NCC |ciyy xCagers Sla|4 ftpxen Con^sH X>irtl) Carolina foil*".** 's .j’in-' lor vsii *ty bask tball tt irm will { play an t>»nn do/'Mi contests .thiH si'HHon. . lATURDAY, DEC. 30^ ctMfnoM. laat Coach 1 .jayvpc ffisri •Siiiith ficli or)-26, 1).'. affair iit Twelve of *Nortli Carolina College's 13 senior students re cently nominated for listing in, \^o’s Who in American Colleges and Universities are shown here. On back row are left to right Wilburn E. Wright, Washing ton, D. C.; Arthur Lyman, Jr. Ill, Mount Vernon, New York; George McKinney, Salisbury; Garlan Nance, Nichols, S. CL; Calvin Yar borough, Louisburg; Carolyn Smith, New Bern; and Robert F. Hill, Chicago, Illinois. Standing front is Kenneth McNeil, Sumter, S. C. t Friendly Circle Club Meets With Mrs. D. Johnson On Sunday, December 17, the Friendly Cirdo Club of ^int Mark A. M. E. Zion Church met with Ifrs. Dollie Johnson, 1006 Mason Street. '■ Tlin meet ini;- was openfe'U by -iijriup “0 Little Town Of Itpt lil«*h*m”Jc4-br'Mrs. Jaunita hamea, SiTiptun' lesson was read by Mrs Sarah Cameron, Prayer was offered by Mrs. Ethel Wil liams. Members pre.»ent were: Miss Eva Sattenvhite, Mesdames Jaunita Barnes, Sarah Cameron, Florence Parker, Odessa Alex ander, Annie Tliompson, Carrie Grant, Bocia Skinuer, Messrs. Guy Mazyek and Clarence II\id- son. Erwin Jones was a visitor. Mrs. Fannie Green and Alex ander McLean were absent due to illness. Officers for the en- Ruinw year were elected. After the business session the ho.stess served a delicious repast. Mrs. Florence Parker thanked Legal Notices NOTICE TO EXECUTORS jtH GAROUNA) COUNTY) talified as Bzecutor of of Mrs. Bozetta Qreear, late of Durham Oouuty, North OaroUna, this U to notify all persons having claims against said «stat« to exhibit them to the ontier- •igned at 114 West Parrish Street, Durham, North Carolina on or bef«re ^tbjitK^nd day of Decembr, 1951 or this uotiee in bar of their rMOTery.^ni^^^^Vindebted to said Mtate will pleas^^ake immediate payment. Datad this 2nd day of December, 1»60. MECHAmCS AND FAEMERS TK, Administrator, Estate of trs. Bosetta Greear, Deceased. ^ EXECUTRIX NOTICE «Having qualified aa Executrix of Etate of Pattie Hawkins Carter, dseeased, late of Durham County, North Carolina, this is'to notify all persons having nlaimn against the Mtate of said deceased to exhibit to the cndersignai fta oi ^•t day of Oc^^r, 1961, or this will be plfiided in bar of their ry. AU peraons.^debted to said ^.^'irill please make immediate neat. This 20th day of November, 1950. PATRICIA CABTBB COLES COOPEB, Executrix of the Estate of Pattie Hawkins Carter, deceased, 612 Massey Avenue, Durham, North C^o- lina. M. E. JOHNSON, Attorney. NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATOR DURHAM COUNTY) NORTH CAROLINA) HAVING QUALIFIED A8 AD MINISTBATOR C. T. A. of the estate of MINNIE 800TT,, DE CEASED, this is to notify all persons having claims against said estate to exhibit them to the undersigned at 2114 Fayetteville Street, Durham, North Carolina on or before the 2nd (^7 of December, 1951 6r this notice will be pleaded in bar of their re covery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This 2nd day of December, 1950. WALTER J. PRINCE, AD