. Mem bers are, seated, left to right: Mesdames R. H. Ellis, J. C. Marshall, B. J. Moore, R. L. Jackson. Standing are Mes dames V. 0. Wilkinson, F. J. Huff, Jr., R. P. Besh^rs, T. T. Lowery, E. H. Rum- mons, and Mrs. J. H. Lewis. an excellent report. The report was so wcil niad‘ that after listening to it. the members felt they t«ik liarl at tended the convention. The next convention will he hehl in New Orleans, La, After the business transacti»ns, the club was 1‘ntertained with a very helpful and exciting iui/ pro gram which was' sponsored by Mrs. .lella Mae Adams. All nieni- b‘rs were held in sus))ense for several \niinutes waitinur fof her to artnounee the wiin^r. Mrs. Marglh'et Minor was the lucky person. She i-i'ceived ii de licious box. of candy. The hostess served a well balanced Southern fried chick en drinner with watermelon for desert. Mrs. Boxley, the hostess surprisetl the members with lovely gifts. Special gifts were pre.sented to the oldest and oldest and youjigest beautician. ■ Those enjoying the afternoon were^ Mrs. Esther Pugh, Mrs, X. j' Curry, .Mrs. Lucy .fohn- son, ilrs. Jella M. Adams, Mrs. Ethel Owens. Mrs. Bettie Fow ler, Mrs. Mai’garet Minor, and Miss Mildred Conipton. 'rii‘ next ineetinir will be iieiii with Mrs, Ethel Owens at her home, 1102 Mason Street. Sept. 1!) at 1‘, M. McNEILS HOME FROM WEI^ Mr. and Mrs. P. H. Me.Veil have retnri'ed i'roiu a trip wt'st. They si)cnl time’ in Chicago. Seattle, Stm Francisco, Pasad ena, Rivers'di'. l-os Angeles and Toijuana, Mexico. Lyon’s Dollar Day SPECIAL ! ! Lyon Park News . . By MISS ELNORA JOYNER DIAL L-8%1 VACATIONING Mra. Ola Cozart and .Mrs. Xellie Bynum are vacationins in New Vork. THANKS NEIGHBORS, FRIENDS Mrs. Maule Pratt of Fair- view Street wishes to thank her many friends and neighbors for their kindness shown during her recent illness. LAST RITES Final rites for Robert .Jenkins were held at his home on Carrol Street. Sunday afternoon. .Xug. 14 with Rev, II, II. Hart, of ficiating. REVIVAL r Kev. H, II, Hart, pasto^ First Calvary Baptist Chu^cfi is eonductinir a revival at the First Baptist Church in Hillsboro. N. (',. all this week. HOSTESS TO USHERS Monday, .\uiru.'=-t "fh. .»Irs. .J, ('nrry wu,- hi to th I.A41- ies Departni> nt of th I>urham I'shers f'nion The living ri->m w an decorat- d with mixed sum mer flowen.. The meetinir wa.-i opened ith the chairman. .Mrs. I»uise Har vey iu^ehartre, VarioiLs report', wen* !?i%en and a discussion 'va.s hehl i>n unifonris Plans w-re completed for the annual ?nr;-t- ing which will be held August in Wilminarton. N, C. .Vt the close of the met^tirtir. sruests were invited into the winini? rtMfni where they '.v're servefl a most ^leleetable repast. Mrs, Mariraret Burnett presi ded at the pimch Ixivrl. .issi.steil by Mrs. Iconise Banks. .Mrs. .M W. Webb and Miss Mary John son. 4*) members were present. Everyone eTpres.s»‘d themselves as bavin" spent an enjoyable evenintr. PASSES Jack Zinimon died at his home on Ros*"dale venue. Sun day nisrht, August 14 after lonir ilhi*''s. CHOIR PICNIC The S**niur Choir of the First Calvary ■ Ba,ptist Church held its annml entertainment un the (Please turn to Paare Eiirht MT. GILEAD BAPT. CHURCH DOWD STREF'' REV. HAROLD ROLAI" ^ASTOR- SUNDAY, AUGUST .«^49 9-30 .\ M. — — rXDAY S(;^H)OL LEVI MITCHET.L. -t. 11:00 A. M. - - - “H Coanged Preaching” 6:00 P. M,—B. T. U. :. - Hillary Hollo%vay and Miss Helen Morrison, Co-leaders 7:30 P. M. “Living In Perilous Times’ PVAtt® Mount Vemon Baptist Qiurch Rev. E. T. Browne Minister — SUNDAY, AUGUST 2L 194? 9:30 A. M SUNDAY SCHt.X>L CLYDE RICHARDSON, Supt. 11:00 A. M.—Sermon 12:30 Bro. Willie Thornton (^Jeneral Mission 6:00 P. M.—Training Union—Miss Lyda Vanhook, Din‘ctn*s.s Adult Theme: '‘Four Friends Of A Sick Man” 7:30 P. M.—Sermon Bro. Henry Reaves Music—Mount Vernon Male Chorus MRS. E. H FOGl*E, Directress SHOWN 2/3 ACTUAL SIZE I i #1 i Accent your ■Vy V/ VaSf table setting with these luxu rious • looking, silver - plated gleaming ^It and peppers! Graceful Georgian design. Lacquered to prevenr tarnish. Excep* lionally low priced for budget purses! Indi vidually gift boxed. Made in U. S. A. W. C. Lyon’s Hardware Co. 213 1. CHAPEL HILL STREET DIAL: L-946 ‘♦a friendly CHURCH” White Rock Baptist Church MILES MARK FISHER, IWor 9:00 A. M.- ( all To Worship Eleotronie* 4 :30 A^ M. —■ Sunday S>hool Les.vin — “ Praise F’or Th.' Works Of (.iixl”—Psalms ; l!^:1 t>; (j.):!^-13 ; lO-l.- DR. .T M HUBBARD, Superintendent llVoO A. M. — “Humble Soldier In This Anny” by the Pastor Senior Choir. Mrs. S, V. Nor^ifet. Diretress Tiny Tots Choir, Mrs. V, W. .' >1)11. I>irectres.s 6;30P. M.—B. T. U. . . Me^lames Ijeather* and ' *ngletun, Co-ltHideni 7:30 P. M.—Co&munity Male Cho* . in Recital Gospel, Chorus, Miss Leaua Rcfc i*son, Directniw

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