PAGE FOtm THE CAROLIlfA TIMES SATURDAY, JUNE 24th, 1950 t Barons Will Meet N. C. All-Stars In Diamond Classic An Informal Glance At The W.D. Hill 'Rec’ Center By MRS. M. H. JOHNSON This siumiifr wliirl is in i full swiug iiuw and the Center I is uudcTgoiug its annual lueta- niorpLufcis brought about by the n-turn of luuny students from and the departure of ujiun more pore.sons for vaca tions. sininner jobs and the like. ."Seen around the Center, among (ttlicrs, were Doris (Junn from \V Va. !Stat«; Daniel Johnson, from Talladega; Osi-ar Trice irom J. (J. tSniith; Boaulah and Etila ('ole from Michigan State; -AlfxaJider and Vernell Watson of A. and T.; Ivory Lyons from'; Nathan Garrett of Yale; (.’ari Whitt?d from Mor gan ; and Clairborne Thorpe (now attached) from Brooklyn. ThoKf departinf? from our st-enery are Joseph Becton, Eli- ziibeth Jones, Jean Royster, Alice ^'ines, Floyd Harris, Eth el ^IcKnight, Fuller Konerson, I’Tffliard Tate aiid Jfrs Moore to Va. Beach and P’red White to Atlantic City, New Jersey. The forces have beckoni'd to George Bethea, Willie Wingate, Jimmy Isler and Peter Daniels. Graduating has rung down the final curtain on the college ca reers of Osicar C^)tton, Ijoi.s Smith, l^a^^v(Jod Alit'n, .Milton Dowdy and Jajnes Alli-n who rec*ived their degrees from N. C. College. From Hillside the Center fam ily congratulates “Jap” Davis, Norma .McCoy, Nick Elliot, Wil lie Wingate. Moyle Tapp. Har riet Plniiinier, Joseph Becton, James Dixon, Jf>sepliine Green, Geraldine Crane, Hazeline Har ris, Gladys Hardison, “Gib” Harris, old faithful Center-ites, and many more. A new Yo\ith Club, the Petites Seiiorita Clnb, under the direc tion of Mrs. William M. Bailey, has recently been organized at the ('enter. Its piirpo.s“ is to help the girls enjoy many varied types of aetivities sMch a.s hik- inir. pii'iiicking. organized games tennis and other sports. An over nitrht eamp-out is being plann- efl by the girls. The officers are US fttlliiws: president, Barbara Cro.s.s, vice i)res., Caroyln Ben nett; seciTtary, Mary Koberson;'t .secretary, Constane Alien. The remaining are Betsy Page, Beatrice Howard, Betty Woods, Elizabeth Smith, Sadie Frazier, Yvonne Miller, Willie Jean (4rtvne, Ann jialoiie, (,'onstiince Ia'c, Dorothy Wat.son, Slildred Maeon, IMannie Beamon, Caro lyn Ingram, Del»ris Winston, and Gretchen Bagley. JIany Iwys nnder the direc tion of Harold Hayes, and girls under the direction of Mrs. Bai ley are b*ginning to practice their favorite strokes in tennis in order to improve their game in time for the forth coming ten nis tournament. The N. C. Re creation Society State Champ ionship Tennis tournament for boj’s and girls will be held at Hillside Park .luly 1 starting at 9:00 a. m. Participants must, furnish their own rackets The City Recreation Department will furnish the balls. O.scars will be aAvarded all champions, medals to the runner-up’s. En try fee will be fifty cents. Those boys and girls who are interested are tirgtxl to contact Harold Ilajes or Mrs. Bailey immediately. JIugene Harring ton of the (,’ity Recreation De part mewt will direct the tourna ment. The T«en Age Boys’ Club, under the direction of Mrs, Wray, presented vtheir second Father’s Day Program over sta tion WTIK on Mr, Hubbard’s program Saturday, June 17. The boys presented Dr. (’. C. Spauld ing as hteir guest speaker. 