THE CAROLINA TIMES SATURDAY, AU(?. 20th, 1949 A distinguished North Car- linian “meets’* a distinctive new product of this state in the nation’s capital. First per son in Washington to receive a carton of CAVALIER Cig- anU{s when the new king- siied Cigarettes were recently introduced there, was Senator Clyde R. Hoey, North Caro lina’s senior Senator shown accepting the CAVALIERS from a representative of the R. J, Reynolds Tobacco Com pany, who is dressed to re semble the Cavailier of the cigarette package. DOC- XVC ■snr\ H'alltcwn Nens af)d VieHS By MRS. CALLIE DAYE JUNIOR UNION The officers of the Durham County .lunior Missionary Un ion met in a business meeting at the home of Mrs. Mabel Brown, Friday night, Aug. 12. SPENDING WEEK-END Mrs. Mary Lue Holliday is siK'ndiiig the week visiting her parents in Kingstree. .S. C. PICNIC The .Idhii l»aplist and the Xt^luside Baptist Hundiiy Sch«Kils field their anniiiil pic nic on Saturday, August 1!J. Tlie i-liildrei/went tm Imsses furniKli- edthe eoiiiiiiuuily, ami tiie paieuts Mild oilier friends went ajdehajieronsi. vi-ry eiijciyable daa^vas sp«'4i} and the cliildreii returned tird, Init hapjiy. RETtimNS TO CITY Mrs.^^triria Uraiidon has re turned to thiM’ity al'fer spend ing a week in Washington, I). ’ Mrs. liraiidon brought her •jrandehijdren, Hilly arut Hettie •lean Brandon home also. 'I'lie Brandon’s Avere the guests of Mrs. Mattie Tri(;i- wliile in Wfisliington. WITH ILL MOTHER Mrs. (Jraee I>*on Smith is here from AVashington, D. ('. attending lier mother, Mrs. Mat tie I^nilK‘th who is ill. VISITS SISTER Mrs. Fannie B. Grewie of New York City is vi.sitinsr her sister. Mrs. Sue Bolding of Third. St. DEE CEE VISITORS Mr. and Mrs. William Ijcake of Washington, D. G'. are in the eity for a few days visiting Mrs Leake’s father and grandmoth er of Second Street. Mrs. Jjeake is the former Mary Lee Jackson. TO LEAVE FOR GOTHAM Mrs. Nellie Taborn and Mrs. Maude Justiee will leave Sjit- urday, August 20 for N>w York ('ity. They will join Mrs. Effie Cotton Daye August 2fi in At lantic City for a week. Mrs. Daye left Augtist I'i. The ex- l>ei-t to return about tin* first of Septenib«-r. ed to her home on Fifth Street after a visit with her daughter in the state of Washington. DOUBLE FUNERAL The funerals of Charlie Page and son, Jsadore Page, were held at the Zoar liaptist Cliureli, Monday, August 8th. (Uiarlie Page had ben in de clining health for the i)asf two years. isadore was believed to b«“ do ing fine, recovering from a long illness, but was in the hospital for a rest before undergoing an )5)eration, but died before the operation was j>erfoi'med. Jle WHS a resilient of (,’olunibus, Ohio and is survived by his wile, Mrs. ('atherine Page. Charlie Page is survived by liis wife, Mrs. .Mary Paye, two ilaughters, Miss Athel Page of Englewood, New JeJ'.sey, Miss Jajie Page of nurham; three sons, Bennie and Edward Page of Durham aiul (’harlie Page ol Washington, I). C. Interment was in Beechwood (Cemetery with Hev. Thomj)son, oilieiating a.ssisted by IJev. T. (', (iraham, MRS. STROUD INJURED Mrs. ('lara Stroud of Club lioulevai‘1 was injured in an automobile accident Sunday night, August 7. Mrs. Stroud was returning from the beach when the accident occurred. We wish for her ^ speedy recovery. COMING ATTRACTIONS Excursion given by the Jun ior Usher Board, to Atlantic Beach, South Carolina. RETURNS FROM WASHINGTON ^Irs. Ada Holman lias rctiirn- Don’t forget the sick and shut- ins: Drop a note— Send a Card Take a flower Pay a visit: Mrs. Virginia