T^l» CAaO^A TIM S A TIM AY. DEC. 3Qth. W50 V oHonql Leaders Appeal Foir^ March Of Dimes Support . f'lillii)!’' tlic Mhti'Ii ~ hnixirtHiit a .p i-t 4.n i^a mmm^m h Southern counti«"K entith-d by the wives it was 7.5. PRESIDE When Knnsas Laura Lovelacj, gchool "twicher in Cincinnati, supreme bS^ileus of Alpha kappa Alpha ser* ority who will preside over the 30th annual Boule of that organization; J. Ernest Wil kins, lawyer of Chicago, grand polemarch of the Kappa Alpha Psi fraternity and Belford V. Lawson, Washington, lawyer, national president of the A^pha Phi Alpha fraternity. - The three toiiventions are ex pected to attract at least 2,000 persons to Kansas City dur ing the Christmas holidays. Sessions of all three organiza tions will be held in Kansas City’s 10-million-dollar Muni cipal auditorium. Committee Plans Legislative Program r Kaleigh — hi i; mci'tiniNit tho heailiuarfi"r=i of ili'* Xonh 'aru lina TeacliPrN Af^sooiation in I’a- Ifiirh f>n I)( fciubrr dtli tli** As- MMitttidn's Lc(rislativ( ( oiiimif- l(>o drew up jiliuis fur roeoiii iiit'iKlalioii' tc 111'' (ii’ikmmI Ass‘iiihly. Tli(“ followiiiL' u'cir* '-iTi'i r .•">>niiiit'iilatioii«i wcC' nji iTOVcd f(!r fir* A-- leijiilativp profrra^^* 1. Ikc'pif-st tiiat !(,'riski\k»u b'' enacted to cxt-H'l tTu* sala.y rai«f‘S tinw iio-firdwl Imltlprs of and "(j" certi fioates to priiicipaN suporin- ♦ jidi'iits, and all otli'r si^hool y/^sonnel entitled tc wrtifica- tion by th‘' Stati* DfpHrttuiMit of EdJif’atioii. 2. S'»i‘k tfHiari- toacih rs of (u dnetrial Arfs and Dix.-rsifiod n;-rtip.itions i ';i "d on a salary Otlij^r ' as^rooni lers and to provide eouiparabli- Uchednlcd comparable to that [salary iiuToas*s for these teach- ITS. 3. iifcojiuiieiid iniprovenieiif and strenprthening of conipu]- sory school attendance legisla- rion by annnendment to reiuovp cxepption.s and ])rovidp for di r(K,‘t aciion by atf%ndane‘ officers jji cases of delinquency. 4. Seek enactment of Icf'isla- tion J reiiuirinj? qualified repre- r»«'MWiion pf the colored popnia- tion on the State Textbook I'om- iiiissiou and on similar ediica- lional policy making boards, c'tiiniiissions, and committees. 5 'Viepk pi^)vision for central adininistraticm of school lunch I'ooin'iii the county and lity ad ininistratire units. 5. Sei'k state salary scednlc for pei’snnr*l employed in school lunchroonis. 7. Seek provision of moro adciumte costodial services for inaintenanee of expandinfr school plants. A sub-committee was de- si}>nated to study the ;eueral proposails approved and 'pre pare the agrenda for present^ation and discussion before the pro per committees of the General Assetnbly. fallini' the 1!i;»l March IijiiK -. itn imi)ortnnt a .p' ct \nu rii-H s flLrht airainst dis • r:sc. outstanding national lead i-r, liavu i'-sned an a^»ncid for sn))p(irt of the aiutiial fund rai'iinjr (.•atnpai'.'-n of flic N'atioii a! l-'oimdation for ^nfantih- Paralysis. + Aiiiomi the cndorsetfi for the .March of Dimes, .raniiffry l.'i-.'Jl are: Attorney l?«ym')iid Pac(> MeXfinder. I’hiladelphni, I’a.; Atfoniey .1. R, Rooker, Fiittle Uock, Arkansas, President, Na tirxial Rar Association; Oi .fessc Rnrnett, Port Worth. Texas. President, Homer H. Phillips Tnteme.s" Alumni Asso ciation; Dr. Felton Q, Clark. Raton Roupre. Ijh., President. Southern TTniversitv; Rev. Tol- lie Caution. D. D„ New York ^ity, Secretary for Neftro Work, National Council Protestant Kpiscopnl Church; T)r. I>nw- renco Davis. Little Rock. Ark,, TVesident. A. M. and N. Col- lesre; Dr. Robert P. Daniel. Petersburp. Va.. President, Vir srinia State Collefre, James C. Evans, Washington, D. (I., Civilian As.sistant to the .Secretary of Defense; Mi.ss Althea Gibson, TallaJia.s.see, Florida, national tennis *star; Mrs. Ida Nance Givens, Baton Roupe, La., President, National .Teanes SuperA'isors Association; R. A. flester, Dallas, Texas, Su preme Chancellor of ^he Kniphts of Pythias. ff. .Martin .Jaucjnet Forti Wo'rtli. Texas. President, Texas State Teachers ’ .iVs,sociation; ]\rrs. liiinra Ijovelaee, Cincinnati, Ohio. National President, Mpha Kappa Alpha