'James DSxon was mast>r of ceremonies and two other boys presented in.strumental solos; Henry Micha\ix presented a trumpet solo “Old Refrain, Charles Alston, Jr., a piano “G r e g g ’s Concerto.” Jfr. Holmes talked briefly on the achievements of the (’lub, A Parting Thought: -Emily Post, our greatest authority on etiquette states that men are al ways expected to remove their hat^s upon coming into the presence of ladies. We have pos^ THAT’S AS WASHABtE AS YOUR DISHES FiNliHfi Help You Home Painting Your favorite room repainted in a jiSy with one, quick-drying coat. No muss, no fuss. Then ... even the most delicate wall shades are easily kept immaculate with soap and water. See us for color chart today! W.C. Lyon Paint Company Corner Chapel Hill And Foster Streets The Birmingham Black Bar ons, aboe, will meet the Caro lina All-Stars in the annual All-Star diamond classic to be played here Sunday, July 9, at the Durham Athletic Park. The league leading Birming ham Black Barons of the Ne gro American League will in- v;»do Durham Sunday, July 9 with i;ts array of ;diamond celebrities to test the baseball ability of the best players North Carolina has to offer. The Barons will be sporting the prize package of Negro laaeball, “Piper” Davis, who nnent a season with the New York Yankees farm club at Scranton, Pa. Manager “Vic” Harris, feels that the present Baron squad is the most well-rounded and balanced to perform under his tutelage. Performing on the mound for the All-Stars will be “Lefty” McGinnis, Greens boro hurler now with the Red Wings, Cliff Staten, hard throwing right hander of the Raleigh Grays, and Buck Jor dan, hailed as the pitching sensation of the hinterlands. ed many signs reminding the youiig men wearing headgear in Rho Iotas Observe , , . ,21st Founders’Dav headgear in i tt tile buiidiiig So why can’t we; Bancjuet Here begin a canipaig.i now to remem i ij.ho Ch.jiter of lota Phi her this important item. Girls ^ Lambda Sorority observed th you can help too by reminding 21st Founder’s Day Anniversary the young nu n in your presence ^t a banquet meeting at the Har- to remove their hats The fellows riett Tubman Hranch YW(\\. will take the suargestion. ' When we see girls dancing with nien, or talking, who are wearing hats, we often feel that they have had such a hard tune attracting membeiis of the op posite sex that they are glad to be in the presence of any male. Gills, they will give you only the amount of respect you de mand. Put yourselves in the right class. John W. Mitchell, Extension Service field agent of the U. S. Department of Agriculture, was awarded an honorary de gree of Doctor of Humanities last week by Livingstone Col lege, Salisbury. The award was made in recognition of Mitchell's contribution to the improvement of rural life in the South. He has been en gaged in Extension work since 1917. His field area now cov ers the northern tier of the Southern States from South Carolina to Missouri. Mitchell has his headquarters at Hamp- ton Institute, Hampton, Va. WELCOME, Summer School Teachers, Staff and Students Of N. C. COLLEGE HAMMOND ORGANS RADIOS PIANOS O’BRIENT’S MUSIC STORE Dial: F-2661 113 W. Parrish St. The “Y” was beautifully dec orated with assortwl cut flow ers and gret-n and white candles. A dtdicious turkey dinner was served, after which the Sorors enjoyed tl»e follow’ing program; Soror Helen .Jones gave a brief history of Greek Ijetter Organizations; Sorors Ethel Berry and Otelia Stewart play ed “A Country Garden” by Grainger at the piano; The .Founder's Day Mes.sage was read by Soror Lucille Baines and Soror Marion Spaulding Iwl the group in the Sorority Song. motion picture of the meet ing was taken. Mrs. Flora King Moore of Winston-Salem, a former Rhb member and Mis.s Alice W’’illiams of Alpha r$eta Chapter of Witi ston-Salem were \-isitors at the meeting. All Rho members were present. were: Sorors Gi^neva Hawkins, Faiinjei Mcljeain;, Gazelle Lipscomb, Omedia Liv ingston, Mable Lyons, Helen •Tones, Geneva Mebane and I^Miise MeCrt*a. ..WELCOME... SUMMER