Lunsford — Fourth Street. Mrs. Lucinda Hoi)son — 5th Street. Mrs. Emma Hohnan t- Third Street. • Mrs. Mattie Lambeth—Third Street. If you have news as such Don’t forget to get in touch ; With some member of the I News and Views Staff X - 6 8 3 2 Muriel Constance Chapman And John H. Bluford Jr. Married At Kan. City KANSAS CITY, MO, Mixs Muriel Constance Chap man, daughter of the Hev. and .Mrs. Elmore Chapman, 2703 East Twenty Second Street, was married to John 11. Bluford, Jr., Sunday at fi;30 p. m., Aug. 7. The marriage was solemnized at ih*' family home by the Rev. .V. H Humphreys in the pre siiici- of the members of the iiiinifdiate families and a few t'rit'iids The mantle, decorated with woodwnrdia ferns, provided the background for the improvised altar which was arranged be tween the seven branch stan’d- ards holding, white tapers. Or gan recordings provided the niiisie for the 'ere»ioriy. The bride, who was given in mnrriage by her father, won* a go\Mi of ice blue satin designed with a sculptured iMxIice and a dt‘(>|) iff-shoidder collar. The full circular skirt had a modified train. . Her bridal botinet of matching satin held the should er length veil of illusion net. and her long mitts were also of matching .satin. She carried a bouquet of white brides’ roses Site wore a single strand of l>earls, a gilt of the jfroom. .Miss Peggy Joy Whitfield, Newton, Kansas, lifelong friend of the bride, wa« tjie brides’ maid. The mothers of the bride and bridesmaid had beeii at tendants in each others wed dings. Miss Whitfield wore a gown of white marquisette, the bouffant .skirt had an under de sign of wide blue ribbon. She carried a Iwuquet of American beauty roses. Diane Mercofties, cousin »)f the bride, wore sheer white over blue and Ruth Ann I>e (Jraffenreid, in blue taffeta lighted the tapers. Claude De- Oraffenreid, wearing pink taf feta, carrietl flower petals in a basket tied witli blue ribbon. Clifford .\I. Xpottsville was best man for the groom. Mrs. Chapman, mother of the bride, wore a dress of gunmetat wtin. Miss Ijueille Bluford, the if room’s sister, was attired in a raspberry colorcd dres.s. Both worse corsages of duhonet car nations, .\ rece;vtion, held oti the lawn of the home, followed the cere- •nony. Friends of the bride, who issi.sted at the reception, .were; .Mi.sHCs Jo Ann Watkins, Jost'ph- inc .Mayberry, Mary Tatum, Dorthulla Paillo, and Mesdames Pearl Elnearnor ('ole, Ruth De (Jraffenreid, Ann Brown, Arm and Heed and Fay Murray. The bride atteniletl Wayne Cniversity and the University of Chicago. The bridegroom is is a graduate of the School of Business of the University of Kansas. The bride wore a traveling suit «if black faille, velt 'trim- meil. She chose forest green ac cessories and wore an orchid. After a honeymoon in Philadel phia, New York City, ami other eastern cities, the couple will be at home at 214+ Montgall Avenue, Kansas City, Misjiouri. Out of town guests at the wed ding ijK'luded Miss Peggy Whit field and her mother, Mrs. Ar thur Whitefield, Newton, Kan sas; Miss fleneva Mercomes, De troit, Michigan; A. S, Mercom- es, Sr., Mr. and rs. A. S. Mer comes, Jr,, Diana and Sterling Mercomes, Newton, Kansas; Mrs. Glenn Davis, St. Tjonis, Missouri and Mrs, lieon Moore, Memphis, Tennessee. Dr. Henry L. Dickason, Bluefield State’s President, delivered the commencement address to the 84th summer school graduating class at Shaw University Tuesday morning at 11 o’clock. The exercises started from Green- leaf auditorium. Mrs. Dora