Sorority; Jfrs. IjeConnt' Matthews, Washing ton. D. C.. President Women’s Auxiliary to the National Med ical As.sociation. Dr. T. 0. McFall, Charleston, S. C., member South Carolina, Hospital Commission, Mrs. Harry Thomas, Seneca, S. C., President Women’s Auxiliary to the National Dental Association. CROSSWORD PUZZLE BOKIZONTAL t. DrtinUl country • Od land II. Thin w«l* or put* IS Sound* It. Allowanc* to prinet It Llk« It. Invert* la knlttin* M. Sun cod 31. Mtxioan tr*« 24. Bollt 3T Curopein mountain Mh n. Laborer SI Mitr iwlne tpl.i 34 Typ» of antclopf 3t Dtllvprance 37 Rajah'* 40 Reverberattnc 43. HonorabI* (Abbr.l 44 For exainpl* lAbbr.) 4«. Batrtd 41. Not* of aea]* 40. CoDfWena* tS. P*rtatnlnii t« flank boa* M. Break oMtor hamniar St. Oholr ma*t*r ST. Cndl*** (Pott. > VIKTICAI. 1. Com t. Chane* I. Bobtoblln 4. Low tid* I. Alder* T. Btr*«t (Abbr.l t. Student In Ho*tel t. Upon 10. Hinder pan 11. Attempt tl. Sou «»>.) II Matal point on ribbon IT. Bar a. Rounded prolee tloa ouDEjn nnnDnti □niiuaaa cinanu EJBaaQBOQ □ QD □ □ CEi mna aaanafiFi n DDnn fmmmn BBnoB onnun nnnnon UOQO □ □□CDBDn aoiD QQ □ nnnnn u □□ □ DDrianaDQ QUQQQ auBuaau QauQQQ □□ann THIS WIIK'S ANtwm Copyright 1950 AHat Foatwrti Syn«ilcalo II. TootbMl Irracularlv 2S. Haatan 16. Biblical w0r4 3t. Prencb eard came M. Nevada city tl. CollN* eh^ tt. Wild animal track V tt. Lane mariM duck tt. Plac* uad«^ arreit tt. Memorial 41. African rlva^ 41. Lead 4S, Festive *hoif 47. Sallpoit SO. By blrtA 11. Vehicle 53. Toward tn* center 54. Company (Abbr.) Southern countien eiitith^ii THESE MY BRETHREN, in formation was secured as to the ji^rade in school completed by 4390 parents. The same in formation was secured rfgjlrd- inp their children who had stop XM>d schooil oT- • we-re throuph school. The Hverape prade completed by the 4390 parents was 7.0. The a.verage gr?u3e completed by their children was 8.8. The chil dren are nearly 2 pradcs ahead of their parents. If each generation exceeds the prt‘eeding one by two grades in school we can see progress a- head. This survey is being distri buted by the Rural Department, Drew Seminary, Madison, New Jersey for 40 cents a copy. It contains 104 pages. The wives in these families were a little more than one prade ahead of their husbands. The average grade completed in school by th ehusbanfLs was fi.4. Dr Henry H. Walker, Nash ville, Tenn., President, National -Medical A.«.sociarion, Dr. M. L. Waltim, Thoniasville, Qa., Pres ident. National Dental Associa tion. Miss Ethel Waters, actress; and Dr. Nancy W^oolridge, Hampton, Va., National Presi dent, Zeta Phi Beta Rororitv. Children Two Grades Ahead Of Parent's The children in our Colored homes in the South are nearly two grades ahead of their par- !ents. In the recent sun-ev of 17 PIUM PUDDING — RICII HOLIDAY TREAT y m Rich, molit and ipljy, plum pudding U a trodlllonal part of tHo . Chrlttma«-New Year’* scene that coma* to u« from M«rrl« Ingtond.- combination of sugar and (pU«> fruits and nuts, and y«ast>raised bread crumbs, unmeldad It Is a dish prolty •nVl5l*' ** '** beforo th* lucky king of any heusohold. “DO ASK THE LADY FOR THE DANCE, BEFORE YOU PULL HER OUT OF THE CHAIR." . PLUM PUlMNG 1 Vi cups currant* 3 cups raisins 1 cup brown sugar 3 cups soft enriched yeast-raised ' bread crumbs 2 cups chopped suet I 1/2 teaspoons cinnamon I V2 teaspoons nutmeg 1 teaspoon allspice Vi teaspoon cloves 5-oz. can (VS cup) chopped citron 3-oz. can (V4 cup) chopped can died pineapple 1/2 cup chopp^ nuts 6 eggs, beaten until light I cup grape juice Put all ingredients into « very large bowl and mix until well blended. Pack into two well- greased pudding molds or tro coffee cans leaving about inch space at the top for expansion Cover with a lid, waxed paper or aluminum foil. If you use waxed paper, use two layers and tie them qp with string. Place molds on a racic'n > large kettle. Fill kettle' with evough boiling water to come hafR*y »P. thf sid(« Jr'ne molds. Co'rer'tndgffing water to hoil. Turn do’fWTheat but keep water boiling from four to six hours, the longer the better. If necessary, add more boiling water to keep water