MINISTRATOR CTA OF MINNIE SCOTT, DECEASED. M. HUGH THOMPSON, Attorney. tlie hostess for her fine hospital ity. The next merting will be with Mrs. Lottie Cochran, 823 Maplewood Avenue. Mrs. McKinnie Entertains A. & B. Circle At Party IVIonday nijrht, December 11, Mrs. Aleascj McKinnie was the charm ini' hostess to the ‘A. and R. Missionary Circle’s Annual Christmas Party at her home on Dunstan Street. Decorations for the McKinnie home carried out the Christmas theme. Gifts were placed under the decorated tree for each mem ber. Lincoln Hospital Alumni Ass'n. Holds Meeting The Alumni Association of This 12th day of December, 1950. W. W. PAGE, ADMTNTSTRATOB OF ESTATE OF OSCAR 8. PAGE, DECEASED. M. HUGH THOMPSON, Attorner. Seated are left to right, Jean Robinson, Washington, D. C.; Hazel Louise Jackson, San ford ; Marian Henderson, Fay etteville; and Marion Jacobs, Clinton, James 0. Grady, ^inston, is not shown. Lincoln Hospital held its nieet- ing at the Nurses Ilome Wednes day evening. Business deliberations were presided over by Miss Neal in the absence of the president, Mrs. Thompson who we regret is indisposed. The parlors of the home and entrance greeted you in decora tions carrying out the Yuletide motiff. The singing of Chris tmas carols and the beautiful renditions of Christmas music by the Lincoln Nurses Chorus was indeed enjoyable. Mrs. Ilallie Brown Dulihunt, former student at Lincoln and now working in the N. C. Col lege Infirmary was speaker of the evening. The meeting was tnmed into a roundtable discussion and many techniques of the nursing profession were exchanged. This proved a most beneficial dis cussion from every point of view. Sister nurses of the Alumni Association working in the citv were guests of the T.incoin Alumni Association. During the social hour fl repast with all the Christmas trimmings was ser\'ed. .ptL T. Walker’- n* -iwamped th.- ^*1u!'li school fiuint.' t) in an nn'icheduliMl lifield. , Seven of til* 1.2 gami-s will f>o | played on thj^horiTe court wliil ■ i tlu* ren'iaiiuii^ l',ve will he play-1 ed in onen ^ ritor.y. At homi, the junior varsif ] (juintet ,plaj\s i>t. 1’aul‘s I’oly-' teachnie. Jan. 8; Johnson . Smith, Jan. 15; l>aurinburg lu- iititute, Jan. 1(J; Hillside high school, an. 30; 8t. Augustine's,, school, Jan. 30; St. Augustine’s. 23; and ‘\Vinston-8aleni Teach ers’ College, F(‘b. ‘J7. Away, the jayvecsi'will tuKo ou St. i'aul « roly technic, Law- reuccville, V a., .Jan 11^-bhaw buiversUy, Ualuigli, Jun.. 2(J; Wmstou-ttalCni 'ieuehcrb' Col lege, Wiustou-tialeiu, Jan. 20-; liauriubdrg ‘ Institute, *■ Lauriu- burgh, Feb. G and Saint* A^igus- tiue's, Kaleigh, Feb. 7. ' 200 Partners Participate In Corn Contest Raleigh — Ilallie Wray, Ne gro farmer of Varina, Route 1, is T)ut in front wit|i a 132.9 bushel per acre aorn yield with Cleveland Rogers, Route' 2, Wendell, running a close sec ond of 120.6 bushels. , Third highest among the adults is Chester McCoy,' Route, Ralefglu- with 91.7 busliels yield. High producers in the junior group are Conan Allen, Route T, Zebulon, with a 104.3 bushel yield; Thomas Wilder, Route 3, Raleiffh, 88.2; and Millard Per ry, Eagle Rock, 85.4, Hybrids used were N. C. 27 and Dixie 17. tp8 jwnriLppw