Lalta, .Mi’s, ilattit* liobiiisoii aiiil Lift lier Wliitted motored ' to lialeigli 'riiurstlay wlicr tlic_\’ visited Uev. anil .Mrs P.. F. Alston. MOTOR CITY RESIDENT IN HILLSBORO Mrs. Sally Ixm* .Mwater of Detroit. Michigiin. is visitiiifir her relatives and friends in Hillsboro. Lyon Park (Continued from Page Five) church lawn, Thursday night, August 11th. Ice cream and oth er refreshments were served. MANLEYS IN I\TLLITDN Mr. and JMri^. Willie Manley spent the day in Lilliton, X. C., Thumlay, August 11. Lee Man ley, father of Mrs. .Manley spent the day iu Loui.sburg. Hilltop News . . . By Mrs. Portia H.’^aucette Phone 9-3245 The Rev. aiul Mrs. H. P. Por ter of lx)uisville, Ky., were the guests of Rev. and Mrs. W. A. McEwan at the St. Matthew C. M. E. ('’hurcli Home. Six of the 21 members of the Junior Choir of the Saint James Baptist Church of 'Swainshoro, Georgia of which the Rev. B. T. Williams is pasfor. Left to right are: Misses Rethea Turner, Doro thy Jackson, Ola Brown, An nie Lee Turner, Corine Brown, and Clara T, Cobbert.—Photo by J. Frank Williams. church and Sunday School. Un der such leadership, he stated, the church is destined to be the greatest throughout his dis trict. He expressed to the Sun day School, of which C, II. Har ris is the general superinten- ilcut, that it was the bt'st organ ized, with more effective work being done than any in his dis trict. Bishop Porter possesses mawy outstanding nualities, among them a genuine spirit toward his fellow niiujsters and mem bers, with a reality of true hro- tlierlioiKl. ' Bishop and .Mrs. Porter’s short visit was a great source of pleasure and high inspiration to evervone. Hillsboro News . . . By MRS. CREOLA J. GRADY RECITAL Mrs. 'I'heiiiia liuni|>ass and the Rioyaletts gave a Recital at the Dickerson Chapel A. M. E Churih on SundaA, August at:} :00 PM. VISITS MOTHER \ ’ .Mrs. Adeline Williams and daughter, Katheryn of Detroit, .Mich, are visiting their mother and grandiiiolher. MUSICAL PROGRAM The Freewill (lom>el Siiitrers rendered a program at Jones* (!rove liaptist Church on Sun dav, Amtimt 14 at 9 P. M. ATTEND FUNERAL and Mrn. William H. Williams, Rev. and .Mrs. James Thompson, Hev. Duey Thomp son,, Mrs. Hainey H.ay and .Mist A. J Orady attended the fu neral of (i, J. Branch in (ioldsboro. lie was the Bis hop of the United Hjtly ('hurel of America. The funeral wai* held ^Monday, August 8 in the auditorium of lh* Bible Training ScIkkiI Build ing on Curley Street in (lolds- boro. ST. PAUL VISITOR Miss Littlier Whitted of Saint Paul, North Carolina spent the wvek-end visiting ' Mrs. Hattie Robinson and .Miss A. J. Gradv. TO RALEIGH .'ongratulations to Mr. and .Mrs. Robert W'hite who have recently nu)Ved to their lovely new home near Rotigemont. We regret to lose our good friends and kind neighbors from the Cobb Street Community. We wish, however, for them much joy and comfort in their new home. _ , Rev. S. Womack, pastor of the Chalk I;evel CME Church was a' recent visitor in the city. Wish to extend a warm wel come hack to the church to Rev. R. F. Fullwood, who has been shut-in for several months, al so Mrs. Jjuesta Graves is back with us. We are indeed happy to have our sick back with us. SICK AND SHUT-INS A card or flowers are such nice ami thoughful way of say ing how are you today. Mrs. LuUa Villa — 513 Car rington Street, \VillittJn Foster — 102 Chest nut Stret. James Alston — 1003 Wil lard Street. Robert E, Boxter — Lincoln IIo.spital. the church and all communities throughout the city of Dtirham. Cop (Continiu*d from