at original halfway level. When done remove mold from water and turn out on cake rack to cool. Pudding can'be made two weeks before Christmas, .cooled then wrapped la ftlum- inum foil until CnristmAS day. It may be served cold surrounded with hard sauce pressed through a pastry tube or hot with a lemon sauce. • Reheat pudding by steatning it in the mold as you did in the beginning — about 2 hours. M&J FINANCE CORP. * Auto Loans * 213 Rigsbee Avenue (Back Of Post Office) Phone J-5271 AT YOUR CERVICII M' fAKB NEW YORK your niunbcr 006 playland—truly the won der city of the world. And when in New Yorik amnfi for tccommodations ^ere—th« finest ta houl aorrioe «t«ring to a distinguished clientele. Smart n«w bar, eoektafl loonf* and dining room all video equipped. Conr^iiaiM eoffee sliopiM^ Enjoy auperh service ^ superlative food. 300 outside rooms •• modern and fireproof. At your ssnriM beoaitse you’re ahraya welcome. Write today for particulars. ^ ^ I William H. Brown, Rtddttfd^gr. "Seventh Avenue, 124-12Sth Street • New York 27, N. Y PTOWN. NIAR IVIIVTMIN* »OWNfOWN Winter Service Specials at Your Friendly Auto Service Station Body And Fender Works Bear Wheel Alignment it Motor Rebuilding if Brake Service ilr Carburetor And Ignition Service Paint Jobs HEADACHE WhM ila»l* hM4- ■•h* mkaa mtmm mr far hsip, trj fMt, (Mtl* C M BKAS.ACHB POW. DIM. Uw Mir m asfer CM Is Combined With Milk Sugar FREE TV Silver Dollar Fight irery Wednesday Nite. Wrestling every Sat. Nite * Pit Cooked Barbecue * Fried Chicken * Oysters ‘ ♦ Sand* wiches * Beer and Sodas. DANCING — TOUMSTS Mrs. T. 1. Hayes, Prop, DIAL J-2832 DON'T KICK! FOR: REAL ESTATE RENTING INSURANCE REPAIRS AND BUILDING SUPPLIES Large Three Room Office Space, Located 814 Fayette ville Street For Rent Lights, Water and heat furnished. See: UNION INSURANCE AND REALTY CO. Telephone: J*6521 814 Fayetteville St. Durham, N. C. SAVINGS NOW UP TO $10,000 NOW-DOUBLE PROTECTION I Federal Insurance on Savings in this institution has been inereMed to $10,000 per saver under a new iict of Con gress. This new double protection is in addition to 29 years of promoting thrift and home ownership in this community without a single loss to a depositor. Liberal dividends are paid twice yearly. Come in and open an insured Savings Account here nowl Mutual Building and Loan As&maLtioii Current Dividends 3% Per Annum 114 W. PARRISH STREET DIAL J-1151 . DURHAM, NORTH CAROLINA OLD hickory 86 PROOF FOUR YEARS OLD foaiB ^asatiia ®b» BirriLui«o 4/5 QT. PINE WE ARE LOCATED OUTSII^fi THE HIGH REH^T DlSt R^C T CARL WtLLiAMsI^np. rHMAOOmiA, fA. Classified and Mail Order CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES ONE WEEK $ .04 PER WORD TWO WEEKS . ’M PER WORD THREE WEEKS . . . ^ . . . . .03 PER WORD FOUR WEijKS .03 PER WORD Minimum words—13, la estinu^ting cost, count each initial abbreviation and group of numbers as one.. The publisher reserrat the ri^ht to accept or reject aU copy. DELL’S LAUNDERETTE 514 Pine Street The most modem Washette in the city. Will call for and delivnr clothes. Wet \rash or finish work. We appr«cit* your cooperatioii. DELL. Williams’ ^rage STREET HELP WANTED Male Or Female MAKE Extra Money. Sell Christmas Cards. 25 for $1.00 with name. Samples free. Also 20 beaujtiful box asoortfflents. Cyphers Card Co., 75 West Huron Sty Buffclo, N. Y. Duxham’i Kewvit Sport Skott ‘ROYAL SPORT SHOP For the best shoe shine, cigat^ ettes, cigars, gum, candi«% Mda% and men’s sporting goods. SLICK LEATHERS, Dur ham’s best boot-black. WALLACE DICK MITCHBLL Prop. Young woman house work na cooking two children own room and bath good salary — Lagin, 34 Brokaw Lane, Great Neck, Long Island, New York. Fumol Moth Protectioa. Sava youi clothes.. Remember Moth knows no season. Rush your clothes today for first quality cleaning plus Fumol Mo^ pro tection. ROYAL CLEANERS, 538 E„ Pettigrew Street Expert Bubers, Beauticians Sanitary and approved methods BULL CITY BARBER SHOP AND BEAUTY PARLOR Dial L-0912 For Appointments G. P. Holloway, Owner New Method Laundry And dry CLEANERS Quality • Service 405 Roxboro St DIAL 6959