SCHOOL TEACHERS Of N. C. COLLEGE ★ Hot Barbecue Cold Drinks Dancing FAMOUS TREE “N” THE HOUSE Dial: 2-2363 Fayetteville Road Welcome . . Summer School Teachers DON’T MISS THIS WONDERFUL SALE EDITH NEWMAN HAS JUST RETURNED FROM NEW YORK WITH SOME BEAUTIFUL DRESSES .... Regular Price $14.95 Now $8.95 ONLY A LIMITED NUMBER — SO COME IN TODAY EDITH NEWMAN, Inc. 125 East Main Street NCC Physicist Does Hydrogen Research Dr, William H. Robinson, pro-i Findin(fs in the study reveal feasor of physics at North Caro- ed that after a small Lumner lina College, has rccntly publish-1 plate used as an auxiliarj- W. B. Cluba Holds Meet At Home Of Max Daniels The W. B. Club met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Max McDaniel, on Sunday eve ning, June 4. The house was beautifully decorated with red roses and ferns. After a brief business dis- ed an article entitled “The Separation of the Bine Couipone- ents in H Alpha of Hydrogen." Tlu>^seientist’s article is avail able as a reprint from the tran sactions of the National Institute of Science It was awarded hon or paper recognition at the in stitute’s recent sessiqns at Flor ida Agriculture and Mechnical College. In his paper. Dr. Robinson de- scrilM‘s the means of showing the third component and a faint indication of the fourth component” in the hydrogen spectrum. This is done “by means of cicrophotometer curves and verified hv calculations.” sectroscope in tandem with large Lumner plate, and a plane reflection grating used a sep arate out the H-alpha from the i-est of the spectrum permitted the actual showing of the third component. Concluding his study, Dr Robinson says “the more that is known about the fine structure of hydrogen or deuterium, tWe more we will know about hydrog en or deuterium as a moderator to reduce high-speed fission tieirtrons lafter being ejectedl from unranium and before re- encountering tuiranium nuclei in the production of nuclear energj'. ’ ’ What Has Uiiis To Offer? New York City (CNS)—“,Ioe Loui.s is stalking on the outskirts >f the heayweight division, hreateiiing ever\ now and then io return. But what ha« he to >ffer, save a memory of the nights when he had thunder and lightning in his fists and sometimes, those who were to fight liini died in their dressing rooms.' As King I^evinskj’ did . . . and Paulino . . . “Last week in London, Lee Savold stopped Brue Wood cock in a fight that the Eng lish recognized in advance as being for the heavyweight champion” writes Frank Gra ham on the N. Y. Journal American’s sport pages. “A couple of gujrs who, had they been properly handled from the outset, might have been very god fighters. But who, manhandled instead, got lost somewhere along the way. “In this country there Is Ezzard Charles, undoubtedly the best of the lot. No Dempsey, mind you. No Louis. A cautious one. One who can pick an op ponent’s eyes out with his jabs and cut his face to pieces with his right hand and, when he is backed into a corner and real ly has to fight, can be destnic- tive.” Ezzard will be given his third examination in August. And if he passes the grade, show ing a healed heart injured muscle, he’ll be fighting Lee Savold in September. Then we’ll see some of the flame and fire return to the heavy weight division, as the cham pion stesp back into place 1 JUNE QUEEN FESTIVAL Sunday Night, June 25, 1960 Mt. Zion Baptist Church Mrs. E. M. Ford, Directress Sincere Welcome SUMMER SCHOOL STUDENTS AND STAFF TO OUR KOOL AND KOMFORTABLE Regal Theatre Next To Donut Shop Dial: J-0441 Durham, N. C. WELCOMES ALL SUMMER SCHOOL FACULTY AND STUDENTS ...Of... N. C. COLLEGE '‘ALL THAT’S BEST AT LOWEST COST” Carpenters, Inc. MAIN STREET DIAL: 6921 WELCOME SUMMER