Page One) soner, then struck him again with fl blackjack and threat ened Brown with a draw of his gun when the younger of ficer sought to restrain him. Brown came on the force in December 1947. Police Chief Herbert Jen kins told reporters the Po liceman would be suspended until the Police Committee of City Council can investigate the incident. The Senior l4idieH Jklimsiouary Society of St. Matthew 0, M, E. Church was graced with the presence of Mrs. H. P. Porter, wife of Bishop H. P. Porter, Words of welcome were ex tended Mrs., Porter by Mrs. Portia Faucette, Mrs, Porter addrqHsod, the ladies at the 6 ;30 hour. She re freshed our memory to the great work, or linitiative that Rev. Mrs. John Roberts, wife of re tired Elder Roberts in the or ganization of the Home Mission work through the C. M. E- connection of North Carolina. Everyone present enjoyed Mrs. Porter’s warm efficient words of encouragement and she enlightened us (m many of the activities beinj^t'arried on in the various chjif^es throughout the district, ( Mrs. Porter is the principal of the High School in Louisville, Ky., with 1,153 students in at- itendance. She is a distinguished person already loved greatly by by St. Matthew, upon this first visit to ns. Mrs. Porter commended the Missionary Ijadiea oivthe splen did serv^e being rendered to Teachers (Continued from Page One) East End; F, D, Marshall, principal} Mrs, Willie R. Brad- sher, Mrs. Merlin II, Rrewiug- ton, Mrs. (jladys (i. BruWlh Mrs. Gladys A. Dawkins, Mrs. Ester E, French, Mrs. Johnetta H. George, Mrs. Rosa Holloway, Mrs. Marie P. Keapney, Jane E. Ijewis, Mrs. -Mildred 1). M«Elrath, Blanche B. .Mea dows, Helen Morrison, Mrs. Martha 0. Nance, Mrs, Bttie B, Plummer, Prank 0. Sowell, Jeff E, Smith, Sue Warren, Dpisy Bell, Lyon Park I P, B- Burnett, principal; MrSr Rosa B. Arti»i William p. Battle, Thelm^ B>i8.s, Annie L- Cobb, A, M. CowMrd, Marie A- Faulk, Mrs. Mary C. Branch, Mrs. Nannie Origsby, Mrs. Isabelle Harding, Mrs. inedy, J , .Mai Stephens, Walltown: Mrs. Cora D. Rus sell, principal; Mrs. Marion W. Alston, Mrs. Emma Butler, Mrs. Elddy H. Fogle, Mrs. Lula Jack son, Mrs. Gleorgia Jemison, Cleo Russell, Hickstown: H. A. Hill, prin cipal; Mrs. Ruth C. McCowan, Fannie 0. Robinson, ^frs. R. Webb. Burton: E. W. Midgette, prin cipal ; Annie M, Dunnigan, Mrs, Jessie D, Maryland, Mrs. Elizabeth Pratt, Mrs. Loris Ray, Mrs. Mabel Watson, Mrs. Geor gia D. Whitted, Evelyn L. Kennedy, Mrs. Bes.sie E, Mclvaurin, .Mary Ij«uise The Rt, Hev. 11. P. Porter, pirsiding Bi.shoj) of the Third Episco])al District of the Color- eil Episcopal Church was guest seaker at the Sunday morning si'rvices at the Saint Matthew C. .M. E. Church of which l>ev. VT!" ;\. -McEwan is pastor. Bishop Porter was jiresented to the congregation by the re-, tii'ed elder R. F. F\illwood and delivered to a most appreciative audienci' li wonderful sermon. Every word uttered by Bishop Porter during the sermon fiiiM'Ced dee|)ly into every heart with a greater deterniinatiim to mt(»p swallowing “Line, Hook And lhat the world has to offer that’s demoralizing, but I'oi-ever gras^i to flod our heaven- 1>' Father’s ])lan of salvation, and hold fast to that which is '.roiwl. Bishop PoVter-^‘Xjiressed to the pastor, officers and mem- )>ers the trreat need )ie saw for an Institutional Building annexed to the eliureh. Tie gave thanks to Goil for the splendid Christian leadership in the Week-End Specials At Dillard’s Self-Service 2 CANS POTTED MEAT ~ 13c 1 QUART WASHO BLEACH 13c QUART VINEGAR 15c 25c PKG. B. C. PKG. RICE KRISPIES PINT VINEGAR flHK. I't.. 19c 15c . 