iwwi IP ..ipM A group of Dr. Carver’s Alabama friends and life-long associate reviewing the act of congFess, which provided for Ihe authorization of $150,000. This phofograph. was made when S. J. Phillips was preparing a trip ■to Missouri to make a presenta tion to Governor Smith. Reading from right to left sit ting: Officer John Flake, Mrs. Lena’Shehee and Mr. Jallousi Perdue. Standing: Mr. Tom Campb Mr. R. Wagner, S. J. PV Capt. W. T. Shiehee, and A. J. Neely. (Pbotograpl Polk). • t Voorhees Industrial School Voted 1950 Football Champion .Of South Atlantic Athletic Conference DENMARK, C Voorhees School and .Junior C'.lli ■ was declared 1950 foothall ’chnrfip- iow of the South A lantic .\tli- letic Conference at ■ be aununl meeting of the obnT(';’*‘ni*e h -ld at Voorhees Deceihb» .■ The Tigers were undefeat> d in con ferefice play for the second ( uu- secutive jTar. Hef^d \)aek Jf'ii ' The mJre than 200 eont>st plots measured had above a •')0 biishel'per acre yield I;arni rs tn general enjoyed a fairly'g. i [ season for corn growiuL'. ■ athan .'^tagsers of Voorhees was named SAAC “coach of the year” at the s.ime meeting'. Coaches attending fhe meeting named the i'ollowing as out standing players for the season: j Vorhees Jfl'mi s Williams, back Steve Pinckney.and Frank Tordan, ends; William Ixjng, ' l-aek a^d Charles Snann. center. I Friendship Junior College — 1 Raymond Radford. J^amuel Mid jdleton and Robert Barnett."I I backs,; Henry Dixon, end and j Booker T. Vereen. j^iard, Bettis } Academy and Junior College and Swifi MemofM^junior Col lege were not represented at th- meeting, but other member coaches selected Herbert Bettw and Hart Rainaford, halfbacks, and Thomas .lack.son, fullback, as outstanding for Bettis, and Eugene Hill, Paul Zander anil Riehard" Bri.sti aa leader for Swift. Selected for h norn for Harb- ison Institute wer* Eugiene Rho den f Thomas E>ax..el. and Stan ley .Seay, backs; Pichard Vana* en.l and Marcellus Reid, guanl. D“an T. H. Moore, of Voor hees- was re-c'lected president’of the SAAC, and the Rev. C. A - Tvnry, of Friendship Juninr T’o i je, wa« made s«^retan tfpai,.. r Altering ~ Tailoring — Dry Cleaning - Dyeing CLOTHES TAILORED FOR YQU* UNION TAILOR I-NG SHOP Telephone Us At L-6491 Stop By To See Us At 418 Dowd St ADMINISTRATOR’S NOTICE NOKTH OABOLINAi-- ^ ' DU*HAM OOUNTY) having qualified aa ad ministrator of the estate of 08CAU S. PAGE, deceased, this is to notify bU persona having claima against said estate to exhibit them to Ue under signed at 205 XJmstead Street, Dur ham, North Carolina on or before the 13th day of December, 1951 or this notice will be pleaded -in bar of their recovery. _A11 persons indebted tp said estate will please make inunodi- aJLe payment. LASTING PAINT PRODUCTS Interior Or Exterior For All Surfaces Sanitary — Washable — Stainproof Gives Amazing Covering Varnishes And Shellacs “WHERE TO BUY IT” HOME BIODERNIZATION & SUPPLY CO. 614 FAYETTEVILLE STREET DIAL J-^i FRESH FISH IN SEASON QUALITY SEA FOOD MEATS AND GROCERIES MOREHEAD AVE. STORE Phone 7-5248 .. .AND.. . SMITH'S FISH MARKET 718 Fayetteville Sti^t Phone: R-34dl YOUR FUTURE' OUTLOOK Bull Cifv Barber Colles^e PREPARE FOR YOUR FUTURE NOW Approved by the North Carolina Board of Barber Examiners and the Veteran’s Administration. A. C. ARTIS and G. P. HOLLOWAY, Directors Write Today For Full Information. 