SCHOOL STAFF AND TEACHERS Of N. C. COLLEGE LI PSCOM B- GATTIS Dial: F-0311 211 W« Main Street euMion, and a report by the sick coinmittee, a short pro gram was enjoyed by all. Featured on the progrann were a reading by Mrs. Dan iel, a solo by Mrs. Fryar, and a short talk by MaH McDan iel. A delicious repast wad by the hostess, and the . , meeting was scheduled to^^f held at the home of Mrs. To^ Hall. Me Dan - the\iext ...WELCOME.. Summer School Teacher* And Students Of N. C. COLLEGE “SAY IT WITH FLOWERS” H I B B E R D ’ S F L O R I S^T Dial: L-92S 116 Corcoran Street Classified and Mail Order DON’T Wear old STOCK INGS on your HEAD. Wear the New YANKEE NITE CAP. Keeps Hair Neat Work-Play or Sleep. WILL NOT SLIP OFF. It’s Washable. Write YANKEE NITE CAP: P. 0. Box 4, Manhat’ville Station, New York 27, N. Y. ART STUDIO, Room 452A DELL’S LAUNDERETTE 514 Pine Street The most modem Washette in the city. Will call for and deliver clothes. Wet wash or finish work. We appreciate your cooperation. DELL. Durham’s Newest Sport Shop ROYAL SPORT SHOP For the best shoe shine, cigar ettes, cigars, gum, candies, sodas, and men’s sporting goods. SLICK LEATHERS, Dur ham’s best boot-black. WALLACE DICK MITCHELL Prop. Fumol Moth Protection. Save your clothes. Remember Moth knows no season. Rush your clothes today for first quality cleaning plus Fumol Moth pro tection. ROYAL CLEANERS, 538 E. Pettigrew Street. FOR MEN OVER 21 ONLY! orHouvwooDMOoas DECK OF CMOS . lirmm. Ml aeliir Ph«to PlBTlM Caida •fMTtklu TN aaxot bmmMXmIi dMto li Mt . . . nmUaf «a UmMag, tall neat (V » h—ilda Ctm^hta Mt or S3 itejiBf aarda oa IIbw« qoalttjr nnum amtrHu. UaMadawBtlur. OfdwNo*. MONIY BACK W NOT SATISTIID •END MO MOMCV. Jut Md IMIIM, mddraM, ud ■Ula jat mn ant tl. Oa uMnl. dnxxtt ailr M.*l B>M C.O.D. poMM* » fturantn o( moMT back If Bot oomplately aaOaflad. Gash onlani iMt piacaUL laau miarantaa. Witw TCDATI ART'SflJDfor Room 452 315 N. Seventh Street St. Louis 1, Missouri STOP WORRY' DON’T RISK PERIOD DELAYED? overdue^ KE lESISTERED PHARMACIST'S REMEDY! IE RELIEVED OF ANXIETY! HOW AVAIlAtLt TO tOUl Anaw.copabla phonno««vtk«l opprov«d fprmula thor might yov your or«af«tt egoravotion . ., wh«n by minor fwnctionol mcnitroi foy Of bordorlint onomio. Sci«ntificoMy croof«d tho tvporvitlon of rogittvrod phormocittf. Contains only mtdicolly approvod ingr*di*nt$ fhot hov« no hormful oftor offMlt. Puli luppiy* with comploto diroctloni, in plain wroppor only $5.00. Ordor C. O. 0. or tond cath ond wt'll rvth vio AIR MAIL. Simply wondorful to hovo •n hond ot oM tlmot. Ord«r today ond bo lurt. VIG PHARMACAL COMPAN1’ Dept. H54-A 315 N 7th St. St. Louis, Mo. FOR RENT LARGE OFFICE SPACE for rent with heat, water and lights. Good condition, office located 814% Fayetteville St. Call UNION INSURANCE AND REALTY CO., J-6521. FOR SALE SIX ROOM HOUSE with bath on lot 50x150 located at 1203 Morehead Avenue. Rea sonable down payment and balance can be financed over long term. Price $6,500.00. THREE ROOM HOUSE with water and lights> one block from paved street lo- :ated at 1304 Glenn Street. Price $2,300.00. UNION INSURANCE AND REALTY CO. DIAL J-6521 814 FAYETTEVILLE ST. BOOKER T. THEATRE IT’S WONDERFULLY COOL INSIDE! Sunday-Monday, June 25-26 ^lobert TAYLOR ^ John HODL^K in AMBUSH Tuesday, June 27 William EYTHE if Signe HASSO in THE HOUSE ON 92ND STREET (The Greatest Spy Picture Ever Filmed!) Wednesday-Thursday, June 28-29 Richard CONTE if Gene TIERNEY in WHIRLPOOL Chapter No. 9, ‘^BRICK BRADFORD*^ Friday-Saturday, June 30-July 1 DOUBLE FEATURE Don “Red” BARRY in RED DESERT —AND — RADAR SECRET SERVICE Chapter No. 8, “OREGON TRAIL” MOVIES ARE BETTER THAN EVER!

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