8c TOMATO—NO. 2 CAN JUICE 1 CAN FLAT SARDINES - 10c HUNTS CATSUP NO. 2 CANS TOMATOES 14c 10c DILLARD’S SELF-SERVICE 1212 Fayetteville Street Dial 1-2585 The Ame3m held a family re union Sunday, August 7, at the “home** of the family at 615 Canal Street. Pictured above are, front row: David E. Amey, Mrs. Mary Amey, mother; and William Amey. Standing are Mrs. Benie Amey Stephens, Mrs. Roberta Turner, Mrs. Ruth Bracy, and Miss Mary Jane Amey. Clark (Continued from Page One) moval notiees from their loyal ty boards. Continuing, Rogge said that a record compiled of 130 cases in the Post Office Department where similar treatment had been meted out, showed that all but 12 were Jews and colored employe«8. “Not only that,” he declared, “but the ones singled out’were the most active in combatting racial discrimination.. Prof. Harper of Yale con tended that Clark had left the civil rights section of the Jus'tice Department weak and impotent, lie added that “when he (Clark) has instituted an occasional pro secution he has failed to provide vigorous special prosecutors.” Chain (Continued from Page One) Wall Street” m Ebony. He al so urged that the memben^ip reports be completed as soon as possible. Mr, T, R. Speight was elected the offlcial delegate for the Durham Business and Pro fessional Chain. Mr, P. H. Hall of the Radio Electric stated that they were distributors for the Westing- house. appliances and had an opening for a salesman for these appliances. Persons interested should contact Mr. Hall. Bombing (Continued from Page One) protecting the property with be ing partly to blame for the in cident for not reporting it to the police. Kerosene And Fuel Oil Customers LET US FILL YOUR OIL TANK NOW WHILE PRICES ARE LOW. We will ptotect 5rou against any price decline betw^n thp tiine wp deliver your pil and September 30, 1949. KENAN OIL COMPANY •TELEPHONE X-1217 Amey’s Funeral Home 401 PIN? street 4 HOUR SER VICE —J-297 I AMBULANCl SERVICE FUNERAL DIRECTORS “Respect For The Living And’ Reverence For The Pead” MRS. VIOLA WALLER Mrs, Viola Waller, age 30, died Sunday, August 14th. Funeral services were held Wednesday, Aug, 17at the Northeast Chapel on Alston Avenue Road; Interment was in the Church Cemetery. MRS, IRIS McOEER Mrs. Iris McGeer, resident of Pine Street Road> agfi 45 died Monday, Ai^gust 15t)». Funeral ar rangements incomplete. SCARBOROUGH & HARGETT FUNERAL DWECTORS' 522 £. Pettigrew St. 24 Hour Ambulance S«rvie# Phone J-3T21 MR, JAMES DAVIS Funeral services for Mr. James Davis of 5H Proctor Street were held Sunday, August Hth at the Christian Church, Interment was at the Beech* wood Cemetery, — MR. ROBERT JENKINS Mr. Robert Jenkins of 717 Carroll Street died August 12th. Funeral services were held Sunday, August 14. Interment at the Beechwood Cemetery. ; . MR. PLUMMER JEFFRIES Mr. Plummer Jeffries of 1402 Gleen Street died suddenly Saturday, August 13th. Funeral services wre held at the Ebenezer Baptist Church Tuesday night, August 16th. Interment in the Harrisburg Cemetery, Oxford, North Carolina. —♦♦He MISS CORA BAILEY Miss Cora Bailey of 608 Colfax Street died Aug. 15th. Funeral iservices were hfeld Wednesday, August 24th at 2 P. M. at the Rogers Grove Bap tist Church. Interment will be in the Church Church Cemetery. — MR. JACK ZIMMERMAN Mr. Jack- Zimmerman died Tuesday, August 16. Funeral services will be held Wednesday, Aug. 17th at 2:30 P. the Morehead Avenue Bap tist Church. Interment at the Beechwood Cemetery.