408 E, PETTIGREW ST- — DURHAM, N. C. BANKERS' FIRE INSURANCE CO. Durham, .North C^arolina Conservative Dependable OFFER The Best In DRY CLEANING SERVICE MEN-W^OMEN CHILDREN RHeOElS' CLEANERS 530 E. PETTIGREW STREET DUHUAM BUSINESS DIRECTORY (Place On Your WaU Or D e»sk For H^dy Reference) Abe Shaw (Hat Specialist) 520 E. .Pettigrew—J-3892 Artistic Shoe Shop— ' S12}4 E. Pettigrew^t.—L-4932 Baldwin’s Furniture Exchange—540 E; Pettigrew—L-4931 Battle’s Grill (Fish Specials)—406 E, Plt^rew St.—L-0632 Biltmore Hotel — 532^ E. Pettigrew : N:2071 Biltmoro Service Station — 402 E. Pettigrew ; R-3431 Bull City Drug Store —, 610-Fayetteville — ; F-8441 Beatty's Beauty & Barber Shop—528 E. Pettigrew—L-8722 “ ' .J-7871-5-9873 J-8482 6-0842 . . .N-7751 N-4414 CAROLINA TIMES—518 E. Pettigrew St.- Da^ls Grocery and Market—1107Pine DoNut Shop—336 E. Pettigrew St. EXIT BONDING CO. (Bail Day or Night) . Leading Sandwich Shop—1222% Fayetteville Long’s Florist (For all 0ccasipns)-501 Faj?etteville—L-1293 Lucas Cafe — 122 S. Mangum ^ F-2502 M. Kaplan’s Clothier — Corner Elm and Fayetteville Sts. Pratt’s Fountain and Grill—613 Pickett —^ N-8702 P and W. Fountain and Grill — 122? Fayetteville — 6-6021 Regal Theatre (Best Shows in Town)—E. Pettigrew—J-0441 Royal Cleaners (Tops In Cleaning)—538 Pettigrew—L-7981 S*feway Market — 524 E.. Pettigrew Street — F-8903. Scott & Roberts, Dry Cleai^.— 702 Fayetteville — N-3261 Service Printing Co. — 504SE. Pettigrew St. ^— N-7462 Silver Dollar (Nite Spot) Fawtttfville Rd. & Rt. 3 — 4-4290 Speight’s Auto Service — Fdbettevill* 4 Pettigrew—6-2571 Wallae* Grocery & Maricet (cl^reni«t)—^>14 Pine—3- “J U S T WHAT THE DOCTOR ORDERED” HOSPITAL INSURANCE For ZV2C CENTS PER DAY If you are not prepared Fof HOSPITALIZATION And The Loss Of Your Income From SICKNESS And.ACCIDENT, Write Us Or See One Of Our Agents Immediately About Our HOSPITALIZATION PLAN, And HEALTHiAnd. ACCIDENT INSURANCE Southern Fiddity Mutual Insurance Common, Agents; THOMAS NICHOLAS And H. C. DAVI§- 5h ELM STREET ' DIAi*J-333.1 It’s SMART to look your best with|HAr ATTACHMENTS ransportatio Service GLASroUR PAGE BOY HALF GLAMOUR. A. It fastens at the crown of the head - . i . . . . ' and hang^ naturally Jown the Tnla Mck of the head cluster can back. You can wear it as an up* b« worn in eight other styles a sweep or a^y style you like. (It is elo«t«r or plain. 15 to 20 inchea Ions). 110.00 Better Qualify pagB HOT eHIONON—Fits like your ■feouHertengtiw4M> .Moral halt FulJ Braids, 2)" tomj. . . $5,00 | OmMT 40 tmh . . |)40 SfND NO MOMfyi SATtSf ACTION SUASANffEDJ, -pay t>08tman on d«Uv«X9i> HAI&. DO rASHIONS t. Ntehelo* Av(w NMr tow. h. t. • Duke Power Co. DIAL F- 15 1 Comer Man^m and Parrish Su. “Jft Oiriitnias Josy” That*s Hliat one of our Christ* Oub members say* aboitt our Chrialaaa* Qub I^an. Th*^ weekly “du**” are return^ !• each m«mber in oo« big ehacfc in plenty of time for Chviataus •hopping. Th* Quhe are Ju«t •tarted. There’a one to it yoar biHlget. Join today. Mechanics DURHi

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